Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Stop shitposting edition.

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Okay, /pfg/, what is the dumbest character that you ever played that you had an absolute blast playing?

Swashbuckler//Phytokineticist//VoP Serpent-Fire Adept Monk

The character was retarded, the build was retarded, and he was bottom-tier in a game where the rest of the part was min-maxing.

But goddamn if Lord Fisto wasn't fun as fuck to play and shockingly useful and resilient.

Kitsune enchantment sorcerer with no sense of right and wrong that I played in a oneshot. I used feeblemind on at least three bosses, one of which was a demon that immediately went on a braindead animalistic frenzy.

I haven't gotten to play many characters, unfortunately.

Does anybody know if Reloading Hands can be applied to Siege Weapons?

Path of the Hellknight leak when?

>mfw last thread
>mfw this thread
>mfw past few threads

Well, I'm suffering writer's block anyway, guess I might as well just go to bed and see if the threads are any better tomorrow.


Question /pfg: What is your favourite outfit for a character that you've been able to realize in game?
[Spoiler]Pics if you have them?[/spoiler]


An open question.

What would your IDEAL class be? Feel, mechanics, anything like that. What would be your 'perfect'?