I hope Briexit passes so pic related becomes affordable once their economy collapses
I hope Briexit passes so pic related becomes affordable once their economy collapses
>can't afford $350
I hope Brexit fails, just to spite you.
Damn, really makes you think.
You make it sound like it'll still be available by that point.
GW will just start casting them out of semi precious metals so they can further justify their value. Something something oxidative layer better paint something give us your wallets.
Get off the internet Juncker.
Looks like you got your wish OP
Damn, really makes you stink.
>british plastic stocks will go through the roof
besides warhammer what does the UK export
It's more likely to increase for a long time until the UK works out its own trade deals with different countries.
>Dr who
Glad I didn't buy at 1.36. Let's see how far this ride goes.
>tfw when GW raises prices to compensate
>tfw the British Pound goes back up but GW keeps the high prices
>tfw $100 USD for a box of Ork Boyz.
How are you supposed to make a profit off this? Buy from their UK site and have them ship it to the US? Does it take significantly longer than coming from their US warehouses?
Are you dumb? Do you not know how exchange rates work? FW shit costs more yesterday than it costs right now. There's your "profit".
Does that only work for Forgeworld?
I ask as a Warhammer Fantasy fan who really wants to take advantage of GW right now, and the Fantasy FW range is pretty unimpressive.
Why don't you just google FW and go to the site and you'll find out why your questions are so fucking stupid?
there's a reason that the three different 40k brexit threads all specify FW
Damn, so no way to rook the main GW site then?
Well, at least you 40kfags can fuck them for me then.
It is more like the marginal utility of such a model will never be $350 regardless of the amount of excess dollars I have at my disposal. Literally anything else that I could spend $350 on would bring me more good.
GW was smart and based their price by country, then locked international shipping.
FW doesn't do this and all prices are based on their homeland, which is why you can abuse the current crisis.
I think the larger models like Imperial Knights and the Taunar actually are very good value for money. They cost a good chunk of points, and are super powerful. It's certainly much cheaper to buy a Taunar than to buy dozens of Rhinos and marines, for example.
Though I don't ever recommend basing your hobby on "best bang for buck" army building or you'll just end up being a Knight/Grey Knights player.
>a toy will never be useful as actual useful things
Well no shit. It's not an issue of affordability at that point which is what OP was talking about. The model IS large and heavy. Maybe you can open some cans with it?
You know, looking over all the things I drooled over now that they're slightly cheaper...they still feel like a waste of money to me.
Too bad they killed the Tau Orca though.
Crippling depression.
Money is meant to be spent. What are you going to use it for if you hoard it anyway?
>implying you don't waste money right now anyway
If it's still not worth it to you, then it's simply not worth the money, and you don't buy it. Talking about how it's a waste of money is just fucking stupid. You know how many products are out there that you could do this for?
what the fuck is that thing?
why did they put those guns on a giant walker?
just put them on se3veral different tanks... ffs
40k so so fucking stupid sometimes
anyway, as to the economics. a weaker pound is a good thing for the british fro the exact reason that you stated. it makes their goods more competitive to foreign buyers, and thus increases demand for their goods, which increases employment and GDP.
I hope to god I wake up tomorrow and the pound is worth nothing so I can finally buy 4 sets of tetras.
Yeah, but I could buy a new computer for that.
Honestly, just having it in reach makes me realize just how artificial my desire was.
Plus, Chinese recasting is still cheaper anyway.
>new computer for $350
That computer wouldn't even be worth using. It'd be a web browsing only touchpad at best.
>new computer for the price of a taunar
>Chinese recasting
Chinafags once again confirming how poor and shit they are at life. I bet you're one of those dipshits who say the game costs more than buying a car too, as if anyone was that destitute to go out and buy and drive a sub $5,000 car.
Yeah, but it'd still be better than a Warhammer model.
The troops are fun, gives me the adult version of my RTS boner I had as a teenager, but even in terms of model kits I could get a vintage Ghost In The Shell kit for that price.
>Yeah, but it'd still be better than a Warhammer model.
Opinions. And a rather worthless one at that, judging by your usage of money.
It would not be able to bring me as much recreational enjoyment as $350 of any random toys, either.
You see to be pushing GW models awfully hard....
No, your opinions are just shit and nobody wants to hear them. You can buy whatever the fuck you want, like $350 " computers".
Good news, Leave won.
why the hell the UK economy should collapse? leaving the UE it can only increase if not skyrocket, also if you are a jewropean have fun not being able to buy a UK product because of the taxes
>have fun not being able to buy a UK product because of the taxes
Thanks for reminding me. It's not like GW stuff is cheap as it is or that UK has some of the stores I frequent for their discounts.
Chavs and clinical alcoholics.
It's not like you will have to pay taxes from the first economic power now.
>as if anyone was that destitute to go out and buy and drive a sub $5,000 car.
Currently driving a $3,000 car. Lasted me for the past six years still no problems.
why would it increase by leaving?
>economy collapses
The pound will bounce back once soros either dies or takes his foot off the UKs throat.
>tfw stocking up on the GBP in the mean time
Too bad both paypal and my fucking bank didn't update their goddamn exchange rates yet and they only do it like once a day at 7 PM.
It pays more for access to the market than it receives from it and can now trade with the rest of the world as the 5th strongest economy.
Financial services.
For. Fucks. Sake.
GW is an exporter. It's good for exporters when the local currency is weak. They get more pounds for each of your dollars.
It's bad for importers.
>FW shit costs more yesterday than it costs right now.
No, forgeworld costs less dollars because your strong dollars buy more weak pounds.
Dollar strength didn't go up, pound went down.
>Yeah, but I could buy a new computer for that.
I couldn't replace mine for 10 of those.
When the local currency is weak, the exporters receive less foreign dollars.
>$3500 computer
The fuck are you running, a 1080 SLI?
>hurr durr economi
Irrelevant whether one went up or the other went down. The dollar is stronger against the pound / pound is weaker against the dollar - dollars buy more pounds today than yesterday.
It's relevant if you're trying to buy Japanese moon money.
Over $1K in water cooling parts and yes, high-end SLI setup.
Going to be upgrading to dual 1080ti next year.
Not relevant to buying FW...
They don't care how many dollars they get, they care how many pounds.
If the dollar price stays the same then they get more pounds.
Jesus christ.
If they hold the same pound price then they get less dollars but they don't care because they get the same pounds.
If they hold the same dollar price then they get more pounds.
well it passed but the jokes on you, it'll just get more expensive when they stop making cause GW couldn't survive that shit
>If they hold the same pound price then they get less dollars but they don't care because they get the same pounds.
>GW is an exporter. It's good for exporters when the local currency is weak. They get more pounds for each of your dollars.
Those two mean the same retard.
pound is weak
less dollars - same pounds
same dollars - more pounds
Learn 2 maths.
If they hold the same dollar price then they get more pounds, if they hold the same pound price then they can reduce the dollar price.
Either way they get the same or more of the currency they care about.
I could by for it 10 games, 100 hours of playtime at least each.
I love GWdrones
$350 = two track tyres that last a day.
Let's make this super clear for you.
Example - dollars were 1.5:1 now 1.35:1
Box costs $10 - they did get £6.67 they now get £7.40
Box costs £10 - you paid $1.50 now you pay $1.35 but they get £10 either way.
Why would I need track tyres, though?
I bought tyres every two years and they cost me less than $60
I need track tyres. And guns/optics/ammo. And tools/parts/materials for restoring cars.
If you only have poorfag hobbies then forgeworld seems expensive.
Other people see it differently.
I pay ~$800 for four tyres for my daily driver and they last ~8 months.
>It pays more for access to the market than it receives from it
Probably not. Financial services in the city are going to fall because they won't be allowed to access the EU market freely (which was the only reason the city was strong in the first place). Same for air companies, they will have to renegociate every of their licenses and won't be able to keep on doing business as they did within the EU. In a sense the UK paid very few (rebate) for a very big market access. Now it's gonna be tariffs and regulations for the brits - or rather, for the English, since there is gonna be a new Scottish independence referendum soon.
I mostly agree, but that also depend on what they do after leaving. Technically nothing changed yet, how the exit will be negotiated can change everything.
>plays $35 games
Even with the most favourable exit, they will end up with a status like Switzerland, which means they will have to follow all the regulations as if they were in the EU, and get a few benefits from it, without being able to vote for anything.
Also, no more poles, now the immigration will mostly be "commonwealth" members, aka pakis and nigerians.
I actually pirate them
Why bring them up at all then? That's stupid. "Hur dur I could get 10 games for free instead of buying thing". You ever stop to think that there aren't actually "GW drones" on Veeky Forums and it's just you dumbass anti-GW faggots crying shill at any chance you get?
Laughing at people for being retarded and poor doesn't mean "hur dur you should buy GW shit".
>it makes their goods more competitive to foreign buyers
Yeah, no.
Foreign buyers will just go with China which will underbid your prices by an order of magnitude.
That's why you're browsing a site running on Chinese-made servers with a Chinese-made mobile/PC wearing Chinese-sewn clothes,...
I'm all for less socialism in economy but as far as pure capitalism goes, China has almost every consumer market cornered.
Of course, if you value quality, you can buy expensive stuff but most of the folk in suburbs and villages can't even afford most of this shit at Chink prices.
>Chinese-made servers with a Chinese-made mobile/PC
On that subject, the chinese are extremely shit at electronics since their own contribution to the server/PC/phone you were talking about is the assembly. The actual electronic components being made in Korea, US, Taiwan, Japan and France.
>Foreign buyers will just go with China which will underbid your prices by an order of magnitude.
There are a substantial number of people and corporations who elect not to trade with China for various reasons. Chief among them are quality concerns, reliability of service, and political/public image concerns.
Take steel, for example. Sure, buying Chinese steel is cheaper than almost anywhere else in the world, but because China's legal protections are weak and their civil courts a joke, actually getting what you agreed to buy is a major hassle that requires you to go through an experienced, trusted broker who can micromanage every step of the exchange to ensure that the steel is actually the proper grade, sized within tolerance, packaged and shipped correctly and on time, and delivered to the correct location.
If you rely on the steel company for all that, you're going to get two sheets of decent metal resting on top of a stack of rusty trash, shipped without proper packaging so you now owe the train company for damages when it shifts midtrip. If you want to avoid all that, you just have to pay 20% above market rate, because in China "You get what you pay for" means "If it's not expensive, it must be trash".
Public image is also a real concern. Have you ever noticed how" made in china" is put on a small, easily removed sticker stuck to the bottom of a product, while "made in USA" is usually advertised right on the box and often molded into the product itself?
>made in china
It's actually more Made in PRC nowadays.
At least here in a non-English speaking country.
Public image is a concern but you only need to show concern to make it stop.
Like the PRC stickers abusing the fact people don't hear that acronym all that often or how Apple went on about providing better working conditions for their Chinese factories which put everyone at ease and then someone went in, filmed it and it turned out they didn't do anything but raked in money for being the only ones who care for their Chinese employees.
Suck a bag of eel dicks you slant eyed, misogynistic, xenophobic, fish fucking, dick migits.
Don't forget intellectual property thievery.
If you open a factory in China, you can be sure that in a year time your product will get copied.
>strong dollar
The pound is still worth more than the dollar, therefore stronger you fool.
It's just not as strong today.
Thinking about getting an Imp Guard army now actually
It's utterly irrelevant whether 1 unit of currency A is worth more or less than 1 unit of currency B.
If A is normally worth 100 of B but today it's only worth 80 then it's weak.
fat birds.
You know you want a fat bird. One with her own barrels of gravy for savoury fun
Such bitch, so faggot.
We make 80% of the worlds ballpoint pens or some shit, on top of that cakes and hoovers... so our economy is now fucked, cheers leavers
LOL. The United States is more cultured than the UK. Britain offers the world literally nothing. Not saying Britain is worthless, but they dont contribute anything remotely close to 'culture' - fine arts, food, unique ethinicity, etc.
They are quite literally soft, pasty white people that eat eggs. Thats it.
Should I get Tetras/Remoras/Special Crisis/Something else?
>Not just buying the Chinese knock off
Face it, the Chinese will be the ones ruling the world when the dust settles
>they don't contribute anything close to culture
I want a Wraithknight for my shelf but fuck GW for making them so expensive.