Why are Paladins so awesome?
Why are Paladins so awesome?
Their entire existence revolves around Paladining. Even a Wizard can go and do other a thing. A Paladin is always acting in capacity as a Paladin.
Most people wish that their lives could have a simple, singular passion that fulfilled them.
And of them, most wish that it involved murdering things.
>that pic
Why would a paladin serve lawful evil?
It's like you've stared into my soul.
Don't forget sweet holy powers though.
The "lol i smite u xD" Palatard, who is basically LE serving a LG cause, is just stupid edgemeister fodder.
It's called paladin corruption. They do it usually to serve a greater good or due to ignorance that there leader is evil. It true reality evil is not a visible or physical thing and within a fantasy setting this ideal can be used to push character development or story.
So basically it's either yolo or "I don't know what your talking about"
Nice Nevsky bro
ISIS are modern day paladins. For real though.
No. No they are not. They are the least lawful. And abuse their religion for evil. They are true CE. Just because religion is involved didn't make them good or lawful.
Cuz im the judge of this party bitches!
If this thread is up in the morning I'll post some swag paladins
Casterfag detected
because they aren't shity clerics
Oh wait that's a different image than I was thinking. He covers my points exactly.
Y'all done talking? Post pics of paladin you weak minded cunts.
How did you know?
In 5e, paladins can be of any alignment. So they are Blackguard of Shaitan, kekeke
Wow 5e scrub over here. Next? 6e with every race having the same +2 to one stat and no feats or equipment just classes with the same abilities and names? Fuck off newb.
i also idgi your post, but your pic doesn't take into account that lawful good can mean that you are good and have a strict code, not that (what most people erroneously think about lawful good/stupid) you need to follow the law to the letter no matter what.
But it did..... did you read it?
>Trolls literally responding to themselves for attention.
You shame Paladin thread.
Retard ignorantly yelling samefag. Shame. Nigger that life isn't me. I don't need your /B/ attention. I just call out fucks when I can I don't care for a response.
The art and style.
and the fun role play that they can provide
peace and love
lawful good dosnt mean lawful nice
leading through example
and the always good "im not a evil im doing this for the great good!" route thats leads you turning into an antipaladin or hellknight.
Paladins also have the best potential for speeches.
my first time playing DnD it was 4th edition. i selected to play a dragon-born paladin. my lore was simple i trained with paladins and was the kinds son, i wasnt in line for throne due to my paladin ship and would have been 12th being that my father was half dragon. i was out spreading peace through the world on a personal crusade of self discovery learning about the cultures and beauty of the life. since that campaign I've loved paladins.
Sorry im not the best at telling stories.
ight im done posting paladins i posted my better ones.
No, I won't fuck off, mr. Grog.
This guy gets it.
fine i dont really care, but i wont accept your argument due to its shit 5e origins.
post more Dwarf paladins i dont have any of those.
They just are.
that story brought a respectable tear to my eye.
>specify in the beginning it was fighter
>lol he was paladin all along, you just didn't get it
I'll take "Things that didn't happen" for 500
I expected your post earlier.
you never been or played with a new player? my second character was a cleric but i called it a paladin.
even the DM who helped me make my cleric forgot it was a cleric and put me up against some moral dilemma about lawful good. i said fuck this shit bitch im not lawful.
the group must've been tripping balls if they didn't notice healing effect from lay on hands. That, or it was some sort of freeform roleplay. As I said before, whole stuff sounds too idiotic to pass as believable.
>>specify in the beginning it was fighter
You mean the rest of the party only saw a dirty old man in armour bashing things with swords and shit? It's not like a character is wearing a sign declaring their class. If there's no meta knowledge of his class then he could be mistaken for an annoying fighter. For a while.
Not saying the story isn't made up though.
Lay on Hands and Aura of Courage doesn't work like that.
he did point out the the DM wasnt saying YOUR PALADIN HEALS YOU! YOUR PALADIN GIVES YOU A REROLL!
The DM just subtly said you get a heal or you get reroll. by the sounds of it the players just thought it was the DM "bribing" them to let the guy play.
he didnt say anything about that.....
HEY! elves arnt as gay as you say!
Look, I was in compains where something remotely similar happened at times, but the way that story's written is as believable as those made up "crazy fun" tales by the people who don't bother to even imply "yeah, this actually happened".
I had good times playing a dragonoborn paladin.
DM ruled that paladins were not all lawful good, but instead were the alignment of their individual deities to act as their exemplars.
Played the Neutral Good dragonborn bard of a god of music, artistry, love, lust, adventure and all that stuff. He prayed for his powers by practicing with his acoustic guitar each day because his god found worth in practicing artistic expression, even if you were terrible at it, the effort was meaningful.
The kind of guy who'd fight through hell to take down an evil villain, help the town celebrate by orchestrating a raucous fair and directing a big stageplay, then have a threesome before riding off to the next adventure.
Playing a flirty horndog who still knuckled down into downright terrifying paladinhood when needed was pretty fun.
Man, I remember when Veeky Forums was about storytiem and non-sequitars.
Now it's just shitposting D&D and "my fun is better than your fun."
I mean shit, y'all niggas talk about how "it's unrealistic" like it's a new concept or something.
suspense of disbelief can go only so far.
What's inherently unbelievable about this and why do you care so much about it?
Whether the story was real or fake, it was still a helluva lot more entertaining than sifting through edition wars, alignment arguments that go nowhere, and how some people are the cancer killing tabletop for liking one aspect more than the other.
> You say that you people don’t burn folk and sacrifice people anymore, but that’s what true faith would mean, y’see? Sacrificin’ your own life, one day at a time, to the flame, declarin’ the truth of it, workin’ for it, breathin’ the soul of it.
I've already told what's unbelievable in the posts above, I care to reply just as much as you do, and no, edition wars, alignments and personal preferences aren't my cup of tea when it comes to critique. I enjoy good stories, which is why I consider this particular one not up to bar at all. You saying "stop disliking stuff" isn't anything new and is pointless from any POV because people have different tastes. Enjoyed the screencap? Good for you, doesn't mean everyone else does.
I care because that kind of screencap gives people the wrong idea about tabletop gameplaying. I'd care less if I didn't actually see players trying hard to emulate le epic 1d4chan memes they read on reddit at the table. If someone tried to play "CE Rogue but he's actually going to come out as a paladin lmao xD" only to be slammed down by a real GM and throw a shit fit because of that fake story, it'd have a net negative impact on the gaming community.
Because men fighting for something bigger than life is awesome and inspiring.
there is a HUGE fucking difference from a dirty hobo looking paladin and a COMPLETE ACTUAL CHANGE in alighnment and class that is NOTHING like paladin.
People like you, who feel the need to critique every greentext story like a critic of internet retardation, are part of the reason why we get no more OC like we did in the past.
Veeky Forums has never been known to post quality content or hard truths, you coming into a thread and telling other how this particular story is false is meaningless when one of the slogans basically comes down to "everything here is fake and you'd be an idiot to believe any of it."
>I care because that kind of screencap gives people the wrong idea about tabletop gameplaying.
Any decent GM can just sit down with the player and explain to him why the concept wouldn't work in practice as well as it did in theory or even give them pointers that would allow them to play the concept effectively.
>If someone tried to play "CE Rogue but he's actually going to come out as a paladin lmao xD" only to be slammed down by a real GM and throw a shit fit because of that fake story, it'd have a net negative impact on the gaming community.
3.PF, MtG, and Warhammer 40k has caused way more damage to the gaming community than any greentext ever could.
It's not even like that sort of thing would be the absolute worse thing ever considering they'd have to roleplay that concept effectively in order for it to work.
but if being good actually involves doing good things rather than doing what most adventurers already do for fun and profit, how the fuck am I supposed to Rider Kick people and masturbate to Hokuto no Ken?
Yeah, critical thinking is bad, mkay? People saying "my Veeky Forums isn't like it used to be" is old as the site. And just because you want to pull strawman here doesn't change the story obviously sounds made up. Accepting EVERYTHING doesn't make more room for quality, it just means you don't care about the actual stuff people come here. Sorry for interrupting your ramblings about "good old day", please proceed spewing more bullshit that has no relation to you being a whiny bitch. Do remember this isn't your personal echo chamber, or don't, I couldn't care less, user.
good on ya man.
>Accepting EVERYTHING doesn't make more room for quality, it just means you don't care about the actual stuff people come here.
I don't accept everything, I just have better things to do than to point out the obvious.
"This greentext story is false" is like saying "the sky is blue," you're not breaking new ground here compadre.
>Sorry for interrupting your ramblings about "good old day", please proceed spewing more bullshit that has no relation to you being a whiny bitch.
Says the guy who has nothing better to do than to point out why every greentext story on Veeky Forums is fake.
Oh, the irony.
This, in 40k, some space marine chapters are paladin as fuck, and they serve the imperium of man which is corrupt as fuck, there are plenty of other examples of paladins serving lawful evil in fantasy, it's not unheard of and gives a 1 dimensional class much more depth.
Though I agree, it becomes tiresome when most religious/government organizations are secretly evil in almost every other setting ever imagined.
thats just the whole theme of 40K
As well as every other setting that features a theocracy in some flavor or another.
This also applies to books, movies, vidya, and TV shows as well.
>every story is fake
Many stories are made up, but this is one where it shows. But ok, calling out lazy writing is totally same as bashing every story ever made. Any more revelations from safe space? Oh, I forgot, you obviously have better things to do than pointing out why every criticism is bad, don't bother. Go on complaining about lost glory days of circle jerking that never happened outside your head.
>Many stories are made up, but this is one where it shows.
Who cares?
Why does it matter?
because they are the essence of what makes straight white males so awesome: the character
HEY! get back on topic! going on about possibly fake stories and other balics. last i looked at OP this was a thread about how great paladins are. and by fucking god i want to see more paladin praise and epic paladin art.
Read the fucking replies up, I won't bother repeating. Spoiler: here it is just so you won't say I didn't explain. You seem to care enough to give (childish) criticism to my, if it offends you so much, I apologize for ruining your innocent Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums in particular with my big mean words.
also i posted almost all my paladins pics. scraping the bottom of my folder now. so clearly i need more paladin character art. racial diversity is always great
read other post your post affect the thread so read the damn thread.
As I mentioned earlier, there are much worse influences on the hobby than some random greentext on Veeky Forums.
You're giving yourself way too much credit for sperging out on the internet.
We had new people at our table trying to start dumb shit in attempt to make their "hilarious" stories real because they read dumb shit here/on reddit/fuckificarewhere. Is it the source of all evil? No, but continue to sperg about some people not accepting lame play in all forms of it, mr. Watchman.
>say no to that shit
>they stop
Truly, the end of a hobby.
>somebody said they don't like a story posted on anonymous imageboard
>quick, I have to whiteknight my best
Truly, a hero we've been waiting for.
man those paladins sure are great! anyone got a good story about paladins?
I'm just making fun of you, friendo.
I can attest I legitimately did play the opposite endeavor once. I played a skeleton in a suit of armor that pretended to be a holy knight and had several skeleton thrall "armsmen" companions who were also in full plate and had "vows of silence".
It wasn't 3.5 so I didn't have to worry
About detect evil or not smiting
You could just, I dunno, talk to your players and explain to them why those stories aren't a good idea to emulate.
Then again, it'd require you to interact with your players like adults, which is much harder than sperging out on the internet and playing fun police to harmless greentexts, so I can see why you'd do that instead.
Nah, they're all fighters with some clerics thrown in
I just don't get why did he use Luffy for that pasta, he's a solid chaotic good character, he never has respected laws, traditions or customs
"I don't like it cause it's different! :("
Literally every point you have can be refuted easy. Just list them out and I will. Then tell us what edition you like and I'll break it open by playing a wizard, kay?
i like how you can play a specific class and be totally different from the others like a wizzard in 3e 3.5e and pathfinder.... brake my love of diversity with your wizzard now bitch. if only 5e really offered that. and i mean REALLY did. even the ever so slight class diversity in 5e and 4e is NOTHING! compared to 3.5 3rd and pathfinder.
if anything i dont like it because its a lack of real differences bitch! and i just listed what i call the basic DnD systems.