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Yeah, I always wondered if they tried to get the license and this was just the final result. WEG produced a lot of tie-in RPGs.
I want to play that, as the either a sergeant commanding a squad or the commander of the entire force of the first wave of Soviets invading America.
The only thing I know that lets me do that is World in Conflict.
Did a game like this in GURPS
One of the players was a secret red.
He betrayed everyone for the promise of double rations.
Double rations.
>Double rations.
So, zero?
never even came to that; he got very easily betrayed by the commisars after he betrayed the party.
He took a shot in the skull from the worst pistol built by the mexican soviets.
>Play Hearts of Iron IV
>Watch Red Dawn
>Actually pass out laughing trying to imagine an invasion of the Continental United States
America might as well be on the moon for the purposes of invasion. I guess coming up through Mexico is about as good of a plan as you could get, though. Or maybe over the Pole into Canada? But then you have to invade Moose Factory.
Headbands are cool. Why don't we use headbands anymore?
Just like everything else in the 1980s, realism took a back seat to what people thought would be cool.
This one was pretty funny. I forget how the Russians were able to take over right away, but I think it was basically just "the president after Reagan's successful assassination is a wimp" who just lets the Soviets win because he doesn't want a war or something.
I almost want to re-read it now.
Grooming standards, not being tactical enough...
Now the fade for operating is beards and Keffiyeh
For some reason everything seems to have played this game except me.
also YOU GOT SHOT AND DIED:the experience!
>Hey, isn't invading Russia just such a fucking joy?
>Why not try a country basically the same size but now there's also a fucking ocan in your supply line too?
Yeah, nah just nuke it and be done.
A modern take would be what? Occupied by China?
I kinda miss the tactical fashion of the '80s; jumpsuits, aviators and handlebar mustaches had a certain charm.
Are we talking about v.1, v.2, or 2013?
>Not rolling a CarniK Con Squad
>Are we talking about v.1, v.2, or 2013?
Which one ate your soul, and made sure to be as realistically wounding as possible?
That one
I think that was the premise of RedDawn.
Although they might have changed it to Korea at the last second.
yeah tehy went bestkorea with china supplying backup, but really, it was a 'panpacific alliance' bullshit never gonna happen thing.
The only people who hate the reds more is Asians hating on other Asians
Isn't that the plot of Homefront?
>but really, it was a 'panpacific alliance' bullshit never gonna happen thing
The only reason they changed it was because China wouldn't show it otherwise.
There was another RPG like it called Year of The Phoenix. Main difference being that Phoenix is set 200 years after the Soviet conquer America.
China can go fuck itself.
China is the biggest market for movies in the world.
Nowadays, they have a LOT of sway in Hollywood over what gets made, because if it's something they don't want people to think about, they just say they'll refuse to allow it in China and Hollywood backs off because they want the cash.
It's why the new Ageless One in the Dr. Strange movie isn't Tibetan.
China can go fuck itself.
what always gets me is the fact that Russian communism, Nicaraguan communism and Cuban communism teamed up.
off all the moves that you could pass on showing to china I think the new red dawn is pretty much the perfect example. I mean its a movie AIMED DIRECTLY AT AMERICANS about fighting against an oppressive military occupation force, I don't think it would do well considering its intended audience.
Minimum profit threshold. No blockbuster action movie gets made these days that doesn't follow these two rules:
>Nothing China dislikes
>Is rated PG-13
>China can go fuck itself.
yeah I know, it still gets me that a movie about an American action/fantasy movie about fighting commies gets distributed in china at all.
God Bless the United States
The US is also divided by a mountain range that actually matters.
the commie bogeyman has been replaced by the terrorist bogeyman, so something muslim brokered the saudis, probably
>brokered the saudis
That would never fly. It would have to be a single billionaire terrorist without any specified national allegiances, who is mentioned in the backstory dialogue as last being seen in (country the US officially dislikes).
and why the World War Z movie doesn't have the plague start from organ harvesting of political prisoners in China.
I tried this twice with my players. Once as classic Red Dawn, but they then decided they wanted to run it the other way, now as China vs Australia. That was a shitstorm and a half. Who knew invading Shitpostia would be difficult?
The Chinese are basically stupid animals when it comes to movies, so every studio shills to them now to guarantee they recoup costs.
10/10, would play a member of oppressive Soviet occupation in.
>The Chinese are basically stupid animals
Is this available anywhere in .pdf?
The problem is - most of the American population is situated on the coasts plus the Great Lakes area. If the original landing is successful, the occupants can just leave the flyover states to their devices, as without the coastal centers of industry and population they won't be really that relevant, and would become easy targets for balkanization a decade or two down the road.
Nukes omitted for this scenario ofc, since they render the whole invasion business simply impossible.
>Is this available anywhere in .pdf?
Give me 20 minutes. Maybe 15 if you post some eagles.
Is this enough?
Come on user, the Russians are invading and that's all the eagles you can give me?
If I can't get more eagles soon, you might as well start calling me comrade!
Aw, fuck it, it'll have to do!
More eagles!
Thanks so much!
Fuck yeah!
That'll do!
I had to make a Scribd account to get it, but now I have a Scribd account.
fuck yeah thanks user now I can shoot some commies!
It was partially funded by a Chinese company.
They're all pretty bad about that, but, if you play 2013 right, it's just as fucking bad as the early editions.
That one sucks like 10 million types of hot ass - there are other 1980s era Red Dawn RPGs beyond these two, and play those. Year of the Phoenix is just bad.
- deserves to be beaten to death and body hung from the police-office as a sign of death to traitors.
But comrade, I am of no traitor, I am of foreign inv- aah, I mean, liberator. Me and my comrades came to your country to free you from the shackles of cruel imperialist regime, and aid all the proletarian peoples of the American States in their struggle against the exploiters and oppressors! Proletarians of the world unite!
the red dawn remake was china
homefront was originally gonna be china but changed it to a unified korea
I think that's more a result of the World War Z movie havung nothing to do with the book except for the title.
Then what's the difference? Tell me, what's the difference between us and them?
There never was any difference. We hate and are afraid of each other, so we have to believe we are different to justify those feelings. That's all there is.
We live here!
Can I play Soviets?
> constantly on the move - outnumbered and outgunned
> fight guerilla-type urban warfare and pillage the US military bases for supplies
> coerce government officials into becoming your agents and supplying you with information
> use loot from the richest neighbourhoods to recruit the lowliest dregs of society in your militia
> elevate crime lords to the positions of independent warlords and use them as cannon fodder
> organize propaganda campaigns against banks and IRS, to convert population to your cause
> promise independence to Texas (SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN!) and California to Mexicans
> take whatever supermodels you can find for re-education (and propaganda) purposes
I want to play Soviets.
>the red dawn remake was china
>In March 2011, the Los Angeles Times reported that MGM changed the villains in its Red Dawn remake from Chinese to North Korean in order to maintain access to China's lucrative box office. The changes reportedly cost less than $1 million and involve changing an opening sequence summarizing the story's fictional backdrop (dropping the original storyline of Chinese "repossession" after the US defaults on loans for a North Korean invasion), re-editing two scenes, and using digital technology to change Chinese symbols and dialogue to Korean.[18] The film's producer Trip Vinson stated: "We were initially very reluctant to make any changes, but after careful consideration we constructed a way to make a scarier, smarter and more dangerous Red Dawn that we believe improves the movie."
Well not in the default setting but it wouldn't be hard to mod it
>tfw the whole thing was an allegory for Afghanistan
>They're all pretty bad about that, but, if you play 2013 right, it's just as fucking bad as the early editions.
2013 was a bit more lethal and rules heavy than the earlier editions. People love to say that the old T2k games were complicated as all hell, but those people also probably have trouble with basic arithmetic.
Well, its not to say they were complicated, more to say they sacrificed playability for technical accuracy.
There needs to be a certain elegance of play (Game feel) when you're designing an RPG. If every attack requires rolling on 10 nested tables, it feels a bit tedious to play, and detracts from the storytelling illusion. Thats been my only complaint about those systems
Roll to hit.
If hit, roll hit location.
If armour, subtract from damage.
Apply damage to location.
Boom that's all there is to attacking. I have a slight feeling you've never actually read the system.
Is Twilight 2000 any good? I've been hankering for a good tacticool military RPG that isn't GURPS or some shit.
If you can handle the fact that it's 80's enough to have Germans toting around G11s, then yes, it is very good.
That's a positive for me. 80's tactical is the best tactical.
How does it play? Is the system any good? How complex is it?
>USST invading America
>Not making time traveling Philip the Second of Spain the BBEG of your campaign.
It uses 1d20 roll under, fairly simple. The weapon statlines, as you can see, are fairly self explanatory. The only complicated bits may come with having to remember specific rules regarding disease and Serious/Critical wounds.
It's a fairly good system, though I typically lower the amount of Hit Points everyone has and bump up the weapons damages a bit (2nd edition turned everyone in to tanks, essentially). Automatic fire could probably use a little tweaking as well. Here's the houserules I use if you care:
Recoil is determined by subtracting one from the amount of bursts or shots fired, and then multiplying by the recoil value.
Recoil from automatic fire is applied the same as semi-automatic recoil is. Each shot is counted as a seperate marksmanship test at one difficulty higher than normal. Range bands effect the difficulty as normal.
Kneeling increases STR by 1 for purposes of recoil compensation
Sitting increases STR by 2 for purposes of recoil compensation
A prone position doubles STR for purposes of recoil compensation (or adds 3, whatever is higher)
Here's the backstory to the European war in T2k (There's also a writeup just as big about the war in the middle east): pastebin.com
Oh, and East German Helmets are GREAT.
I used to call it the "Dying of Dysentrey in an Irradiated Polish Ditch Smulator". Anyway, here's everything you could want for it:
I should also mention, it has perhaps my favourite rules for vehicles in any RPG, with TONNES of vehicles statted (Four whole books worth).
alright, youve piqued my curiosity
link to the pdf so I can start reading up on how to shoot commi-nazis in space?
Don't forget
>die screaming as brave American patriots capture you, tie you to a chair, douse you with petrol, and burn you alive
Like the other one from the same publisher, Freedom Fighters? Can you give a list of those 80s Red Dawn like RPGs or something?
Thanks user.
>I want to play Soviets.
This desu senpai
commie-killing bump
I guess you could that FreedomĀ®
Isn't free.
Nah, there's a hefty fuckin' fee.