Carmen Miranda's ghost is haunting Space Station 3! She seems friendly but the only way to appease her spirit is to post spaceships and talk about your favorite Space settings!
Carmen Miranda's ghost is haunting Space Station 3! She seems friendly but the only way to appease her spirit is to...
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Personally I really like Chronicles of the Void. It's a Space opera setting that's only $10 on Drive Thru RPG. The blurb:
The year is now 560 After Ouroboros in the second era.
Humans have stretched the boundaries of their own humanity by experimenting with cybernetic implants, engineering Geno-Perfect children, and introducing life-extending technology which offers immortality to anyone who can afford to maintain the strict treatment regimen. Wormhole travel allows the traversal of galaxies in the blink of an eye. The Neuro Labyrinth connects every citizen of colonized worlds to one another in real time and offers virtual bodies to explore new realms which are limited only by the imagination. Alien lifestyles and ideas have infiltrated human culture, fracturing the Hexumvirate’s once-absolute authority over mankind, and have caused new systems of government to grow and flourish.
However, this time of heady growth and expansion has not been without its costs. The Banx Crusade nearly saw the end of this social order just 30 years ago and has left a legacy of ruined planets, displaced people, and a tireless contingent of ruthless robotic SERK that still terrorizes people to this day.
Billions of star systems have been surveyed, thousands have been settled, but septillions more remain a mystery.
The game’s foundation is an innovative game engine which defines two major systems for handling fast-paced action: the One Breath Combat (OBC) and Vehicle Assault and Pursuit (VAP) systems. The OBC system engages players in skirmishes which encourage cinematic actions and the speedy resolution of events to keep players in the moment. The VAP system captures the excitement of piloting your own customizable star fighter into battle simulating 3D combat on a 2D grid. CotV trims the fat off the tabletop gaming experience and cuts straight to the action with a strong emphasis on ease of play and unlimited extensibility through the cyber realms of the Neuro Labyrinth. The Neuro Labyrinth allows each player's character to create avatars to roam the vast cyberscape, which opens up new frontiers in customization and depth on a previously unimagined level
God tier album. Posting some old school ships.
More filk!
This is a pretty nice lego model, no?
Also, this song's pretty much mandatory
I'm about to run a space game for the first time using the cortex system. Gonna have the party pick up a junker out of a scrap yard for their ship, anyone have any good ideas for odd old ships to pick up?
So far I have:
An old system patrol corvette. 25% more fuel consumption but the engines are pretty top notch. All the weapons have been removed but even with standard police armament it would have had alot more power than it needed.
A hodge podge ship that appears to have been cobbled together from two different ships. Has both regular engines and a micro warp drive that requires someone psionic to activate it. The control systems are in 4 different languages and some sort of brain dog creature has moved into the air vents.
An old trader with no mounts for weapons barring the standard anti asteroid point defence systems. Has a shuttle bay on top and a good cargo hold.
This thread has introduced me to a whole new genre of music.
I did not even know that this was missing from my life. Thank you Veeky Forums.
Bumping with more Leslie Fish
I tell her the story of Dawson's Christian, made all the more terrifying because i know it's true
More filk!
I've not had the opportunity to fully explore it myself, but I've a hankering for either space truckers/longhaulers or free traders/tramp freighters. Blue collar crews making the rounds between stations and colonies relying on their wits to keep their stomachs full and their ships in flight, whilst straining their engines to the max.
Space Station 13 was pretty good, now it's more LRP or HRP unfortunately. Also d20 is dead.
The songs from the Finity's End album are also based on a sci-fi book series, so if you let it this thread can introduce you to some good reading as well.
Also anyone got any good SS13 stories? I'm going to post a few
I suppose that's enough stipulation?
I had pdfs of Downbelow Station and Merchanter's Luck, but unfortunately I lost them.
I fucking love that tape. And I cant get it anywhere.
That sounds like an interesting system, user. What's the dice system?
What would a setting based on Filk music be like?
inb4 Star Trek
Pretty much anything, since Filk's just sci-fi and fantasy themed folk music.
>Space Station 13 was pretty good, now it's more LRP or HRP unfortunately.
What are those, and why are they bad? Never could get over the slowness of SS13 myself, but I love reading stories about it.
L is for low, RP is for roleplay, and H is for high.
This is my personal preference. Basically on LRP servers, people will run around trying to be "robust", which means that they kill "valids", which are members of the crewmen who if you kill you won't be "bwoinked", or banned by an admin.
On HRP, nothing fucking happens so there's nothing to roleplay except blinking.
I prefer MRP, medium roleplay, which is essentially shit happens and people are supposed to react to it without just going "wew lad".
This one of the concept pieces that Chris Foss did for the Dune film. Shown here are spice pirates. As a small aside, when Foss was asked where he got the inspiration for the spacecraft in his work, he said that he drew them as they flew overhead!
Hell Yeah motherfucker!
I want me some free fruit and I'll make sure to tell 'em Molly died clean.
When you think about it, SS13 is absolutely horrifying.
Even if nothing attacks, infiltrates or infects the station you are stuck on a poorly constructed deathtrap under an oppressive regime. And many of the crew are dangerously incompetent or have clearly been driven insane by the pressure of living in space. The only way to escape is if things go horribly wrong or if you throw yourself out of an airlock.
Boy mister, do I have the ship for you! This is from Traveller so you may have to do some converting.
Allright, gentlemen, here it is. My magnum opus. the 280-year old free trader vessel.
Free Trader, Type A: The Bucket Of Ever-Seething Rust.
Hull: 200 Tons, Streamlined. Hull 4, Structure 3.
Amrour: Crystaliron, 4 points.
Jump Drive A: Jump 1.
Manoeuvre Drive A: Thrust 1.
Power Plant A:
Computer: Model 1, Rating 5
Electronics: Advanced Sensors, +1
Weapons: Hardpoint #1: Triple-Turret Beam Laser
Hardpoing #2: Triple-Turret Beam Laser
Fuel: 22 Tons, 1 Jump-1 and two weeks of operation.
Cargo: 86 tons.
10 staterooms
20 low berths
Extras: Fuel Scoop
Fuel Processor
Ship's Locker
Smuggling Compartments
Software: Jump Control/1
Maitenance Cost (Monthly): 6096
Life Support Cost (Monthly): 22000
The Bucket of Ever-Seething Rust suffers from a constant -5 to all sensor checks, -1 to all pilot checks, and -5 to all checks made to repair it.
The main cargo hold, though not the smuggling compartments, suffered from a chemical spill early in it's career, and it's never recovered. Sometimes cargo still gets corroded by the remnants of it.
The drive is leaky, irradiating the crew every so often. It's not exceedingly lethal, but it is annoying.
The ship has served as a trader and as a warship, with much distinction from both organizations, though of course it has enemies from its time as a warship--two, in fact, very powerful enemies.
The library has glitched itself beyond repair, from age and wear on the electronics. Most of the information in it is false, and what isn't false is useless knowledge.
Finally, the ship suffers from strange psionic echoes of the past--sometimes laughter, sometimes screaming, but in all cases disturbing. They are especially prevelant while in Jump space.
Also check out
Further reference on TBoESR.
After downloading convert it to mp4 with VLC.
>not posting best song.
Any ss13 addicts here?
>some kind of hero
>not spacer's home
>Sam Jones
>Some Kind of Hero
Never forget ;~;7
I love that i helped write that. I edited it for meter and wrote the last two verses.
>Some Kind of Hero
I'm not crying, what are you talking about?
Haha, I was going through the traveller rules the other day. Thats every negative template you can put on a ship right?
Good stuff I'll have a look through here.
Is this some kind of storytime?
Listen to the songs. they are their own storytimes.
Ah, alright. Songs are great, I just figured they were connected to a particular Veeky Forums story.
I subtly guided my Edge of the Empire group into a scenario based on Dawson's Christian. I wanted a space encounter that was less of a fight and more of an old spacer's tale, the sort of thing that turns into legend. I think I succeeded.
They had to travel along a particular hyperlane that started on an old, decrepit space station - Sawdon's Way. As they pulled into port, there were tons of ship's armaments - laser turrets, torpedo launchers, missile batteries, all stored in the main hangar bay. They poked around the station a bit, and learned the story of the Believer, and all the veteran spacers that went along this particular hyperspace lane forsook weapons while on that stretch of space - both to invoke the protection of the Believer, and to make sure they weren't mistaken for pirates. The party opts to follow local custom, and disarms their ship.
As they revert back to realspace during their travels along Sawdon's Way, they were ambushed by pirates. They made evasive maneuvers, until the Believer shows up out of nowhere and blasts the pirates into oblivion. The last thing they see before they make the next jump is the Believer fading into the corona of an ancient red sun, the bones of its crew briefly visible before it vanishes.
My goal was to have
Turns out it was an old Crusader XX-777 prototype droid frigate left over from the Clone Wars following its last known commands - to guard a particular supply line. But they didn't stick around long enough to find out more.
>>Modular Freighters
Bumping with more lighthearted stuff.
But I did post it here...
Looks more oversized fighter than freighter
This is the good shit, though
Lego's been getting pretty impressive since I stopped paying attention, huh
anyone know where i can buy or pirate the songs from OP? Especially &
Buying them is gonna be hard. The company that published the Carmen Miranda's Ghost tape is still around, but it looks like they don't stock that particular item anymore.
The company that published the Finity's End tape has long been dissolved.
There might be other publishers who sell tapes or cds with these songs performed by different filk singers, but I'm not too familiar with the scene to point you at them directly.
You could either try to scour the internet for someone selling old physical copies, or use one of the many youtube audio rippers to just take the songs directly off of Youtube.
Also, while I've been frequently posting songs, I'm not actually OP.
Have some more music anyway!
I like how the Rifter looks, but I can not for the life of me come up with a reason for it to be shaped the way it is.
This may be a longshot, but...
... as one of the Anons that made the Farer's Sacrament up at , I've been singing it to the tune of the Sick Note all day.
Is there anyone who might be actually interested in producing some Veeky Forums filk?
I lack the talent, but I salute your work.
I lack the talent to, but perhaps we can think about the tablature? I'm thinking some Aminors would be neat for this song, assuming we're going to be using guitar.
Ignore the fact that I misspelled too. Or else I'll honk you.
I have no, absolutely no, musical talent or specialized knowledge outside of growing up in a musical household and a long tradition of informal voice training and folk music.
I think between all of us, there may be *A* musician. Maybe we should make that musician be a thing.
You know what tomorrow I'm probably going to be bored, I'm going to check out the tablature of Leslie and see if I can shape it in a way to fit. It'd be a good exercise, I'm not good at guitar either, I know the basic chords and can do some chord changes at 70 BPM, but not many.
I have no idea what I'm saying, nevermind, goodnight.
Download them directly from youtube with clip and convert them into whatever format you want
Space ghost bump
This one should work and has quite a bit of it in there including Finity's End and the one with Banned from Argo. No Carmen Miranda's Ghost though so got to download that through youtube most likely.
I like most of Manchu's work, the designs he made for Once Upon a Time... Space in particular.
Tell me, how do I get that really filk, pulpy feel in my campaigns
Also, what do you think of future folk
Oh man, I thought my thread had died the night I posted it.
It's a d20 system, though you only really need the d20 itself.
>Look boy, that's where your grandma's from.
Allow me to be a complete downer with the following song.
I really enjoy HW style space ships, and I'm playing Rebel galaxy at the moment an the country like music is fantastic, it goes very well with space opera. Cowboy bebop surely got it right.
HomeWorld bro, Babylon 5 has god tier spaceships too, specially narn and terrans.
Not exactly filk, but it's good.
Obligatory Haddock replie for space Shanty
Once upon a time on d20 we had medium RP, but that was near the beginning. I remember Nernums once saying that what Veeky Forums goers would consider low RP was med RP by the standards of the ss13 playerbase, leading to the state it was in by the end.
I wish I could have fun playing SS13 again, but the fucking captain is always named Dat Boi and the HoP is giving everyone meme jobs and fucking MEMES
I didn't expect Rebel Galaxy to steal my heart like it has. I've fallen head over heels for it. The space-country aesthetic, the freedom of choice, the fantastic space battles... I fucking love all of it.
I came here to post this.
Also, while we're on the topic of non-image scifi media, I find that Poul Anderson is (in my mind) about as close to Traveller as I can possibly find in independent written works.
So the majority of these songs seem to be by the same few people.
Didn't one of them do Pride of Chanur too?