How do we make Tic Tac Toe more competitive?
How do we make Tic Tac Toe more competitive?
Shitty solved game.
Three players on a 4x4x4x4 grid.
what is this fourth dimensional bullshit
>4x4x4x4 grid.
is that a typo? or arey you proposing a 4 dimensional hyper cube
That sounds doable
Clearly you have three additional cubes and can rearrange them to declare a win
You make 9 tictactoe subgames in a 3x3 grid. (so 9x9 cells)
First player can place their mark on any cell on any subgame.
Second player must place their mark in the subgame whose position in the game is the same as the position of the cell marked by the first player. (First player marks the top left cell of the center subgame, second player must put their mark in the top left subgame.)
Play continues until one player completes a subgame.
Any player forced to make a mark in a completed subgame or one that is completely filled with marks can go to any subgame they want.
Win 3 subgames in a line or diagonal to win the game.
I like this, I think I've heard about something like that already. Thanks
Yeah I didn't make this, was show to many long ago. Still fun tho
require each player to take a shot when they make a move and have a chess timer. games continue until a player wins or runs out of time.
This guy made a video about it
Can't believe no one posted this yet.
I'm ashamed of you, Veeky Forums
To make a 3D version of this, you could arrange 15 grids into a 3x3x3 cube.
This means that in order to create a column of three you would need to have your mark in the five Y-grids for that row, as well as the parallel X- and Z-grids in that area.
To have undisputed of a cube you need to have an X or an O on every face of it
Double blind play and simultaneous moves
first always wins
its impossible for the 2nd to win
if there was a way the second one could win, the first one could start with a random cross and then play as the second
>first always wins
You do realize that with optimal play, tic-tac-toe is a tie?
i meant first never looses
Neither is second. Your point?
>someone actually losing at Tic Tac Toe
Whoever played the second O is a goddamned retard
The grid doessn't stop at 3x3, you just keep expanding the grid.