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You are Urist Twelfthbay. You are the moe personification of Dwarf Fortress. You are a short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
You have, in your hubris, all but ruined the fundamental concepts of time and space, and possibly also cause and effect, as they apply to the nation of Planeptune (aka all things Sega). Currently, the cityscape is undergoing instant remodeling as Neptune turns the trousers of time inside out, retroactively ensuring that previously rejected building plans have always existed for many years since just now.
See, you wanted to impress the goddess's minder by giving said goddess the power to complete paperwork without actually having to do it in the first place. And... well, it /worked/. Y'know, after a fashion. Kind of.
Alright, so you can safely say you've never seen Neptune look so focused before. Sure, she's vacantly staring into the middle distance with a faintly worrying smile on her face, but she IS getting paperwork done. In a physically and temporally impossible manner, but it's the thought that counts.
What probably counts more is the fact that Neptune's efforts have attracted the unwanted attention of one of her rival goddesses, Noire of Lastation, who's flying a beeline right for this building, armed for bear. From the guards' guesstimations, she'll be here in a matter of minutes, and no, she's probably not just making a social call.
... you could really go for a drink right now.