How would you play a living creature without being edgy?
How would you play a living creature without being edgy?
How would you play a sword without being edgy?
A dull sword?
I don't understand this board. Every single thread you make is nothing but bait.
An angry old man that knows more about swordfighting than your wielders.
start by not being a weeaboo. then dont do shit that is edgy. then done
By playing an actual living creature and not a list of edgy stereotypes and tropes.
A dull sword can be used as a metal club or for training the young bloods. :)
Play moeshit?
It's easy. You just picture yourself in a boat on a river.
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies.
This is why I only play little girls.
Play someone with low int. That way you're pretty dull
Why are there so many shitpost memes nowadays?
Heh heh heh.
Someone is angry about "edgy" losing its meaning.
>have a female MU
>breed Chrom with Maribelle or Olivia
>breed MU with Chrom's son
>breed Morgan with Lucina
>tfw you've made Chrom's grandson fuck his own aunt
There is no such thing as 'edge'. Never was, never will be.
Try not to shoehorn "breathing" and "metabolizing" into everything, it's OK if your group doesn't mind but don't shove it in people's faces.
what do you mean by this? "breathing" and "metabolizing"?
Okay you've made three of these now, it's time to stop.
kill youreself
Make them soft and cuddly. But not bears, because they're try hard edgelords.
Definitely more pointy than edgy
Not enough reporting baitthreads to mods.
>Why are there so many shitpost memes nowadays?
People are more interested in replying in bait threads to let the OP know that they've recognized bait than in making quality threads about topics that they enjoy.