That's no knee
Mtg art thread
That's no knee
Mtg art thread
You realize she is holding the dress out, right? Like women do normally when they have to move quickly in a dress. She just happens to be flying.
Damn you're stupid.
But that is not how you hold a dress
it is when you have a raging erection underneath
Post the alter
Make a thread on /d/.
She's holding the dress, but you can obviously see how it was originally going to be her knee there.
Her thumb is visible on this side, so it's not holding the dress up, she could only do that if it's grasped in her palm.
The angle that the dress comes away from the body shows the section being held has no slack, which it would if you were holding it naturally.
She's also holding it up high enough to show her petticoats, which isn't very ladylike.
Not that she's particularly ladylike, but showing everyone her underwear doesn't seem like one of the things she just does all the time.
Her legs look to be straightened, not bent.
>People are still obsessing over this shit 5 years later
It wasn't funny then, it isn't funny now
I agree, it's not funny. It's hot.
Welcome, newfriend.
today is a good day
They should have fixed this shit already.
Yes, now. It seems the artist originally went for 'one leg bent, one straight', then likely got told to draw both pointing straight down to make it more obvious that she's floating and not leaping - and then forgot to fix where the knee went
I didn't even fucking realize both of her feet were down there until this thread.
What the hell...
The new shit Olivia in Shadows Over Innistrad doesn't have the "knee"
Shes wearing armor, shes obviously flacid. I just wish her armor had a cod piece
Post Joven.
Who is the best mtg artist that works on non-supplemental products and why is he Seb McKinnon
>obviously trap
I don't have answers to your questions,
but I do have non-committal agreement.
Kev is one of my favourites
Bullshit, I laugh every time
What art beats this?
Is there a good custom playmat site I can use to get this art?
Marc "Never Ever Return To Kamigawa Ever" Rosewater
>tips candle over
>house burns down
The floor is likely made of stone.
she's just patting her boner, actually
yes thats because the artist decided to change the leg position for some reason
how does this make you feel user
come to think of it i think this user might be right about the reason
Op here. Well shit this thread got interesting.
Its just her dick. period.
Is that brazzerz
>tips candle over
>stone burns down
Seb McKinnon appreciation thread
>card is limited fodder
>art is a-fucking mazing
That's pretty hi-res for a Stasis .jpg
>Rising out of the ocean
Isn't it supposed to be inside the moon?
It's not a fucking dick no matter how hard you futafags try to insist it is. Jesus christ, kill yourself already
How did Crovax get so fucking buffed?
You're both babies, watch this
By killing like a million goblins once.
Or one goblin like a million times.
>tips candle
>stone burns up
Not nearly as pretty!
"I think I broke it."
Is Squee the ultimate way of getting mad gainz?
>Think the winged creatures are tiny birds at first
>Realize they are actually Angels
If nothing else I will at least enjoy the art of this set.
One does not cup their hand in such a fashion to grasp something with the forefingers, it would twist the wrist.
What happens if you fly through that organic arch on top of Emrakul?
Mandatory Phoglio
>no Steve Argyle
Stop it, Veeky Forums. You're making the angel cry.
>Steve "Liliana of the Veil" Argyle
user pls
Are those broken cookies on the floor?
>there was a time when random non-Legendary creatures were starring in solo comics
>card quality and art quality are or were ever related
>the majority of cards are not going to be played in limited and not constructed
I'm just saying that the art is amazing and that it's a shame to be wasted on a card not pushed for competitive play
Compare it to the fucking Sin Prodder that looks like a 3D model ripped from Diablo I
His reflection in the window is some incredible shit right there.
"A Magic Legend the Gathering"
>'what, you like this candle?'
>'well fuck your candle.'
Why do you think she's so upset?
At least she didn't spill her milk, too
One of my LGS always puts Bloodborne images as the cover for their SOI drafts on facebook, don't know if intended, hope it is
Is /d/ not archived anymore?
I really liked Mohrbacher but he started phoning it in (See: Yolandi the Elf) and quit doing Magic around the beginning of BfZ over pay disputes.
I liked Ortiz but if you look at her art too much you realize she's a fucking awful artist and just render nicely.
Argyle is the ultimate pleb test. You have to be a special kind of tasteless to think his art is good.
>no gangsta flavor text
Should be something like
>Send all niggas home
>Don't pick them up tomorrow
Anyone who's played ace combat knows.
He first did Attended Knight I think
Apart from the boobplate it's fucking amazing