So what's been going on with this? I've not seen it in any stores or anything yet.
Robotech Wargame
the box set is for sale at my lgs, and probably will remain for sale until the store burns down or something
its another miniwargame that nobody plays. go figure
oh and everyone realized kevin siembieda is a douche
It's fucking abysmal.
The models are of questionable quality.
Here's the issue: Take your basic VF-1 valkyrie.
It has the gun pod, it's main weapon. Which does 6 damage.
It has missiles, that it can fire 4 of, for 3 turns in a row. Each missile does like, 8 damage. But can attack 4 targets, or all can hit one target.
Most units have like, 12 hit points or less.
End result?
Two fucking forces fly at each other, firing all their missiles immediately.
Both sides lose half their guys instantly as they're obliterated by scattering missiles.
Next turn, the same happens with only a quarter surviving.
Next turn, it happens again with the few survivors.
Remaining survivors club each other to death with whatever they have left.
holy shit thats terrible. it cracks me up at how bad that sounds
anyway the only thing ive seen really done with it is a battle report on the youtube channel guerilla miniatures games. In it Ash uses the minis to demonstrate the horizon wars game system. He backed it and never did a game demo video on his chanel where he demos lots of different games. To show off his palladium minis he uses a different game. That's pretty sad, for the game i mean. Ash is a cool guy.
>supporting harmony gold
Tiny models that he's fee too many joins, leading to seems next to seems. Humans mecha great for Battletech.
Game is DOA, not been restocked by UK big store Wayland Games. KS and PB appears to have over ordered wave 1, because it's dead stock and not selling like hot cakes no wave 2 which sucks because all the characters which are meant to be in the base game are sitting on the cutting room floor with a lot of the more interesting models :(
My favorite part in this whole sordid tale was Keven freaking the fuck out when someone pointed out the only reason anyone backed his project in the first place was to get properly sized unseen.
what unseen was?
FASA used Macross images early on, then there was nasty legal shenanigans with Harmony 'patent trolls, haven't done anything good for years' Gold so the designs for the Warhammer, Marauder, Rifleman, etc for Battletech became unseen and unused. So of course when this game hit kickstarter a load of Battletech fans brought into it just to have a nice bunch of Unseen models and to be far that's all this DOA game is worth for!!
any word on how moddable those models are?
Well each miniature gaming piece, because apparently they aren't models lol, comes in about 100 pieces but still fairly monopose you might have two or three models on a sprue and each has set parts. But with a bit of sense and planning shouldn't be a problem modding them. You just tend to lose the will to live putting them together. They are far to many parts for a 6mm figure with detailing you need to hold them up to see. Not needed on a gaming piece, and to be fair they're not that detailed. KS said they'd be mouth watering good, but only if you lick windows
when something good comes out it, its the rare exception
they'll work i suposse
The models are useable for Battletech which Iis the only redeeming feature. PB and it's lord and master are just incompetent deluded excuses that time hasn't bothered to erase. Which is a shame as it's like scolding a puppy that's crapped on the carpet, it nows no different behaviour and growns up the same and should be taken to the farm but nobody has the heart to do it.
He's surrounded by yes men and white knight fan friends who won't hear a bad word uttered, and won't take him to the farm either
Literally no one gave a fuck about the actual game, the vast majority of backers were Battletech players eager for unseens.
not to mention the big stink that was raised over kevin getting a bunch of copies of the game, and before shipping any to his backers, he sold them at a convention.
man that would have pissed me off to no end. luckily i didnt back the project. i considered doing it for like 2 days, but money was tight and i figured if i really wanted it, i would wait for retail. sometimes life just works out i guess.
>he sold them at a convention.
To be fair, that "convention" was GenCon. If you need to put shiny product in front of the most people most easily, GenCon is the place to do it.
But he should have taken *one* box, dolled up the contents for display, and shipped the rest off to Backers. Kev's not that smart, though.
You forgot the hilariously rigged voting method he chose to get permission to do so.
Those backers who abstained from voting were considered "Yes" votes selling before delivery to backers.
My favorite quote from the campaign is Kevvy saying the game was "98% Done" That last two percent has taken years.
That's really funny but I think you spelt c*nt wrong
I honestly don't know what people were expecting. Apparently all the people who backed the game had never heard of Kevin Siembieda before, otherwise there's no way this project would have gotten funded.
Actually Palladium's people were no where to be seen during the actual kickstarter. It was all Ninja Division, which led many people (including myself) to believe Palladium was just a middleman between Ninja Division and Harmony Gold.
Palladium's involvement at any stage is a red flag. You're still pretty naive to think that Kevin wouldn't completely fuck everything up even as "just a middleman" considering his reputation for being an overbearing micromanager as well as an incompetent fuckup.
I know I tried warning folks I know. None listened.
I'm a little surprised that there are only two pages of results for this stuff on eBay. The flush must be winding down.
Is any of it actually selling, or is it the same online merchants trying to unload their overstock by listing it over and over for months on end in a vain hope to make SOME of their lost investment back?
Probably mostly the latter, though as said, the models are pretty popular among Battletech players.
I'd have to watch the auctions and sales for longer than the knowledge is worth to determine that.
Harmony Gold
What the fuck did you expect would happen with either one of those involved?
And BOTH were.