What's all the hype for, Veeky Forums? Only game I never see you not praising.
What's all the hype for, Veeky Forums? Only game I never see you not praising
I guess it's just a pretty decent system all round for what it sets out to do. I mean, it's pretty uncontroversial
Solid game with some awesome setting books. Just simply not enough to bitch and moan about on Veeky Forums
Savage Rifts players guide came out to backers yesterday, looks like they did a really good job with it so far.
I don't like it, but I've got better things to do in life than rail against systems I didn't care for. Play what you you like.
I think it's largely that doesn't have any glaring flaws, there's no editions to argue over, and it's not very complex so you can't debate about shitty builds or whatever.
The only real complaints I've seen are people who really fucking hate the exploding dice mechanic, but otherwise it's solid if you like rules-medium pulpy gameplay. If you don't like it it's more because of personal preference than game design failures.
if all they did was port the setting and improve the art, Im happy
I've been running an espionage/cyberpunk campaign, any settings books I could crib from?
Agents of Oblivion is basically carrying everything right now, but that doesn't really delve too much into futuristic settings.
I'll list the three biggest reasons.
>Agnostic system that isn't GURPS or FATE
>Pretty good at what it does, while being reasonably modular
>Well liked settings like Deadlands, Slipstream, Weird War II, and Interface Zero.
Isn't Interface Zero cyberpunk?
It is. Does anyone ever run it? Maybe someone who'd take on another player with a shaky schedule?
How the fuck have you never come across me bitching about the combat?
I still reccomend it, even though I loathe the fucking combat. Why? Because if you don't want to slog through GURPS and don't want to "play" FATE, there aren't that many other generic options. It's also easy to hack and adapt.
Kindly fuck off
Well, the core melee weapons are completely ridicilious, but that's just my autism speaking.
It's a solid base and it's easy to modify.
What are your problems with the combat?
I'll go ahead and say I also don't really like it, but I think it's servicable with a few houserules.
Yeah, I just use savage armory... or abstract it away.
I don't have the time to go into detail right now, but the TL;DR version is:
The way damage and resisting is set up, it's often a pillow slapfest, where you simply do not feel effective, right up until the point where someone's dice explode and somebody gets splattered horribly against a wall.
The other part is that it's not uncommon for somebody to get stunlocked for the remainder of the combat, until somebody pillow-splatters his opponent.
I do have some other gripes with the game, like stats being basically only really a matter of bookkeeping, having anything on a D6 is nearly useless and, in fact, disadvantageous, the game forcing you to hyperspecialize to be acceptable at what you do and the standard character creation being extremely limited in terms of actually creating a character. No to mention the incredibly slow and unsatisfying character progression system. Spell balance is completely out of whack, I once made a character that had a 3/4 chance of shrugging off a rocket launcher, thanks to the armor spell. The remaining 1/4 meant instant death, nothing really in between.
Also, dear god, that one Merit that allows you to attack when somebody enters your melee zone. Jesus Christ.
When you play something as your main system for several years, shit piles up.
In what way?
Savage armoury? Whats that?
Armor piercing katana's, stupid heavy swords, damage values that are kinda weird for the weapon in question. That sort of stuff.
Fan-supplement with non-retarded weapon creation rules.
And some weapons statted out in advance just in case.
It's not perfect (I think it makes ranged weapons even more ridiculous, somehow) but it's a good step up.
Its looks really good. Shit it makes Cyberknights and Busters as powerfull as the fluff implies. Meaning your better off using your powers rather than picking up a big ass gun likr the headhunter.
Its my main system and i adore it.
How do i break the system and make broken characters?
What are you talking about? I haven't been in Savage Worlds threads in a long time but there used to always be a few people who would come in to shit on it.
Personally I like it, but it's no longer the system I think about when I think about running a game (mostly because I moved across the country and lost my old group and I am too much of a social retard to find a new one so I just read new systems).
Man, I remember a big thread on rpg.net inb4 >rpg.net about how anyone who plays or enjoys that setting is a racist slavery apologist. I just want my cowboys and monsters.
Why do you hate BRP?
>Why am I asking questions to posters from hours ago?
It is pretty average. Not much to hate or love about this system.
You don't.
Do you really can't figure this out on your own? Getting a D10 in fighting is literally all it takes. Combine a D10 in fighting with high strength, a halberd and the talent that will let you attack every time an enemy enters your reach and you are a personified fucking meatgrinder that WILL solo any number of mooks with melee weapons.
Add in the armor spell and you are fucking invincible.
Or use ranged weapons. You don't even need to be really good at them, since you will always hit on a 4, no questions asked. Get the biggest ranged weapon you can get, stack supporting talents on that and kill everything forever.
It's a good solid game. Not much to bitch about.
It's so good. Just fucking awesome.
With the Shaken rule errata the whole stun lock thing is pretty much a non-issue now. But yeah it did suck.
As for the First Strike edge, its only usable once per turn, and only if they aren't shaken so its really...not bad at all.
Also why do you say having a d6 in something is disadvantageous? Im going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it has nothing to do with you thinking a d4 is better due to the raise mechanic.
>With the Shaken rule errata
>He doesn't know
Since about last year they stated that when you recover from being shaken, if you succeed you can act as normal. No need for a raise. Failure still means only free actions can be taken though.
To be fair, if you need to roll exactly 6 or higher, the D4 is better
(1/4)*(3/4) > (1/6)
By like an insignificant percentage, but sure.
Oh for sure. Its like 3/16 vs 3/18. But some people get autistically mad about stupid shit. I just tell my players they can roll any die under their current if they really want to.
That's only true for six. Six is better at higher numbers.
Don't worry, I'm aware. I just give them the option so no one bitches about it. So if they're shooting at a -2 penalty, since the DC is almost always 4, they can switch to a d4 if they think about it and care enough.
But like I said, I only give them the option to stop a few people I know from bitching about it.
I'm a big fan of Savage Worlds personally, and I'm running a few games of it myself along with other games I'm going to play in with the system being planed. It's a messy system sometimes if you're gonna run long campaigns, but we use plenty of homerules now to make it more tolerable.
My main house-rule that I like is limiting explosions by rank. So for example at novice, a dice could only explode once, and at legendary it could explode 5 times. We also use the rule that hitting the explosion limit nets you a free benny.
I know right? You actually want to bust out the the psi-blade and gut yourself a fucking mech now.
>a few games
Describe any of them?
I'm running a solo fantasy game for a friend with me DMing it, and him controlling anyone who he adventures with. It's been going well.
One of the other games I'm running is an Interface Zero game. I'm technically running two of them currently, both near each other with slight amounts of interaction between them. Both take place on the moon, one in Luna Prime, and the other in another colony on the moon.
I'm also running (kind of, it's been on hiatus but I'm going to continue it one day) a horror game I started running near Halloween last year, a survival horror type of game.
I've also ran a mecha game in Savage Worlds, based on mech on mech skirmishes ala Armored Core. That one actually went pretty well, and had an end where the characters became well off enough to retire.
I've also run a bunch of little one shots, like a zombie game on halloween one year and a "children fighting simulator" game where everyone had Young and fought.
Because it's so utterly dull that the only people who talk about it are those who actually like it for some reason.
>Combine a D10 in fighting with high strength, a halberd and the talent that will let you attack every time an enemy enters your reach and you are a personified fucking meatgrinder that WILL solo any number of mooks with melee weapons.
Dude, who cares? The whole point of Savage Worlds is that you're pulpy action-adventurers. It's like D&D without being shit.
Why is it every time people use this word it just means "bad but I like it anyway"?
>Do you really can't figure this out on your own? Getting a D10 in fighting is literally all it takes. Combine a D10 in fighting with high strength, a halberd and the talent that will let you attack every time an enemy enters your reach and you are a personified fucking meatgrinder that WILL solo any number of mooks with melee weapons.
At HEROIC rank, sure. Improved First Strike requires Heroic, otherwise you get 1 attack against one person that approaches each round with basic First Strike.
So obviously this means you don't like it because you have a bad group, who don't use the rules right.
Because bad is subjective. Maybe you just don't like pulp?
>you are a personified fucking meatgrinder that WILL solo any number of mooks with melee weapons.
Which is why some mooks carry ranged weapons.
>You don't even need to be really good at them, since you will always hit on a 4, no questions asked.
Unless your enemies use the most basic possible combat tactics, like cover.
Does your GM just throw waves of brain-dead melee minions at you all day, or something?
>I'm running a solo fantasy game for a friend with me DMing it, and him controlling anyone who he adventures with. It's been going well.
I've thought about using Savage Worlds for fantasy but I just can't stop treating it like how the groups I played dnd (moreso 3.5 than 2e) played. Key points being combat with some kind of thought out strings tying them together.
I did better with Deadlands.
>I just tell my players they can roll any die under their current if they really want to.
After all the complaining, I wonder how many of them actually take you up on that offer...
The person I'm running it with has been watching a lot of anime recently, so they're more into the story we've had going on. But there's still combat, but I've made him learn to fear basic wolves by now, no matter how many he can one hit, they hunt in packs.
And it also helps that he hasn't been in one dungeon yet, and only knows of one that exists.
Probably none, but at least the rule's there.
Love the base system, minus a few things.
Players like it, they just complain it's not d20 based and flat static bonuses are rare.
If you have to roll the highest number on your die, you're better off rolling a die the next size smaller. So a d4 is better at getting 6 than a d6, a d6 is better at getting 8 than a d8, a d8 is better at getting a 10 than a d10, and a d10 is better at getting a 12 than a d12 (though it's a relatively small difference and it only gets smaller as the dice get bigger). These are the only cases where you're better off rolling a lower die, and it's only true because dice skip a number when they explode. You can't roll exactly 6 on a d6, for instance, it goes straight from 5 to 6+1. Getting rid of that jump would fix the math if you thought it was worth the trouble--so rolling a 6 on a d6 would equal 5 + another die rather than 6 + another die (or if you wanted to limit people to one "explosion", you could say that rolling max on your second die equals 0).
The katana is explicitly a movie katana, with stats to match.
A more realistic one is just the same as a longsword, but frankly realism is boring.
It is a well-known fact that if Veeky Forums does not talk about something, it's good.
Currently running a Savage Worlds cyberpunk game, one of the players got rich by selling a stolen suit of power armour to its manufacturer's rivals.
What can put a dent in a million dollars that isn't going to be broken as shit? Think Cyberpunk 2020 (it's pretty much a mix of that setting and some stuff I stole from Gibson)
While the Katana from the Savage Armoury is an improvement, I like the idea of a very high damage (d6+2 = +4 ability), very low penetration (-2 damage vs. armored = -2 ability) weapon.
I don't really have any idea how much awesome tech a million dollars should buy. In a world where a decent number of people have super-powerful cybernetic limbs , I lose any foundation to base my calculations on.
The power armour was roughly a million, cyborg enhancements start at about 3-5 grand, pretty much everything else is the same as our world.
Maybe something like a jet or an aerodyne/spinner car? He's already reached around the maximum amount of 'ware he can take without risking it affecting his mind
>Which is why some mooks carry ranged weapons.
Like I mentioned in my post?
>Unless your enemies use the most basic possible combat tactics, like cover.
-2 usually does fuck-all and reliably getting cover above that is damn hard. Hitting on a 6 is really fucking easy, especially if you want to be a shooty guy and have a decent ranged combat skilly anyway.
>Does your GM just throw waves of brain-dead melee minions at you all day, or something?
Fucking hell, no. But a group that's halfway decent at what they are doing completely invalidates anything that goes down in one hit before they even have a chance to properly act. And that's anyone not a Wild Card.
>At HEROIC rank
Yes, and? Doesn't change the fact that you completely erase any non-wildcard meele opponent once you hit Heroic.
Extras are supposed to be plebs, don't act like one-hitting Extras at Heroic is a bad thing.
My friend is going to run Kindgom Hearts in Savage Worlds soon, and I'm playing in that game.
A dub. Bioforms. Psitech. A space ship. A SPACE SHIP. Golemmech.
I just imagined someone's dice literally exploding
You aren't going to build encounters 100% made from Wildcards. Ever.
Also, you are already onehitting extras at starting level reliably. Once you hit Improved First Strike, you 100% invalidate melee extras. Get a guy good at ranged and you pretty much instantly win most combats, even BEFORE heroic. Once you are at Heroic, it's a complete farce.
Trust me, we played that shit three times a week for years.
Homerule harder, give enemies more health, use more bennies and soak more.
You're really only focusing on the negative so much because you probably overplayed it. It's not the worst system.
Also I STILL think you should at least be throwing hordes of extras at people in Heroic Rank, amping up challenges is part of making games fun. Environmental Hazards and lots of extras being commanded by multiple tough wild cards should be the minimum for anything Heroic if you're going to bother drawing cards.
So extras being one hit in fights like that isn't the end of the world. Extras should still be using tricks/tests of will too, and wild attacking/rapid attacking.
pulp is generally known to be complete and utter plebshit
and its awesome, so suck a dick
>I still recomend it
I wouldn't recomend it, if I thought that it was the worst system ever.
I was thinking of using this game to run a solo adventure with the player exploring a hostile island somewhat in the vein of King's Field. Would Savage Worlds be suited to this?
Because that's kind of the origin of the term. Robert Howard's works are considered iconic of the genre. His prose was awful, but the subject matter was so entertaining no one gave a shit.
Yeah, I know some autist SJW who feels the same. It's really pathetic.
How would die exploding(or Acing) only once affect the game?
Or alternatively what if larger dice could explode more times as aces become less likely.
>d4 can explode once
>d6 can explode twice
>d8 can explode three times
And so on?
>Or alternatively what if larger dice could explode more times as aces become less likely.
That's not a bad house rule, really. It puts a skill ceiling on things so someone who has a d4 can't be better than someone with a d12, even by sheer luck.
One of the mathemathically sound houserules is explosions always doubling the dice. This means less rolling, no multi-explosions, and mathematically, it is almost the same average.
It also means that you can't actually roll the highest value on your dice, since it always becomes a max value, so a d4 has a 1/4th chance to raise a 4, instead of a 1/16 th.... but doesn't have a chance to do that multiple times I guess.
Another interesting math fix (I may have read it this thread? slightly tipsy) is to just lower the dice by 1 every tiome it explodes. So a d6 on a 6 you roll again, and subtract 1. This fixes the wonkyness in the math where you sometimes have lower die with higher probabilities to reach certain numbers.
there was mention of some good settings in svage Worlds. can anyone share some good ones?
What sort of setting are you looking for?
any good horror settings?
Rippers, Deadlands.
These. Also, East Texas University, which is Buffy the Vampire Slayer-style college horror.
>East Texas University
I really wish I had known about that while it was being kickstarted. Need to pick it up at some time.
Grew up in Houston and have since moved away for work. I'm tired of everyone thinking all of Texas is either desert or plains.
Pulp just refers to the paper quality most low-budget periodicals used for publication. There is no "pulp" genre, it's a misused definition. There were science fiction pulps and fantasy pulps and real crime pulps and superhero pulps. Some authors, like Robert Howard or Philip Jose or Raymond Chandler, were far better than what was then the normal pulp fare and so are better remembered.
I dare you to read Farewell, My Lovely and not like it.
Ah yes, the alligator haunted swamps of our desert land.
Holy shit, Interface Zero's equipment is terribly balanced.
>20 gauge is longer range and more powerful than 12 gauge in shotguns
>the Urchin and Street Talker apparently got their stat lines switched
>the three-barrel SMG has the same fire rate as the other submachine guns, better range (???), and otherwise is worse in every way
>hunting rifle with a "160x scope" still only has an absolute maximum range of 240 yards
>30mm "anti materiel rifle" with a 100 round belt, allegedly man portable
>damage and rof on EVERYTHING is all out of whack
>explosives are worse than just using guns
At least drones are marginally acceptable (even if the list is way too short) and cyberware is well done.
Any chance there's fan-made fixes or replacements for the equipment listing?
>There is no "pulp" genre
I really fucking wish Veeky Forums would learn this.
>Only game I never see you not praising.
Do you mean "The only game I never see you praising."
"Only game I ever see you not praising"
Or "Only game I always see you praising."
That double negative combined with my questionable faith in peoples English skills on the internet makes that a hard sentence to understand and answer.
Why... why would a scope increase the range a rifle can shoot? I think you have been playing too much vidya, just cause you can see it doesn't mean the bullet can make it there, although 240 is a bit low for max range.
Also a 30mm anti-material rifle IS man portable, the 100 rounds of ammo may have to be on another person but the rifles that exist in the real world are man-portable although usually magazine fed.
Is the 3-barrel smg a rotating barrel or 3 firing at once. Because if it is a rotating barrel like it most likely is, then the fire rate would be the same accuracy may be shittier but the increased range would likely be their way of showing that heat warping hasnt fu-cucked up the barrels.
Not sure about the 20gauge and 12 gauge there may be a reason for some of it.
Stop getting your weapon knowledge from Fallout user.
Adendum, a 30mm rifle may not be easily man portable, I was thinking of the 20mm version which weighed between 80-100lbs upping it to 30mm might bring it up to 120-150lbs so... technically still man-portable... as long as you aren't carrying anything else and are in good shape, preferably going down hill.
He's right in complaining about the 20 ga., it's got a smaller shell size than the 12 ga. It's probably just the writers thinking that higher gauge numbers must be better because that's how normal calibers work.
I think I remember that thread. Didn't that poster get banned? Even arrpeg dot net thinks shit like that is shit.
Like the pace and lethality. Don't like the fucked up statistical anomalies where sometimes a dice going up is bad for you.
I honestly don't remember who all got bans from that thread. I'd assume a lot of people if things got heated from what little I know about how bad banning is there.
I agree that it is an issue, but people like to blow it out of proportion. d6 is SLIGHTLY (~1.8% if the chart I'm looking at is correct) worse when you have a -2 penalty (and only then) at getting a success than a d4.
A d6 is SLIGHTLY (~0.8%) better at getting a raise than a d8, but it also doesn't succeed as often except in the rare exception of a -4 penalty which if I remember correctly is pretty rare.
Less playerbase than the bigger system so it probably gets a free pass since fewer people has had time really digging into its rules.
This isn't Interface Zero. Space travel isn't really a thing, and at best you can clone limbs at exorbitant prices.
What kind of gameplay did you have in mind? Traps, hordes of enemies, puzzles, difficult skillchecks? Exploding dice make things unpredictable, you could end up breezing through difficult challenges, or dying to an unlucky crit from a mook. In a party with plenty of extras on both sides, it works fine, but I'm not so sure about playing solo.
It's a game you play with friends user, there is no need to have competitive multiplayer FPS level of balancing to have fun. You could also easily customize/rename the weapons to suit your needs/autism, or use something like Savage Armory.
People who are bothered by statistical anomalies at that order of magnitude are honestly just nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking. I mean really, if you need your math to be as tight as Euclid's Elements, you are obviously not in this for the fun of roleplaying.
Needs a bit of tweaking. Kind of irritating that the weapon section is just a series of statblocks with no fluff or pictures. Also, no rules for multiple-missile volleys.
A lot of the stuff that was supposed to be its own pdf is now just a paragraph and a statblock. Have to wonder how tiny the player's guide would be if they didn't hit the stretch goals.
Cyberknights are fucking ridiculous now. Kind of makes sense given how broken Blessed and Templars were in Deadlands.
-2 to be hit by any technological weapon.
+2 toughness as a free action
Starts with a d8 Fighting and two free Combat edges.
Pace of 8 and a running of d10.
Starts with Champion edge so +2 toughness against supernatural evil.
Arcane Background(Psionics)
A good chunk of Psionic powers are self-only but free actions.
+2 Charisma with townspeople NPCs.
Psi-sword does huge damage if the player improves their Spirit at all.
Their only real drawback is that they have the AB(Miracles) drawbacks of needing to abide by their code of honor or their powers shut down. Oh, and they can't take Cybernetics.