Sup Veeky Forums. I'm going to be playing an Apocalypse World game sometime in the next few weeks, and my group is still trying to come up with the setting. All we've got so far is that we're in Vancouver, BC.
Help me come up with some fun factions/encounters/ideas for post-apocalyptic Canada. Because it's Canada, it's ok to be a bit silly. Here's what I've got so far:
-Hockey equipment is extremely common, with pads, helmets, jerseys, and sticks being common components of one's loadout. Bandits and raiders are especially fond of hockey armor and weapons. Hockey sticks getting turned into spears and halberds is not unusual.
-The descendants of the Canadian Mounties wear battered, torn up uniforms as they ride about on mutated moose, serving as a hard-ass lawbringer group. Think stereotypical wild west themes, but Canadianized.
-Snow is frequent, and thus snow vehicles are too.
-Seattle, Washington, seems fairly close by, so that could be road-trip destination.
-Everyone is really superficially polite. Apologies are very common. Even during firefights.
What else you got?