/5eg/ Fifth Edition General: Non-standard Race/Class Combo Edition

>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:

>Pastebin with homebrew list, resources and so on:

>June 2016 Survey

What sort of interesting race/class/multiclass combinations do you like to play? Not strictly power game stuff, but things like a half-orc Arcane Trickster or pic related.

Other urls found in this thread:


By your logic, a CR1 encounter is just as risky as a CR20 encounter. You're so easy to defeat in argument, god damn, stop embarrassing yourself, pumpkin.

Orbs are the best arcane focuses. Prove me wrong.

It depends. I've had a house rule staves can be treated as a quarter staff, so they offer that utility. Wands can also be concealed. Orbs aren't particularly concealable, and don't make sense to use as an actual weapon.

Earth genasi assassin.

>Orbs are the best arcane focuses
You incorrectly pluralized "focus".

Also they are unwieldy and not easy to grasp. They can also roll away if there's an incline.

Orbs seem a bit cumbersome, especially if they're the larger-than-palm-sized "crystal ball" type. I think wands and staffs are both great, personally, very flavorful and functional.

Is that staves thing a house rule? I thought it was RAI

>being this mad you double post to continue the argument in a new thread
not that guy but lel

First session of a new campaign tonight--bringing a pathfinder character of mine into 5e, since the new game takes place in the same setting.

Any thoughts on stats/skills/whatever? Supposed to be an apollo analogue kinda character, who may end up a son/avatar/chosen of lathander. Want to strike a balance between min-maxing and being ineffective.

Does anyone know if there are rules for cold iron weapons and where I can find them? I'm sure they exist but all I can find is that it's 100gp for a silvered weapon

Not a thing, for some reason. Kind of sad that it's gone.

RAW Staves can be used as a quarterstaff. Says so right in the equipment entry

Okay to explain myself:
Getting in trouble with the missus? Minor risk
Losing some money? Minor risk
Getting killed? Major risk

You follow me?

But hey, whatever dude, just glad I'll never have to play with you, have a nice life

Sad, sad little samefag. Truly pathetic.

The stupidity that was cold iron is gone, thank god.

Protip: "cold iron" is just a poetic way of saying iron. It's not a different substance, it's not a specific kind of iron, it's literally just iron.

it's a game of pretend mate having a fey killing sword is fun

You need to stop posting. Go lie down, maybe make yourself a nice cup of tea or something.

>doesn't even link any other posts so I can shop out "(You)"'s
(You) had one job

>fighting a goblin?
major risk because you might die

>fighting a dragon?
major risk because you might die

>fighting twenty dragons?
major risk because you might die

I guess everything is a major risk. Missus might become hostile and slit your throat with a kitchen knife. Major risk because you might die.

Losing some money? What?
>"Go lose some money, [NPC]"
>"That's a minor risk... you're gonna have to persuade me."

You follow me?

No, he pretty clearly means losing money as in "here's a bet with odds that aren't in your favour but a large gain if you win" or something like that

At some point during their adventure tonight, the party is going to be infected by an ancient artifact that will slowly turn them evil. They will then go on a quest into the temple the artifact is from in an attempt to destroy it.

How can I make the evil seem to slowly corrupt them, without doing something retarded like "WIS save or you attack a party member in anger?" Or is the WIS throw idea not terrible?

The temple itself is a temple dedicated to corruption, which used to follow a long-dead God. It's full of water and streams because the worshipers used erosion as a metaphor for how the world slowly corrupts the pure, so aesthetic-wise, I think it's pretty creepy. I just want to take that to the next level.

What are some good ways of doing that?

You're right I think I'm going to go outside to enjoy the nice weather and play violin.

PS: 5e performing with a stringed instrument is a dex still, not a charisma skill

Or like 'can we borrow your cart to go hunt down this monster?'

The cart costs money, not a lot, but there's a chance it might get destroyed.

Of course, if they just paid someone for it, then the issue isn't there, and they don't need to persuade them.

So the solution is to offer the giant owl more than just a kind word in order to make the significant risk less significant.

No, playing an instrument is Dex. Putting on a performance is Cha.
There's a difference that's hard to put into words but easy to understand

Passing notes that are only sometimes truthful and sowing dissent is always good.
>give the rogue player a note that says "read this, pretend to write a reply then pass it back"
>give another player a note that says "the rogue is planning to sneak attack you"
stuff like that

Rolled 1 (1d20)

"Hey guy, here's a bet with odds that aren't in your favour but a large gain if you win"

Very persuasive... minor risk, let's give that a DC10 persuasion roll.


>fey killing sword
Yeah, and we still have those. They're called swords. You kill fey with them.

Giving lots of different creatures their own werewolf-like weakness just pointlessly makes the game more convoluted and makes werewolves less unique. It's an especially stupid thing to do when you have to invent a ridiculous new type of metal because you can't just follow the actually myth, no, you have have to make it more stupid. We do not need an endless list of magic shit to make swords out of. Every new material like that you add to the game makes the game more convoluted and the materials less special.

You shouldn't pass a note that says 'the rogue is planning to sneak attack you'

It should say 'you notice the rogue has been positioned behind you for a while now'

It should be stuff that causes paranoia, but outright lies to try and start a fight is a step too far.

Well, sweet then. I couldn't remember seeing it written anywhere, but it just seemed to make sense. Makes multiclassing into monk as a caster that much more fun.

yeah you're more tactful than me (I'm bad at this stuff so I don't do it)
nice advice though

the only negative i can think of is that most staves are magic weapons, AND have a picture in their related books
and most of them are entirely made of metal/stone/bone

its not like it would come up, but RAW you could shalallliey most of the time(they arnt all described physically), but RAI you couldn't

A fighter/rogue based around grappling can be devastating. Walk over, grapple them, use shield master's feature to shove them to the ground, then let the pain begin

One of my players wants to play as the lemur from Zooboomafoo or something.

What's the best way of doing this without going druid or using kitsune homebrew considering most of them revolve around multiple tails or are broken like this one?

>"You notice the rogue reaching for your coin purse"
>"You notice the cleric's holy symbol has started to crumble, revealing what seems to be [icon of treacherous evil god] beneath."
>"As the barbarian chews on his rations, you could swear you saw a human finger amidst the various meats."
>"The entire party lights up from the Paladin's Detect Evil"
And don't just turn them against eachother:
>To the rogue or other typically low-will cowardly PC: "You keep seeing movement out of the corner of your eye. You have to wonder if you're being paid enough to go to a place like this."
>To the brute strength PC: "You're not sure if it's the influence of the temple, or if you just didn't notice until now, but [least physically strong PC] seems even more weak and sickly than usual. They don't belong here. Would your old clan/comrades allow someone like them to share in their glory?"
Y'know, tailor it to the vices of each PC.

Also maybe have a thing where the party passes through several pools of progressively murkier and more polluted water, just to strengthen the water/erosion theme.

Is there a 4e Trove around? I know this is 5e general, but its D&D anyway.

>earth genasi assassin
are you me?
I usually do that as a monk, the thought of a man killed with stone fists is somewhat ominous

Also maybe have a thing where the party passes through several pools of progressively murkier and more polluted water, just to strengthen the water/erosion theme.

Oh fuck yeah, I'm using that. Thanks!

In instances where the rule calls for "a +x bonus to the attack's damage roll", where x is a discrete integer, as in the Charger feat for example, does that extra damage get added again if the attack roll is a crit?

Because it says that the bonus is added to the damage roll. So if you repeat all your rolls to determine the damage of a crit, then repeating that roll would entail adding the bonus. Is this the case?

Greentext because I think it sounds confusing:
>roll a natural 20 on your charger attack with a greataxe and 20str
>charger dictates that the damage roll has a bonus +5
>crit dictates that you roll all of the attack's damage dice twice and add them together then add relevant mods
>roll 1d12+5 as per charger
>roll 1d12+5 as per charger
>add +5 from str

Compare this to Great Weapon Master, which says "you add +10 to the attack's damage".

Just had a better idea; have two pools of water - one perfectly clear, the other utterly rancid though not necessarily toxic, maybe it's just full of blood or something. By underwater tunnels, they both lead to the same destination, but the pure water tunnel is twisted and confusing with many dead ends, whereas the blood tunnel is a straight line to the end in only a few yards thanks to space bending magic. Reinforce the theme of doing small evils for the sake of a greater good or purpose. Then make those small evils progressively less small.

Even if you roll all the damage dice twice, that's still one "damage roll." So no, you get the +5 once only.

En5ider user here, updated my mega with all of the new ones. For the uninformed, these are basically professionally-created homebrew.


Looking for the Frog God PDFs of Quests of Doom 3, Chuck's Dragons, Rogues in Remballo, and The Lost Lands.

Here's all the Frog God stuff I have:


Jesus christ what a train wreck. I kept thinking "well that's a little dumb but i bet it could work out easily with a few minor fixes" but then it was just more and more and more. god damn. It's one of those things that could work if it was toned down a bit.

Rule that he was hit by a true polymorph, from an ancient magic trap or something. Then have him take monk to bounce around.

First 5E character I played was a High Elf Fighter (champion) which raised some eyebrows. Funnily enough it was the only one to survive the entirety of the Starter Adventure.

Next character I play is going to be a Rock Gnome Fey Warlock

I've been considering using a human with a single level in GOO Warlock to represent a Kalashtar, or someone with minor psionic talents.

Is there any way to take advantage of the Aarakocra's racial 1d4 unarmed strikes? I know monks can do unarmed strike bonus action shit, but they get 1d4 unarmed upgrade from their class. Seems super situational (you lost your weapon and you need to fight unarmed for example).

You said it yourself, you lost a weapon and need to fight unarmed.

Aarakocra get a big bonus in their flight already, so their other features are basically just flavor.


thanks m8

Thanks for your hard work user.

Will there be any books in the works for Eberron or Dark Sun? I've been out of the loop for awhile.

Can anyone give an example of an epic level monster in 5e ? no homebrew or conversions plz

>What sort of interesting race/class/multiclass combinations do you like to play?
pixie barbarian

DM here, newfag to 5e. Can someone highlight the flaws and things to look out for in this edition? I want to make sure I put on a good show for my players.


Does anyone actually use Fantasy Grounds for this game?

Yeah, I guess you're right. If you really want the racial 1d4 unarmed strikes, you'd take Variant Human with Tavern Brawler and start with 16 or 17 Strength.


"Epic levels" aren't a thing in 5e. If you mean above and beyond a challenge for level 20 characters:
- Tarrasque
- Kraken
- Any of the ancient dragons
- Demon lords from OotA

And a few others.

Eberron is in the works, Dark Sun is inevitable due its polling popularity. Not even Wizards could say when such books will be released.

>System is rather easy and there are no real trap options. Character building is easy.
>The Background / Bond system is very nice and helps roleplaying.
>Proficiency Bonus is a nice system.
>Super streamlined. There are almost no modifiers to attacks outside ability scores and proficiency bonus.
>Bounded AC / Accuracy. Your Fighter might start with 18ish AC at most and it won't go much higher than 20. Same with hit bonuses. The highest CR monster (Tarrasque) has 25AC.
>Classes are somewhat balanced for once. >Magic isn't super OP anymore for the most part.
>Everyone can move and do all their attacks in the same turn.
>By default most classes don't get more than 1 or 2 attacks per round.

>No more 5ft step.
>No more AoO's on spellcasters.
>Very low customizability.
>Dual-wielding is still bad.
>You have to choose between feats and ability score increases at every 4th level.
>Some feats are shit, some are pretty much must-have's. So there's still some system mastery there. Might be a Pro?

The only trap option is ranger pretty much. Beastmaster in particular.

>Not strictly power game stuff, but things like a half-orc Arcane Trickster or pic related.
I want to make a joke about it, but all I've got so far is something about illusionists and "hips don't lie".

Anyhow, I'm working on a half-orc bard, because I've got a concept I think would be fun.

Thinking about writing up a D&D Western setting. I made some halfhearted attempts to make it work in Eberron (cannibal halflings riding raptors are great) but I think making everything work with a frontier vibe needs some worldbuilding.

Using a net and using other attacks in the same turn:
>use action surge
>use haste
are the obvious ones...

I have a couple more (one of which is pretty good):
>dual wield net and hand crossbow: throw net and fire hand crossbow as a bonus action (bonus: if you do this at 5feet range, you don't get disadvantage on either attack)
>swift quiver: put your net in a quiver and cast this spell on them to get a single bonus action net throw each turn while the spell is active

Do you know of any other ways?

Another fun fact, nets can proc sneak attack and sharpshooter power attack

Oops. Meant to include in the net/handcrossbow method that you need crossbow expert.

RAW I think it means you can only "swing" the net once.

If I was a smartass rogue I'd be dual wielding a net and a rapier all day long.

Two-weapon fighting doesn't function with the net.

>any reasonable dm would allow it
I know, but I'm just theorycrafting and I want to use RAW

>Do you know of any other ways?
this homebrew i made
r8 h8 apprecia8

Halfling Ranger with a bow riding on its companion might be decent?

Even if staves don't have anything in their description saying they can be used as a quarterstaff, the rules for improvised weapons specifically say that if it looks like a weapon that already exists, it has the stats of that weapon. If your DM tries to tell you that a staff isn't similar enough to a quarterstaff to invoke that rule, then you need to get a new DM.

>>Magic isn't super OP anymore for the most part.

Forcecaging martials says 'Hi'.

Also i'd argue the Advantage/Disadvantage system is a huge con given how much it modifies the total results. There is a reason why Witches are busted in PF, and Avengers were a constant mutlicalss in 4e.

>Grappler feat
>use your action to attempt to restrain yourself and the target

>constrictor snake (CR1/4)
>druid can autograpple and autorestrain targets on a bite at level one

Why is this feat so bad.

It's definitely the worst feat in the game. A better grappler feat and a feat for throwing weapons would be really nice though

>the only reliable ways to apply the poisoned status effect is a sorcerer/wizard's ray of sickness or animal bites, because every other source of poison is just poison damage

Just get some drow poison.

>oh look user's being a faggot, its probably a Concentration sp-

What the fuck

Pinning people with thrown weapons is too damn good and easy.
Fight Club sucks ass, almost as much as using bludgeoning weapons in the first place.
TGWIOW is better than most vanilla feats, or even two of them. An instant unarmed upgrade, +1 AC, reaction attacks, and a maneuver that does base 4d6 damage and blinds or deafens?

The character I am currently playing is a dragonborn wizard. All I wanted to do was be a lizard wizard.

It's a 1/day spell that requires level 13+ and 1500 gp worth of materials every cast.
Since you can't cast through it, it's the ULTIMATE STALLING TOOL, which for a level 7 slot and 1500 gp it better be.

Firstly the syntax is pretty shit, but its not like it needs to be super tight because it's homebrew.

>Any time you have advantage on an attack, you may ricochet a thrown weapon from one enemy to an enemy adjacent to them.

>In liu (sic: were you thinking of Amai Liu? Shame, user, shame) of making an attack, you can instead pin an enemy to the ground or the wall blah blah blah
Suspension of disbelief with this is too much. What if the wall is made of stone? What if the creature is wearing plate armor? What if the creature is formless (I know you didn't mean for this benefit to work on formless creatures but you'll want to put clauses in for shit like that). Scrap it.

>As a bonus action you can make a trick shot. Roll a die the size of the number in the ones place of your dex score and add that number to your next attack roll with a thrown weapon.
That sentence gave me brain cancer.
Pic related, mfw reading that.

>Fight Club sucks ass, almost as much as using bludgeoning weapons in the first place.
oh yeah i forgot i didn't finish that one. idk what to do for it.
and yeah tgwiow i made as kind of a joke, but i like the idea of it so i need to balance it. actually i started out making all of these as a joke and got more serious as time went on...
what the fuck should clubs get? i want to have some way for them to do one huge club hit or something. i might just give it great weapon master but for all club weapons listed instead of just for heavy weapons idk.
i started writing one that let you "smite" using any extra attacks you had for one big hit instead of many smaller ones, but that was really convoluted to write out and hard to balance so i scrapped that.

companion as mount is really the best fix, but that clearly is a specialized bandaid for the class

fair enough lol. i'm not by any means done with that pdf (ie club feat isn't even anything yet), just throwing out there the trident/net combo at the end. which i guess i could of explained in my original post but............
thrown weapons i feel like need gimmicks, not improved power, so i was trying to work on that.
and obviously i meant in lieu, just a typo.

oh but also thanks for the critique

Yo. Shadowcaster homebrew here.

Changed the spell progression back to the 3.5 version where the class got uses per spell per day, Improved the Master of shadows archetype and shadow servant to acceptable levels so it isnt a straight copy of the beast master, and cleaned up the shadowblade entry for less confusion.

Any ideas for mysteries I should add? General critique and feedback would be greatly apprecieated.


Clubs get +2 to attack and damage rolls if the target is wearing medium or heavy armor. Other stuff too, but that's all I can think of for now.
you're welcome.

You're upset about Forcecage but not my assertions about Advantage/Disadvantage being bad?

Seems like okay changes. I really like some of the new cantrips.

Some more Mysteries that give extra uses of spells like that one for Darkness could be good. Maybe look at utility spells like Phantom Steed but I'm not sure if they'd fit.

Some more Mysteries for Arrow of Dusk wouldn't go amiss. Maybe one to have it Blind the target temporarily if they fail a save, or one that adds to the damage if you use it on someone you're hidden from?

It is, but I've always been enchanted by the idea of rough riding halfling marksmen who put the fear of smallfolk into the bigger races.

added an automatic crit on surprised for arrow of dusk cantrip, but worried it might be too powerful considering how easily this class can surprise its targets.

Phantom steed is a good idea, as would rope trick and the like. Wondering if giving them access to rituals like the warlock would be overpowered. My gut says probably.

Is Charger a good feat for rogues?

So I'm converting an Athasian Nightmare Beast from 3.x to 5e, and it has DR 15/epic. How I'm supposed to convert that ?

>Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non epic weapons

Ask your DM if 10ft of movement can be vertical as well as horizontal and become a parkouring assassin, dropping down on targets from above and breaking their necks with the force of your blades.

>How I'm supposed to convert that ?
Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical attacks. Epic weapons are not a thing in 5e, and they shouldn't be. Just give it more HP/higher AC as befits it.

no its pointless
you have cunning action when would you ever need charger? 5 damage falls off fast once you stack up a few sneak attack dice.

Automatic Crit seems rather strong, especially since it's triple damage on that cantrip. I'm not sure what would be a good alternative though. Maybe have it add a modifier as damage? Or make it so you can re-roll 1s on the damage dice to make it the results more reliable.

That's what I was thinking.

>"oh it would work well because they can cunning action dash.... but wait a minute, that might be exactly why is isn't useful for them."

It just says in a straight line, it doesn't matter the orientation.

> (You)
>That's what I was thinking.
>>"oh it would work well because they can cunning action dash.... but wait a minute, that might be exactly why is isn't useful for them."
yeah its better to just take something else. i took skilled so far on my level 4 rogue. level 8 idk probably skulker or +2 dex or something. maybe mobile.

Rerolling ones sounds good. Thank your for the suggestion.