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>How to Jumpchain
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Ok I have an Innistrad question because of something that I am planning to do. Will there be any fallback if I kill ALL of the vampires? I know the planeswalker who made that plane is a vampire but... well I took the 3 day king drawback and the siblings game drawback which I am planning to use them against each other to create a giant cluster fuck; escape and then hit everything with a holy nuclear bomb to erase all of my problems in one go.
However it sounds like Sorin probably will be a little pissed.
Sand attack in Gen 1 was bullshit.
Real Talk for a Moment.
Thank you all. I've come to enjoy Jump-chain a whole hell of a lot since it started. Not just because of the game itself, but because of you all. Yeah sure sometimes we argue. But I love you all. And I think of you, as my friends.
Thanks Justiceanon. Remember, despite what some people may say, you are Justice.
Well again, here it the Last Exile jump update. Got eaten up during the shitfest.
So, question for anyone who knows about this stuff: apparently, Fate servant can no sell modern weaponry, EXCEPT for nukes, because the Collective Unconscious believes they can destroy anything or something? How does that work in higher tech jumps? Does that mean in say, Star Wars, nukes wouldn't inflict any damage because people DON'T believe they can destroy anything or whatever? Or in a low tech world, a cannon can hurt me because people think it can? Like, how does this crap work?
Decided to make a .jpg of the first page of the second bit of The Great Game.
Why? I'm not entirely sure.
Pocket Sand item when?
Love you too, and also your justice harem shenanigans
>as above, so below
>US/UK politics are currently polarised as fuck
>thread is polarised as fuck
Deepest lore, you guys.
This image amuses me. You have one guy who's just really happy, another who looks startled, and a third guy who's just quietly asking himself why he hangs around with these losers. That, or internally screaming, could be both actually.
That is justice!
Needs more cheese.
Didn't Fred and George act like this in the 5th book when they learned how to apparate?
Thank you
I considered adding "Disregard this I'm a faggot" in spoilers
Nah, OOOs is likely oblivious to what's going on right next to him. He's kinda like that.
That's how it goes in the movie, yeah. The immediate next shot is Shotaro asking "What the hell?" and Gentaro responding with just "SPACE!". All the while, Eiji's trying to get them to focus.
In darkstalkers should I take the Boooorriiiinng drawback? I don't need the points. I really don't need another companion though I don't mind the idea of another companion.
It doesn't change depending on the setting you are in. Also it's not that they no sell weapons, it's more that modern weapons don't do nearly as much damage to a servant as they do to other things. Besides the fact that servants can and do run around and even above the speed of sound, they can effectively outrun a great many explosives, but an explosive fireball is still a concern to some degree.
How often do you play co-op?
Well Sorin is a vampire.
>Needs more cheese.
First part has some foreshadowing about that.
You'd have to be quite mad to take the big drawback at the end for instance.
Don't do it.
Two-Player Mode is not what it seems. Guard your soul. Save yourself.
That was my reaction, too, and what I based our early relationship on.
Double flamio, my good hotmen!
Do you want to have a powerful succubus companion that gets bored easily, and all that entails as a companion? Personally I say, Morrigan a best.
Darkstalker succubi don't eat souls.
Are we truly the last exile?
Eh? What do you mean?
2 player mode is something you are doing to do often with Morrigan.
Sex, he means sex.
Which means? I haven't played darkstalkers except perhaps so long ago that I don't remember.
this You dense tool.
If you are looking for a serious answer, yes. By the time of the series start the other Prester Colonies have already activated their Exile and went back to Earth except for the Prester the series is based on.
>Not realizing user is being Emiya Shirou
ah, jumper me couldn't get away with not acquiring a harem. More like getting acquired by a harem, but whatever. Maxed endurance on body mod, should be fine in that case.
Ah, okay, thanks user. The supplement seemed to imply that they were full on immune, but I must have misread it. Okay, so not fully immune, but it does much less damage, and they can out run most big kabooms. Gotcha.
She is going to have fun with someone as dense as him.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I'm oblivious, so what. Now what will I do with this extra cp. Give me a few and I'll have my build up.
>believes they can destroy anything
That...sounds more like a specific Noble Phantasm than something common to call Servants.
As far as I know, the noselling of modern weaponry has more to do with Servants being spirits rather than completely physical entities.
Early Nasu lore postuled that actually, modern humans would eventually surpass the heroes of yore in pure combat capability through tech; by the time of Notes this has lead to artificial posthumans who can punch like nukes. Even in the modern Nasu era the True Magics are a good example of something only compatible with modern humans that can surpass the old systems. So to answer your question-it seems more that sufficiently high tech weapons that don't rely on conventional kinetic/thermal/poisonous damage could stand a chance of hurting Servants before accounting for Noble Phantasms.
Again, not an expert on this but as far as I know the vampire planeswalker being pissed is the only major problem, yeah. Nobody likes vampires. He doesn't even like vampires. I don't even remember why he set up the stupid balance of good and evil bullshit, other than maybe him liking Innistrad that way but wanting to be top dog and lord over his fellow leeches.
Aw, shucks.
Me on the right
You have made the right choice.
Reposting this from the last thread.
How do you handle a perk that renders others seemingly obsolete?
With [biosculpter] from Worm I can do anything with a touch that takes me 5+ perks to do with tech?
Why bother with [primal evolution] from Zerg if I can just touch something and copy/paste desirable traits at me leisure?
It's that bullets and such aren't a concern, they can no sell bullets that aren't enhanced or modified with magic, and if a servant is caught in a building taken out by explosives, the building falling on them is likely to do more damage. As well an airstrike on a servant isn't likely to be fatal, but it's not something that they should just ignore.
But Man of the Spiral, I have the OOOs Driver.
eh, assume that they enhance each other in some way or another. Maybe they don't boost each others power, perhaps they boost your finesse or your eye for detail regarding the subject matter. Think of ways for them to interact that make sense.
That may be the single kindest, sweetest thing ever posted to this board.
I don't trust it for an instant.
Seriously though, it's nice to see something other than the same old shit posts at the start of a thread. You're doing the Harem Lord's work. May others be most excellent to you.
Redundancy and completeness. Biosculptor is powerful, but ultimately limited in its knowledge of biology. Getting biotech perks adds to its knowledge base to make it more capable of dealing with truly exotic biologies. For example, Biosculptor is limited to "real" biology, so it couldn't do some of the weird things Zerg biology can like ablative anti-gravity brain tumors.
What CYOAs contain bat people? Not vampires.
Conversely it makes my Jurassic Park perks kind of useless. Amy does everything those perks allow in canon.
That's just how things work user. Some perks in some jumps do things better then some perks in other jumps. We have 600+ jumps now, what do you expect? That every single perk is different from every other?
This is just something that happens. Sometimes you can work around it, sometimes you can't.
You too, fellow ally of justice. Even if I don't do that much 'round these parts.
P.S. Have your wives formed a planetary orbit around you yet
I diversify my build.
Fallen London, delicious friend.
That's a kitty cat, but in answer to your question, there's a few floating around D&D. I remember there being a rather peaceful race of fruit bat people that lived in jungle canopies.
I'd bet Fallen London has something like bat people too, but I'm not sure.
So has anyone started work on a Girls und Panzer jump? that seems like it would be a nice early jump.
>That image
I want a King Tiger, or a Moss
Arrow-verse: In order to take the Speedster perk, you have to take the "It Was Me Jumper" drawback. Apparently, no out-of-jump power or abilities can be used to defeat them. Does this mean I can't even use combat skills or training to defeat them or even natural intelligence? What about companions?
Fuck off shitposter, lewd jumps aren't allowed.
Not round enough.
I would recommend tricking the first one into running full speed into a sharp object and then getting creative for future ones.
Look at that ugly fucking tank.
Alright, be honest with me fuckers; how many of you actually jump with waifus.
I... Can't believe I forgot Zootopia. I only wrote the freaking thing. Geeze. Thanks user for covering for my stupidity.
Yeah, I think that's them. I can't do much digging right now though. I'm at work.
Better question; how many of you actually have your waifus as actual characters rather then names on a checklist?
I import them often, and swap out who gets imported so no one gets left behind!
I only have one waifu. My other female companions are just friends. I am around jump 39 right now.
It's not lewd you idiot, it's slice of life with tanks and wargames.
I have a fuckpit, a harem cage, and a waifu box. I jump solo though.
We are confused, did the tank upset you? As far as I know the setting isn't lewd.
Even a nuke that would destroy their physical body won't hurt their spiritual form. The whole 'nukes can hurt servants because embodiments of destruction' came right from anons ass and isn't a thing Nasu ever stated.
Once again, Yo!
I might be the most well known Harem Jumper, but my Waifus are treated as actual characters who have an effect on my story.
Hell my other non-waifu Companions are treated as actual characters who have an effect on my story.
Does it need to be plural?
You're welcome.
Yes, indeed. As important to the story as my self insert.
Round enough. Dumb enough.
Gigantism killed it, though.
Russian tanks a shit!
It's more of a harem situation for me, but if I'm honest three of them get far more attention than the rest. I'm actually down to five in the harem after a recent Jump saw several of then choose to stay behind and one permanently switched gender to male.
You could say he gets really, into, his waifu.
No, of course it's lewd.
Just look at those curves.
And dat upper glacis.
I...uh...think I need some alone time.
That tank was one of the most stupidest designed tanks I've ever seen.
user please this is a blue board. Spoiler that lewd tank shit.
That's because A) it's early (like, really early. 1914) and B) Russian.
My waifus are not generally OC as a rule.
I give you 1 point for raven minus 1 point for starfire.
C) They were compensation for something
You, sir, have absolutely superb taste.
Two pods, two feathers, or one of those fuckers who leaves waifus behind?
There are bat people in Fallen London, but they're alien horrors from beyond the stars. You don't want to be one.
Germans thought it would be a good idea to make a tiny ball tank. Kinda makes me wonder how it would function as a ACU of imported.
In order to make a plane stable it has to have balancing elements. Planeswalkers have tried in the past to make planes of only the kind of society they like, for instance there was an angel planeswalker who made a plane of all white mana. Unfortunately this kind of set up is inherently unstable and eventually falls into disrepair and then comes apart at its seams. I want to stress that the one who did this was an Old walker and not even she could pull it off without constant attention.
I wished there were more pictures like this.
And yet you are selling them quite well. . .
No one actually knows that the kugelpanzer is for.
It is just...there. And those fucks at Kubinka won't let anyone study it.
I do. Possibly because I have one. And she's my only companion. And I import her if at all possible. And sometimes when it isn't possible.
You could just not take it? Lots of cool powers in Worm, many of them contenders for Best in Chain. Diversify your portfolio.
If you become one, you become bound to serve the Bazaar. It would mean the end of your chain.
I'm not saying every idea the Germans had for tanks was great
But the Russians were shit.
I want a King Tiger, or a Moss
There is an item called a Blue Feather in Harvest Moon, it lets you turn anyone you want into a companion as long as they agree to marry you. Some people bought more than one and/or have started cloning them with Minecraft Cheat Mode.