Is there a good mechanical reason to use a melee weapon in Cypher, except for a "nonmagical unarmed character"?
>Point-Blank Range: If a character uses a ranged weapon against a target within immediate range, the attack is modified by one step in the attacker’s favor.
Ranged weapons are more accurate than melee within 10 feet.
>As a part of another action, a character can adjust his position. This is considered an immediate distance, and a character can move this far as part of another action.
>As an action, a character can make a short move. In this case, he is doing nothing but moving up to about 50 feet (15 m). A character can try to make a long move—up to 100 feet (30 m) or so—in one round.
>This is a Speed task with a difficulty of 4.
>A character can also try to make a short move and take another (relatively simple) physical action, like make an attack. This is a Speed task with a difficulty of 4
Melee characters have poor mobility unless they take a special ability.
The "modern" and "sci-fi" equipment are extremely ranged-slanted. In "fantasy":
>Inexpensive: 12 arrows, 12 bolts, burlap sack, candle, rusty and worn knife
>Expensive: battleaxe, cutlass, quarterstaff, sword (all medium); bow, light crossbow (both medium with 100-foot range and no reload)
>Very expensive: Greatsword (heavy), heavy crossbow (heavy with 100-foot range and hidden reload time in page 26)
>Exorbitant: Elven chain (medium armor, encumbers as no armor)
In "fantasy," warriors, explorers, and combat-flavor (free) speakers and adepts can all start with Practiced in Armor and free elven chain.
Between a battleaxe/cutlass/sword and shield (rules for shields are back in Numenera/the Strange), a greatsword, and a bow, the bow is still the best because of range and point-blank accuracy.
Most decent warrior or combat-flavor abilities for melee have ranged counterparts, like Bash and Fury vs. Thrust and Deadly Aim. Mighty Blow works for ranged too. Remember, in Cypher, Speed > Might.