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Interested in buying the Swordmaster class from Dreadfox Games. Anyone estimate what tier it falls into?
Eris > Megumin > Lalatina >>>>> Aqua
Is it in the Trove?
Under what circumstances does mythic actually standout from normal leveling? Tiers 3-4?
Just a warning: if they have any decent stats, they become practically invincible in melee combat. I have a Swordmaster in my party right now. He's level 7 with an AC of 34, and that's not taking into account his whirling defense moves. There is literally nothing that can hit him without rolling a natural 20, and he currently has a +20 to hit. As long as your GM is okay with that, well, I hope he's experienced.
Do you have the book? Can you upload it, please?
The player bought it, and I don't know if its been scrubbed/how to scrub it.
Toss it up to QANON at their email. Someone can probably post the contact info.
Oh that note, I do have several 3PP items that aren't in the trove, but aren't scrubbed. I'd be willing to turn them over, but only if someone expunged my identifying info from them.
Target him with save or dies.
There's a dedicated cleaner. What're the books?
Some monsters from LPJ, a book on Epic enemies bestiary, the Swordmaster class, maybe a few others. I'd have to dig through it.
Good shit. Wait until QANON shows up, and ask for the contact info. You ought to be able to send it in.
Speaking of which, I'm one of those guys with way too much money and no dependents, so if this works out, if you guys have a wishlist of 3PP content that's not in the trove, I'd be willing to look into buying some of them.
What's the ritual for summoning QANON anyway? Create a circle of warez and sylph blood, then cast Black Hentacles?
Why would you put up literal shit from LPJ here?
Because I have it, and someone might want it.
Better to distribute it for free rather than risk somebody else accidentally paying for it, no?
You know that anyone with QA trove access (like me) can just download whatever they want and take screencaps of it, right?
Screencaps are shit. They aren't searchable or bookmarked.
I'm pretty sure is discussing the summoning of Our Lady of Sylphu for the purposes of submitting documents to be cleaned that aren't currently in the trove.
How does the Swordmaster compare with Path of War?
QA trove accessers aren't allowed to share PDFs until they've been fully cleaned.
Probably like shit.
Tier 1. All you need is Wild Arcana, and mythic spells and feats are enormously powerful. As is stuff like "pick a wildshape form, you can do it forever."
This. What's the matter,
Don't want Giant Space Hamsters in the trove?
Is there a list that compares non-core D&D3e classes (e.g. warlock, duskblade) to their nearest Paizo/PF equivalents? I'm trying to compile a list myself.
Send it to [email protected]
It's not that hard.
Magus is better than duskblade, warlock > kineticist
Please tell me that's parody.
It's obviously a joke based off of giant space hamsters and miniature giant space hamsters.
I mean ALL 3e classes. There's like 30 of them. What did Paizo convert unofficially?
What is a good Scarlet Throne build for Warlords? What disciplines sync up well with it?
If you could get all of these with the exceptions of Faerie Mysteries, Faerie Passions, and Treasury of the Kingdom that'd be great.
There's not too much in Paizo's domain that have parallels to 3e classes outside of core.
Magus is akin to a duskblade.
Kineticist is a crappy warlock.
Mesmerist is a bland beguiler.
You could make very vague arguments to connect Favored Soul to Oracle and Knight to Cavalier, but there's not a big connection other than vague concepts.
Go Iron Tortoise and Silver Crane!
It is. The other monsters in the book are more serious.
Can you do a scarlet throne user who uses a buckler or shield and isn't a zweisent?
Oh, no, apparently not. That restriction was placed in a different part than where I was looking.
You can use a buckler, just not any physical shields larger than that, and no animated shields.
The irony is that Paladin absolutely loved getting ordered around and objectified.
This is a bare-faced lie.
You can carry a shield using Scarlet Throne Style. You can even *use* the shield in Scarlet Throne Style. What you cannot do in Scarlet Throne Style is wield the shield like an offensive weapon.
Ok, look interesting enough. Anyone else have requests?
I mean, unless I have the wrong version
>yfw you thought succubi upgraded the girl's body to max out your sexy dreams, and you're not even dreaming yet.
Crusader girl is best body.
>want to use Unquiet Grave
>at least half the enemies we fight are always undead
What's the best "get out of jail free" 1st level spell that I could buy as a potion?
Is it Expeditious Retreat?
I'm looking for something that I can chug and just fuck off with.
No no, you're right.
I just have some revisions to do.
Sanctuary's useful too. Enemies have to succeed at a will save before they can target you.
That'd be, what, dc 11?
Can you cast spell with somatic component while having weapon on main hand and light shield on the off-hand?
I thought you could do something like..
free action to put sword on off-hand, and use the now-free main hand to cast. But I can't find an actual rule to support my claim.
Still good at low levels. I mean, once you're dealing with CR6 and up encounters regularly, not so much.
And only work for 1 round
What if I just got the River Kings Campaign Compendium. Does that cover everything you were looking for?
Depends on what you're trying to do, really. At a glance, Scarlet Throne seems to be pretty good on both the attack and defense fronts, and precludes using anything in your offhand - so Iron Tortoise and Thrashing Dragon are out. You could add Golden Lion for enabling your party members, Silver Crane for tankiness, or Solar Wind if you want to do ranged shenanigans. I suppose you could take Iron Tortoise if you wore a buckler and took the buckler bash feat, though.
Oh, and I forgot. Since you can use ST with a two-handed weapon, Primal Fury might be good for a secondary if you want to eat charge attacks and shit damage.
Pretty much, yeah.
> No lady knight in the campaign for me to cast this spell on.
Iirc the DSP guys mentioned somewhere in the development of PoW:E that the restrictions on ST and BB weapons were out.
Shit, there's a lot of stuff from them that isn't up.
>Range: Close
>Target: Creature touched
Am I going full retard having trouble figuring this out or, or did they?
Publishing a novel, user.
Maybe that never went through, I just searched through the updated doc and didn't find anything talking about that for Scarlet Throne
>be in a game that's going to be a light-ERP game due to having 2 porn artists among the players
>half of the party is female
>at least two members are playing sluts - one is an Id-driven chaotic asshole, the other is a literal prostitute
>not a single caster among us
Feels bad man.
But where can we read it
I think it's meant to be a ranged touch attack within close range.
That, or Paizo is just retarded as always.
My money is on the second one.
>2 porn artists among the players
You know what that means, user? Art's going to be made of your exploits, you lucky bastard.
What are you playing?
Yeah, I figured. I'm ok with this.
I'm playing a Human Female Warder who worships Arshea.
The rest of the party is as follows:
Human Female Warlord Pirate Captain
Human Female Warlord (Steelfist Commando) punchyfist
Male Beastbrood Tiefling Warlord (Desperado) - literal Revolver Ocelot
Male Elan Vitalist based on this guy:
I'm pretty sure you can't, because you would need to hold your sword in your shield hand which is something you presumably can't do while holding the shield as well. If you're using a two-handed weapon, you can hold onto it with one hand and still use your other hand for somatic components, though.
Right now the story is still available (piecemeal, admittedly) on our website. I'll post the link(s) when the electronic version publishes; print'll follow.
>The prostitute is a Steelfist Commando
Oh boy.
No, the prostitute is the Warder.
>Male Beastbrood Tiefling Warlord (Desperado) - literal Revolver Ocelot
That's so weird, my Reign of Winter group had the exact same thing with what's most likely the same inspiration.
Either way, you're lucky to get into a game like that. How do you find those sorts of campaigns, anyway?
>literal Revolver Ocelot
Wow, that sounds pretty good
does he give barbs or knot?
>Literal Revolver Ocelot
>Ocelots are proud creatures, they prefer to hunt alone
Take a guess.
Be friends with nerds who draw porn for a living and a DM who's a closeted pervert, everything else will fall into place.
So I took some time to work on a spreadsheet.
Occult Adventures is basically the poor man's psionics handbook, magic of incarnum and tome of magic with beguiler and warlock on the side.
3PP is much better. Ultimate Psionics is self-explanatory, Path of War is nuTome of Battle, Akashic Mysteries is nuIncarnum. Spheres of Power, Strange Magic and Pact Magic cover Tome of Magic. Some niche classes are covered by New Paths Compendium. For the ever-popular warlock, there's The Invoker and Strange Brew: The Warlock.
Lucky. Our group's pretty much all monstrous combat freaks and artillery guns.
Is there a non-shit Factotum homebrew for PF?
There's just updating the 3.5 factotum
You don't like monstrous combat freaks?
More like 200+ DPR was standard by the time we were 8 or 9th.
I've never seen the Invoker and Strange Brew: Warlock, are these by chance in the trove? If not who publishes them.
>DM is the most unreliable cog in the machine
>"Don't feel like playing tonight lol" after everybody has already set aside their evening and are being given only a few hours notice tops
>DM is the reason game always starts late
>DM goes and does stuff mid-game like make food despite having hours free beforehand
It's not the only group I'm in, thankfully.
Try running your own game and show the DM how it's done. It's actually kind of fulfilling, I find. All those character concepts I never get to play have a chance to see the light of day before being quickly snuffed out by the players ;-;
I've always wanted to play a copycat character in PF, ever since I played Rubick in DotA2.
A guy who temporarily gains the ability to cast someone's last-used spell or ability, whether it's a fireball, an ultimate sword technique, a unique transformation, whatever.
God damn, I really loved seeing this scrawny, twitchy motherfucker suddenly bust into anime shit with Omnislash, or start riding his staff like a witch's broom with Firefly. And the way the voice actor delivered the stolen spell names, och.
Aside from a few Fool's Errand and Shattered Mirror maneuvers, however, I haven't seen the ability to do this kind of thing.
There's that one thing, Spell Turning or whatever, where you bounce a spell off yourself and back at them, but that's not what I'm looking for. The thing I liked the most about Rubick was that you'd sometimes be BETTER at using some spells/abilities than their source, because the guy you spellstole doesn't have caster items. The fact you could use the ability in any way you wanted and not just reflect it back was also a huge deal for me.
So: is it possible to be a proper copy-cat character in PF? Is there a dedicated 3pp/homebrew class for it?
Invoker is by Little Red Goblin Games. Similar to 3.5 warlock but pacts are varied like with other caster class features.
Strange Brew is by Misfit Studios. It's a spontaneous counterpart of the witch class, similar to the 3.x Witch's Handbook. (Btw spontaneous counterpart of the Druid would be the Shaman from New Paths Compendium by Kobold Press.)
I don't suppose you have an example of some of their work, do you?
Shitty playgroup time? I don't know if I can one-up you but I can try.
>DM's wife is the least reliable cog in the machine
>Wife's in the party but very clearly does not want to be playing at all
>Any time her rogue gets hit she starts shouting and getting upset at how much damage we're taking at level 10
>Starts screaming and bitching at the biggest inconvinience
>She's trying to sit back and play an archer on an unarchetyped rogue because it means she can stare at her phone and pay as little attention as possible
>DM will do nothing about it because it's his wife
>It's the only group I'm in
That sounds about right
Quick, what can a absolute faggot who is wet behind the ears and doesn't know what the fuck he's doing at all prepare for a Pathfinder session he's supposed to be running in one weeks time?
It's just two players and done online, but I'm still sweating bullets over it.
Download an AP and rip a section of the adventure to use as a standalone. Or just download a module.
The Arcanist's Greater Exploits Redirect Spell and Spell Thief might be closer to the mark. It's not a perfect Rubick, and I don't know of any class that would be, but both those exploits and the Arcanist's greater theme of doing things both fast and flexibly could easily be themed to fit with a Rubick like character.