How do you like your Undead Hordes and their Necromancers Veeky Forums...

How do you like your Undead Hordes and their Necromancers Veeky Forums? Do you stay with the ol' faithful horde of zombies and skeletons as far as the eyes can see, or do you have monstrosities of crazy science in there as well?

I was talking about it with my players, I personally prefer Zombies and Skeletons, but I'm not averse to zombie creatures like dragons and the like, but I find I lose interest if there's Undead Abominations like pic related, as it becomes less about magical epidemics and blights on the land and more crazy science. My players argued otherwise and they like fighting a variety of undead creatures, which I can see as making sense as they're the heroes that'll be fighting against them in the coming sessions.

Where do your tastes lie Veeky Forums?

Playing a necro myself and actually being in talks with my DM about giving me more exotic zombies to create, I suppose I'm on your player's side. Though I do still very much think that regular old undead should remain in the vast majority.

I've got necromancers, but no zombies, skellies or undead hordes for that matter.

Necromancers can momentarily resurrect the dead but only for a short while, depending on the state of decay the deceased body is.

Carniomancers on the other hand can with sufficient flesh, blood and the appropriate salts from funeral ashes create living beings from these materials according to their diabolic needs and whims, Hellraiser style.

I keep my traditional zombies, ghosts and skeletons to the Priestly Necromancers, while "stitched" or "skaab" zombies and golems are the realm of Mad Mages.

The former being curse or blight-like hordes, the latter I keep for single bruisers and escaped experiments.

Enlightened hordes of missunderstood but still euphoric imortals.

You know, now that I think it about I don't like undead hordes at all. There is not a single solitary aspect of them that I appreciate other than being fodder to cut down.

I pretty much hold the exact opposite opinion. While your standard shambler or the simple skeleton can have their place in any undead army, strange biology and aberrant form are the most fun parts of the undead. If your necromancers aren't experimenting, aren't putting some style in their creations, why are they bothering? They should have some fun with it. Live a little. Tack on some extra heads, attach random bits from giant insects, cover one in arms and then cover those arms in mouths. Anything to break up the monotony that is another bland horde.

What aspects do you appreciate in others?

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

>There is not a single solitary aspect of them that I appreciate
I asked what aspects of other factions do you like

>undead horde
I see you've been drinking a little too much WoW koolaid.

I like the classic Necromancers

skeletons, and zombies.

but of a large variety animals are also available for reanimation.

Necromancers for some reason refuse to live above ground, and they naturally gifted interior decorators

I personally like finding other ways of useing necromancers and power over undead. Alot of time its just some molding skeleton who raises dead just to raise dead. There are other avenues.

I run an evil campaign for my players (wanted something different) and theres a master fashion tailor turned lich turned business owner.

He rounds up slaves/competition/political enemies and their families, uses suffocation chambers (as to not ruin the meat), and reanimates them into controllable dolls. Rents them out for business or pleasure. Sews them up nicely, preserves them, makes alterations, you name it.

I've always preferred crazy science with RE level creatures in the undead armies.

As the OP, I think that the simplicity of the Undead is a part of their charm personally. The undead horde is an unnatural force of nature if you will, you don't personify a tsunami and you don't individualise each undead as they swarm over your city. Tastes differ though I guess.

I suppose I never really made the distinction between Necromancers and Mages, to my mind they've just been different ends of a spectrum. Undead shamblers, got your ghosts and zombie dragons and chariots in the middle and then up the other end you have abominations and such. It actually makes so much more sense to think of them as distinct things, thanks user!

Ok well its safe to ignore this idiot

Agree with the unnatural force thing and would generally say that the huge numbers of zombies and skeletons are the best way to go, personally i think the more magicy skeleton army is better than the more natural/plague zombie army

>horde is the name of a faction in a video game
>every instance of the word "horde" is in reference to that video game

Seriously dude?
Okay fine, the old monastery is cursed and inhabited by a "gaggle" of undead...that better?

A large swarm/ horde/ army of zombies, skeletons, ghouls and the like, but I like my necromancers to have fun, make flesh golems, use magic to meld corpses together or attach parts here and there, make some weird and horrifying creatures to accompany the undead legion


I think freaky science and undead have become as synonymous with general undead hordes/necromancy concepts in most fantasy settings as zombies and skeletons. Frankenstein and Re-Animator have seen to that. I think hordes of people (but dead!) or animals (but dead!) or magical creatures (but dead!) can get pretty bland after a while. Misshapen fusions of undead flesh and rotted bodies add some variety.

>this autism

When is Summer over?