>Join an online Pathfinder game
>Get told "We've got all the niches filled so just make whatever you want"
>Well okay I've been doing mostly melee stuff lately lemme make a CHA-focused char
>Immediately plunge into dungeon grind
>Character is slightly underpowered compared to everyone else's but oh well if I can get through this maybe I'll get some decent items or something
>No items
>No real loot
>Have to go back to town to get paid
>Once back at town, social RP starts, including negotiations
>Keep trying to get a word in edgewise, everyone practically ignoring me
>Finally just say OOC "Uh guys this character is actually really good at diplomacy and stuff, could I maybe do some stuff here?"
>"Oh sorry. You haven't been doing anything like that up 'til now so we didn't know you wanted to. Well we're already almost done here, you can do it next time."
>Group happily heads back towards another dungeon after receiving meager pay
>Quit game
Join an online Pathfinder game
>joining an online game with strangers
>it's a system renowned for dungeoncrawling
>don't play it safe and make a character that's good for a dungeon crawl
This is your own damn fault, OP.
You sound like a salty little bitch.
I'm sorry I thought I was joining a role playing game not a combat simulator.
I may have been confused because of how there was role playing going on.
>I'm sorry I thought I was joining a role playing game not a combat simulator.
And that was your first mistake.
>I may have been confused because of how there was role playing going on.
Time you could have spent showing how you're a charisma aligned character. Instead you were a wet blanket in the dungeon so the rest of the group didn't know that was your thing back in town.
Oh, wait, I get it now. This is a thinly veiled Pathfinder hate thread.
7/10 OP. You had me going for a minute.
>Join an online Pathfinder game
>online Pathfinder game
Found your problem OP.
Human Paladin 5 / Sorcerer 1 / Dragon Disciple X
20 point buy 14(+2 Human)>16>14>12>10>8
Enough skills/charisma to negociate, awesome dragon powers, a smite ability, Dragon Disciple stat boost play well with paladin, Smite Evil.
There you go. Equip a Greatsword, take the feat Still Spell, the background that gives you a free +1 spell level on a single spell, bind it on the shield spell and gets both the benefit of a 2-hander and a shield at level 2.
>Join a game for people who should be playing wow.
>The people sound like they're in the LFG chat in wow.
>Get surprised when it's just dungeoncrawling.
That's like going to the gay male stripjoint and acting surprised at the lack of women user.
The second they said "All roles are filled" you should have just assumed it was going to be a hack and slash meatgrinding simulator, since classes aren't really that big a deal in roleplay heavy games.
Oh look, it's eternally triggered bitch-user.
Isn't that everyone on Veeky Forums?
At least it isn't Dungeon World, op.
is there even a charisma stat in dungeon world?
Yes. As the rest of the system, it's useless. You just need to scream higher than the GM to do what you want.
>Join a game using a munchkin-infested rollplaying system
>whine when you can't roleplay and contribute
That's what you get for being a 3.PFcuck.
I've never seen this problem with Dungeon World. Do you play with rude people who lack social skills? That would do it.
It's the dump stat
I needed that laugh, user
So when are you releasing the Trump RPG "Make Dungeons Great Again", O alpha male?
I'll take "Problems that would be eased if not solved outright by discussing expectations and goals with the rest of the party like a healthy human being" for 800, Alex.
It's already out, it's called Fantasy Craft.
>Spellbound never
No, Pathfinder was the first mistake.