Personally, caught between the black dragons, the black Templars, and the blood Angels
Favorite chapter?
Other urls found in this thread:
I will always be partial to the BA as they were my first. I like the IF too because sieges. Executioners are my favourite if we're talking about niche chapters, they were absolutely badass during Badab.
Not many chapters that I really dislike honestly.
Pretty much every chapter without a real specialty likes to think of themselves as the dead 'ardest. I'm talking about people like Flesh Tearers, Carcharodons, Space Wolves, and Black Templars.
But the chapter which truly deserves that distinction, in my mind, are the descendants of Autek Mor himself: the Red Talons.
The iron hands and their descendants in general need more acnowledgement.
Salamanders. Love those pyromaniacs
Any love for the minotaurs?
Team killing fucktards please leave.
Best chapter coming through.
Salamanders are the most bro-tier of all the chapters
So are these guys closet Word Bearers in the same way the Red Scorpions are closet EC?
Give them a greater challenge than another space marines and they wouldn't be killing their brothers. Minotaurs only want a good fight
Minotaurs are Orks confirmed info
>Salamanders are the most bro-tier of all the chapters
Seeing as how the Lamenters haven't personally slaughtered a planet full of civilian humans I'd say they're more worthy.
Space Spartans*
Lamenters are pretty bro-tier
too bad they're all dead
Yeah but at least the salamanders aren't known as the most unlucky chapter in imperial history
Best chapter coming through
Roman leg.... I mean the ultramarines
Salamanders and Soul Drinkers.
God-Emperor tier:
White Scars
Grey Knights
Very high tier:
Legion of the Damned
Iron Snakes
Blood Angels
Crimson Fists
High tier:
Raven Guard
Imperial Fists
Mantis Warriors
Mary Sue or Quite Alright tier, depends on writer:
Space Yiffs
Okay tier:
Death Spectres
Black Templars
Celestial Lions
Black Dragons
Doom Eagles
Red Scorpions
Silver Skulls
Howling Griffons
Unintentionally hilarious tier:
Hammers of Dorn
Little bitches tier:
Unforgiven chapters
Douchebag tier:
Iron Hands
Dark Angels
Flesh Tearers
Brazen Claws
Blood Ravens
Heretic tier:
Marines Malevolent
Soul Drinkers
Blood Drinkers
>Grey Knights
>God-Emperor tier
That is correct, citizen. NONE PURER.
Now get in line for the mind-scrubbing.
Autek Mor is quite possibly one of the most colossal douchebags on the entire loyalist side. I love him. The Iron Hands in the HH are awesome, the level of callousness almost surpasses the Iron Warriors.
I agree with your placement of Iron Hands in douchebag tier, but I also think they're the best space marines. They really embody the creed of the Astartes.
>"My armor is contempt. My shield is disgust. My sword is hatred. In the emperor's name, let none survive."
>unintentionally hilarious
how so?
Have you seen their lore?
Practically joke-chapters made by GW.
For now, the Bloody Magpies, but I'm getting a interest in the White Scars and the Salamanders.
Since I'm kind of new, there was such a thing like a Grey Knight kicked of the order, or at least "losing the Grace of the Emperor" for screw up a mission?
i think you mean a dead person
"Primarch-Progenitor, to your glory and the glory of Him on Earth!"
Nope, because they're incorruptible and pretty much unable to fail at anything.
Nothing like Spartans, Sparta never looked for trouble.
>all this degenerative geneseed
>tfw no lamenters wallpaper
just end me
why do people still fall for the "pity the Lamenters" line?
they're written as the pity victims of 40k. Of course they're going to suffer for it. There's nothing notable about such trite writing.
>Crimson Fists
best dorns
Sure, it helps that they feature in one of the very, very few good BL novels.
Dark Angels for the fucking win, although I like the Consecrators more for their appearance being closer to Legion standards.
dont cut yourself on your edgy chapter, da fag
People no longer even remember what edge is actually like. The friendly fire incidents with the Dark Angels primarily just involve unimportant civilians or guardsmen, who typically turn out to be corrupted by Chaos in the first place. It's why the Ordo Malleus doesn't actually give a shit about the Dark Angels hunting the Fallen- they know about the Fallen, they just don't care because the First Legion constantly cleaning house often purges heretics that would have otherwise gone unnoticed.
Legion of the Damned aren't a Chapter, and the Lamenters and Salamanders shouldn't be anything above the bottom bracket due to being failures as Space Marines. Also, Ultramarines should always be God-Emperor tier as per canon, they are more or less the best.
I leik ultrarmariens bcuz they are teh best chapter
Fuck you and your ultramarines. How can you call a chapter that fights unwinnable wars and knowing full well that most will die a failure? Get your head out of dangles arse and think before you post.
Get ready to get fucking destroyed by mind bullets and immortal zombie space dust idiots.
"hey, lets make genuinely nice people without any real character defect.....And then make them suffer super hard and die in mass numbers"
fuck off chaos fag
It would be nice if something good would happen to them for a change. But no, this a Grim Universe.
Because they're mentally retarded? Space Marines are one of the most rare resources of the Imperium. The Lamenters getting killed (and I mean killed, IIRC they lost a whole fucking company) just to save a couple hundred thousand civilians is gross misuse of resources that, should the Captain have survived, get him sanctioned by Chapter Command or the Administratum itself. The nature of warfare in 40k is that humans are expendable, Space Marines are not. Hundreds of thousands of humans, even millions, can easily be replaced in under a year due to the Imperium's birth rates leading to a population measured in quadrillions. If a Space Marine is fighting an unwinnable battle and sacrificing himself, he should be doing so for something that actually matters in the long term. Such as a planet with great strategic importance or a suicide mission to destroy a Necron Tomb World.
The Lamenters and Salamanders are failures because for all "muh feels" they generate, they ultimately are a waste and improperly expending themselves in a non-strategic fashion. Their lives are worth far more than the civilians they save, who probably will die shortly anyway due to being displaced from their homes and being rendered bottom-class civilians on any other planet they seek refuge on. The actions of the Lamenters, Sallies, and all other Chapters like them are in the end, pointless and wasteful. Mankind in 40k faces the literal apocalypse from Chaos, and numerous xenos threats. You do not die to save a single human, you die to buy your species more time until victory is possible.
You know what the symbolism of their "bleeding heart" seal is, right?
>why is 40k being grimdark, this chapter doesn't deserve this?!
Best not be talking shit about muh Invaders.
no shit sherlock
Terrible chain of thought.
The Ultramarines themselves praised the salamanders for saving a hive city on Armageddon against speed freaks.
partial to the blood magpies myself
>invade craftworld for shits and giggles "because the chapter master though it'd be fun if we did what our name suggests"
>get invaded right back and almost go extinct
tip top kek
fucking failures
why praise the chapter that tries to get shit on then?
The thousand sons are actually just misunderstood loyalists.
im aware, but magnus went full blown chaos retard and his legion followed him.
Personally I can't understand how they haven't killed themselves after the embarassment of learning that a heretic ran their chapter for several centuries.
At least the Dark Angels had the decency of becoming insanely guilty and paranoid about it. Blood Ravens demonstrate zero guilt, like they don't even give a fuck. Truly astartes of traitor stock.
Don't mind me, best marines coming through
That's easy to do when the Ultramarines weren't doing it themselves. Such acts are pointless and no competent Chapter should engage in them, every Astartes lost in such operations is a crime to the Emperor for waste of good gene seed. The Lamanters especially are just morons so obsessed with their boner for heroics that they fail to see the bigger picture of the galaxy's dire state. Space Marines are not superheroes, they do not exist to save the little guy. They're living weapons made to prosecute the Emperor's will.
>Best Marines
>Got shitstomped by the Dark Angels
>Finally shattered by the Ultramarines
>Konrad Curze even hated his own Legion, wanted nothing to do with them, got himself killed over a hollow cause
>Haven't even been relevant since... ever really
>Literally Edge Marines, the Legion
>Their entire tactics focused on beating up things weaker than them, and running away from anything actually able to fight back
>So pathetic that Marneus Calgar rallied Feudal World Peasants against five full companies of Night Lords and killed all five hundred of them
If that's your definition of best, I don't even want to know what you think is worst.
>invade craftworld for shits and giggles
>win, killing millions, minimum, of Eldar, including super units
>be counterattacked by Alaitoc in full force immediately after
>understrength chapter survives with three companies
>immediately reinforce Novamarines on Skyfall
>then, 62 years later, fight legions of daemons on Jollana with three companies
>win with GK help, 12 marines left
>13 years later have rebuilt enough to lose two Terminator squads trying to teleport into the World Engine
>by 999.M41 they've rebuilt again and are fighting Iyanden and Hive Fleet Leviathan at the same time
Of course, you prefer your chapters to die pointlessly and achieve nothing. See Lamenters.
They mention a great deal of internal purging.
Invaders are pretty fucking bro tier. See, THIS is what a real space marine chapter does. Even if the Lamenters died totally purging the Craftworld, that would mean exchanging a mere 1,000 Space Marines for millions upon millions of Eldar. Within a century or so a new Chapter could probably be created to fill the spot of the Invaders. Meanwhile the Eldar will never be replacing their numbers, and if you destroy the Craftworld Slaanesh destroys all their souls.
I like edge. Stay mad
To play devil's advocate, the Night Lords are the only confirmed CSM who've killed a craftworld.
Mentors, even though they have like 0 fluff, are pretty cool dudes
Wish we could see more of them in the future but they'd probably all go the way of the Lamenters
There's one recent short story with the Mentors, and they're the same as originally described. I think it's called Cadre.
I remember when I was thirteen. Then I grew up.
Well what do you know, might have to pick this up
Best color scheme in the Unforgiven. I hope they get their own supplement.
>little bitches tier
>the unforgiven
Y-you don't mean that
I see you have a stick jammed up your ass and can't enjoy things for what they are. Never mind, I'm not gonna bother arguing with an old curmudgeon like yourself.
Hammers of Dorn want to out-ultramarine the ultramarines to the point where they adopted the Word Bearers as their greatest enemies simply because they'really the ultramarines greatest enemies
It's enjoyable enough. Most of those stories were.
>the IH have actual AI dreadnoughts
I don't enjoy the Night Lords on account of them being spineless bitches who focus on beating up civilians because whenever they meet something that fights back, they run away.
Come to think of it, the Night Lords behave more like Viking Raiders than the fucking Space Wolves do.
I like the ultras I like the idea of an island of relative sanity and peace in a galaxy full of war. i also think that it makes sense that a chapter with lots of resources and a focus on tactics would be successful. Are they hypocrites? yea totally but that doesn't mean there bad just that they have a character flaw which makes them interesting.
>Are they hypocrites? yea totally
In what regard?
The Ultramarines disbanded Imperial Army assets and Naval assets for Space Marines so they couldn't have their own private armies.
Guess what the Ultramarines have? Their own private army.
I like the Serrated Suns chapter.
Fucking moron
they also forced the codex on other legions post heresy capping chapters at a thousand to decentralize power within the imperium and then have numerous successor chapters that answer to ultramar and are basically ulta lite
You mean the PDF, which their worlds are allowed to have? Or the Ultramar IG who are not under their command but rather the Munitorum's?
They aren't pointless loses. A million people can do a whole lot more than a few hundred marines.
Oh how I love the Hammers. Just look at how noble and majestic he is! The loyalty practically radiates from him!
Their PDF, which serve as their own private army in the sector. They also have a ginormous fleet rivaled only by the Space Wolves individually.
A few million mortal people in 40k accomplish jack shit. A few hundred marines meanwhile are capable of torching entire planets. A few thousand can purge hundreds of daemon worlds in the warp itself.
>they also forced the codex on other legions post heresy capping chapters at a thousand to decentralize power within the imperium
Which affected them the most.
>and then have numerous successor chapters that answer to ultramar and are basically ulta lite
Nobody answers to the Ultramarines. Their successors respect their opinions.
Point fingers at the "We are de facto still a legion" Dark Angels. Or the "literally all our successors, even the renegades, plus alien races, minus the faggot ass Lamenters, came to help us" Blood Angels.
Or the, as of TBA, Imperial Fists who have a secret "rebuild the legion" protocol.
>Serrated Suns? Never heard of them.
>that spoiler
user, I was unprepared for this. That pic is almost as spooky as a skeleton.
>Their PDF, which serve as their own private army in the sector.
Straight lies. They command the PDF when said PDF's planets are attacked.
>They also have a ginormous fleet rivaled only by the Space Wolves individually
Lol no. The IF, DA, and fucking Doom Legion all have a stronger space presence.
I'm not sure if the fluff has changed bit but i remember from the 5th edition marine codex that all the ultra successors still took orders from ultramar. the DA and the BA are also skirting the letter of the law but the ultras are more hypocritical because there the ones forcing the codex.
>i remember from the 5th edition marine codex that all the ultra successors still took orders from ultramar
Well you remember wrong. Give me page number and quote.
Imperial Fist mother fuckers, do you even facial hair?
>Emperors choosen legion
>greatest fleet bar none
>best successors bar none
>greatest fortresses ever
>greatest space fortress ever
>mfw Swagsmund challenges you
>tfw Pollux drops by your home planet and bashes your fortifications, looking at your Girlyman
What's that? Trenches filled with dead battle brothers? Can't hear you over all that fucking loyalty and self sacrifice.
>do you even facial hair?
Which IF had facial hair? Certainly wasn't Dorn.
>complete and utter mary sue chapter
>god-emperor tier
Fanart aside, Rogal Dorn was clean shaven.
For your favorite chapter you seem to know little.
I don't have it anymore sold it with the rest of my models years ago i still read some of the novels and read threads like this. It's quite possible your right about the successors being independent.
That was my point.
>>greatest space fortress ever
The Rock says know your role and shut your mouth.
"Last Wall Protocol"
When practical shit hits the fan and Rowboats theoretical doctrine leaves the most holiest of Terra's defenseless.
Notice that ultramarine blue behind the loyal yellow. Is his storm bolter firing? Was a single bolt from the unfortified Macragge fired at The Seige? Nope, because the Ultramarines were to busy playing SimSector in Ultamar while the man marines were holding the palace.
Oh. Sorry, hard to tell when people are being serious on the internet.