Just your reminder that forge world is in Pound Sterling, which is currently plummiting down to pre 1985 levels, so forge world products are going to be temporarily cheaper for until London stops burning
Forge world is cheap
GBP just dropped one cent literally right now as I refreshed. How far will it go? That would have cost me THREE WHOLE DOLLARS if I had made my purchase a few seconds ago!
Just wait until the German, Belgium, and American stock trading markets open, then it's really gonna go to shit, buy your warlord now, and they say GW never has discounts
Thanks user. As an ausfag I'm planning on taking full advantage of the boot being on the other foot-
>AUD also falling
Fuck. Nevermind.
USD master race, I hope it gets down to even
That would be fucking insane. FW would be cheaper than GW.
I might just start playing 30k if that happens, this would be a good time to start, might outclass betrayal at calth as a deal
I thought it already was in 'Straya.
While not wish for it to get down to even with the yen while you're at it?
I'm told I might go to the UK on business in a few weeks.
Might as well buy some stuff while I'm there since everything will be so cheap.
As an Aussie, the pound is, in relative terms, still more powerful to my dollar but in 2012 things were great. This was also when Maelstrom was in its prime with 10% of UK prices and free worldwide shipping (was this before the embargo, or was that 2011?). I recall working out that I was literally getting GW kits at half price through Maelstrom compared to buying local.
The pound might have rebounded by then.
Don't buy the fearmongering about the state of our economy.
How much time will it take for forgeworld to raise the prices to compensate? one week?
still, waiting for midnight and see what happens.
depends on how the pound fluctuates, but it doesn't look like anything major is going to go down for the time being
When this bump in the road is behind them, magically their money will have more worth. They've become more efficient sellers without even trying.
Eh, I'm kind of waiting to see if it falls any lower. Right now I think Betrayal is only around $10 cheaper than it was a few days ago, which isn't enough for an impulse buy.
The yen is doing well though, so nips are probably gonna clear out enough stock to force GW to melt down the last of their pewter SoB stock.
What are some good third party shops that I can take advantage of with this?
>tfw retarded hype as if this matters and the people investing for it's inevitable bounce back are driving down the price like fuck
>mfw forge world price is going to be cheaper than dollars in 3 days
It's just such a shame that FW became so affordable when 40k is sucking so bad right now. If this was a decade ago, I'd be chomping at the bit to buy the fuck out of FW. But with the state of the game being what it is, what the fuck is Forge World good for anymore?
>comparing months to hours
Horus Heresy
The Hobbit
Bloodbowl before the year is out
>Tactical Squad on the US website: $40
>Tactical Squad on the UK website: £25
>price after conversion: $34.20
That's not bad. $7 might not seem like much, but it adds up. Also, GW is a bunch of fags for not doing straight conversion prices.
I rest my case.
>wake up
>banks have finally updated exchange rate
>they even snapshotted an all time low compared to the real time rate
>go to FW to click checkout on my prepared cart
shipping to US costs more than shipping in UK