Can you tell if someone is going to be a bad DM just by looking at him?
Can you tell if someone is going to be a bad DM just by looking at him?
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Probably not.
Yes, if the guy or girl looks well-adjusted and going somewhere with their life you can expect at least a solid adventure with characters that make sense.
Nothing good ever came of a man wearing a Sonic costume to the table.
Dont judge a book by it's retarded unicorn covered cover user. It's not polite.
oh OP its ok go down for a sleep you'll be right
This. Thread's over now, everyone can go home.
its a video of a crying baby cause OP a cry baby
Well, if he's like the picture that you posted (a pink-haired, hipster-bearded, problem-glasses-wearing, degenerate, lip-piercing-sporting, effeminate-haircut-having, sodomite fudge-packer faggot), then it's pretty clear.
Unless you're a creature like him, I suppose.
It's not so much that guys look that concerns me, but that he's posing for a pic like that.
I don't know about judging GM skill by appearance, but I can usually tell if I'd get along with some one based on how they look, and for me that's usually more important.
I just go by things that are under their control. If you got some sort of weird birth defect or are missing an eye I won't judge, but clothes, tattoos, and hair are totally on the table. Like if you own anything that has a pot leaf on it there's a safe assumption I don't want to hang with you.
This man's campaign would be a memory to treasure for sure, but odds are good that it'd be in the same way that FATAL is a game to treasure.
But if I see a book cover depicting the KKK lynching someone and the title is "To Lynch a Nigger" I'm not gonna think "oh well I am sure the story is a lot more complex"
What if it's a dark satire based upon 'To Kill a Mockingbird', and the title and image are meant to be shocking and controversial (and to get racists to read it and perhaps change their views)?
Then I flip it over and read the back of the book.
I don't have to buy a book and read the whole thing to judge it, the cover, and the back cover, are build specifically around giving people a summary of what they can expect, so yes, you CAN judge a book by it's cover.
And these days if the cover aint enough, you can look at it's Amazon reviews
Skinnyghost isn't the worst GM I've seen but Jesus fuck he's one of the most boring. Also if he smells anywhere near similar as to how he looks I see why they only do online games.
>Nothing good ever came of a man wearing a Sonic costume to the table
oddly enough, I feel as if I would trust the sonic man more then the other guy
Is he still doing the retarded shadowrun game?
This. The FFG Star Wars streams are terrible both because of the GM and the game keeping the players sucking without as much fail forward as AW style games.
Seriously, the Saga of the Icelanders Rollplay R&D has a much better GM and the players leap off each other's failed rolls and the stream is great.
Yeah. I would literally never play a game ran by a fatty.
What's boring about his GMing? I used to watch Rollplay a lot while in the background while working and I'm not sure what more you can expect out of a GM.
Shame I can't get it as a podcast
And now I remember the Japan arc.....please no
I judged a dm i had because of his fb pictures, he's old like 50, usually alone or apart of the group in most of his pictures, big beard short hair, normal old man looks. I thought he was a big lonely nerd living alone in a shack or something like that.
Well he had a wife, a daughter of my age, had tons of nerd friends which ended to be my friends too and he was an amazing DM for a while. So don't judge by their looks, maybe that faggy pink-haired hipster is a great Eclipse Phase DM
I watched Swan Song for a while and parts of it were really entertaining but the AI stuff got really heavy-handed and dull. I lost a lot of interest when JP started pushing the whole "illuminati spr secret conspiracy Higgs is just pretending" nonsense as well. He did the same thing in Apocalypse World and it always just ruins the character, and those were by far his most entertaining characters.
The West Marches is a great show though and I wish they'd produce more of that.
>Koebel as the OP pic
Koebel is a gay hipster and by god does he broadcast the shit out of that.
He's a fantastic GM though.
Mirrorshades ended a while ago. In his defense, I think what happened was that 3/4 of the players had no idea what Shadowrun is supposed to be like, and Adam Koebel has said it himself: Mirrorshades wasn't really a Shadowrun game.
Agreed. No one on the Roll20 games really hides that they're all huge hipsters. At least once a session you see someone drinking out of a clear mason jar. He's a pretty great GM though, from what I've seen in all his normal stuff on YouTube.
I didn't know drinking out of mason jar's was a hipster thing, the bigger ones hold more and the smaller ones usually have handles. Has my life been a huge hipster lie without me realizing it?!
By tattoo, you mean sleeves or a couple geek tats? Where's the line man?
Hey, fatties like us have lots of sitting around time. you know, being fat? gives me plenty of time to come up with different ways to run a Spelljammer rip of campaign.
So... Gary?
That's supposed to be Spelljammer rip OFF. Fat fingered the keyboard, slipping on all the fry grease
Ok Cartman
Well, as a DM, I would hope there was at least respect for my ATHORATAI.
I'm sorry you had to find out this way.
>Depends on the setting.
I love adam as a GM
Me too, he's a damn good GM. His GM advice show, Office Hours, is great, too.
(I think I like West Marches the best of the big name stream shows, though.)
Talk to somebody for 5 minutes and you'll know. Judging somebody by their looks is reserved for extreme cases like wearing a fursuit out or having gang-affiliated tattoos instead of eyebrows.
>geek tats
Actual geeks don't get tattoos at all.
WTF are even 'problem glasses'? I have never in my life heard this phrase...
not unless they are showing off some combination of Grimtooth's Traps, Play Dirty, FATAL, MERPS or any fucking Fuzion system that isn't Cyberpunk
t. a guy who insisted for too long Mekton is actually fine
I can tell if someone is a dick by looking at them, so yes.
>By tattoo, you mean sleeves or a couple geek tats? Where's the line man?
No him but tattoos aren't the red flag. But by getting a tattoo, you are choosing to display something on yourself for the rest of you life.
If it's a dumb joke, a pop culture reference or a flash you can tell the person is probably irresponsible and/or has poor taste.
A good criteria to judge is also if they are trying to hide it. Someone with a star trek tattoo that regret getting it and acknowledge it isn't a bright idea can be a bro.
>pinkhaired goony beard man
>''Yeah, user, I will have to deduct some of your characters experience for manspplaning to the fat disabled black womyn mage how she should do tactics in battle''
what the fuck is this your first day on the internet
I don't know exactly what it is that I don't like, I just find everything he gms to be pretty bland and I have a hard time focusing on it. When they have the guy who works on Eternal Crusade GM it feels like there's a better connection between GM and players, they just click more and are more interesting. Might be I'm subconsciously biased at how fucking bad the star wars game is playing out though.
>MUH everyone's a super secret force sensitive garbage
Unkempt neckbearded fatasses usually set off redflags for me.
So most GMs.
But a book cover and it's contents can be totally different.
That doesn't go for people. The appearance of a person is always reflective of what that person is like personality wise.
You write everything you like and do in your mind. How do you live with yourself if you can't live with the decisions of your past?
Why should you treat tattoos any differently? If anything, being open about your past decisions (and failings, as they may be) makes you a better person than someone who hides them as something shameful.
I say this as someone with no tattoos what so ever.
Send help I can't stop laughing.
Yes. I will never again let a fat longhaired ginger DM for me.
>WTF are even 'problem glasses'? I have never in my life heard this phrase...
It's a style of eyeglasses that's popular nowadays. Lots of young people wear them, and since young people use Twitter/Tumblr/etc. more than older people, the prevalence of these glasses among outspoken SJW-types is perceived as being more widespread than among the general population.
Thus, anyone who wears modern-style glasses is seen as a SJW, at least by people who judge others solely by shallow surface characteristics.
Thick rimmed glasses. It's an exaggerated "nerd chic" that's caught on with your average trust fund millenial.
yes: you can always spot the bad DM its not a him
Yea, you can tell a DM is going to be bad if they don't have a penis
i already did that joke, literally in the post above yours, you dick
I tried watching/listening to the Mouse Guard podcast he did. Adam was fine, but jesus fucking christ the players were annoying. Shitty ideas and grating voices except for the guy that only talked once in a blue moon.
If I had that attitude I'd have never read the Vagina ass of Lucifer niggerbastard or Assgoblins of Auschwitz
If you mean in the sense that you know exactly what you're getting, I feel you
It's not. It's a cheapskate/poor people thing.
Sure but that campaign would end after like 3 meetings because he realized he doesnt actually have time for this shit.
His politics annoy me a little bit, but RollPlay Swansong is really fucking good.
You make that joke but every person over the age of 13 wearing a Sonic T shirt ive ever met has been a giant fucking weirdo
What are his politics?
pro equality in just about every regard (gender, race, religion, orientation, etc)
there are more disagreeable people (at least for me) the annoying part is more how he brings it up a bit too eagerly and usually feels like he's talking down to whoever it's directed at
So a general faggot then
is he actually anti-government in that he is against the idea of having a government or does he just disagree with decisions made by the government?
Because those are two very different things and the former is infinitely worse than the latter.
I follow literally all of the RollPlay shows, including the ones he DM's, and i can say with certainty: It isn't very obvious/clear. Especially given the campaign's parties are usually morally gray hobos. Why don't you ask him over twitter?
i guess anti-authoritarian might be the better term than anti-government
>anarchists are "infinitely worse" than critics of specific government decisions
>therefore Gandhi is "infinitely worse" than Rush Limbaugh
I've long suspected that anyone who uses the phrase "infinitely worse than" was retarded. Now I've got one more instance to add to the growing pile of evidence.
The only person I knew who drank out of mason jars was my rich friend whose parents were doctors.
I can be prejudiced against a GM just by looking at him and ASSUME they will be a bad GM.
Also I think Adam is a pretty great GM if he would shut the fuck up about gender roles.
You're the first person to mention Gandhi.
Congratulations, you just pulled Gandhi out of your ass. Quite the achievement considering that Gandhi was notoriously celibate. And yes before you decide to nit pick on my use of the word "notoriously" it was intentionally chosen.
Nobody mentioned Gandhi.
Gandhi is a far cry from the problem glasses wearing, stupid bi-coloured hair snowflake that is the basic tumblrina or whatever the male equivalent is. Tumblr-tom or something maybe?
fashion autist who wears the mentioned glasses detected
it's okay user, i wear them too.
his was better, tbf.
No shit I brought up Gandhi, you doof. He's an example of an anarchist who I'd consider a really good guy. While Limbaugh is an example of a government critic I'd consider pretty slimey, what with the pill-popping and sex tourism thing.
I think he was referencing a person who fit your first description, just like Limbaugh fits your second.
I would. Nobody would make book like this completely unironically.
Fair enough.
Although I have point out that he was a lawyer and so would have been in favor of their being some sort of governance or organizing force in society.
I don't know really anything about Rush Limbaugh because he appears to be an American radio host although a bit of googling and he appears to be a total turd nugget.
Those are good books user. You have...taste?
Here. You tell us
You can be a lawyer and an anarchist at the same time.
Gandhi was a big fan of Kropotkin and other anarchist writers, and was avowedly an anarchist. When American newspapers asked him about this, the quote he gave them was something like "It is true that I am an anarchist, although of a different sort."
(A different sort meaning not like the popular depiction of anarchists in American newspapers of the time, which was a wild-eyed hairy Eastern European with a bomb in his hand, an anachronism since the Propaganda of the Deed had been a dead topic in anarchist circles for a whole generation by that time.)
Adam was nice enough at GenCon when I talked to him buy he looks like a hipster clown.
Forgive my ignorance, but concerning the earlier claim that "Ghandi was a good person"(paraphrased): wasn't Ghandi a racist and a pedophile?
The pedophile is up for debate. I just think Ghandi was autistic about children or something.
Taken in the context of his times, he was averagely racist. A disappointing attitude, but I won't hold it against him.
I think the "pedophile" charges are hyperbole from folks who just enjoy tearing famous figures down. I don't think much of that claim.
We have better evidence that Limbaugh is one, seeing as the Latin American country he was en route to when he got picked up for having the boner pills without a prescription is a country whose sex tourism industry is noted for its underage male prostitutes. Like the inverse of Thailand. Maaaybe he was going there because he liked the cheap adult hookers there, but maaaybe not. Either way, the guy's pretty much a giant asshole.
>Nothing good ever came of a man wearing a Sonic costume to the table.
...this sounds like it has storytime behind it
Ghandi was celibate.
Regardless of what his sexual impulses where he never actually had sex.
I live out in the boonies in georgia and my family uses mason jars. My parents and their parents drink out of them as well.
Mason jars are cheap, durable, easy to grip(same width at every point and good wideness make them easier to hold than most coffee cups even without handles) and look good.
Around here it's considered kinda country and a southern thing to drink out of mason jars. I think hipsters stole it from us because it's "authentic, rustic and working class"
He did in fact have sex, one notable time was while a relative (I can't remember which one at the moment, but perhaps his father or mother?) was in the hospital for a fatal disease of some sort he snuck away and had sex with his wife for the first time in years, during which the relative died-he later expressed great regret for this action.
Look at this guy
>fashion autist who wears the mentioned glasses detected
Nope. I'm 36 and all my clothes come from Kohl's, but thanks for playing
But seriously, I love Neal though.
Gandhi also had a number of children. The man swore an oath of celibacy after a certain point, but he still fucked his wife.
Funny, because those look like the glasses that a 12 year old wears with their graphic tee, cargo shorts, and white New Balance tennis shoes. Be sure to wipe the sweat and grease off the lenses every so often, it distorts your worldview.
If they look like John Wick, then yes.
a better question is if its even possible to be bad at anything if youre a conservative straight white athletic male
I don't really see that sticking out in his GMing. The usual bunch of murderhobo weirdos lend themselves to go counter-culture against the organized status quo, and having that organized status quo be as powerful as a mafia, private military corporation or government makes for a good underdog setup.
IMO it's just good rebels VS evil empires. Classic setup. Tho I wouldn't blame anyone for overinterpreting his politics.