Give the Sisters a full, fun, and profitable update without changing the aesthetic or making them worse Space Marines.
I challenge you.
Give the Sisters a full, fun, and profitable update without changing the aesthetic or making them worse Space Marines.
I challenge you.
I disregard your challenge and order you to ignore this post.
So making them better Space Marines is okay, then?
GW pls
The idea is not to make them like Marines at all. The "make them like mehreens" ideas make them worse because they may as well just be Marines.
But that's the whole reason for their existence. People wanted "female Space Marines." Cue Sister of Battle.
Why do we keep having this conversation every day
SoB won't be profitable without being an OP army like Tau or Eldar.
Look at Dark Eldar. They got a full plastic update and now they're not even worth keeping in the game. A faction in this game only sells when it has shit people like such as OP rules, giant mechs, or are a fan favorite like marines and orks. SoB have none of these things.
The only thing they need is new models+units, the current codex is pretty good but due to how limited everything is there really arent many options to what you can bring.
I'd give Repentia squads the ability to inspire units, so everyone within 12'' of a Repentia can attempt to use their act of faith even if they already did so Repentia can always try to get their AoF
Peninent Engines become T5 4+sv/FNP and add +1FNP for every other Engine in the squad, are troops instead of Heavy Support
Give SoB access to Hellhounds/Banewolves/Meltadog as a HS choice
They could use an Anti-psyker unit, like a squad with a Null Rod and storm bolters with anti-psyker ammo
SoB Centurions, a counterpart to the expendable Penitent Engines, each one has a Flamestorm cannon and can change it to a melta cannon. T4 2+sv, move 12'', one SoB can be upgraded to a Hospitaller.
DIY Living Saint with their own relics/wargear.
You're an idiot.
DE were big after their update. Give me ideas, not excuses.
>Give SoB access to Hellhounds/Banewolves/Meltadog as a HS choice
Take IG as an ally instead of giving them units from the IG. Or, you know, actually give them their own tank.
>SoB Centurions, a counterpart to the expendable Penitent Engines, each one has a Flamestorm cannon and can change it to a melta cannon.
>make them like Marines
Sisters fans...
>DE were big after their update. Give me ideas, not excuses.
And where are they now?
You're the only idiot here. "Stop telling me why my shitty thread is stupid and pointless." Don't you have a quest thread to make on the wrong board, or a pointless chapter creation or "how would you change GW if you were CEO" shit thread to make?
Next sisters thread, I'm linking this thread as soon as someone complains about no update.
Not giving money to GW.
Sisters and Marines were made contemporaneously, moron.
CR: Sister Sin
Native access prevents you from sperging about broken allies.
I'd add scions to the codex too.
Give them an open topped transport, or something with an assault ramp to get cc units stuck in.
>prevents you from sperging about broken allies
Who's me? I said nothing of the kind.
>Give them an open topped transport, or something with an assault ramp to get cc units stuck in.
SoB should quit using the Rhino and have two variants of Repressor, one with assault ramps and less fire points and the current one.
Do them in a boardgame, like the genestealer cult. If the boardgame does well, let forgeworld take over the line. If they sell well on forgeworld, put them in the next 40k starter set and give them the first codex of the new edition.
That minimises risk; if one stage doesn't sell, you can abandon them again. If they do sell OK, you have a decent range of monopose models by the time their codex comes out and don't need to produce a ridiculous number of new kits.
Make Repentia and Penitente Engines work outside of the FOC. That way they don't use Elite and Heavy Support space.
Focus around the AoF, make a synergy army, buffs and buffs.
Bring some shitty tarpit unites, like pilgrims, men and women given Autoguns.
Make a tacticool religious army. With Faith, Chainsword and Bolter. Also fire a lot of fire.
How would you make a standing Ecclisarch army that doesn't violate it's own rules? Maybe Sisters can be given the Storm Trooper treatment where they can be fielded alongside Imp guards or maybe have church followers that are like Imperial cultist without having to go Red Redemption
Frateris Militia. Witch Hunters.
They also need a big overpowered LoW unit for the $$$.
Im picturing it on the lines of the Crusades, the romantic idea thou. There is the official Church Army, the SoB and then anyone can join to fight, hence the pilgrims with shitty guns.
Or a military version of the Vatican guards.
Then again if marines are the shock and awe of the Imperium the sisters could be that but for the church.
No get fucked, no fraternis otherwise what is the point of sisters ???
Witch hunters sure, that gives you an anti psyker unit
That's how I would imagine it. A high ranking ecclisarch gets a wild hair up his ass and the backing of imperial forces to launch a crusade so the local chapter of sisters get geared along with any pilgrams in the area. They are certainly no imperial guard but bolstered by the faith of the sisters and maybe a few Ordo hereticus forces they can see their way through.
Frateris Militia are canon and are shitty cultists of the loyalist mold.
What in your opinion is Veeky Forums for exactly?
Mass blobs of imperial civies is a cool idea though.
They aren't part of the church, they have just taken up arms after seeing the sisters roll through town/the hive stack.
That way they have some cheap blob units say WS 2 bs 1 LD 6 or 8 when within 6" of a sister.
They were disallowed as an organization.
If you are playing in the past sure go hard, but if your playing in the 41st nah mate.
>bs 1
Why are they worse shots than Chaos Cultists and Orks?
Those are the Frateris Templars you twit.
I was think because unlike cultists or orks they are improvised troops, the carpenters, farmers, women and children joining up for reasons of faith, while cultists are normally your murders etc.
Fair enough my bad.
Pretty sure most Chaos Cultists are improvised too and at most may have just done a little bit of training. Somehow doubt the majority even survive their first battle since I can't imagine many CSM giving two fucks about them living.
Even Conscripts are BS2 though.
I'd put them at BS 2. I mean, that's the same stats as Conscripts.
SoB should become more focused
>more fire based stuff
>more focus on close range (meltas/flamers/blessed weapons)
>Frateris Militia as non-compulsionary troops (mobs/tarpits of extremely shitty humans lead by a priest with the priest as a lynchpin)
>make AoF a tiny bit better
>do more of a re-balance than flat buffs
>make a fluffy SoB "on loan" formation that can easily be allied into other Imperial Forces
Overall I think it'd be better if SoB became more Anti-Horde/Close Range as their niche in the Imperium Armies to reduce overlap.
I'd figure that SoB should be somewhere in between IG and Skitarii power-levels if we're doing a infantry to infantry comparison since that'd be right where they are in the fluff.
holy fuck I'm sick of people wanting SoB to be 1 to 1 equals compared to SM. Faith, slightly better than IG training, and a vagina doesn't make you the equivalent to a human genetically modified explicitly for the purpose of killing things.
The worst part is that it's not actually the SoB players making the noise most of the time. It's the people who "like" the idea of the SoB or "fans" who want them outshooting and outfighting the SM because that sounds good in their head. I'm trying really hard to not go full "/v/" here but I think anyone who's had experience with "SoB fandom" knows what I'm talking about.
They should interact with the AoF in some way. Random people accomplishing miracles is my fetish.
OP here. I agree. Hence the caveats.
It seems like all Veeky Forums's suggestions are either "make them MEQ", "change their very distinctive armor", "give them units from other codices", or a combination of the above.
>I think it'd be better if SoB became more Anti-Horde/Close Range
But hordes already suck.
If only they could be anti-giant mecha, but I don't think that fits their fluff.
I feel like you could give them a LoW or two with nasty megameltas.
They already have giant mobile battle cathedrals on tracks or wheels or even spider legs in fluff.
I'm sure GW doesn't mind some stealing.
>half-alien raised by aliens in a xenotech suit of armour
>the most fanatically xenophobic faction
Yeah, perfect choice, cretin.
Give them a plastic start collecting box and also a plastic box of 10 sisters that can make a variety of their infantry units. Give them a new elite and maybe a fast attack choice with their own plastics and then update the rules. That's it.
>half-alien raised by aliens in a xenotech suit of armour
>implying xeno tech won't be approved if beneficial
I think a Seraphim squad armed with 10 pairs of Inferno Pistols deep striking next to almost any single enemy would vaporise it, especially if they had a way to land more reliably.
Of course, people might get pissed off in a similar way to the Scatter Bikes, so maybe a 5 pair limit so it's not so guaranteed to take something down with 1 squad. Or maybe people won't hate them since they're not very durable and are so short ranged.
>Repressor gets an Assault Ramp and TL Heavy Flamer
>Penitent Engine becomes an MC with a Dreadknight statline but no armor save, moves to Fast Attack
>Immolator can choose between TL Autocannon, TL Multi-Melta, Flamestorm Cannon
>Exorcist can be squadroned, weapon changed to S8 AP1 30" Heavy D3 Armorbane (they're Melta missiles, after all)
>Seraphim get a special rule to reroll failed Invulnerable saves, Angelic Host formation sticks around and increases that to 5+, as well as letting them Deep Strike and assault in the same turn
>Repentia get standard FNP, AoF gives them Eternal Warrior for a turn (to give them a save against S6 and better)
>Avenger replaced with Vulture and Vendetta
truly a momentous task for the ages
>But hordes already suck
Oh I know user but it'd be fluffy and that's a sacrafice I'd be willing to make.
>t.Ork player
>pic related
Maybe three super heavies based on one chassis?
>super Immolator (MELTA+transport)
>super Exorcist (double stacked battery ala Minotaur Artillery Tank)
>literally a church/shrine tank (choice of different AOE buff options per turn + transport)
Codex: Inquisition is not Codex: Adepta Sororitas. Have you noticed that?
fuck I'm tired
Not even Imperial tech gets approved, even if it's useful. When was the last time you saw a Sister carrying a Hotshot Lasgun? And they're even the chamber militant that gets called in when the Inquisition needs to deal with rogue Space Marines.
Only two nitpicks: first, give them a unique flyer or two instead of giving them IG shit.
Second is more for preference. If the Guard get a shitty old tank with a fucking Inferno Gun (Malcador Infernus), the sisters should get an Inferno Gun unitl of some type.
Never, because bolt/flame/melta is a holy trinity to them.
>tfw you realize it's impossible to DS ten models into melta range for the pistol
I'm okay with most of this, but they should get a flyer of their own instead of borrowing an IG one. A vector dancer flying immolator that keeps its transport capacity for 100-120 points would be pretty cool.
I'd be happy with some kind of assault vehicle or Repentia that didn't suck so much balls.
Repentia and Penitentes engines should get eternal warrior and feel no pain.
Their entire point is to die in combat, not die walking towards combat.
Inferno Cannon is a Titan-class weapon though, and Sisters don't have a tank chassis to mount it on. I'm not sure I'd want them to, either; having weaker models but more numerous than Space Marines seems like part of their flavor to me.
Damn, that would be awesome, especially if it had a Flamestorm Cannon option. It's like a baby Heldrake. Maybe 150 points would be more reasonable for it?
Yes but one of them is far more likely to be squatted than the other. What will happen next?
You mean when Hereticus Inquisitors are mixed to C:SA, Malleus to GK, and Codex: Deathwatch comes out with the Ordo Xenos Inquisitor and characters?
>Sisters don't have a tank chassis to mount it on
But they could have a superheavy with one. What's the reason they shouldn't?
>it's impossible to DS ten models into melta range for the pistol
That's only a problem when dealing with vehicles, the monstrous creatures are what's giving me trouble. Though maybe if someone played Imperial Knights at my friendly local gaming store I'd be more concerned.
Space marine fluffers.
They get buffs based on the type of "geneseed" collected
Oh, you. Fun fact, it originally was literally called "gene-sperm".
>He wants to encourage superheavyhammer
Give them a 2500 point spider basilica bristling with Flamers and with a monster Meltagun that adds 2 to the Destroyer table against vehicles at half range or less.
That's what Exorcists are best at. Take at least 4 or 5 in every army over 1250 points. Or ally in some Gray Knights, Instant Death is fantastic against MCs.
>>He wants to encourage superheavyhammer
>he would rather ignore meta
Can they even get plasma weapons or lascannons? I think the only unit that can take a plasma gun is a priest. A bit of variety in weaponry will always help, and it keeps sisters from being only an anti-infantry force if they can get more than meltas. Also, throw in some Frateris Militia. Give them a stateline similar to cultists, and let the girls have some meatshields. Maybe even have some pyskers, or make their faith work a little more like pysker powers - the lore's already pushing Emperor worship that way, with the Lost and the Damned being Emperor daemons now, so no need to make it something it's not.
Also, despite what you want, I think they at least need an option for variety in asthetic. Half the reason people like most of the other factions is since they can customize them so heavily - you can have knightly Space Marines, high-tech Guardsmen, or tribal Orks. Sisters need that variety.
Codex: Ecclesiarchy
Sisters of Battle, Assassins and Templar. Maybe Grey Knights, who knows.
Random ideas for possible new Sister stuff.
>Loyalist-flavored Sonic Blaster - spews prayers of the Emperor and holy edicts at the enemy
>Giant Aquila on Wheels - big symbol of the Emperor, gives nearby sisters an increased Invunerable save. The wrath of the Emperor is strong upon any who fire on these holy sisters, doing some damage/or forcing them to make a Leadership test or reduce their stats for a turn.
>Onager - like an Exorcist, but more anti-infantry instead of anti-vehicle. Missiles leave lingering flames?
I'd rather use the meta to my advantage and use my many fast moving Melta wielding units to overwhelm my opponent's superheavies.
>the Lost and the Damned (as in the codex that's now Heretics and Renegades from FW) being Emperor daemons now
u wot m8
Sorry, I meant Legion of the Damned.
>Loyalist-flavored Sonic Blaster - spews prayers of the Emperor and holy edicts at the enemy
You mean the Laud Hailer?
The codex gives like five different possibilities as to what they are. From the Fire Hawk one to the daemon one to faith constructs to space marine ghosts to time travellers.
Decent heavy armor would be a nice start
Realism, user. You can't not have a superheavy unit and get a GW release. Not as a full codex, not these days. Even DE have them.
Dominion Squads could use a small change to their act of faith. It's amazing with melta, but useless if the squad takes flamers instead. Maybe something simple, like flamers gain +1 strength in addition to the normal ignore cover.
>Even DE have them
Wait, what? Really?
>Look out up
>It's just a Revenant
Who cares? You'll never be able to field it in a game under 3000 points without having the other guy pack up and walk off. I've got no problems with those, Apocalypse is cool.
Tantalus. Good counter to Titans as per their formation.
That's not a superheavy, it's a Dark Eldar Land Raider. As if the Land Raider didn't already have problems not exploding on the first turn.
Land Raiders don't get special rules for ignoring Invulnerable Saves. They also don't zip around like all Eldar vehicles do, which is a major advantage.
If a glass cannon faction gets them, so should Sisters.
That just lets you rerolled some tests - I'm talking an actual offensive weapon that's unique in being one of the only Sonic weapons in the Imperium. It even sort of fits the Sister profile.
According to the current codex and some of the rulebooks the Ecclesiarchy only follow the spirirt of the no-men-at-arms rule which is why we get crusaders, pentientiant engines, death cult assasins,arco-flagellants and frateris militia.
The whole Imperium works on such workarounds of written law for the sake of what's required to keep fighting. It's actually kind of fascinating:
Death Cults aren't officially Ecclisiarchy forces as much as private groups of faithful believers. Same with Frateris Militia, and the Crusaders are part of their own Crusader Houses.
Penitent Engines and Arco-Flagellants are ways to punish those who have been heretical, and aren't technically military forces per se, as much as they are seeking death as their punishment.
And then you have the Sisters getting exclusive rights to the Exorcist, which isn't allowed under any Imperial ruling.
Frateris Militia isn't a standing army. It's just a bunch of dudes that train to fight in their free time and volunteer when the Ecclesiarchy asks who wants to go lynch some heretics. Same deal with death cults, except being badass is a full time job for them.
This was in the first book GW ever produced for the entire 40k franchise.
You literally have no fucking clue what you are talking about.
*Give St. Celestine Eternal warrior.
*Let all of their AOF using once a turn each squad not one a game but still if they whiff on their leadership they can't use it and blew it.
*All non-HQ non-vehicle battle sisters 1-2 pt drop across the board.
*Give repentia able to strike at ini, change their AOF to add in +1toughness with their FNP.
*Pen engines turn into either MC with toughness 6, fleet, that +3 to move ability that ad mech have OR a drop of 10 pts and more weapon options.
*make their apoc only formations useable in normal games
*Cultist as an alternative troop choice (half-joking)
*Bring their flyer from FW over to normal
*Retributor squads make it ALL can each take one item from the heavy weapons list.
*Switch Dominion squad to elite
*Celestian squad into FA and turn them into jump infantry, angelic visage, power weapons for 4 of them, storm shields for up to two with one for superior for a max of 3.
.....for a start.
Frateris Militia isn't even necessarily an actual militia, though some are as organized as the Redemption Cult. Here's a quote from the Lexi:
>The existence of the Frateris Militia is tolerated due to the fact that they have no formal connection to the Ecclesiarchy: they are no more than faithful Imperial citizens eager to prove their dedication to the Imperial Cult. The raising of a Frateris Militia force is often tied to the announcement of a War of Faith, with the faithful assembling of their own volition alongside the ranks of the Imperial Guard and Adeptus Sororitas, though they can come from any number of sources: a passionate Preacher or Confessor may rouse the local citizenry to dispose of a recently-discovered heretical cult; a Missionary may acquire a following of recent converts to protect and help them spread the good word; a temple may come under attack, requiring the opening of secret vaults to arm the local clergy and lay members in the shrine's defense.
>Crusaders are part of their own Crusader Houses.
They are part of the Ecclesiarchy. Their fluffs says "Some Inquisitors enlist Crusaders from the honour guard of the Cardinals Crimson - that most mysterious of all the Ecclesiarchy's many orders."
Was meant for
But the fluff also says "The Crusaders are not officially appointed members of a branch of the Ecclesiarchy itself, rather they bypass the Decree Passive banning the use of 'men under arms' by being members of Crusader Houses, secretive organisations located close to Inquisitorial facilities."
So while the Crusaders might be brought into a Cardinals Crimson honor guard, they're not actually Ecclesiarchy officals, since they're at least originally from their own organization that's not directly related to the Ecclesiarchy before they join as a bodyguard.
this is what my heart desires
Make them WS3 BS2 with pistol and close combat weapons and replace AoF with bonuses based on unit size and I'm on board. Also let's have a W/BS 3/3 carapace and auto guns novice troop choice so we have a cheap but not sucky unit.
As I understand it (I'm a couple of editions behind) what the sisters really lack is range so we need something to full that role.
Now for the spit balling of ideas.
>Trinity shells, what happens when you try and make one weapon that incorporates all three of the weapons in the trinity? Probably an ordinance blast weapon but really I just like the concept.
>Bolter bitch bikers, used to hunt down heretics so gets a bonus to move through difficult terrain. In my heart these are three wheeled with your choice of bolt flame or melter (maybe heavy) something to give them a nasty change (maybe fluff it as similar tech to Arco-Flagellants) and a 2+ save to show your opponents that the Emperor hates them almost as much as the sisters.
>An HQ choice that is an expert in AoFs and philosophy that can make Tau doubt the greater good, cut through an Eldars arrogance or explain to an Ork that there will just never be enough dacka.
>Finally some sort of psychic unit that represents the sisters looking for a way to use faith to save humanity from its coming awakening as an elite choice but I'm not sure what its rules should be.
On a matter of flavour and the feel of the setting I've never been a huge fan of AoFs or DE pain points (or whatever they were called) as I feel AoFs remove an element of doubt from the setting and Pain Points leave me wondering why nobody thought to kill a minor group of slaves just before battle.
That isn't mentioned in any codex though. Pretty sure it is from one of the old dark heresy books.
They are not part of their own orgiansition in the new fluff or any fluff released by GW for that matter. You can't mix these two peices of fluff together.
Actually, it is cited as being from Dark Heresy: Ascension. I don't think you can calll that old fluff when it's from only 2010. Considering that 5th Ed Grey Knights is older, and the GW page has only the one sentence you quoted and nothing more, which on its own makes it sound like a direct violation of the Decrees Passive...
It is also the fluff in the inquistion codex and the sisters of battle codex.
>direct violation of the Decrees Passive...
SeeBoth the current sister codex and some rulebooks have mentioned that the Decrees Passive is not followed to the letter.Which is why we have male soldiers like the crusaders.
I'd like some vehicles for the SoBs: An artillery piece that isn't the exorcist, a mobile cathedral, some caged psykers being tortured on a rhino chassis, pulpiteks... Something.
And swarms of killer cherubims.
I've never heard anyone claim that the sisters were equivalent to SMs. They're very close to stormtroopers/"scions", being trained since their early years at the Schola to be shock troops, but I don't see how you could extrapolate to "kill marines for breakfast" from there.
We had one thread about the quality of their power armour, though, but it was unconclusive.
It's not really a breach of the decree, they're bodyguards in the first place.
>Pretty sure most Chaos Cultists are improvised too and at most may have just done a little bit of training.
You'd think so, yet their profile puts them on the same level as Guardsmen, who, memes aside, are proper trained soldiers. Though Cultists have worse armour - "improvised armour" in fact - they're just as skilled and disciplined as the professionals (granted, Ld at least can also represent courage, or more pertinently, fanaticism).
The Chaos Cultist entry is supposed to cover heretics from both civilian and military backgrounds, but the stats seem more reflective of the latter. Then again, the old Zealots for Witch Hunter armies in Chapter Approved had WS and BS 3 as well. And the average Ork is no stronger than a human, while Craftworld Eldar Guardians are equal in skill to the hardened killers of Commorragh's Kabals.