How would you arm and armor a giant for a large-scale medieval battle, with less than a day's notice and a shortage of raw materials?
How would you arm and armor a giant for a large-scale medieval battle...
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Sharpen small tree's into javelins, bigger ones into clubs.
weave the branches into armor, along with animal hides.
Here is a tree with some billhooks and shit wedged in one end.
Here is some armour made out of think planks.
If we can find a big enough plank of wood with some spring in it and enough rope and some fence posts you can have a crude bow and some arrows.
Oh fuck it just give him the biggest long bow we got and some one to keep handing him arrows, we now have a rapid fire long bow.
I would use them as living catapults. Ask them to dig a trench in front of them along with a nice dirt wall, and then assist them in making javelins by delimbing trees.
Armor wouldn't really be that much of a necessity, but cord armor would serve well enough.
Giants are far more valuable as a logistical resource than as front-line troops in mass battle.
They're too large and obvious a target and would attract artillery and missile fire, to say nothing of magic.
A lone giant may well overpower a small band of armed men though; if our giant is woodcrafty he might be more use as a fighter in a Guerilla campaign where his individual power might be more meaningful in small scale battles.
Tear down one of the many ships Stannis brought with him, Not like he'd need them in the near future.
What you don't do is send it unarmed into enemy ranks.
Fuck now I want to play/write a party that has a giant to fuck shit up for them
Take all the spare shields you have and hang them around his body to form some kind of protections, especially on his back and around his legs
For a weapon, just tell him to take a small tree and use it as a club.
If you can, stick stones or sharp blades on the end of the club to enhance it's lethality
Done in literally less than 3 hours
Keep him behindyour main lines, use him to avoud getting encircled and protect your flank and/or rear.
If the enemy general is in sight, use him as a spearhead to cut through the enemy ranks and bring down the guy
>If you can, stick stones or sharp blades on the end of the club to enhance it's lethality
Dunno about you bub, but if I get hit by a tree swung by a giant then it really won't make a lick of difference whether there are pointy bits stuck in it or not.
Take a boat, make it into a shield for it.
Take that fucking arrowspam.
I'd give him a tree to hold then set it on fire.
It's for graphic effect.
No sense in having a giant swing a tree around if he desn't look cool
Cart full of large rocks and a sling
Any massed infantry won't be massed for long
Sure, I can live with that, but swag isn't "enhancing its lethality".
Ok then how about this
Tie a big rock at the end of the tree to enhance it's battering ability in case the giant need to tear down a gate or a wooden wall
Just have the giant throw giant rocks at the wall from a safer distance.
Even then i guess he'd still be in archer's range if he need to throw rocks. At that point just make him destroy the gate with his weapon so as soon as the breach is made, he can jump in and start swinging to make room for your other soldiers
I would honestly use him as artilliary. Give him a cart of large stones and just have him keep hurling them at enemy formations. As for armor, just cover him in layers of animal hides thick enough to stop arrows. You could even have archers ride his shoulders like a war elephant.
A bag of rocks and tree club would have helped so much in that scene.
Seriously, just hang a bunch of heavy wood on the guy. It would have solved so many problems.
Have him pick a tree, chop down tree, cut to length, maybe put spiky bits on it, hand it to giant.
Left click giant, right click Ramsey.
Avoid any fuckers named David and make sure the guy is slingshot protected.
Fuck your lack of raw resources. This is how you arm a giant.
Any war party is going to need smiths for upkeep, just turn one of their anvils into a warhammer.
The end they use for molding curves would do wonders against a wooden gate. Though it might be difficult to mount on whatever makeshift shaft you have for it. Also, no smith is going to want to give up a precious anvil.
A giant flail? Fuck that noise.
Just give him a shovel.
That's right, a fucking giant shovel.
Should be able to slice up guys, or toss them aside with the flat end, you can use it to dig instant trenches, or start digging out castle walls from underneath.
Pick up some stones or gravel and fling them at the enemy like a hailstorm.
What I wonder is why none of these guys thought to get this dumbass a real weapon in all the time they lived and worked with giants.
Honestly, the wildlings could have just made that asshole a metal club and a little armor, and he''d have been fucking invincible. They obviously had the metalworking for it.
Only the (movie) Fenns had some copper and tin to make Bronze, everyone else had to use rusted swords handed down / killed from their fathers fathers or stolen from the watch .
Yes but, consider this:
Turn barding into leg armor. Make the rest of his armor out of thick planks of wood or something. Seriously, just make sure his legs are well armored and he could wade into any formation. Give him a tree as a club or something, he could break formations by his lonesome.
Wood, covered in wet leather and furs.
If that giant was given wooden scale mail that was about 3 inch thick and is covered in wet furs and or leather to fire proof it, the giant would have been safe.
As for weapon, a 6inch to 10inch thick wood pole that is 30 feet long would work perfectly as a quarter staff and human smasher.
In the hands of that untrained dumbass? He'd probably just wind up killing himself with it. I'd rather give him a club and a crash course in club technique.
He could use a club, and is already devastatingly effective with trees that no-one even tried to balance. Just getting his full force in at a good speed would turn anything he touched into paste.
>ptsd kicks in as I find myself back in Anor Londo
If I had less than an hour, I would have just had him uproot a tree and use it as a club.
How many giants would it take to take down an adult dragon?
Considering the giants are all armed for the task and they manage to get the jump on the dragon while it's on land
by adult i mean "melt down harrenhal's walls" adult
Your question sorta defeats itself. If I giant is armed to take down a dragon, then you just need one. If he cant take down a dragon, then he wasnt well enough armed for it.
So, Lorewise, hand thrown javelins can hurt a dragon, as we seem in meeren's coloseum. That means the Longbow as strong as a ballista, with valyrian steel tipped arrows, should be enough to at least rip the beast out of the sky. Dragon's aren't invulnerable, they just very tough. And they aren't necessarily imune to wildfire. I'd say a giant with a giant sized greatsword and a giant sized warbow, both valyrian steel, could take down a dragon...If he could avoid the firebreath, dodging it or resisting it somehow.
So, Balerion?
Well, if they were all armed with equivalent size longbows then they might be able to knock him out of the sky at least. Shred up his wings.
Balerion is pretty pathetic for a dragon though. Not Sapient and died of old age or poisoned by the Maesters.
If Skyrim is any indication, a small group pissed off because the dragon just flamed their mammoths should be enough.
i the show i feel like they atleast could have made some wooden stuff for him even tho they are low on resources atleast some wooden stuff ffs
Let me straighten the question a bit more.
Taking in consideration book giants here, who don't seem to be able to use anything more than primitive clubs
No valyrian steel, but the giants have access to their giant stone maul, spiked chains and other weighted trappings they could use to either shred the dragon wings or pin it on the ground.
No bows or ranged weapons since in the books it's not stated if they can use them. Maybe some big rocks they can throw around
>quads bringing the quality
to start thinking what wun wun could have become if john won over the north and made him a lord
what next post gonna be dubs 77
Strip a wagon for some planks or just make some rough ones from a small tree, give him another small tree, or two to bash people with, the end.
Also make the guy a fucking cap with ear flaps or something.
I mean honestly. Even if armour is not paper like in the show (lets stab someone clean through the helmet with my sword!) it's still a compromise between letting you move fast without getting tired, and how much protection you need against sensible weapons that people use (and that are light enough to actually fight a long fight with.)
This means that when you suddenly introduce someone who's just several times stronger than a normal person, everything changes.
Wun Wun with a simple club sized for him is going to absolutely paste a kingsguard in the nicest westerosi armour, and has way more reach, with a weapon with too much mass and force behind it to be blocked by a human.
It's just a shame they didn't even give him a fucking branch to wave around or a shield with 2 eye slits to use as a crude jason mask.
But then they could just burn him alive
Do you know hard it is to set fire to shit like that?
Should a giantess be armed and armored differently from a male giant?
I really don't know what you'd do about armor. Maybe just fashion a harness to strap a shield onto his chest and back, give some protection from arrows.
For a weapon, all he needs is a big fucking club. He has plenty of lethality, but a good club enhances his reach, which he'll want against pike formations. Big sweeping blows with a tree-club could take out several foes at a time.
>enhances his reach, which he'll want against pike formations
Could always make him a spear too. No-one could even get close. And if they do? BAM, slammed with a club.
We had a lady giant in a game to fight with, we armored her legs very heavily but from the waist up not as much since she only needed protection from arrows above, most combatants were attacking what they could reach so not above her waist (and not even above her knees/thighs really).
Weapon wise, gave her a big "shield" which was really just like a huge wooden board to her, that she could slam down and kill a bunch of guys in one go.
You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.
They should not be used in battle.
Their purpose in this world is obviously giving the best hugs ever.
Did you ever fug?
Tender, loving hugs from (pretty) giantesses is something I could live with.
I'm afraid I'd end up like the kittens my little brother loved though.
Someone tried.
Please tell me he wasn't called Lenny.
How did it go?
Mechanically it wasn't feasible, she was too big for the guy to get any traction, so to speak. I mean they were able to have a healthy physical relationship, but they weren't able to normally fug. They did manage to have a kid eventually though, by unorthodox means.
>What I wonder is why none of these guys thought to get this dumbass a real weapon in all the time they lived and worked with giants.
You don't want them to get too powerful, lest they decide they don't want to listen to you anymore.
Dunno, if I saw a Giantess in battle I'd probably stand still and stare... and get the urge for snu snu
Your secret is safe, Lenny.
Thanks George.
Can you tell me about the rabbits George. One last time.
Eh, what's he gonna do? Defect to the fucking Boltons?
Better for picking stuff up and building large scale war machines that multiply the power of ordinary men.
The idea would be for him to produce the items that would give a normal human the ability to down him 1v1.
Not him, but siberians used wooden armor and bone lamellar.
Just imagine a giant like him armored in a full set of lamellar made from carved mammoth molars.
I bring along one of the Wall's trebuchets and teach him to use it.
Shortage? He has a lot of projectiles just behind him.
Nothing encourages troops as much as the old "fight-well-or-Wum-Wum-throws-you" speech.
>Tear down one of the many ships Stannis brought with him
Give him one of these.
I see you've been visiting /tv/ recently
The same way epoel tried to add armor to tanks in WWII (wasn't really efficent but people kept doing it anyway)
Add wood logs/planks on the mist vulnerable areas. You could also dress him n shields but Jon army had a lack of shields...
Arrows would be his worst enemies as he is a big easy to hit target.
For the weapon anything with a reach longer then a spear would do. A kinetic weapon is probably better. So just give him a log.
A giant fake weapon that never saw wide use in real combat. Sounds like a great idea.
Feels, man.
Hussites used them, it wasn't really a wide use because there weren't many of them to begin with, but they won most of the times anyway.
flails seem like perfect weapons for riding down fleeing men. bash in their skull and have all the energy put into the ball and chain swinging around instead of it being transferred into your arm
i agree with your post though and always think its funny how little we actually know about old arms and armor. people cant even fucking agree if flails really excited in any real capacity, much less how they were actually used
Does anyone else wish they were rich enough to hire some 7ft Scandinavian giants, beefed up and built to eat boulders, attacking a large army of midgets and dwarfs?
Those flails look a wee bit different than huge, metal, spikey balls on long chains.
Every day user, every day
Anchor on a chain just swinging it around lazily and scything through row after row of dudes, broken bodies and crumpled armour and a path of ruination.
This plus some rudimentary armour and its game over unless they brought some siege weapons with them.
guys, calm down, you can't just start war with Turkey like that
You use living people of course.
And I have pics of what they use for shields and weapons.
Give the giant a long pike. Use it to poke enemy officers.
I want to write a lwo fantasy setting with battles and giants in them.
How would they use them, what roles.
Need a good explanation of why their number is low enough to not make a indipendent kingdom but not extint.
How wouuld they be trated by the populance?
so like the ice giant from witcher 3?
Too slow,a club would be miles better.
Bow would be fun too,since he could just snipe Ramsey from the Wall,but he propably wasn't a good archer
For armour they could use literally everything:carts,furs,gates,chains,sacks of flour and sand etc
>ahegao and V sign
I bet she came when the first arrow penetrated her skull.
Close, but you have to disguise him as a windmill
I knew it! All the time, I was right!
You mean like this?
also NSFW
I don't get it, was she turned to stone? If they have the power to turn people to stone why are they charging at archers using a 200 pound statue. They could just kidnap people and make a killing on the art market.
in the 4th season he can shoot an arrow a top of a 700 foot wall. So he got a supeiror fire power then a dragon.
Drogon was harmed by man thrown spears in arena.
It only depends on how good of an archer the giant is.
if no ranged dragon just plays it smart and use fire oustide of their attack range.
Do we assume both dragon and Giants ar ehuman intellignce level?
I have to agree this is a BAD idea. Your giant is invulnerbale on th efield and you give him a weapon which injures him if he fuck up?
Oh boy, you don't want to know the stuff I saved in my hard drive.
Its not the fucked up factor of it man, its the logic. I mean, orc screws elf with giant dildo, makes sense. Orc turns elf into statue, makes sense. Orc uses elf as a shield in battle, makes sense.
Orc screwing elf statue while using it as a shield just peaks my curiosity for the bizarre while giving me a headache trying to understand it.
Make them nobility. A single giant is a force to be reckoned with so damn straight that kings are gonna give them a title.
Especially given the no doubt massive appetites of a giant.
Basically make them the equivalent of a Knight. They rule over and protect enough land to support themselves as well as the people there. In exchange they offer the protection and might of a Giant. Not many people or bandits are gonna wanna take on a giant.
Giants will often hold a giants meet because giants appetites are too massive to support their own kingdom but at the same time giants will still wish to socialize with each other off and on.
Be aware those kinds of giants are gonna be the real huge kind but they will still tower over humans.
This excuse works well for lower fantasy. High fantasy its too tough to not have giant kingdoms without bullshit reasons.
Bah meant NOT going to be the real huge kind.
just give him a big ass crossbow
find a bunch of human fist sized rocks. he could throw them farther than a bow could an arrow and they would take out a fucking horse. a club would be his best weapon. a small tree would work there. also making board armor would help with his protection.