
signed up a few days ago and got me a sweet 0.00057693 BTC and still ticking?

how does this even exist?

Other urls found in this thread:

Maintain your safety you massive faggot.

isn't v1 already free?

ever download a node or miner? I'm guessing no.

is it pennies a day or dollars a day?

>Trusting antivirus

>All these bonuses
Hot damn

>oah yis sah I have sygned oop fah dis a fyoo dhays ago sah
>buk buk ting I sheet on you sah

Join using this link for a bonus!

are you all retarded? it's scam site

ganges very clean, very spirit, good for dharmalarmadingdong dot

Is it like BTC for free?
Since when it's a thing?
Ponzi scheme

>already five referrals
Very nice

Just bought version 1.4 for the low low price of 0.5 BTC. 0.25 BTC payout per day!
At this rate I'll make back my capital in 2 days...r-right guys?

ask op

What is going on here are these Pajeets really bathing in that?
Use my referral and get different quotations

All miners do that...

they poo on the streets and you're surprised they bathe in filth?

don't do this shit, it's a scam, there's also one called LTC Miner. Once you buy in they set "Withdrawl limits" that have to be approved.

Protip: They never get approved.

desu tho I wouldn't trust this one without looking it up first.At least Minergate has the decency to label the Trojans 'this is not a virus' KEK

I know the average Veeky Forumstard is a 16yo kid who dreams lambos at night, but hot damn this is not much different from those scam announcements where a wizard promises you to tell you lottery numbers for cheap

I should add, this is for paying for a (((Premium!))) account. If it's too good to be true, it is.

Reversed Image Searched the Picture in Contacts and Support.

They Stole that Picture from Genesis Mining.



why do you even post this. every sane person knows this is scam.

how the fuck does this even work? seems scammy. whats to stop them running off with your "free bitcoin"?

Just trying to help those who might dupe themselves to drink the kool aid.

I loved the times when anybody able to buy bitcoin was smart enough to not believe obvious scam

Hey guys, for 10 bucks I'll give you 2.5 bucks per day forever
