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New people asking rules questions edition!
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GURPS General!
New people asking rules questions edition!
Old Thread
Aside from missing the link pdf this is how to start a new gurpsgen!
Wouldnt let me post the PDF. Duplicate File.
In RPM, how would I design a spell that would let me turn someone (either living, or a corpse) into an intelligent free-willed undead, such as a Vampire, Ghoul/Ghast, Wraith, Ghost, or Lich?
I mean actually creating undead, here, not "temporarily transforme into a lich".
And, if that's not possible per RAW, how would I (as GM) make that possible?
For that matter, is there a way to give a PC a template, other than having them save up and pay points to acquire it? What if the template's net value is 0 points?
Thats the downside of expecting the OP to start with a specific file. That file can't be posted until the old thread dies, which gets in the way of replacing an autosageing general when it hits page 8 or 9.
Honestly I suspect thats why the other generals use pastebins and google docs.
>In RPM, how would I design a spell that would let me turn someone (either living, or a corpse) into an intelligent free-willed undead, such as a Vampire, Ghoul/Ghast, Wraith, Ghost, or Lich?
>I mean actually creating undead, here, not "temporarily transforme into a lich".
Canonically, you can't. But, see the next answer for a workaround.
>And, if that's not possible per RAW, how would I (as GM) make that possible?
Rule that a specific ritual is Instantaneous. Like applying damage that remains once the spell ends the ritual magically reshapes the subject who remains in that shape after the spell ends.
>For that matter, is there a way to give a PC a template, other than having them save up and pay points to acquire it? What if the template's net value is 0 points?
Do you mean as GM or in game by another PC? If the former you just give it to them. If the latter they only get it if they have points available (or the GM lets them pick up disadvantages to cover, or lets them go into point debt). None of which holds if the given template is only temporary.
All of the above comes with the caveat that I haven't used RPM since the thaum book was released so I might not be accurate.
I believe there are actually two similar but slightly different OP pdfs for exactly this reason.
Path of Undead, along with Path of Spirit, is the one that most requires everyone be on the same page. There are a bunch of different approaches, none of which are really more correct than any other; as the GM, you just have to decide which approach you're taking.
When I GM'd a game with RPM, I had Lesser Create Undead simply animate the target with the appropriate template -- e.g. Corpse, Zombie, Skeleton, or Mummy -- with capped IQ, Automaton, and Reprogrammable. Anything beyond the base template required Additional Traits to be added to the ritual along with the physical components like extra arms to make a four-armed skeleton. Greater Create Undead did the same, but removed the IQ cap, Automaton, and Reprogrammable; adding Extra Life also gave them memories of their past life, allowing for something debatably close to resurrection. This is just how *I* approached undead, however; you're free to do it any way that seems best for you.
As for duration, remember that you can continually increase duration after casting, and you're only limited to doing it in increments of the original duration; if the original Create Undead ritual had a duration of one week (9 energy), you could give your creation a year-long duration by casting 51 9-point rituals that up the spell's duration by one week at a time. This is also a reason why free-willed undead would still serve a mere mortal: if they kill their "master," their duration will eventually run out. Would-be liches probably have a conditional spell left hanging that casts Greater Create Undead on themselves when they die, and they can keep upping their own duration indefinitely.
Lastly, as the GM you can do whatever you want/whatever the players will let you get away with. If a PC becomes a vampire, they gain the vampire template and their point total changes accordingly.
Help me fa/tg/uys. You're my only hope.
I have a player whose idea of active participation outside of combat consists solely of wandering the streets and going into shops. Like he's the main character in a CRPG looking for people with exclamation marks floating over their heads. He doesn't ask questions or investigate anything (except a scream or shout heralding combat). When he does find a clue vendor his response is "I make a note of that." He doesn't ever follow up and often doesn't even tell the other characters. Oh, and he also constantly says he wants to play "less combat centered games."
He's a great player once he's dropped into a scene initiated by someone else he just can't initiate them himself. Normally that would be no problem but he keeps trying which frustrates him and takes time away from the others. I've talked to him already along with the other obvious things along those lines.
How can I help him when the world doesn't consist of an animated collection of pixels and doesn't contain a glowing, pulsing arrow leading to his next goal?
NPC babysitter? Or maybe always keep him with the party? That or give him a long-term personal goal; is there anything in his backstory you can use?
I think you may get more responses from Veeky Forums as a whole if you make a thread for your question rather than ask in a system-specific general; there were less that 50 posters in the last thread.
Sounds like he is a bit shy. Try engaging him and asking him direct questions, with suggestions about what might be appropriate for his character.
"You know a clue relevant to what they are talking about, but the others haven't heard it yet. You could tell them, or keep it to yourself."
"The man seems distraught and unhappy. If you can calm him you might be able to get some information out of him, or you could try to force him to focus and tell you what you need with intimidation."
>NPC babysitter
Seconding this
I've used it before and it's a simple tool. Literally just a tag along campaign appropriate "hp with a dodge and weapon" that asks the player pointed questions and moves things along.
First for the share pdf
>Lesser Create Undead: animate the target with the appropriate template
>Greater Create Undead did the same, but removed the IQ cap, Automaton, and Reprogrammable; adding Extra Life also gave them memories of their past life, allowing for something debatably close to resurrection.
Can I see your buildout of the spells, if you have it?
>You can continually increase duration after casting.
Yeah, I saw that. I don't have a problem with temporary undead existing, I just don't want all undead to be temporary.
>Rule that a specific ritual is Instantaneous.
How do I price out Duration(Instantaneous) in terms of Energy Points?
You are doing OP's work, user.
>How do I price out Duration(Instantaneous) in terms of Energy Points?
No idea. Duration is for spells that aren't Instantaneous. Perhaps with that in mind the cost must be 0?
I'll give the babysitter a try but I don't really like the idea of it. If it works I'll learn to like it.
>I think you may get more responses from Veeky Forums as a whole if you make a thread for your question rather than ask in a system-specific general; there were less that 50 posters in the last thread.
I was hoping for quality over quantity. The general Veeky Forums quality is pretty hit or miss. Here it is pretty reliable.
That's the bizarre thing. He's not the slightest bit shy. I will ramp up my direct and guiding question game a notch.
Thanks all for the suggestions.
That would mean it takes more energy to make a vampire that falls apart in 2 weeks than to make a vampire that stays alive indefinitely.
How does it work for resurrection? What stops the character from keeling over dead in a couple weeks? How do you price /it/ out?
Leading questions are, in general, a good way to get a player going. They might rebel and not do any of them, but then they are at least doing something.
So that I can post a PDF next time rather than having to wait for the old thread to die while everyone whines about it, does anybody have the *Other* version of the OP file?
I don't have to agree with it but that's all the reference I could find in the thaum:rpm book. The first sentence under Duration, p. 18. You could also try Conditional Termination on that same page. It might be more agreeable to you.
The answer is still the same though. You can't do it (RPM p. 18 "Aside from healing and damaging spells, no ritual effect is permanent"). Unless you make a ruling for yourself as an exception with the power of plot.
Could it be done with powers? If yes, how would you do it with powers (maybe I can reverse engineer something).
>Can I see your buildout of the spells, if you have it?
On my other computer, but I'll get it in a sec.
>Yeah, I saw that. I don't have a problem with temporary undead existing, I just don't want all undead to be temporary.
*All* undead won't be temporary, just *artificial* undead. Skeletal warriors that rise of their own volition from a cursed battlefield operate indefinitely, as do corpses from profaned graveyards, divinely empower undead avengers, etc. The only undead with a time limit are those raised by casters; "natural" undead can go on for as long as the plot requires it.
Alternitavely, you can use the same logic behind permenant enchanted items to make permenant undead; after creating them (no point in paying extra energy for duration), you invest the *character points* necessary to buy them as an Ally; fluff-wise, you're tying the magic together with a bit of your own life-force.
Affliction with Extended Duration, Permanent, +150% or +300% depending on whether there's a terminating condition or not.
Latest Pyramid
You are now my favorite individual. May all head shots miss you.
>but they don't need eyes to see what they're doing
God I'm a sucker for these dumb little references.
Reading this with the gas mask I found today on is kind of fun.
And now its in the trove.
Should Fit help recover FP spent on biological or chi powers? Basic Set only says no psi or magic, but that may be because psi and magic were the only two "main" varieties of supernatural powers in BS and it was supposed to read more like "no supernatural abilities."
I think it works for any fatigue gained due to muscular work.
Is there somewhere with detailed rules about allies, contacts, reputation, fame, and networks?
From the writer:
You shouldn't add One Use on that, the use ends when the duration does. That said I've used the following two methods in my own games:
• The spell requires a certain amount of time to prepare, whether this is inventing or adapting the process to work on you, gathering materials, etc., it takes time. Figure out the cost of the template you are trying to transform into and use the Improvement Through Study (p. B292) to till you achieve enough character points to buy the template. You may add bonus character points normally to speed up the process.
• The spell's power requirement is massive. Figure out the cost of the template you are trying to transform into and then multiply it by 5. Then use this cost to figure out the energy required for Altered Traits. There is precedent for this in the Fortune elixir (Pyramid 3/43: Thaumatology 3, p. 16). In fact, this is where the idea came from in the first place!
Example 1: Bob the Mad wants to become Bob the Lich, he's got a copy of how the Lich spell works thanks to a grimoire, but it's going to take time to adapt it to his body if he's going to survive the process. Since the Lich template is 105 character points (Magic, p. 160) this is going to take 21,000 hours of working out magical theorems, gathering the proper ingredients, and mixing them together properly. Since he's learning on his own this is going to take him 9 years and 215 days to finish (assuming 12 hours a day of self teaching). But Bob can reduce this time by using bonus character points to get to his final total. If Bob had a teacher this would reduce the time to 4 years and 294 days (assuming 12 hours days); or if using the Intensive Training rules the time it takes is 1 year and 292 days (assuming 16 hours).
Example 2: Might use a spell like this:
Spell Effects: Greater Transform Body + Greater Transform Undead.
Inherent Modifiers: Altered Traits, Alternate Form (Lich)
Greater Effects: 2 (x5).
This spell turns the subject into a lich (Magic, p. 160)! After the spell is cast, the subject (almost always the caster) must roll vs. HT. Success means he rises as a lich 2d days later. If he fails, he dies! there is no duration for this spell because the effects (turning you into a lich take place instantly)
Typical Casting: Greater Transform Body (8) + Greater Transform Undead (8) + Altered Traits, Alternate Form (Lich) (476*) + Subject Weight, 300 lbs. (3). 2,475 energy (495×5).
* Includes a extra cost equal to the cost of the template x 5 to assume it permanently and adds "Backlash, Instant Death, Resistible to Alternate Form" (-150%).
Both of these methods are hard, because they should be! Turning yourself into a eldritch undead creature shouldn't be easier. You're definitely going to want to use Traditional Trappings, or Decanic Trappings (Thaumatology: Ritual Path Magic, p. 36). I'll note, that turning yourself into a lich via a potion is probably easier and might look like this:
Elixir of Lichdom
Spell Effects: Greater Transform Body + Greater Transform Undead + Lesser Create
Inherent Modifiers: Altered Traits, Alternate Form (Lich)
Greater Effects: 2 (x5).
This spell turns the subject into a lich (Magic, p. 160)! After the spell is cast, the subject (almost always the caster) must roll vs. HT. Success means he rises as a lich 2d days later. If he fails, he dies! there is no duration for this spell because the effects (turning you into a lich take place instantly)
Typical Form: Elixir.
Typical Ingredients: crypt dust, the thigh bone of a necromancer, well from a river or lake near a barrow, dirt taken from a unhallowed graveyard on the night of a new moon, crushed black diamonds, blood from a demon or angel, the heart of a vampire.
Typical Brewing: Greater Transform Body (8) + Greater Transform Undead (8) + Lesser Create Magic (6) + Altered Traits, Alternate Form (Lich) (476*) + Subject Weight, 300 lbs. (3). 2,505 energy (501×5).
* Includes a extra cost equal to the cost of the template x 5 to assume it permanently and adds "Backlash, Instant Death, Resistible to Alternate Form" (-150%).
Assuming the character uses at least 30 times as much Fine ingredients as normal, this would reduce the cost of energy by a whopping 30% (1,754 energy total).
And of course you can reduce the cost further by adding a Dependency on a "phylactery." I'd add Dependency (phylactery; rare, Constantly) [-150], but remove both Dependency (Mana; common, constantly) [-50] and Fragile (Unnatural, Mitigated by potion, monthly, -70%) [-15]. This turns the template into 20 points and would reduce the time in example one to:
Self-Teaching: 1 year and 301 days.
Teacher: 334 days.
Intense Training: 125 days.
And the cost of example two's spells:
Ritual: 610 required energy
Potion: 625 required energy (438 energy if using Fine ingredients).
Awesome, thanks.
I was looking through the GURPS Forums to see what I could find and just came across that post like 5 minutes ago.
Good stuff!
I also came across this jewel, also from Ghostdancer: "In general, if you want a permanent effect in RPM you can use Conditional Termination (GURPS Thaumatology Ritual Path Magic, p. 18) and declare "Until dispelled" as a condition worth 18 energy."
Gimme the skinny on Space Opera Combat. I'm shopping around for an RPG with ship-to-ship combat and GURPS is on the list. How's it run? How knowledgeable do I have to be about the (insanely robust) rest of GURPS to run it? Does it only work with 3E, or does it work fine with 4th? Do I even want to run 4th?
Which damn book do I read first?
After I'm done making the templates I want for the campaign I'm planning, (I'm not happy with the existing fantasy templates in fantasy and dungeon fantasy, I want something smaller and more modular - I'll share when I'm done, maybe someone else will like it, who knows)I may start putting together my own collection of RPM Spells.
>Which book do I Read First?
GURPS Lite, is what I'd suggest, that's the basics of the system.
GURPS Basic Set Characters is the primary Core book, and it's the one you need with pretty much everything.
All the other stuff is optional rules and optional character options the GM picks and chooses to fit their campaign.
For a space opera you may find you will want to look at Ultra Tech 1 & 2 as well, and you *may* want to look at Powers for if you want to design new weird tech or unusual alien abilities.
You could also check out Transhuman Space or GURPS Traveller. GURPS Prime Directive is a thing I've noticed in the Trove, but I dunno if its for 4e.
I'm not super familiar with the spaceshi stuff.
You want GURPS 4e. There's a Trove with all the books .
GURPS 4e lacks a normal "vehicles" supplement, but it has space ships. It's stuff like motorcycles and boats that sometimes are a pain to stat up.
I hear in a pinch you can use GURPS 3 Vehicles supplements with 4e, and the conversion work is pretty doable. Haven't tried it yet, I'm pretty new to GURPS myself.
With any luck, one of the other guys can give you more information.
>Space Opera GURPS!
>Wat Options/Books?
>How does Ship Combat Work?
>Ritual: 610 required energy
Is it even possible for normal character? I ran RPM calculator and with ES 30 it took about 50 gathering attempts to collect that much energy.
Then I tried with ES 25 for a few times and target number drops to 0 before I even reach 400 or just critical failure happens.
How much energy can you gain from sacrifice?
I think the sacrifice EP gain is uncapped. You can also blight the land for a fair bit of energy.
Lichdom is solidly into Archmage territory, so it taking a huge degree of preparation, a very good Grimoire and Place of Power is reasonable.
Depending on your GM, he may let you do it like enchanting's slow and sure, method; or you might instead use rules from the Material Magic supplement in Pyramid 66, while allows you to distill mana from valuables such as gemstones or the like, or potentially grabbing mana from enchanted objects (which are destroyed in the process)
As for how much you can get from a sacrifice:
Sapient: Energy equals IQ*(the higher of HT or HP), divided by 5. Your average peasant yields 20 Mana.
If you sacrifice someone with Mana Enhancer (likely a mage), you multiply the end result by their Mana Enhancer rank +1.
So a mage with Mana Enhancer 4, IQ 14, and HP 12, would yield 168 (14*12/5*5).
Find a powerful mage with Enhancer 4 and an IQ of 18 and HP 12? 216. That's a good chunk of the way there.
Sadly, unless your GM is making changes, the cap on sacrifices is you can only use a single sacrifice per spell (what nonsense is that! I want massive cages with hundreds of virgins that get simultaneously meat-grindered to open a permanent mile wide gateway into the abyss!)
And, in addition to what mentioned, A good Grimoire and Place of Power can also be combined with lots of trappings for mana cost reductions before you perform the ritual.
So, assuming skill 22, a +10 Grimoire, a +5 Place of Power, 8 assistants and caster sacrificing HP for 50, 30 internal points, a sacrifice of a fit genius for 40 energy, desecration of the land for another 40ish energy... then it's definitely doable.
Even with a self-written Grimoire for only +5, it's alright.
Easier to just make yourself a lower-order immortal creature first and then augment yourself over time.
Sacrificing a mana enhanced fit genius can net you 216 points, making it VERY doable.
And that's before you start considering extracting mana out of raw materials as suggested in P3-66.
>Easier to just make yourself a lower-order immortal creature first and then augment yourself over time.
This is not how you become new BBEG.
>massive cages with hundreds of virgins that get simultaneously meat-grindered
This, this is absolutely necessary.
>massive cages with hundreds of virgins that get simultaneously meat-grindered to open a permanent mile wide gateway into the abyss!
Someone should build this.
I'd love to see some PCs come across a copy of a ritual that gets mana this way and requires a colossal amount of mana, complete with diagrams and all of the formulae, and either makes a massive instantaneous change or a massive permanent (until dispelled) change. The spell would of course be monumentally difficult to dispel due to the colossal amounts of mana required.
>The cap on sacrifices is you can only use a single sacrifice per spell
(I will most definitely be dropping this cap in my games. I want to have the players be mechanically tempted by lots of human sacrifice.
In fact I might come up with more ways to make them yield more (such as requiring them to be virgins, or holy men, or whatever else might show purity).
(I recently played in a Mongoose Conan RPG that had things like this, and we - as good guys - were often strongly tempted to employ human sacrifice for the huge boost to power it would yield. I like the idea of tempting players to do terrible things).
>This is not how you become new BBEG.
True. The requirements for going all-in are a great plot hook.
Technomancer had something similar - the Soulburner.
It's a massive structure filled with severed heads, kept alive by necromancy and harvested for magical power. Produces a huge amount of power.
Of course, that's for standard spell magic. Would be extremely nasty if the caster had planeshifting magic, as they could easily find a low-tech world and harvest as many souls as they need to fuel Great Wishes.
Oops, I left out the part about how it works.
Each head stores 1 point. It regenerates energy at a rate of 1 point per 10 heads per hour. The canon Soulburner had 501 heads.
Assuming absolutely average (20 mana) virgin sacrifices (and assuming your GM doesn't rule virgins are worth more), but that he WILL let multiple sacrifices be applied to a single ritual, every 100 virgins is 2000 Mana.
If virgins are twice as good a sacrifice as regular people, that's 4000 Mana per 100 virgins.
31 (perfectly average) human sacrifices provides all the mana needed to become a lich.
What sorts of horrific rituals could you accomplish with 100 (2k mana)!?
There are three different ship-to-ship combat systems in GURPS. The one in Basic (also used in Tales of the Solar Patrol), The one in Spaceships, and the one in Traveller Interstellar Wars.
I've used Basic's system (not with spaceships but with terrestrial vehicles), and Spaceship's system. I've read the Traveller system. Of these three the one in Basic will be most familiar because it is largely the same combat system used by regular characters. The one is Spaceships is quicker and more abstract but has some design problems (insta-death if you're outmatched, missiles and conventional weapons not balanced against each other, etc. See the forums for in-depth discussions). I can't really comment on Traveller's since I haven't used it.
If I wanted more narrative combat I'd use Basic. If I wanted more simulationist I'd try Traveller.
Lich that can exist without filacteria?
Or just grant yourself unkillable 3 (150 x 3 for greater effect, plus some other stuff, then x5 because of those rules of permanent effects earlier, so 2250+ unless you take some limitations) At this point you can comeback every so often, build evil empire and challange some heroes. Forever. Until you get tired of this shit and start doing something else.
If you wanted the ability to grant people magic, like a god, or a demon, how would you make that happen? (I assume it would be using Powers).
A campaign where the pcs become divine powers (perhaps using a ritual with a ton of mana) could be quite neat.
Whoops. Forgot to remove the quote, sorry.
You can grant everything with Affliction. And Magery itself is really cheap advantage.
>RPM Altered Traits
Im kinda much paranoid or it really big way to abuse rpm system?
Like slap on fighters bunch of high damaging one-use IAs
>Unkillable 3
That's a decent use of 100 lives, for sure.
Now I'm thinking about fullmetal alchemist. And about rewatching fullmetal alchemist.
Alchemy: RPM, with custom paths (or one path)? and aspects. Thaumatology skill is renamed alchemy. Everything is cast using a knowledge skill related to what youre trying to do, but there's no actual paths, just alchemy. You can't use alchemy to build a radio if you don't know how radios work. Etc.. Symbol magic variant from p3-66. You don't need a consecrated space, everyone who can use alchemy has adept (space). Incantations are used for stunts like mustangs fire blasts.
You can't use alchemy without magery 0. (The ability to use alchemy can be lost, so presumably not everyone has it).
Maybe also go effect magic instead of mana gathering. Not sure.
Amestris is a very high mana zone, and it also has magic control rituals in place. The people of amestris don't realize they're even channeling energy, it's so abundant (foreign alchemy practitioners channel energy, and not the same kind as the ones in amestris. Channeling energy in amestris is highly unsettling to foreigners)
Philosophers stones (and proto-philosophers stones) are non-regenerating distilled mana batteries from mass human sacrifice.
Homunculi are living philosophers stones with unique abilities, and healing that comes from the philosophers stones they're made of. As a result they effectively have many (but a finite number) of lives, and healing/regrowth/regeneration.
This... would be fairly easy to build from rpm.
Then you'd want to make blunt damage nonlethal, do away with falling damage entirely, and use martial arts options.
TL would be like 8ish? (1920s) For the most part, except for biomechanics (automail) which would be TL 10 or 11.
Did I miss anything? Has this already been done? Is there an FMA fan sourcebook already?
Sorry for the confusion. I meant the divine magic system, not rpm. Like the "pray for spells" system.
These alterations take quite a bit of time and effort, and GM approval to make the spells work anyways. There's enough "ask your GM" built into the spell design rules that I'm not worried about it.
Thanks for the help Anons, I'm digging through that stuff as we speak.
I have a friend I talked to earlier today who is considering a space opera game, and was considering mongoose traveler for it.
Then I told him about how I've been getting into GURPS lately and how it has some cool sci Fi stuff (but I'm looking mostly at the fantasy stuff).
Was that you?
Just the space opera thing making me wonder if this is coincidence.
Alchemy takes FP as well, as repeated alchemy is shown to exhaust the alchemist.
Some alchemists have massive reserves, however, some state alchemist watches serve as amplifiers, and the use of a power source like a philosophers stone bypasses fp entirely.
And those who have seen "the gate" have a template that would yield a bunch of wildcard knowledge skills to a pretty high bonus, an advantage allowing them to skip making a transmutation circle and improvise by circulating energy through themselves, and a big boost to their alchemy skill (which of course still acts as a cap on their transmutations).
I'd pay good money for that.
Nah, I'm the first guy to look into GURPS in my group. They've been D&D die-hards for a long time but they're open to something different, so I'm shopping around.
Wow, that pic.
Btw, guys. I added my unofficial GURPS 4e collection to the trove.
There's a decent Witcher book, as well. Only problem I have with it is magic in the Witcher is definitely symbol based rpm, and the fan book isn't using that (it doesn't really cover actual magic at all, unfortunately. But it does have Witcher signs! And Witcher alchemy! And templates! And a sizable bestiary!).
It's very clearly based on the videogames, not the novels, but it's still quite good.
There's also some GURPS star wars stuff, and GURPS Stargate for 3e.
If I come across anything else that seems really cool I will share it as well.
The full one, with the bit I missed.
The Technomancer setting is set in 2000 - by 2014 they had a Mars mission. They're well on their way to a Technomagical Singularity.
Given that they're in the Infinite Worlds setting as well, well... a few big Soulburners could feed an incredible production of magical items and spells.
Yeah, I just never had read about the soulburner.
You forgot the sentient killer penguins and zombie Lenin, that's unforgivable.
If a spell gives -2 to DX and DX-skills does that give a total of -4 to DX skills?
Even with Unkillable 3 I think sooner or later you'd go from getting killed by heroes to sealed in a box buried in geologically stable rock with signs above you that say
"This place is not a place of honor. No highly esteemed deed is commemorated here. Nothing valued is here.
What is here is dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger."
In every lanauge they could think of.
No. You typically only apply a modifier like that once. If a spell gave a bonus to ST, it would affect Basic Lift and Damage but not HP, because HP is it's *own stat*. You follow?
Buried alive? That doesn't sound very heroic.
Anyway, considering we are talking about RPM archmage, it won't be too hard for him to unbury himself.
You'd have better chances to catch him in his incorporeal form and prevent it from reborn somehow. Or maybe hold him unconscious.
But say you get +2 to DX, wouldn't that by default increase all DX skills too while the +2 DX is active?
Here is a creature from Stephen King's "The Dark Tower" novels that is suitably terrifying for a horror-based campaign.
--- --- ---
"Dad-a-chum? Dum-a-chum? Ded-a-chek? Did-a-chick?”
ST: 5 / HP: 4
DX: 10
IQ: 4
HT: 10
Will: 10
Per: 10
Dodge: 8
Move: 4
SM 0; 70 lbs
Attacks: Claw-12 [1d-2 cut], Beak-12 [1d-5 pi+]
Traits: Bloodlust (Only at night); Curious; DR 3; Doesn't Breathe (Gills); Extra Legs (8, Cannot Kick); Horizontal; No FIne Manipulators; Pestilent; Sharp Beak; Sharp Claws; Short Attention Span; Skinny; Striking ST +4 (Claws only); Wild Animal
Skills: Brawling-12
--- --- ---
NOTES: These buggers are tough to scratch due to their solid exoskeleton, but they are easy to hit despite their small size (they're described as being four feet long by one and a half foot wide, but are fairly boxy, so this bumps them from their normal SM of -1 to SM 0) and fairly fragile if you have a decent weapon to fend them off with. When you lack a firearm or even a basic melee weapon...preferably a hammer or mace...and they attack as a pack, though, watch out!
Lobstrosities primarily slash at their prey with their great claws. They only bite when said prey is severely wounded and cannot fight back in close combat. Unless they assess that a foe is a threat, they will almost always choose the All-Out Attack:Strong maneuver. If you move far enough away from the shoreline of the beaches they tumble onto, they will give up their pursuit.
The Pestilent Perk represents the ease with which wounds caused by them can fester and become septic. You can find it in the GURPS Horror supplement.
Characters with Entemophobia roll at -3 upon initially encountering a lobstrosity, thanks to their size, unnatural appearance (even by crustacean standards), and ability to speak in the form of mindlessly repetitive questioning.
I'd imagine they'd anti-magic the shit out of the area to keep the dark lord of evil from just casting a spell. Judging by tropes, this would seal his ass away until future cultist free him, curious archaeologist ignore every warning or some other sufficiently dramatic event frees him to level his terrible revenge.
Yes it would, but it would not add *an extra* +2 to DX-based skills. If you had DX 11, broadsword 13, and Bow 14, that +2 DX would leave you with 13, 15, and 16, respectively, not 13, 17, and 18.
Yes, but the first example used "DX AND DX-based skills" in an explicit manner. Is it simply to imply the skills are affected or are the skills affected both from reduced DX and the specific reduction to skills?
The former.
You can get hit with a spell that gives -4 ST but doesn't affect hit point totals (for example)
The gurps guys are just erring on the side of explicit instruction
Prime Directive in the Trove is 4e.
However, my question, has anyone got/seen a scan of the GURPS Prime Directive 3e? I felt that there was a ton of stuff in that which was not put in 4e (some for obvious reasons, some not) wich was good and useful. I'm thus on the look out for a copy if anyone can steer me in the right direction?
Space is no harder than any other setting; You can build ships with the guidelines in Spaceships(and its various supplements) but the real meat and bones of any game is about what the players are up to, not the ships inthe armada.
Think of designing the ship as less "building a stat block with HP and Acc" and more "Building a setting location" like a town or a keep.
Space opera romanticizes, war, conflict, diplomacy and action into a dramatically appropriate setting(hence the Opera; all the worlds a stage). Make sure the characters are well rounded, the NPCs have personality, and that the world is vibrant and lively. Make the conflict stark and polarized. Make the choices critical, and the plot rich with them. Make the game teem with life
(goddamn the painkillers are kicking in today)
user using imbuements (including vehicle imbuements) for ki abilities here, how does this sound for a new imbuement?
Instantaneous Movement
General; DX/VH
Prerequisite: Imbue 3
"You can move locations *instantaneously*, usually through magic or psionic means, but possibly though a sheer burst of impossible speed. On an unmodified roll, move up to one yard away, facing any direction; while not a dramatic distance, this movement is truly instantaneous and cannot be followed by the human eye. You can carry up to Light encumbrance while doing this; excess weight is dropped."
Modifiers: -2 per additional level of encumbrance; if you can handle the weight, you *can* carry along another person. -2 to increase the range to 10 yards, -4 for 100 yards, -6 for 2 miles, -8 for 100 miles, or -10 for 5,000 miles. -2 to move to a location you can't currently see but could still noramlly reach. Cumulative -2 per additional time used in a single turn.
I tried using the same logic behind the Phasing Vehicle imbuement when writing this up: the unmodified roll is about as efective as a 70-point advantage, and the modifiers are worth about 1/20th of the advantage modifier (Phasing Vehicle lets you affect the world while insubstantial at -5, and the Insubstantial advantage has the Affect Substantial enhancement which is worth +100%).
How does it look?
Am I the only one posting from work today? Is everyone off celebrating Brexit or something?
I have nothing useful to contribute, and I'm thinking of something to post to my GURPS blog.
Okay, I feel like an idiot for having to ask this, but:
How the hell do alchemy costs work? Like, how do I read that template? Is the Cost the cost to buy it? The cost in materials to make it? What about the Recipe cost? Is that the cost to get a copy of the recipe, or the cost of the materials that go into the recipe? And if neither of those are he cost to buy the recipe, how much does that cost? Just "Make it up"? A standard skill book? Should recipes with higher default penalties cost more? Is all of this written out somewhere, and I just completely missed it like an idiot?
looks like you put some good thought into it!
Just adding in a technique for some DBZ style "instant transmission"?
When in doubt, After Action Report!
If those are all up to date....worldbuilding!
What template are you referring to?
You seem to be rambling on about something, but what are you actually looking at user?
The one for Alchemical potions.
Alternative Names: Antipathy,
The subject hates all that he
normally loves.
Duration: 1 hour.
Form: Any.
Cost: $300/$500.
Recipe: $125; 1 week; defaults to
So, uh, not template as per the typical GURPS usage, I guess, but I don't know any other words that would describe the general basic format thing.
I have read some posts somewhere about removing Per and Will from IQ and I would like to do that because I don't really see the IQ being a direct effect to these two secondary stats. Would it break anything if I lowered the price for IQ?
Putting it at [10] instead of [20] (the cost for Per and Will) makes it extremely cheap to make super efficient wizards with the default magic system and so many skills build on the stat. Is there any benefit to Magery over IQ at that point, aside from prerequisites? (I don't count the faster learning time for Magery as a major benefit compared to IQ also increasing ALL IQ skills.)
Okay, thats a start.
Where did you GET IT FROM ?
Yes indeed, you caught me. Good to hear that there's nothing too wrong with it.
I guess you're talking about the Alchemy chapter at the back of GURPS: Magic?
"Cost" is the retail cost; it's what you pay to buy it from a shop. The two prices listed are the different recommended costs for high- and low-magic settings, respectively.
The cash value listed under "Recipe" is the ingredient cost for brewing your own.
The cost of the formulary is entirely up to the GM. Personally, I'd base it off some multiple of the ingredients cost, maybe x3 to x10 depending on how magical the setting is.
>Where did you GET IT FROM ?
... Any Alchemical formula you find in the books? As far as I've noticed, they all look like that. That particular one I found in the Magic book, though.
I was, thank you. And that's... slightly annoying, about having to make up the formula costs, but hey, at least I know now. Thanks!
I would not lower the price of IQ, as it removes the reason to separate the two at all; one of the reasons to split Per/Will from IQ is that it is so fucking cheap to buy up IQ and then buy Per/Will back down. 20 points per +1 to IQ is still balanced even after divocring it from Per/Will because of the vast majority of very very important skills that are based off of IQ, *especially* in a fantasy setting where high IQ directly leads to vast supernatural might. A good fantasy warrior needs some combination of high ST, DX, and HT, while a good mage needs only IQ; making IQ only 10 points/level makes it incredibly cheap to be a god-tier wizard-genius.
>tl;dr droping IQ to 10/level under any circumstance gives me MAD warrior/SAD wizard vibes something fierce.
I don't think the "buying off Per and Will" is legal by default. I'm pretty sure I read attribute reduction counts towards Disadvantage limits. I had a friend I introduced to some GURPS in a 1-on-1 session and he got very pissed at the notion even if I found IQ was still terribly powerful without Will and Per linked to it.
I do think you might value IQ a bit too high still for a mage. They still need HT, FP, Speed and other factors unless they're always hiding in their towers behind layers of magical protections. While I can agree it might not be the best way to go about it I still don't know if I can fully justify the removed link without any cost reduction.
Speed, I can see, but why HT and FP? Energy Reserve (Magical) help power your spells, and HT just needs to be high enough that you don't die easily, so a couple levels of Hard to Kill.
You also don't want to get knocked out by poison or Afflictions. I didn't think of ER so that's true. They would still want Will and Per slightly higher too because you don't want to be shanked in the vitals from behind. Though I guess if you get a lot of points freed from IQ being so cheap you could have all kinds of countermeasure spells. It turns out making Will and Per separate and keeping IQ at the same cost creates some issues with templates and such, though I think I'd rather have that than keep the stats connected or lower IQ cost.
And then there's a sequel with awful writing!
Sorry bro. Anything I've got for 3e or earlier I've added the trove already.
I think I saw notes about how you should handle that in pyramid alternate GURPS (forget which one).
>Is everyone off celebrating Brexit or something?
More like drowning our sorrows