Go back to /pol/. Veeky Forums is a neoliberal board.
>Refugee cities
tfw polfags think they're right
Veeky Forums is a fascist board
Shut the fuck up pajeet. For a board that tries to endeavor in capitalistic gains there are sure a lot of you freeloading commies here.
this is a white mans board
That's /pol/ who shilled me into buying bitcoins in 2013 at 300$.
But I betrayed my convictions to get richer.
I-I'm sorry...
Veeky Forums is a capitalist board you fucking commie; fuck the refugees they have no shekels
The fire rises.
You'll get the rope.
Truth doesn't need agreeing opinions. It always ends up on top.
Translation of this thread
>boohooo I didn't buy IOTA early enough to get rich, now I'll always stay a dumb uneducated redneck
Back to your board, nocoiner
Fuck Europe's mass immigration by pajeets.
I don't mind the money I'm making though
You gave money to people who used it to build cities for dirty muslims where your ancestors used to call home, and as a result child sex slave networks will be set up and small white children will be raped and ugly halfbreeds will new brown face of europistan.
>refugee smart cities
>not temporary even though refugee means temporary by definition
>fuck you white supremacist
>>Refugee cities
>"Hey guys lets help the refugees by segregating them from the native population"
>smart cities
Subhumans would probably use all of their IOTA on crack and whores then when they run out of money they would fry chicken on the wires
>libcucks actually believe 70 IQ borderline retarded 3rd world monkeys could actually become functioning members of the European society
>Whole street is wiped out
doesn't multiculturalism feel great!?
If European people exist then there is still "white supremacy" to be destroyed.
This is the status quo.
i wonder how many iota the devs owned
they probably dumped them by now and are just LARPing in interviews
>yeah the tangle man
>no fees
>infinitely scalable
>were totally not hipsters
>one dev calls himself "come from beyond" doesent even use his real name
fucking hell guys
just sold my IOTA
>SMART refugee cities
>caring about europe when they clearly don't care about themselves
Veeky Forums is ancap you pathetic redditor
Possibly slums? How can lefties be so delusional?
Also I don’t get this we need to help everybody mentality, the US is a Empire so is the EU, they should be looking out for themselves.
Devolping countries just take and take. I find I’d Hilarious that Australia gives aid to countries larger than itself, with military budgets higher than their own.
These same stupid pricks will buy products made in developing countries that exploit people and don’t follow what they “believe in”.
Humans are so fucking dumb.
>give money to IOTA so that they build refugee cities
>give (((taxes))) to banks and the state so that they build refugee cities
At least with the 1st option you make money
How come liberals cannot keep their political agendas out of everything?
They're just like furries
Because of corrupt leadership trying to destroy it.
In one hundred years France will be the first African colony on European soil. - Adolf Hitler
>neoliberal board.
"liberals" = commies.
>euros don't have elections
you're not wrong, but go back to plebbit faggot
Oh shit. UN smart cities Agenda 21 was true!
>engineered consent is consent
>he unironically thinks the terrorists are muslims, topkek
>permanent refugee cities
Fuck earth I’ll build a space station in an asteroid with my crypto earnings and fuck off; of anyone approach’s
The real monsters are the corrupt officials in office and financial powers pulling the strings. Muslims are just the tools.
>muh white genocide
Go back to /pol/ you fucking dumbass
>what is bitcoin or crypto currency in general
It's either suicidal cucks or (((opposition))).
Real right-wing parties get shit from the media so you cannot express your support in public or else you get jailed and your career and life ruined for being a racist who doesn't want his children to get hacked into pieces and then fed in a form of kebab.
You should really leave Veeky Forums if you don't agree with pol. Preferably back where you came from.
iota is not crypto
>we care about the real world
>look at us we are crypto masters to come
Europa is burning and IOTA is just jacking off.
I'm just glad the innovators of crypto showing morals to BTFO /pol/tards on a daily.
/pol/s response was a cp smear campaign because they are too dumb to get his argument
Nice just bought 100k
Death to all commies!
>trusting these people with an internet of things supercomputing blockchain ai tangle network thingy and all that power when they want to flood and displace ethnic populations with an incoming wave of an incompatible culture (80% men btw not families) and all the rape and violence that comes from that. rather then helping these people in their own countries instead of bringing them here, which is 10x more cost effective.
either they're stupid. or they're malicious and down with the agenda. either way i don't trust them with my money or that power and for that reason i'm out. i hope it crashes and burns
You're retarded.
His argument is muh feels like every other pro refugee argument. Neck yourself faggot
>some guy gets fired for abusing his powers
>vitalik makes an autistic tweet
we know hes a fucking sperg but if he baits everyone thats not gonna help
>showing morals
>pic related
Being a commie truly is a mental disorder
>smear campaign
The dude is an autist who wears pink children's clothes
>giving outsiders passage to rape your country and its people is moralist
>preserving your country and people is not
The absolute state of leftists.
/pol/ is effective because they're right, not because it feels good.
Vitalik is an autismo and is butt buddies with Putin.
Funny if you look at the faggot's tweets he's all like "fuck banks and the government".
Then he goes and becomes butt buddy with Putin and uses his Twitter account to promote Good Goy views.
Friendly reminder that Vitalik started Ethereum after his visit to Israel.
>Thinking the IOTA foundation is responsible for the war and the refugee situation
The absolute state of neo nazis
>all of Veeky Forums is /pol/
>/pol/ has a platform you can agree with
>/pol/ is one correct opinion
Gas yourself stormcuck; you don't belong here
preserving your country and people is racist if those people you're trying to preserve are white. only non-white countries are allowed to want to stay who they are.
but hey, if you're not anti-white then you must be a white supremecist right
We don't have elections for the European Commission. It's deputees who vote, and unlike American delegates they don't vote the way the people want.
EU officials are unelected and whenever direct referendum goes against their wishes, they barge through anyway. See the French majority vote against the European Constitution in 2005, which did jack shit in the end.
how can you be anti-establishnment while still swallowing establishment media talking points?
>When entire human race suddenly loose their sense of humor.
>2018 pending...
8th French revolution when?
>wanting to make refugee dwellings permanent
>not contributing to the problem
kys my dude
All those quotes are completely correct though.
No; they're not. You're probably a disgusting amerimutt with Irish or Italian admixture anyway, you're a shitskin mudslime rape baby. Only British people and Scandinavians are white.
putting politics about refugees you'll likely never see anyways above your own money gains
how retarded are you then -__-
go back to pol
Nice just bought 200k
>butthurt because he is amerimutt with negroid admixture
t. butthurt amerimutt
hear hear
>Only British people and Scandinavians are white.
go to sleep user
Nice divide and conquer you filthy kike
>he thinks continental faggots can be white
White people don't lose wars and get raped by mudshits and niggers like kra*ts and frogs did
Now introducing RAPEcoins
With rapecoins, every dollar you invest is used to displace the ehtnic populations of european communities with hordes of muslim men that commit statistically astronomical levels of rape.
Would you invest in rapecoins? Oh wait you already have, it's called iota. How well you sleep at night profiting off the rape of european women i have no idea.
go on then, take the money. fucking rapecoiners
>unlike American delegates they don't vote the way the people want.
American delegates don't either.
>Thinking "refugee" isn't newspeak for invader.
You will never be Anglo.
I’m more Anglo than you, faggot. Tested by dna. I’m practically pure blood British.
>British people are whi-
Oh look, the reddit invasion of /pol/ is seeping into /biz. The whole point of crypto is overthrowing the jewish overlords, rendering their banks useless.
If this was the 1800s you would have been naturally selected by now. Instead you are allowed to propogate your herbivore genes... for now.
Go drink a kale smoothie and watch your girlfriend get fucked by a pack of mudslimes.
>calls it divide and conquer
>suddenly becomes Anglo
If you are, then all the best; God save the queen. Since you're obviously not because you're so butthurt about "muh d&c", fuck off because subhumans' opinions don't matter you fucking nigger.
He's just virtue signalling because he's a bastard anyway; and only a true Englishman could civilize a sheboon anyway.
>only a true Englishman could civilize a sheboon anyway.
Is that what they call bestiality these days?
People are naive if they think that crypto will "overthrow jewish overlords".
If anything it looks like it'll become almost the opposite where goys would choose traceable internet money vs anonymous fiat.
Look at the crypto scene, it's become a politcally correct circlejerk of soyboys and pedophiles who are competing to be the next in line to get dicked by the banks so they could make some money from "institutional adoption" which means jews owning the majority of a certain coin.
This is why I'm all in on monero.
>hurr durr Harry fucked up
Harry *always* fuck up.
>not using monero
What's with dumb shit right wingers and stupid liberals always jumping to extremes and not knowing what they're talking about?
Iota foundation gives aid to actual refugee camps. You know, the ones in Africa surrounded by warlords.
They don't aid immigrants to hop borders
Learn the difference you ignorant pieve of shit
i know right, like the widespread adoption of a cashless currency isnt exactly what the elite want. sure the coins we have now seem safe, aside from rapecoin (iota), but future coins will be different and it will be arranged that our coins will be replaced i think.
is this true? because all he said in that post was "stop being racist! its racist to care about europeans! stop being a white superemecist. its the current year!"
wheres the evidence that iota isnt a rapecoin? cause so far he seems to be saying it is
Yes it is true
Do some research you brain dead dumb cunt and stop shitting up my board