Are they just another furry chapter like the sw's?
Thoughts on Black Dragons?
Scaly, user.
>I sexually identify as an attack helicopter
You distinguish between a furkin and a scalekin and don't just see them for the degenerates they are?
Veeky Forums rotted your brain
They are basically an entire chapter of Wolverine Space Marines.
ok now i really like them
OP you're fucking retarded
There's no excuse for being lazy and wrong, no matter what the subject matter is.
They have the same fucking mutation and then cover the fucking bones in adamantium.
Id say they are the coolest of the Cursed 21st
So you're saying they're actually bara marines?
All marines are bara marines.
Blood Angels.
Black Dragons Chapter Tactics
Flawed Geneseed: Every Black Dragons infantry model (with the exception of scouts) gets a pair of lightning claws in close combat. However, sometimes they cannot control their violent urges. After every completed close combat involving a Black Dragons infantry unit that used its lightning claws, roll a D6. On a 4+ that unit cannot shoot and must Run towards and Charge the nearest enemy unit as soon as possible.
That's retarded. The claws should just be additional CCWs for free.
I think their tactics were just rending in CC, could be wrong, its on an old WD.
You know, there was a short story where one was the protagonist. It was in the Deathwatch: Xenos Hunters anthology, but unfortunately I've misplaced my copy and can't remember which of the stories it was.
Either way, a radical inquisitor had gathered a team together composed entirely by members of the most mutated loyalist chapters. It was very much along the lines of Prof. Xavier gathering the X-men together, as we have said, but it was decent enough nonetheless.
Nope, they're scalies. Their mutation causes them to sometimes mutate into antrho dinosaurs.
Not every Black Dragon has the bone swords. Those that do are formed into special claw squads which are given jump packs and told to fuck up the enemy.
Their bone swords are coated in adamantium and go straight through power armor like a hot knife through butter.
Chainswords have adamantium teeth.
>trying to use fluff arguments for tabletop rules
If that were the case marines wouldn't be so shitty.
Your drawback is even less than units like World Eaters, Carcharodons, and Leviathans that make that forced move guaranteed, rather than only on a 4+. You would also use a leadership test for this kind of action, and you wouldn't use a 4+ result for a non beneficial result, you would say if it rolls 1-3 it would perform the motion. In addition, you just handed out 10-30 points for every single infantry in the army. That's over 900 free points for Battle Company. Twice that if you use more than the bare minimum tactical tax. Your rule is shit and you suck at writing rules.
The teeth are, the rest of the weapon isn't, and it isn't reinforced with crazy strong astartes bone that is even more reinforced than normal.
Black Dragons with their bone swords are complete hax. They're also giants, Black Dragons also tend to be a lot taller than normal Astartes with one of their previously-veteran-now-captain is nine feet tall.
I'm actually not that big of a fan of the Dragons after my initial years of introduction to 40k, because the Dragons really come off as the "Psssh Nothing Personal Kid" chapter. It's like the worst homebrew chapters, but canon.
What is the most /k/ chapter? In manner both funs and deviance?
Raptors I think. Or Reasonable Marines if you're into that meme shit. But those guys are basically just Raptors with more tacticool shit.
Accuracy in language is a virtue user.
The Reasonable Marines like THE TAU. No fucking way.
>citation needed
Why're you lyin', user?
Every character with animal species in name is fury to a certain degre due to who GW writes those. Space Wolves, it means that they are covered in wolf accesories, Space Lions are covered in lion accesories and are obsesed with lion. It can't be that they would just pick that name because lions are associated with bravery and maybe there's lots of them on their homeworld.
It's in their novel, Death of Antagonis. Some of the failed aspirants mutate into Dinosaurs which are deepstriked into enemy territory so they can RIP AND TEAR before getting shot to pieces. Basically Chaos Spawn.
They're reasonable. What did you expect?
>It's in their novel
Yeah sure whatever
People don't even know what furries are. Furries are not otherkin, dumbass.
No that user but
>"Sternward of the chapel, beyond the prison, was another set of cells. They held a special group of Black Dragons. They where the blessed, and they were the abominations. Mutated far beyond even Volos's distortions, they were monsters of spikes and horns and scales. Huge muscled, slavering, they were trapped in a permanent predator rage, and their snarls echoed faintly down the corridors to the chapel. They were berserkers who were kept alive until they could be unleashed to fins their final peace in frenzied suicide missions." Page 140 - The Death Of Antagonis
Simply allowing Black Dragons to purchase a LC for 5, 10, or 15 points for any power armor infantry would be good enough.
Give them a conditional trigger for Rage and uncontrollable consolidation too if you want.
>Their bone swords are coated in adamantium and go straight through power armor like a hot knife through butter.
No. Reread the damn book. The only ones who do that are Volos's, and because he gets blasted with chaos sorcery and they get all melded together. The adamantium and bone fuse and run together and for the rest of the goddamn book he is worried that he's been corrupted because they'll slice anything like a power sword.
The rest of them are coated in adamantium, yes. But all that does is make them more durable and hold an edge better than just being bone. They are functionally just a pair of CCWs that they don't have to carry on their person.
Volos is also the only one among them that is fuckhuge. He is REPEATEDLY referenced as being exceptionally big even for a Black Dragon.
yeah it was that I'mpretty sure. i think +5 points per marine and they got rending.