Wonderful Days Cycle 01 [General]


Welcome students to our opening debut to the 2116 season of Junior High Kriegspiel. We make preparations for the first exhibition skirmish between

Ugly Dragon vs Lupe and Company...

You may catch up on the details here
Mission is set for 12pm est or later. Report in with your intended loadout, Prior to mission a final draft of the deployment sheet will be submitted to finalize details of this battle.

Other teams during this cycle my plan on activities during this state of emergency of which, there are many options to lend your aide to the community.

But first we'll be making a few announcements to this year's regulations.

Other urls found in this thread:



=Gun Show Patch=
Civilian and millitary tech augments may as of this cycle may access the new hardware patch for the Integration subsystem. Last year active nanomachines were able to possess the uncanny ability to self heal damaged organs and tissue using Balkalyte made materials most notable used in millitary and infastructure. Now the integration system allows for a self defense patch that allows one to integrate a weapons system in each augmented arm. [2 total]

Integrate Rules: You may break down and integrate a weapon in one of two ways.
- Base Integration. Materials are broken down and used to repair damaged tissue and parts. This is a temporary measure that allows the user to maintain combat readiness before resorting to evac and recovery.

- Weapons Integration. A Gun may fuse with as many arm slots needed to wield it, range ammo, stats and kit skills will be integrated with it. The Arm in question will be converted to a Free Hand and as long as it is a free hand it can effectively be used as the weapon it has integrated as well. When the Integrated arm is equipped with another weapon, that weapon may benefit from the kit skills of the integrated weapon if they so choose.

Reloading- Reloading rules remain the same for an integrated weapon; with the opposing hand being free and ammo available to load it with.

Aikimbo weapon usage. When two weapons are wielded at the same time they may fire simultaneously at different targets but the user suffers halved acc bonuses + the weapon's base hit rating.

Weapons with Kit Skills.
Weapons have kit skills and maybe unlocked this discovery can be expanded upon later in your lesson plans.

That is all, Next we will introduce you to our hopeful comrade in arms and rivals both !

Hiya Command, announcements are nice! Are you going to tell us about our shiny allies? I've been looking forward to meeting them!

Uh, I guess I'm the first Lupe Officer present so here's my paperwork as usual. Oi! Rabbits, what gear and guns are you bringing? Fill out th paperwork nice! And use a pencil! Remember to bring the nice, less painful bullets! Also I believe those nice knights in shining armor wanted to give us a hand? Sound off if you're out there and prepared to fight for a good cause!

Oh, and if any friendly Demo-student wants to loan me two of their bomber-ammo bombs I've got a deviously terrifying plot for that.

Are we fighting somewhere special today? Is it the weather nice? How's Vildebrand doing I mean fightnig dragon rarr. Yes.

[Liren Ink]
[Mutant Gunner-Holon]
Health [7/7] Act [3/3] Strength [2] Competence[15] Int [10] Movement [6]
Xp [45] ZP [0]
UF-M3, 4D-4R, [10/10] x5
Single [40]x1, Burst [20]x3, FA[10]xAmmo

Holographic On-Site
VM 100/100
Invade / Bridge / Freeze / ACT
=Inv [1 / 2]=
UF-M2, 4D-4R [6/6]x24
Crack [25]x4
(9,5) [Accelerated Homeostasis] - 1 hp for 1 move, 3 hp for 1 act [tap]
lvl 2 [Accelerated Homeostasis] - 1 hp for +1 trigger pull on Semi-Auto fire
[G] Don’t Blink, Ghost.ai
[VR] Digital 1

[UnE] Combat High

"I do hope that the rest of this team shows up on time. I agreed to fight on their behalf as I was asked for by name, but I will be disappointed if it was all just to stand me up."

"...As for who is in command, I know not. I am merely a provisional member of Dragon for the duration of this match; I know not if they wish to place the burden of leadership on one not committed to their team."

Burt 'Iron Curtain' Jackson
=Augment= [20xp]
HP:19/19 MOV:6 ACT:2 STR:6 ACC:20 INT:10

Hand 1: Sword of Dignity (ATK 4, RNG 1-2)
- Slash: [40%]
- Stab: [30%] (+1 RNG)
Hand 2: Greatshield of Glory (ATK 3, DEF 6)
- Full Block: (+30 Cover, 1/2 MOV)
- Smash: [40%] (FRN Arc)
Armor: Trappings of Valor (+4 HP, 1 INV)

Inventory: [50zp]

Skills: [A]Integrate, [V]Charge, [V]Shield Bash

[ST] Pre-Game Lifting

Erica yawned as she made her way to the meeting ground. "I assume someone from Dragon will take command, as we were the challenged team. So that would be myself or Rei."

Prodigy Gunner
HP: 7, Str: 4, Act: 2
Aim: 32, Int: 15, Mov: 5

UF-M2 Bruiser
Rng 4r, Dmg 4x4, Ammo 6/6, Reload 24
Shot [62x4]

Abilities: Fast Learner, Combat High, Hide and Seek,
Training: Shotgun I
5 exp
20 zp

Unequiped Abilities: Tight Squeeze

I'm not late to the fun this time!

[Mutant Demo]
HP: 7/7 MOV: 4 ACT: 3 STR: 2 COMP: 15 INT: 10

"Bomber" RNG: 4, ARC/BNC AMM: 2R DMG:4, Blast +4 AoE, Fire +2/turn
"Magnet Charge" x3 RNG: 2 DMG: 8 AoE: 4 (3+1)

Grenades (Bomber Ammo) x16

[D] [Structural Awareness] Tap to apply Crushing damage to friendly explosives
[D] [Nitro] +1 AoE for explosions
[M] [Pyrosol] Burn 1HP to generate +1Dmg and +2RNG of Fire from your person. You may burn 2hp to create +1Aoe instead.

I'll be around for the fight.

Stiles groaned a tired reply. "That'd be me this time around."

"You're entire team is late...What were you guys doings? Staying outs all night partying again?

[Stiles Rei]
[Mutant Recon]
HP: 6/6, MOV: 5 ACT: 3 Str: 2 COMP: 15 INT: 10

-Body: Scout Uniform (+1HP, +1Mov, +2Items)
-R.Hand: UF-M4 "Preventer" (Rng: 6R, Dmg6, Ammo 2r) Prone Shot [65]x1, Move or Shoot Only; Drift Shot [30]x1

-Rift Cutter x2 (Rng 1-8 (Throw), Dmg 8) Sword Arm [70]x1, 1hnd; Twin Stabs [55]x2, DualWield; Knife Throw [60]x1, Lose Knife
-Binoculars: (Can Spot)

Equiped Skills:
[R]: [Patience]
[M]: [Telepathy] [Telespotting] [Access codes]
[SST]: [Hide and Seek]
[Trn]: [Rifle 1]

"Uh, I'm early."

"Sure, I can hook you up."
>give two [Bomber ammo] to Liren
"Don't blow yourself up with those, alright ?"

=Prodigy Demolitions=
HP 7/7 | ACT 2 | Acc 30 | Mv 3 | Str 4 | Int 15

Demolitions Uniform (+2HP, +2 items)
Bomber (Ammo 2/2, 4dmg, Aoe 4 Bounce, Arc, Lob ([30]×1), Blast ([35]×Aoe), Fire ([--]×Aoe)) Ammo ×14
Magnet Charges ×3 (Dmg 8, Aoe 3, Range Str (4), Throw ([20]×1), Detonate ([50int]×Aoe)

[Meta] Fast Learner
[Class] Nitro, Rubber Bone

I'm here, I heard we have a match today. Why is team dragon here, do they have a match too?

=Android Recon=
Health 11/11 | Act 4 | Strength 1 | Accuracy 30 | Intel 5 | Movement 5

UF-M3 RNG 4 | DMG 4 | Ammo 10x5
Single [70]x1 | Burst [50]x3 | Auto [40]xA
Rift Cutters RNG 1/3 | DMG 5
SwordArm [70]x1 | TwinStab [55]x2 | KnifeThrow [30]x1

=Inventory= Zp:20 | Xp:0

Machine Spirits
[R]Mobility Gear
[R]Proper Lead