Once upon a time, you died and went to hell. Then came the End Times. Rather than crumbling to the invading armies of daemons, humanity fought back. Now they have invaded Hell and broken it's armies. Satan lies dead, killed by several anti-shipping missiles, and his Lords squabble and fight each other. Hell, or at least the city of Dis and the surrounding areas, are under the control of the Republic of the Abyss. But Hell is vast, and the tortured are free. Now, you must make of your un-life what you will, because not even all the forces of man can truly occupy a place as inhospitable to the living as Hell. All the while, the forces of God wait and watch for their moment to strike.
Once upon a time, you died and went to hell. Then came the End Times...
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Now what?
Now we need plothooks for the players to follow. Post-Hell states? There's a lot of kings and queens and emperors from throughout history stuck in Hell. If you swore service for life to a king who you though had divine right, what do you do now?
What's Heaven's reaction to this? Did they take all the true believers up in a beam of light, or is heaven now an international polity with trade relationships with earth?
Assuming Revelations is accurate, does Jesus get his millenium reign on earth again, or did us curbstomping hell stop that?
How does he feel about it?
Essentially in this setting, God is Old Testament. More concerned with you bowing and scraping before him than being a good guy. Heaven is where the devoted go. At least, where they used to go. Those who heard gods call laid down and died. They ended up in Hell. This is a very HFY and misotheist setting. Basically, there is a stalemate. We defeated Hell, but we have no way into Heaven. Earth is very much waiting for Gods fury as Revelations foretells.
As a student of religions, Revelations isn't very Old Testament.
The God of the Hebrew Bible had a special relationship with his chosen people. They didn't feel any particular need to bow and scrape, they communed with him with humor and what other gods might call insolence, and from time to time he sent a plague or the Babylonians or somesuch to wreck their shit.
Well, you understand what I mean, right? The basic premise of the setting is what was once a horrific army that could destroy the world is now a much lesser threat given we are no longer bronze age goat herders.
Fair enough. A religious version of the HFY about how humans eventually overcome elves, via invention and sticktoitiveness.
In that case, I think you should embrace the full eldritch horror that is Hebrew Bible mythology. Angels are terrifying in a body horror sort of way, and are far, FAR less human than demons. Demons are understood, by Jews, to be doing a job for Ha Shem as well - to have their own Mitzvot to follow, to be Jewish in a very real way.
Angels, on the other hand, will wait in the road for you, invisible, to cut off your head, and the only thing that will save you is your Donkey turning around and talking to you about why going any further is a bad idea.
There are still remaining demons to kill.
Oh yeah, I'm fully intending to make angels weird as hell.
To be fair, the OT god forces people to act like dicks just to be able to punish them for acting like dicks.
You're literally describing tvtropes.org
>ripping off an already shitty internet fanfics about humans beating the silly demons with your awesome weapons of awesome
>my favorite part being the chick shrugging off getting gang raped by burly, sadistic demons with huge, barbed cocks, in about five minutes
The size of and barbs on their penises are expressly mentioned.
>In the story I referenced, God told the sorcerer Balak to go on the road and lay a curse on some people, and set the invisible angel in the road to kill him for going on the road to lay a curse on some people.
I mean, you're not... you're not WRONG exactly, but...
I was talking about the pharaoh
Yeah, but I wanted to make something that isn't shit.
You should have picked a different premise then
It's a bit of a pattern, I'll be sure.
Eww, nothing but wet dreams of a dumb 14 year old kid.
>Trying to make a HFY that is not shit
Why not try breath in space while you're at it or trying not to be a faggot.
Damn, when did this place get so anti-HFY or is it just a current contrarian opinion.
A good example of HFY sci-fi in my opinoin is Halo, pre-343
Humanity still gets stomped by a relentless, higher tech enemy but still manages to fuck them several times over until MC nukes their faith
>thinking HFY is not humans being mary sues that end being super awesome because they are simply awesomer than the rest and only serve the purpose of wanking the ego of 14 year old kids saying "yeah! we're so cool at beating this fantasy race that we created for the only purpose of making us good!"
grow up.
I liked old Halo, haven't played anything past 4 because 4 was such shit.
It's a mixed bag because I actually read the Greg Bear books so Halo 4 meant a lot more to be
That being said, Halo 5's ad campaign was fucking killer and have me some hope but then the game's story completely dropped the ball.
Regardless, games should have ended with Reach.
Fuck it point me to the circle of pleasure
How does death work in this setting? You die, and if you were a bad person you go to Hell, right? Can you just walk away back to the land of the living? What if you died of old age, would you just die again of heart attack or something?
Show me where the bad fictional story that you chose to read of your own volition touched you.
>I enjoy reading shit
you may as well read fanfics or twilight at this point
So, if you die, you go to Hell. Period. Heaven is closed. The dead can only stay in Hell as whatever keeps them alive leaks out if they leave.
>being in denial this hard
you may as well post on tumblr at this point.
So this is what old faggots with their childlike whimsy being skewered on a pike is like.
Tell me, is it a drudging bore, or a boorish drudge in which you go through life? My money is on boorish.
In denial about what? About things that i honestly enjoy cause i don't have any sense of pretentiousness? In denial to admit that some things lowbrow can be enjoyable even when the brow is in the same level as the chin?
If you reply with to this shit with things along the line of "Kill yourself" or a greentext. You'd only be proving that you put on an air of snobbishness to cover up the fact that you have the intellect of a goblin.
>"DUDE CHRISTIANS LMAO re ddit & flyin spaghetti monster ftw touch my noodly appendage lmfao xD"
Shit ideas, shit thread. Saged and filtered.
I didn't even know people still said saged.
Satan is a prisoner of Hell, not it's master.
Also read the Heaven and Earth trilogy by Richard Harland. It's based after a war between Earth and Heaven that's left most of humanity in stone-age communities.
Shouldn't you be asleep for Saturday mass tomorrow, father?
I'm protestant
well we invade heaven obviously
I have a script half finished for a fantasy comic about weird Angels. They were called the Screaming Choir and basically cleaned the slate of mortal civilization every once in awhile once they get to gleaming spires and utopian Demi-God civ. The trick is that they needed the time to rest between destructions because "God" legitimately couldn't make something strong enough to tank the superhuman civ. So right after each wipe the Choir is weak.
The story had to do with a group of people thrust into the hero position basically taking on a super-human warlord prisoner from before the wipe that is unleashed and eventually taking on the Choir
>weird Angels.
I think you captured Angels pretty well.
So can the hero's join cray super-warlord?
Well I never thought of running it as a campaign. The whole crux is that the three main characters (two escaped prisoners imprisoned for desertion, one a one armed thief and the other a cowardly dwarf, and a hard as nails ranger) basically fuck shit up bad and release him. The Ranger tries to kill the two for releasing him, and does kill the thief, but he dwarf finds an ancient blade that prophesied the wielded will bring the world out of darkness and such. Thus we have the odd couple of ranger who hates the dwarf for being easily tricked by a super demon thing and dwarf whose terrified of combat and also saw his best friend killed
Shit didn't answer the question, sorry! YES if I ran it as a game I'd probably just railroad the players into releasing the dude by making it a less obviously bad choice. Then they'd get the chance to either join him in ruling with an iron fist or trying to stop him.
You're already copying the Salvation War, so roll with it.
The author had a hard-on for Caesar, one of many conquerors. I bet Megas Alexandros would be able to carve his hellish-hellenic kingdom.
There was also that devil lord which was learning to use and manufacture firearms and cannons because of the dwarf-imp slaves he had.
Plus, consider that other hominids had souls. Neanderthals might be a thing in Hell.
What if other Hominids (Erectus, Neanderthals)
are the demons? What if every species that
existed on Earth proper, now dwell in the
UnderWorld? To Normal Humans, they would
seem Demonic and unnatural enough and given
the period of time they resided in 'Hell', it is
enough to give them time to 'bend reality'. Most
are twisted by how Mankind views them and
coalescence into 'Thought forms'.
Playing around with the concept of the soul.
And consider the fact that they might exist in different frequencies
Were a living Human to access these
frequencies, they might access the other
dimensions, yet higher than something as
arbitrary as heaven or hell.
My favorite go to "gods an asshole and so can you" is to make chaos Magick real, like really tangible and real. God may be sitting in a comfy cloud chair tossing lightning bolts but humanity can, at endgame, be one with all concepts and cheat code the fuck out of reality
Does this mean Grant Morrison is actually the Emperor
No user
You are the Emperor
We are all the Emperor in different skins
We can also do something funky wonky.
The Higher the Frequency, the older the entity
The Higher you go, the further 'back in time' you go, as the 'signal' extends all the way to the Big Bang and beyond (Where there is only static)
Games should have ended before Reach. Did we need the Nobel 6 self-insert? We already had the Fall of Reach book.
There are also other Xenos lifeforms but are
separated from the Terran After-life but vast
seas of static and electromagnetic interference (Space, dark matter).
Brief electromagnetic impulses/Earth
Communication attempts can be hitchhiked to
possible new systems and even totally Alien
Worlds. You just need to ride on the right
frequencies to carry out your existence.
>Satan dead
>A being who, with one swipe of his tail, sent a third of the stars in the sky hurtling towards the earth, which was saved by the angels
>slain by missiles
What can ya say, gods a great hype man but brass tacks and all that
The whole damn Solar system is not big to
accommodate so many celestial entities
>Think about it
You are referring to Asteroids/Comets AKA Shooting stars
>So it is a interplanetary event NOT interstellar.
But just in case,
>Thought missiles
Humanity believe they can kill Satan with missiles
>The power of belief
The whole damn Solar system is not big enough to accommodate so many celestial
>Think about it
You are referring to Asteroids/Comets AKA Shooting stars
>So it is a interplanetary event NOT interstellar.
But just in case,
>Thought missiles
Humanity sincerely believe they can kill Satan with missiles and so they can.
>It is the power of belief
Still annoys me when people get great and powerful beings and just smoosh them, like in a Deadpool comic where he kills everyone, including the cosmically mighty beings, which was done sort of off screen.
HFY being a flavour I used to enjoy but GATE wore that down through sheer wankery, it just wouldn't stop!
I predict OP will follow up with killing the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, despite them not ever engaging in direct combat, by using fuel air bombs or something. Thus showing how undefeatable humanity is.
>You are referring to Asteroids/Comets AKA Shooting stars
>So it is a interplanetary event NOT interstellar.
More than enough to obliterate any perceived threat in hell with a wave of his hand.
In which case, we either have to believe and accept that it is hyperbole, just like
Greek/Chinese/Gaelic/Sumerian/Zoroastrian/Indian Mythology
But who is to say the thoughts of 7 billion+
souls weren't all on the missile that day,
reaching the correct frequency to either banish
'Satan' who may not be as durable as he
seems (Damage does not equate to defence
capabilities AKA Glass Cannon) or
dispel/killing him/her/it by canceling his/her/its
frequency out.
Or it could be that
God WANTED it to happen
We could also accept that Satan's power is kept in check by God and the Angels, which is why I mentioned him destroying any threat within hell itself, where, presumably, the Angels feel no need to intervene, since residing in hell even as a ruler is a bad thing. Though I'm sure some folks would rather reign in hell than serve in heaven.
Sure, having people join hands and 'will' the devil away makes it better, but OP presents killing Satan as the simplest thing you could do.
Yes, he could have wanted humans to slay Satan, instead of doing it himself, for whatever reason, he might have even opened the way.
Though why would he stop his own doomsday from happening? The apocalypse isn't even caused by daemonic armies like OP thinks, it begins with humans destroying themselves and leaving them too weak to do anything, the Horseman War doesn't wage war, he causes it.
Or we could always stop the Abrahamic Fanwank and outright place entities that outrank the Devil. For instance, Angra Mainyu the earliest incarnation of Evil. So it becomes Machiavellian in a sense, different cultures, split conception of evil
Thus why HFY is the highest form of bullshittery, higher then even 13-year old Sparkle Vampire Mary Sue fanfic.
I start raping and killing people, doing what ever the fuck I please. I'm already dead, and Im already in hell. What the fuck are they gonna do?
Arrest you and put you in a box
The reason I sugested this is because, in Salvation War, the devils are an offshoot of hominids which diverged around hundreds of thousands of years ago and developed into the hellish people (more like red minotaurs)
This also was a thing in Salvation War, communication and portals between Hell, Heaven and Earth were based in some sort of electromagnetism because the author wanted all creatures and places to be as tangible as possible, just so he could go full auto on their asses.
It also implied there were another places, perhaps the origin of legends like Valhalla
.In Salvation War he wasn't so powerful, although it took two cruise missiles because he was regenerating from the first.
That's what the seas of lava were for. They dumped you there for eternity.
Seriously OP, this whole thread looks like a badly done Salvation War campaign, and I wouldn't even have read that thing if it wasn't for free.
>When the Final Trumpet gets called, All Earth Breaks Loose On Hell.
One could at least include the kaijus Leviathan and so on it had.
Would you have preferred a plasma gun?
I would have preferred Satan to be captured and chained in holy seals and a self repairing cage as humanity spends ludicrous amounts of resources trying to kill the Devil every hour of every day as he laughs and thrashes in his bindings, waiting for one little crack to form in his containment to let him out and kill another billion people before they can stop him again, temporarily.
>> that Donkey
best part of that story is that the guy doesn't notice, or care, that his donkey is talking. Just makes him angrier and hits it more.
Or we could go down the Lucifer comic idea where he's just plain sick and tired of running hell so when the humans fight and start winning slightly he just gives up, moves to LA, and starts a bar.
I had this setting where mankind loses an inter dimensional war for their planet fought for by at least fifty different factions.
Basic premise is why tried fighting for the first ten days, lost so bad that society crumbled nearly immediately, and then tried to survive as every terrible thing invaded earth.
I like humanized Lucifer who treats running Hell as a tiresome day job full of bureaucracy. Imagine how many requisition forms you have to approve every day for all the flaming pitchforks that get shoved up sinners' butts.
It's a not even a 9-5 job. It's a Sunset to sunset job where the entire time people scream at you. No matter how big a sadist you are it'll get boring eventually, then the boredom sets in, then maybe just a tiny bit of feeling sorry for the poor suckers who got fucked even worse than you did by Sky Father. Eventually you just want out, he'll being human is basically what you wanted after all. Choose your own path rather than being the lavishly praising Ken doll dad made you for.