IOTA will be the biggest cryptocurrency in 2 years
IOTA will be the biggest cryptocurrency in 2 years
Other urls found in this thread:
>balance 0
Truely the future
>Good percentage of IOTA holders locked out of selling their IOTA due to a 'bug' that happened in the last 1-2 weeks
>Bullrun happens
Really makes you think
I'm waiting this one out.
Just broke 30k sats so excited for this coin
No one is using this garbage excel spreadsheet coin. Can't wait for the all pink wojacks when this scam gets exposed.
Wow, excited to see IOTA as the first coin in history to pump this hard and actually MAINTAIN ATH. Incredible work guys, I can't believe I missed that part in the white paper. Nobody is ever going to sell this puppy, the price will keep going up forever! What incredible tech.
iota surpassed btc in trading volume
dont spread bullshit mohamed.
IOTA is the Google to Bitcoin's Yahoo. (Eth is AltaVista)
Or the Apple to Bitcoin's Xerox. (Eth is Commodore)
Or the Nintendo to Bitcoin's Atari (Eth is Sega).
lol we haven't seen a bullrun like this since NEO went from $15 to $60.
It's going to dump REALLY fucking hard.
NEO bottomed out at $25 after that.
A lot of bitches are going to get hurt with IOTA.
>2 billion coins
kek this thing isn't going to be worth jack
Or maybe it's like that time Bitcoin went from $130 to $11,000 in 4 years.
>IOTA is the Google to Bitcoin's Yahoo.
Bitcoin and IOTA are two completely separate things with different aims you colossal retard
TO 4$
I had around 5k IOTA I bought at 40 cent and sold at 95 cent
I am fucking crying right now and I am a well payed software engineer in my 30s but this shit was just too good to miss out on...
>1 minute candles
Sold at $3.52. What kind of buyback should I aim for? My order is currently set at 20k sat
rape coins?
no thanks i'd rather sleep at night
unlike all the euro women getting raped when you buy these coins.
so you made over 100% profit. how is that bad
compare it to now
The weakest, dumbest fud I have ever fucking seen.
how is this possible in one day?
you mispelled bitcoin
nobody could have known.
why didn't you buy apple stocks in 1999 user?
rule one of investing... be happy with gains
Bitcoin doesn't have an aim. Yahoo was similarly aimless and failed to capitalize on the massive amount of data they could have been accruing, despite arriving long before Google. Google had a singular vision, they knew the value of data and they became more than just a search engine (as IOTA is more than just a cryptocurrency) - they became an advertising giant, a data monster.
Bitcoin has completely squandered its first-mover advantage. It's useless - it will not be part of the future that's being built. We couldn't have gotten here without it, but it will become an interesting curiosity in the history books.
honestly the things you do to your own people for profit. i'm not even white i just think its sad to see so many of you hate yourselves for being white so badly that you buy literal rape coins
i fucking know, but STILL..... I don't even care about the money just the percentage
>muh tangle
>muh electric iota cars
>muh refugees
iota akbar!!
Yes but what is traded is an MIOTA 1 sat is 1 iota
ya bitcoin first gen tech like myspace or napster. its the second gen that makes the big bucks.
5 hrs ago the biggest tabloid paper in germany published a article about iota
~10 mil readers daily
>the ride never ends
Iota can't implement smart contracts you dumb fuck. How will it replace ETH?
#1 soon.
all those 5 dollars gone
i'm sure many of them will appreciate the cultural enrichment iota can bring to their lives
it won't. it's literally just stockmarket Casino like speculation going on right now.
most of them are right wing oriented
IOTA isn't aiming to be a currency (which was originally BTC's aim before being moved down to a 'store of value'). It's not going to be the BTC replacement you dummies
stop posting vag! im on no fap.
This is one thing I don't get about IOTA.
Aren't fees typically required to protect against attacks on the network? If there's no fees, how does IOTA deal with this?
not private like monero, not widespread like bitcoin, not usable like ethereum. oh but those miners fees nobody really minded paying are gone so there's that. also something vague about internet of things cars buying their own tires or something. i dunno, limited applications, i'm not wild about the technolofy and i'm not wild about the profits going into the islamification of europe.
it may not be a shitcoin but its a shitheadcoin thats for sure
buying a Glock 9 with fugee coins to drop down some fugees. how more "readbilled ;DD" can it get?
You don’t clearly know that how big thing IoT will be in future
Backs niggers entering Europe they will fail due to retarded decisions
The fuck are you smoking, kys
Shill me this coin Veeky Forums
What are the major benefits to iota besides being fee-less
How will it survive without smart contracts?
It's a little bit like proof of stake but not really. In PoS you use your funds to verify transactions. In iota you use the fact that you want to make a transaction to verify a small part of the previous transactions.
I don't fully understand the concept at the moment but I'll have enough time to read the paper during christmas holidays.
Also, Byteball uses a similar concept.
I doubt that it's completely without vulnerabilities since you usually don't get anything for free, particularly not security, but don't discard anything just because it's new.
For the time being, I stay 100% in Bitcoin. If iota can hold its promise, I'm going to put a little bit of money into Byteball.
It's centralised
Nothing feels better than gloating over the redneck /pol/ inbreds FUDing IOTA whenever we see higher highs.
Read the fucking whitepaper. All there. In short. It's really fucking complicated and theoretical.
it did go to $60 fucktard
coinone just broke 0.00070000 BTC
this is bad
le no. It went $50 unless you visited some gook exchange
I glimpsed over the paper a few weeks ago. You can't expect even 0.1% of biz to understand it.
it'll be a big pile of overhyped bullshit that eventually becomes useful in some applications but is way overvalued and wont end up living up to 1/10ths its hype.
and that's if we're lucky. if we're not and internet of things does take off there will be consequnces. just as smartphones had consequnces when they invade everyones privacy. i don't know how the internet of things will be used to abuse us, but we wont be allowed to have it unless it can also be used against us.
fuck internet of things
all i want is a cpu, a hard drive, and an ethernet port. anything more is just asking for trouble. even wireless is already proven just a few months ago across major leaked studies from a california university to cause brian cancer. it's all a trap, fuck your bullshit trap tech from the master controllers. fuck you
Chill with the tin foil. Put it back into the drawer please
you actually don't understand shit lol... Theres 2.7 quadrillion IOTA and 2.7 billion MIOTA still insane potential for this coin.
insane how many european women can still get raped by this coin
fucking disgusting. just leave. you'd fund your own mother getting raped for a cryptocoin. fucking rapecoiners make me sick
Haha you will realise in few years how stupid you was today
>mfw Microsoft and IOTA create a new era of technology like Microsoft did with windows in the 90’s
you probably will need ram, power supply.. oh and a motherboard to actually connect all those pieces. and some sort of video output but i assume your cpu has igpu. fans and heatsinks optional obviously
just sayin
i will be pleasantly surprised if internet of things isn't either overhyped or a melevolent technological trap. personally i'd settle with overhyped as best possible scenario. your scenario where its both a success and not a trap is basically inconceivable to someone even vaguely aware that evil people run things in this world
Seriously wtf.. Is coinone limited to korean users only?
if you can't connect your cpu manually to your hard drive without a motherboard then you shouldnt even be using a computer
There's a bit of truth to this.
How can you say "solid team" if they want to create refugee cities for fucks sake.
microsoft, yeah there's a name you can trust isn't a part of an evil global conspiracy
yeah these iota coins aren't a trap at all. it's not microsift is hand and glove with the deep state, oh no. totally can trust anything when microsofit is involved, no evil here.
fucking evil coins. rape your women now, enslave you later. yeah lets fund that. fuck off
What of those refugee cities use IOTA as currency and then we get rich AF in our non refugee cities? I mean those places are a drain but also possibly a profit center.
I did the same mistake with POWR. Didn't sell my 10k MIOTA yet
as if those afghanistan fugees are intelligent enough to know what the fuck IOTA is, how to use it and what implications for technological advance this has.
Whats the ceiling for IOTA? $6 ?
I just sold my IOTA so I can finally tell you god damn retards:
I would say $0.01 per IOTA (not MIOTA).
This is called delusion, or "le new paradigm"
For bcc this is when people were believing in the flippening, good sign to exit.
Well if that means IOTA getting anywhere near BCC's price I'm fine with that
Why do people want centralized crypto now? I thought we were all doing this to get away from banks and government?
It's not "THE PEOPLE", it's existing industries. As a part of "THE PEOPLE", you can still profit from this shit. It's not Satoshi's vision, but it's cold, hard cash.
You guys can support this shit. I don't want anything to do with our tech getting gobbled by evil fucks. Money or not
>tfw muh BTC futures
>muh ETFs
see you fags on alpha centauri
Guys don't fall for this shill, IOTA will crash real soon
hurr because the developer literally contr4olds every IOTA in existence (all 5000 trillion of them) and can stop transactions and wipe balances at any time you fucking morons
coins in circulation 4,456,489,741,237,569,852,228,224,109
>mfw I rode both bulls. Im still riding IOTA.
>IOTA isn't aiming to be a currency
catch up, lad
Agreed, backlash will follow
if it becomes big there is an approximate 99.999999% chance it becomes controlled by one of the current financial powers
>Samsung HQ in in S. Korea
>literally almost double the price on Korean exchanges
>crazy fucking Korean volume
if you faggots are still sitting out, you are absolute retards
please do yourself a favor and take a break from /pol/ friend.
>5000 trillion coins
>Developer (1 guy) can set balances to 0 and reset transactions
>No blockchain
>No work to secure transactions
>No code
>No developers
>10 billion dollar market cap
Reminder IOTA shills are literally paid to spam an anime forum.
this much cope
If youre well paid with a job why dont u just hodl you fucking faggot
explain to me why people cant just sell this coin on a korean exchange?
which means?
Cope harder faggot