Lets forget the fact that he is a pretty bad commander for werewolf tribal.
how do you build a deck around Ulrich as him being the commander
Lets forget the fact that he is a pretty bad commander for werewolf tribal.
how do you build a deck around Ulrich as him being the commander
There will never be a turn in edh multiplayer where he flips normally unless you go full stax.
you can always just skip your own turn and hope no-one does anything on your end-step
the flip side basically reads "destroy target creature"
i guess these are auto include to have a chance at flipping
i guess the dream is to setup vildin pack alpha, hope it flips and then play ulrich
Woudn't it be better to just make a Dosan deck instead?
Vildin + Immerwolf is every werewolf's deck dream.
If you can find someway to flicker Ulrich, even better. Then you have 10 damage you can use for creature remova.
actually 14, his buff triggers on etb and when he transforms.
Ulrich would let you run this too.
for a card made for commander purposes only, he sucks donkey dick.
Just 10. He can only get +4/+4 from his ETB, which you apply to him, then you flip him to fight something.
I went into photoshop to underline the text to prove you wrong. and then upon doing so read it more clearly and realized i am in fact wrong.
my bad
Nobody playing anything at any of their turns is enough.
If you bring ramp for the deck, you will probably be lucky enough on turn 3 or 4. Ulrich is just decent board presence though, he does nothing for winning you the game.
Instigator Gang / Wildblood Pack is a pretty good way to get to EDH-relevant damage.
>he wasn't "RRGG tap: Transform target werewolf" on one side and Immerwolf on the other
haste enablers
Hes a middle finger to fags who want a tribal commander for a bunch of cards that cant even make a 50 card tribal deck. Hes not meant for commander at all.
Anything that fucks over people playing spells on other people's turns.
Anything that lets you use your mana for nonspell purposes.
Anything that lets you just put things into play, like Aether Vial, Elvish Piper, Quicksilver Amulet, etc.
As many werewolves and wolf token producers as you can cram in because why the fuck not.
>on Veeky Forums
>honorably admitting his fault
Since when did real people browse this board?
Isochron Scepter+ Moonmist
Exotic Orcharch and the Hunted Creatures (for fighting)
Chameleon Colossus
>finally get a WB Cleric legend
>she's decent enough in 99 if not commander, new waifu, aggressively costed as fuck, lolEdgewalker
>finally Werewolf legend
>not just unholy blend of Immerwolf and Huntmaster
>mediocrity incarnate
Just what werefags deserved.
I replace him with Xenagos and put him in a werewolf 60 card tribal where he's only mediocre instead of just bad.
That'll be a great deck with all the artifact and instant tutors and card draw that G/R has.
Even if you manage to flip
How do you prevent the flip back?
flipping back and forth is actually really good for you, so that should not be an issue.