In all of your years as GM, what has been the biggest missed opportunity?
In all of your years as GM, what has been the biggest missed opportunity?
That I refused certain bribery offer. Of carnal nature.
Same as
But with a trap.
Not going full magical realm to convince someone else to gm.
I had a steady gaming group of retarded friends. They constantly shit up every game with their JRPG, video gamey nature, but they were my friends.
I was offered a spot in another game (only other game in the school) and I refused because the kid running it was a bit of a spaz. Though, in retrospect, he was a far better person than my asshole players.
I am forever GM and my group ruined tabletop for me for almost a decade after that...the spaz and his group still run some decent games, in and out of the flgs.
Dating that cute girl in 9th grade
I only missed that opportunity once if its any consolation. My previous fears however were slightly justified.
I once had a slim chance to become a kaiju-sized monster of darkness and rule over the barren remains of the world as supreme overlord.
Instead I chose to be the hero and save everything. Booo. GM ended up destroying the world at the start of his next campaign anyway, but my character bought it a couple hundred more years before that happened.
Spending all that time on Veeky Forums instead of actually running or preparing games.
not cucking That Guy
Not pursuing love.
Its overrated. Trust me.
Break the cycle morty, focus on science
Running a bad game, then running away from the bad game.
I was talking with friends about running a game, and they said that they knew other people who were interested. We got together and did some worldbuilding, and they new people seemed into it.
But in the first session, I realised I didn't know the system as well as I thought I did. I started running a module just for guidelines, but I was so nervous I didn't allow people the freedom to try anything.
The campaign died two sessions in, and AFAIK those new people never picked up dice again. I hate myself for being so shit that I took something that had such great potential, that could have brought new people into the hobby and created the kind of memories you recall at grognard conventions 40 years down the line, and fucked it up.
That I never stopped GMing and missed being a player in White Plume Mountain and The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth.
Are we talking about IRL GM stuff or within-game GM regrets?
That I'm a 41-year-old wizard and I still haven't kissed a succubus.
I wish I could get a seat at a table running one of those classic modules. But most of the grognards I know are running something else atm, and nobody else would deign to do an AD&D session.
still mad that I missed an Isle of Dread hexcrawl at university because I couldn't make my schedule work out
>Running World of Darkness
>Player wants to be a Sasquatch
>Roll with it
>He plays a famous movie star
>Make up some mechanics for the Sasquatch
>Film and photography is always blurred when the camera is on him
Was a good character and a good player in the end but I regret not making a team of Sasquatch hunters who could see through the lie and identify him as a Sasquatch
I'm still mad
About what?
>what has been the biggest missed opportunity?
Adventure Time was in a good place a few years ago and then it went off the rails and turned to shit.
>role playing
he just roll plays
storytiem now
>trap wants to use shit from 80 splat books to try one of those convoluted mental experiment martials
>so crazy to this day i still don't know how it would have played beyond making everyone else obsolete beyond level 3
>keeps bringing it up every so often
>offer a few times to run a single man campaign just so we can see how it plays out
>gets pouty after the 4th time
>siddles up to me and says in a cutesy voice he'll make it worth my while
>recent breakup so i'm thirsty but i have this slight fear from a previous "messy" anal experience
>almost said yes cause i figure someone who's only option was anal would have the knowledge to keep themselves clean but the scars were too fresh
>claim my breakup was still fresh and shut that line down as soft as i could
>a bit of time goes on and we start this deal where the group goes out drinking occasionally
>originally started with me and 2 others and the rest just joined in after a month or so
>first time trap comes out with us was the day after my birthday
>let slip it was my birthday the previous day
>everyone celebrates a little too hard
>trap for the later half starts hitting on me and mentioning birthday presents
>group suddenly turns fratboy on me "you gotta do it man! You gotta!!!"
>drained from night out with friends previously and now slightly drunk and thirsty so i say fuck it
>never banged a trap but just drunk enough not to be too worried
>finally get to the nitty gritty though i now remember my fear
>no issues up to now so i figure i was in the clear
>after a bit notice it smells different
>not bad just different
>drunk shrug and figure anal has to smell different by nature though i don't recall
>not sure when i slept but wake up a little later to a distinct smell of shit
>lift the covers
>traps leaking a bit and my groin is lightly smeared
>get out of bed as best i can without dripping or moving trap to prevent spreadage
>clean myself up
>trap wakes up sometime during and freaks out
>awkward at the table next few sessions
>have to clear shit up to prevent it from harming the group
>turns out i was his first and he had zero clue enema's existed and just didn't think about prep cause it never came up before
>start a semi-healthy relationship that was just really weird every step of the way for 7 months until he went to uni
Never did let him play that hyper character BS.
You broke his boipussi and didn't let him use his special snowflake?
And how old was he?
Jesus christ man, disaster averted
Also, I know how you feel about the breakup, girlfriend dumped me over text today
>tf when you might get desperate for sex/ companionship to where you go bang a trap
>mfw I am worried that this will happen to me and it's becoming more and more likely
I don't want to set a precedent of sexual bribery without borders. That could follow me.
Just let it happen, keep some standards, and don't immediately turn it into a relationship even if you want to.
That would first imply that people would find me attractive, let alone gay people
I still have no idea how I fluked having two girlfriends to this point.
I feel the same way some times.
Not starting earlier. I had heard about cool stuff like D&D, but my mom seemed to look down on it. I probably saved myself a lot of embarrassing youth-related regrets, but I still feel like I lost out on a couple decades of my life.