Have you ever played a character with views and beliefs radically different than your own?

Have you ever played a character with views and beliefs radically different than your own?

How did it work out, and how did you feel coming away from the experience?

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>Have you ever played a character with views and beliefs radically different than your own?
Stupid bait picture aside, I'd be seriously concerned if I was gaming with any experienced player who hadn't. It's almost the whole point.

>Stupid bait picture aside

How is it stupid bait? It's implicatory that you might roleplay as something like a Klansman even if you don't believe in that sort of thing.

You're implying that not every white man is a racist and a misogynist to boot.
And that's wrong you little shit.

There's a lot of white nationalist alt-right shit on Veeky Forums these days, it's pretty hard to take a Klan pic at face value. Gone are the days when we could be charmed by a thread of escaped slaves racing to page 10.

I think a whole lot of people role play super racists characters. I.E. Elves hate dwarves vise versa. Dont think most people have a blood vendetta against any particular race irl.

>It's almost the whole point
I don't play to have the opportunity to live as someone else, I play to live as a better version of myself in a more interesting world

I once played a guardsman who was okay with xenos. I got blackout drunk afterwards from shame.

Now and then I'll play a character who is an incredibly kind, compassionate person, just harbours a great amount of prejudice for a race or something. Racism and stuff appears in people you love too, and it makes for great RP when it comes up in a game.

I'm playing a Skaven from Clan Pestilens. So, yes.