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/CYOA General/ More Waifus Editions
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Mystery Box Ahoy
>Agility 3
The justice of the Lord is swift.
>Endurance 3
The justice of the Lord knows no rest.
>Durability 3
The Lord is my shield, He protects.
>Reflexes 3(Drawbacks)
The justice of the Lord is ever vigilant.
>Natural Toxin(Acid) 3
The justice of the Lord shall burn away the sins of man.
>Immunity 3
In the presence of the Lord mortals are left breathless.
>Stylish 1
The Lord is one stylish mofo.
>Self Healing 3
The purity of the Lord heals all wounds.
>Focus 3(Magical +1 point)
The Lord steels my resolve, none may sway me from His path.
>Flight 1
Justice is not bound by something as paltry as gravity.
>Directed Energy Attack 3(Drawbacks)
My Immortal soul burns with the purity of the Lord.
>Self Improvement 2(Cult)
Through prayer the Lord grants me his favor
>Passion 3
I fight for the Lord and my righteousness is rewarded.
>Memory Loss
>Yuito Kataoka
A holy man, learned in the ways of the enemy and the ways of the Lord
The Holy Ghost
>The Lord spoke to me.
>He spoke of the evil wrought by the hubris of a woman.
>To me He offered a great boon, to become His justice and cleanse the world of her vile machinations.
>Who am I to deny my Lord?
>I have become more than a mere man
>I become Ophanim, symbol of justice and inducted into His inner circle within the Vatican.
There will be no mercy, only justice.
Deus Vult.
A swing and a miss.
Alright kids, here's the news. Traveller is going to get the full 1.15 either tonight or tommorow, and after I'm going to be posting the last two sets of builds before this point, after those two sets are put up I'm going to be finishing up the image version and updating it in full with all the bells and whistles we added in the last update, along bug checks and anything else that might be pointed out.
After this, we're going to be having a bit of a contest, I'm going to be taking on 14 more builds for a final page. If you've got some idea for a character but don't want to make a build then even just throw it out there. I'm all ears.
Best of luck to you folks, going to start working.
Last part.
Because pretty pictures, duh. Also .
Mutual masturbation is actually a really good time, honestly. Though you will be expected to do the lion's share of oral and let me pound that swollen pussy before you get that anal you love so much.
Sammy, every time. If you can't wait a year, you're an enormous faggot. And if you won't fuck an available 16 year old who is literally begging for it, you're an even bigger faggot.
What cyoa idea is so stupid it's actually genius?
I'm dumb and lazy but eager to please, like a fat 50s housewife.
Watch your weight and work out consistently and I might adopt you.
Reminder that Animal Control + Manton Effect Bypass is the optimal main power.
If you take Dead Shard, you don't even need to take any drawbacks for it.
And you all thought I was dead.
Just finished page one of planet-hopping-alien-power-gaining-space-princess-waifu-ventures CYOA.
So against my better judgement, here are two early game planets. Just trying to build up hype for myself and others without posting the full page like last time.
Also I do want to hear some ideas for planets that you anons might want in here. If anyone has bizarre or fun ideas go ahead and describe them, I've got everything from literal underground racers to a radical Islam inspired blood cult so no ideas are too out there.
Who is the dumb girl?
Convincing anons that attractive 10/10 fantasy women want nothing more than to love and marry pathetic average at best failures like them and that this ridiculous delusion is somehow worthy of 6,000,000 different cyoas.
That wouldn't be very 50s of her, let's be real. Extreme dieting is fine, as is feminine alcoholism, but exercise is limited to dancing, shopping, and fucking.
Exactly. Most of their exercise came from fucking the mexican lawn/poolboy when they started getting bored after lunch.
>survival of the fittest builds
Welp. Better actually make good content then.
>after lunch
It has to be.
>Mutual masturbation
sounds weird
Comfy ocean planet populated by cute kemonomimi girls.
It's fun as hell as long as you're both into it. Plus when she moves to take you in her mouth then it turns into hard dominating sex it's amazing. If foreplay's not your thing or seems like more trouble than it's worth though you might want to skip it I guess.
Carnival of the Goat, except on planetary scale.
Living planet, that you can waifu.
>Traveller is going to get the full 1.15 either
>finishing up the image version
I have to go change my pants.
What about a kind of iving planet full of dizarre lovecraftian monsters?
Or an artificial water planet with a machine in the center keeping the planet from dispersing?
Half destroyed post apocaliptic planet full of terrible weapons and were the strongest rule over the weak?
A gaseus planet were the life evolved living in the little meteors that make a belt aroud it with creatures better adapted to the life in space?
Artificial planet that at it's center has a micro black hole or other weird dangerous power source that is runing low and puting at risk the life of billions of aliens from diferent planets but just a few know about it?
What about a planet traped in the orbit of a few stars but in some weird act of nature the suns don't collide with one another and the planet is completelli stil, and been surrounded by suns is allways day every were?
What about a sun that was used to build a "Utopian" civilation free of the energetic dilema by consuming other stars killing billions in the proses?
A planet transformed in a giant space ship thaking the resources of other planets to sustain the population?
well that are some ideas, hope it helps :D
Peaceful planet filled with extremely lewd elves who crave orc cock, and friendly orcs who couldn't care less about such things.
Good to see you have such great taste, user.
it just sounds like a waste of time almost? You're eating dry bread while looking at a freshly cooked steak.
So, why are you eating bread?
Porno CYOA. Whether a humorous blend of 80s mustaches and improbable circumstances or a faptastic continuation of a preexisting setting, it could be great if done right.
I have an example for the latter case, but it's pretty fucking weird as hot as it may be.
Planet America
Why would I want to visit either of these planets?
It sounds like foreplay isn't your thing.
>flaws: Endbringer target, S9 Recruit, Wanted: E88, Merchants, ABB
Scion shard, The candle
30 Points total
>Power: Genetics, Nanomachines , Son, Potion making
Ace: (Personal forcefield, Supernatural Bullets)
I will combine genetics and nanotechnology to offer upgrades for any hero/villain who is willing to pay for my services, perhaps I will even join Coil and backstab him later.
And I will have a nice secretary to keep me safe most of the time.
Of course some people will receive defect upgrades, programmed to fail and kill the user at the right time, all for the good of the world of course.
Ruled by oligarchy, mandatory gun ownership, everyone has pet bald eagles.
One continent is being taken over by a xenophobic god-king, another has a small chunk decide to break itself off and paddle out into the ocean, and a third is a festering garbage heap with a sports arena being built on top of it.
And then there's Australia, we do not speak of it.
Don't forget the supreme court endorsed gay loving.
Its bedrock is shaped like an animal skull for a reason, and that reason is not erosion.
This. It's not like eating a dry crusty break while in front of a steak, it's pinning it under your fork and pressing on it with your knife so you can see the give and grain and how finely it's cooked. And when the glistening juices on it are running freely and your own mouth is salivating? By all means, eat it.
I get this strange feeling like the largest, or most vocal, userbase of cyoag can't think of anything but getting their dick wet. It's like you're seconds away from jacking off at all times.
I really don't understand this. It's probably me that's weird I get that. I can get imagining awesome powers, or living in a fantasy world, but having to imagine a girlfriend is just too much for me.
I have something similar to this.
But this idea, , and , pose a question: would you guys like me to describe the inhabitants of each planet? I originally wanted the player to decide how they looked but now I'm not so certain.
Already have that actually.
This is very helpful, thanks!
I'll uh. Try?
You probably don't. They're all optional.
I specifically didn't post the lewd planets to avoid this. I failed.
I honestly don't give a shit about waifu options because that feels unnatural as fuck, but choosing a setting that happens to contain some of my fetishes is something I do like.
Why don't you post a cyoa you consider toptier to illustrate your point?
>would you guys like me to describe the inhabitants of each planet? I originally wanted the player to decide how they looked but now I'm not so certain.
I'd suggest you do it when it feels necessary, but not otherwise.
Fantasies are just that
>Waifu CYOAs
Sexual Fantasies
>Superpower CYOAs
Power Fantasies, Pure Fantasies
>Secret Box CYOAs
Illusion of Choice, Sexual Fantasies
Coincidentally, the type of people who browse /cyoag/ aren't exactly in any relationship
>you consider toptier
as in, "power fantasy"/"fantasy world" rather than lewd/waifu cyoa?
This one has both (but I'd prefer more descriptive text, maybe a few images, too)
I just can't get into lewd cyoas at all. Even if it hits a fetish, which rarely happens, it's such an odd thing it does nothing to my dick.
>having to imagine a girlfriend is just too much for me
I'm pretty sure most of us are getting our dicks wet on the regular, memes aside. Being horny and "having to imagine a girlfriend" aren't really the same thing though, are they?
I mean, do you really think men stop thinking of sex or looking at porn once they have a girlfriend?
I'll be honest with you: sexually aggressive Elves and friendly monogamous Orcs just hit all my buttons.
However, more in general I think it's better to give us some idea of what each planet's inhabitants look like. You can leave it blank but the only user who benefits from that is the one who wants a galactic loli empire. Details are good.
How is Eden going btw?
It's just that ponos in vagoo is the lowest common denominator in /cyoag/. Few people actively dislike it, with a lot more being against homogeneity and too much of one type of it.
Thus, your standard lewd/waifu CYOA is the easiest way to get a bunch of (You)s with generally positive responses attached.
>I'm pretty sure most of us are getting our dicks wet on the regular, memes aside.
Go away, pseudo normie.
I just can't understand it. It does nothing to me. I feel nothing when I read a waifu cyoa, or a lewd cyoa.
then I guess it's the "perpetually horny" plus "a few lines about a girl being in love with you, and a picture is enough to get me in the mood" are the parts I can't comprehend.
>lowest common denominator
>Few people actively dislike it
This I can follow. So it's the easiest way to get responses, and only positive ones so long as you avoid mentioning fetishes that cyoag can't handle.
I agree. Most waifu cyoas do absolutely nothing for me. That's because I'm gay though. Are you?
That's a great one. Did Tunebuggy make it?
Reminds me of this.
I think the big explanation is I just can't see them as being a person. Like, descriptions are usually so generic
>she likes you a lot
>she likes all the things you like
user claims I am. I'm not though...
I felt nothing reading the shota/trap option in the cucking cyoa, and you can't prove differently.
premise sounds fun but google says there's only one chapter
Wait, are you denialanon? Any progress made with that guy?
Shard Administration
Trouble Magnet
We Know
S9 Recruit
The Candle
Greetings my Faust. Would you like to make a deal?
I just wish I could afford Kingmaker as well, to perfect the idea of Faust.
you can't prove anything
why would I make "progress" on anything?
>perpetually horny
You don't really know if it's perpetual or not, do you? I mean of the hundreds of people who come here, all it takes is one to be overtly lewd and it draws others to them like magnets and stokes their fire. It's how attraction and sexuality work, generally. But yes, I personally am more or less perpetually horny.
>a few lines about a girl being in love with you
I don't think anyone here is that much of a wordsmith, so you may be imagining that one.
>a picture is enough to get me in the mood
Looking at representations of hot women has been getting men hard for a long time, bro. And it's supposed to. Our ability to respond to symbols is kind of a big part of our cognitive awesomeness.
>not realising he's talking to a gay in denial
Some slutty anons let any bait bait them.
Why do faggots always have to talk about their faggotry? The last 10 threads have been ruined by them.
Something in you is messed up, and you should not reproduce for the good of your people.
What do you guys think about secretly overpowered companions who tag along with user and play along with his "adventuring" because they think he's cute?
>it only takes one
fair enough
that sounds like ass. I never got that "teenage boys / men always want to fuck anything that even vaguely resembles a girl" meme.
>a picture is enough
I mean more "all it takes for you to whip out your cock and start stroking is a few words and a single picture". That's weird to me.
you really are desperate, huh? Your dating pool is that small?
>all of their bras are the wrong size
The panty diamond on the middle one isn't skintone like the other ones either.
>all it takes for you to whip out your cock and start stroking is a few words and a single picture
It's called imagination. It's the same thing you use when you fantasise about us jerking off.
The one on the far right has no boob reflections so it must be a bra filled with oranges so he is actually a trap. Beautiful.
This thread sure is going places.
Perception: +15
>Kit is getting off on cheating and cucking now.
Holy fuck have you fell far. Whatever happened to your devotion to Bliss? Here you are talking about getting turned on by being cheated on by a trap with a shota.
This is amazing.
Is there more?
>boob reflections
What the heck am I reading?
Notice how the 4 other girls have that pink reflection on their books, but the 5 "girl" has them on her shoulders. That's because she's not a girl. Subtle hint by the author that the 5th one is different, that he is a trap.
>boob reflections
Those are called highlights, user.
Take an art class.
is the person who made the "Planes of Iatro" magical realm still here? If you had to describe your realm in one line, what would it be?
Nah. She's the underdeveloped older sister of the one next to her, from what I remember.
>Is there more?
I think you mean perfectly developed.
Oh hey google image search actually worked...
Sorry for asking for spoon feeding user.
Time to pick up that series again.
Looks like her bra in the previously posted image is just drawn weird, then. She's still less endowed than her sister, though.
Gays still understand sexual attraction, horniness, porn and symbolism, etc.
Maybe they just have an underperforming libido, that's a thing after all.
Anyway I have no hate for someone less virile than myself, just no need to feel ashamed for enjoying the female form as much as I do.
This user is a lady killer
I, uh, pick this one.
Don't judge
You sound like you're either a cheetos entombed neckbeard or a cool guy who gets laid on every party. There is no middle road.
It's the cheetos one, right?
Thank you for not being weird like that other guy
I am judging you so hard right
her bra does just have a different, more sportly, form
fucking degenerate