How do fix the succubus, make them disgusting and scary again?
How do fix the succubus, make them disgusting and scary again?
Vagina dentata and plenty of STDs?
Dumbass. Also I distinctly remember a yandere shitccubus from an official adventure.
Have sex with them and your soul be damned to the lowest pit of Hell. Forever tortured and devoured.
Pretty sure that succubi can change their form to appear as whatever they want. Their true for always has been kinda "scary".
I'm usually apprehensive to use succubus. They lean towards the whole "magical realm" thing, or at least seem to do so. The best way in my opinion to handle them is in one of two ways.
the first is being incredibly subtle with the monster. she's a behind the scenes type of entity. She'll seduce whatever *wants* to be seduced. If you have a ladies' man kind of PC, then he's going to inevitably fall into her thirst trap and you go from there. Don't let the 'bus come on too hard. Its best she recognize that the PC she's dealing with and adjust her charms accordingly. This version of the Succubus is NOT encountered in a dungeon.
The second way to handle the Succubus is only when you need one in a dungeon. You have your PC's in your regular Kitchen Sink dungeon, or whatever, and the Succubus works as a sort of wild-card support monster. She best performs this by hiding. And she hides best by MEETING the PCs before the combat! Perhaps in 2-3 rooms before the big gangfuck, she appears as an adventurer working on a puzzle. She comes on strong (not too strong) onto a PC and sticks to him/her in the marching order. When shit hits the fan, she pounces.
Swing and a miss
Have them not care about having sex. They use desire and lust on the part of their victims, they don't feel it themselves. And getting someone to sell their souls for a cookie that you never actually give them is positively demonic.
A segue from that is the succubus who provokes lust but doesn't place herself as the object. That is, she's an evil matchmaker aiming to damn BOTH partners via their relations with each other. Or, better yet, both partners plus both of their wives and husbands who damn themselves via the resulting jealousy when the lovers are caught.
A final point. What defines the seat of someone's consciousness? Their soul or their intellects? I'd argue that the soul, insofar as you can define it at all, is defined as the seat of moral agency and consciousness. So you sell your soul to have sex with a hot succubus, and the next thing you know you're up to your ears in boiling shit being sodomized by demons in Hell. When you finally get your blistered, burning mouth out for a moment to yelp an objection, the demon explains that your body and mind DID have sex with the succubus. Your soul (which is to say, your subjective experience of yourself) was sent immediately to hell.
Normally in RPGs a soul is either just a macguffin that has no meaning and so can easily be sold for no consequence, or the spell-casting enabling ability with no other meaning if it's replaced or the PC isn't a magic-user. This gives the soul meaning.
Think about games like Vampire the Masquerade. Characters lose their souls as part of character creation, replaced by the semi-demonic Beast as their fake soul replacement*. Nobody cares, right? But one thing they get right is that when your character sinks deep enough into evil, he becomes an NPC under the DM's command. There's a tangible consequence to being corrupted.
* yes yes I know, that's not quite how it works. Bear with me here.
>They have 1 form and it is spoopy
>the utilise 1 target illusion magic to look the part
>sex doesn't occur, soul eating is painful
first off, remember that a succubus is male.
Seriously, succubi are male. It's only been since DnD that people have been calling them female.
Maybe don't treat them like themed prostitutes, for once. They aren't individuals on any level, they're nothing but an extension of the (insert chaotic evil plane here) itself. Any perceived personality or characteristics are a facade to complete the illusion and lure people in. They don't use sex. You are not having sex with anything. They use the promise of sex to get you to admit consent (verbally or mentally) in order to snare you. The fact that you find them appealing means they are doing their job well and that you are a simple idiot driven only by base desires.
Play the long game. Stop trying to rely on pure mechanics or alignments or anything to happen quickly.
Think addiction and tragedy of the commons.
Insert into a town or city a Succubus with the following: she is always DTF, she is absolutely the best lay imaginable, and the sex is so good that it actually works under the main addiction mechanic your game has.
Now sit back and wait for the town to eat itself alive. The thing that makes the succubus terrifying isn't anything to do with her at all, it's the collection of sad, broken bastards in her wake turning on anything they once loved in hopes of attracting even a shred of her attention. They'll lie, cheat, steal, murder their rivals, leave their wives and fields fallow, betray anything and everything in pursuit of recapturing that high.
And she doesn't need to do the one thing to cause it. Not one infernal pact, not one spell, not even one suggestion. She accepts a night's company like a hungry person would accept an offered apple because to her it is.
It's humans that will screw it up and humans that will shift the blame. It'll happen whether she wants it to or tries to stop it. We're just not rated for what she puts out and when we break we want a bad guy. And that'll be her. Torches, pitchforks, wild accusations. People will happily accept any excuse for their own behavior. "Young, strong men went in and old, broken men came out" goes from a metaphor to an accusation. Hell hath no fury like all the women scorned who'd rather believe in demonic pacts than face a husband who has found something he likes better.
She'll flee, laughing or crying. She won't have to go far before the details get too sketchy. Eventually they'll be another young man with hope on his mind, another warm bed, another day of not being so hungry. Maybe she lets herself hope a little that this town is different, this town won't just be the same story.
But it will. Every time. After all....
We're only human.
Make them mythologically accurate
>Fucking demons
I get it
To elaborate, make them disgusting demons who rape people in their sleep so they can give birth to more demons.
Good one, Dad.
Go full DMC
Incubi are male idiot. Succubi are female and always have been.
> I'm usually apprehensive to use succubus. They lean towards the whole "magical realm" thing, or at least seem to do so.
> succubus
> lean towards the whole "magical realm" thing
> seem to do so
Succubi kinda are the magical realm incarnate. The original one (older than RPGs, at least).
In many cultures, spirits and deities that resemble succubi are also thought to be responsible for miscarriages.
So think of a pregnant woman, eternally bleeding from her nethers, wailing and crying as they lower their bleeding orifice onto their victim's hapless member. She makes women barren in her wake, murders babies in their sleep, and demands the seed needed to create them.
Idea: The villagers try to run her out of town, stone her to death, burn her alive, etc., when the PCs enter the village. They rescue her and end up being her next victim.
It was a fiercely researched subject among Dark Age demonologists. Can the Satan circle around Gods prohibition about not creating life by using demons to collect semen and then implant them into specific women? Some theories suggest semen was also collected from the dead.
This was a srs business back then.
They change from one to another but they start out as succubi. Once they collect semen they can turn male and impregnate women with demonspawn.
Succubus aren't supposed to be scary until it's too late.
It's the consequences that are scary, and the body horror associated with carnal relations with an ageless and sexless font of evil.
Remember, they aren't seeing her, they are seeing her glamor.
>disgusting and scary
Pic related, I suppose.
>doesn't seduce individuals, misguides masses
>not good looking or well spoken but for some bizarre reason people follow her anyway
>brings ruin under thin veil of kindness
>harbinger of even more destructive forces
search your hearts, you'll know it's true
Then what does that make Trump? Other than a politician.
My theory is that he is merely a host for supernatural creature that is some sort of primordial mind controlling mimic overcomb. It latches onto a host and forms a symbiotic relationship leading the host to great power... but for what purpose that is of what the creature takes in return, we can only speculate.
except that's usually not scary for players since by the time that's happened to their character they're no longer playing them
Incubus, dummy.
There's nothing wrong with succubus's.
They are all super sexy and kinky at first but get pregnant at the drop of a hat. Then they either don't want to see you ever again or immediately revert to boring vanilla sex once a month and make it sound like a charitable chore. Then they divorce you after draining your life of any happiness and after that the child support demands start dropping in, enforced by Hell Repo Inc. You're going to be doing dungeon runs just to stay on top of payments until you die because devil hybrids don't reach maturity until 180.
Bam. Horror returned instantly.
Succubi have always been male demons who take the shape of women to seduce men.
Hence why they're called succubi and not succubae.
wizchan pls go
>except that's usually not scary for players since by the time that's happened to their character they're no longer playing them
If you're playing a game with resurrection magic, have it not work on the damned. That'll make them sit up and pay attention. "No sorry, God isn't bringing your sinning ass back to this world, you're in Hell where you belong with all the other fornicators."
Now of course that's not a "succubus" thing, that's a "Had sex outside of marriage" thing but since you're not married to the succubus, it's a wash.
Succubi being like the Galatae from Promethean the Created?
Fuck that'd be good.
Shit you could literally do that with all demons really, make them less Evil and more a mirror that is held up to humanity. Demons don't tempt humanity, they need them, they're the spiritual sandpaper of reality that is handed to humanity to happily grind against its own nutsack.
The very presence of imps makes being devious that little easier because they're so happy to help because it makes them feel wanted.
What man wouldn't lie, cheat and kill to be given the single wish of a Glabrezu that knows in his heart each wish he grants is making things worse, but on the other hand if he doesn't how will he survive their reaction?
Shadow Demons don't want, they Need a place to hide from the sun and in doing so grant their host all their wants and desires, in a desperate attempt to not be thrown out...and of course, we all know of the horrible things we secretly want and would do if we didn't have any morals at all.
I did it by hitting the players where it hurts.
A succubus' kiss drains xp.
Nothing is scarier, you get players noping like if they found a dire rust monster.
Body horror of course. What appears like a seductive gal is actually a bloated preistoric venus like figure that can use your seed to produce and deliver thousands of little mishapen monsters that all look more or less like you. She can also unbirth you through her vagina dentata and spit you out a quivering disgusting abomination only moved by love for her and by hatefull envy for her next lovers.
You do, of course know that somewhere out there probably has a fetish for this right?
It's just that one mans disgusting is another mans exciting.
Follow Junji Ito's Tomie Model
What's wrong with a succubus (male)?
what if you are married to the succubus?
Nothing in the original Succubus' lore implies they are pretty or seduce men. They just sneak into your bed at night and rape you. Make it some kind of spider creature with a proboscis to steal semen, doesn't even have the decency to make you orgasm
Explicitly describe them as African-American seems to work for most people on this board...
What a qt, what's her name?
Let's lay this to rest real quick.
The terms "Succubus" and "Incubus" refer to the same, explicitly male demon (hence the -us suffix) which, as explains, took the form of a woman (succubus) to collect semen from mortal men while they slept, then took the form of a man (incubus) to impregnate mortal women while they slept.
This is all very dramatic for what the "demon" actually was: a crude explanation for wet dreams. Which is why, if you do not consider your nocturnal emissions to be inherently sinful, succubi and incubi seem less like terrifying rape demons and more like high-fantasy strippers.
The original horror of these demons mostly dealt with having had sex with a demon, but there's also an element of homophobia for male victims, as evidenced by the panicked responses of anons who did not realize that the supernaturally-hot demon "chicks" to which they have been fapping were dudes all along.
So, apparently all you have to do to make succubi disgusting and scary again is remind your players that enjoying it makes them gay.
>Make it some kind of spider creature with a proboscis to steal semen
That was a weird Oglaf strip.
What do you mean "On this board"?
There's a reason whey the stereotype goes "Where the white women at?"
I would not be particularly horrified by a black succubus, but now I can't stop imagining ratchet demon hoes appearing in a medieval-fantasy village, mesmerizing all the men with magical twerking.
You owe me a new pair of sides user
Sequel never, that's wrong with Succubus (male)
Penelope Black. She does porn, but I find her balloon tits disgusting.
>How do fix the succubus
OP, what have you been doing with the succubus that you feel that they need fixing?
If your succubus is broken, I think you've been using it wrong in the first place.
People in the 13th century were just terrible at Latin.
How bout make them shapeshifter into absolutely everything
>the one controlling Trump is his toupee
I fucking knew it.
By making them actually demonic and horrifying again. The sex doesn't have to be consensual, and can involve all kinds of freaky shit like skinning, cannibalism, or plugging.
So make it weirder. The proboscis goes INSIDE. Sounding if you're merciful, barbed syringe through the nuts if merciless.
If I wrote a monster like that, you bet people would lynch me for magical realming. Case of point, the drakaina.
and now I'm hard as fuck..
>players see a witch burning
>don't save her
>deus vult
Where's your adventure now?
Just make them Bureaucrats.
The low level one are doing grunt work, progressively higher level Succubi don't actually fuck people, or anything. They have the hard work of managing sexual tension in the mortal realms.
Too much in one spot leads to wars, genocide, awful shit. Too little hinders progress and fosters stagnation.
There was nothing scary about DmC, not even a little.
Simple: If you have sex with a succubus, you also turn into a equally hot succubus version of yourself.
Thus, a pandemic is at risk whenever one is summoned, and you have the constant fear of being transformed into one. However, if you wish to survive as a succubus, you will need to drain the sexual energy of sentient creatures, driving you to have sex, regardless if you want to or not.
They are now single mothers and their child is mixed race. Typically half _ _ elf _ _
Marriage is a sanctified union under who?
And things sanctified by Him do what to demons?
She'd burn from the inside out like a tumblrite at a trump rally.
They look like hot women, but the illusion breaks just before they have sex, revealing that they're just hideous abominations about to kill and devour the hapless lad they just seduced.
Succubus sneaks into male PC's bed at night, rapes him in his sleep, stores the semen.
Succubus sneaks into female PC's bed at night, rapes her in her sleep, impregnates her with male PC's semen.
If that's not disgusting and scary enough for you, add terrible side effects to attempting to abort a succubaby.
If party is all male, they've now impregnated some noblewomen whose families are very upset.
If party is all female and you want to use succubi anyway, they're now pregnant. With terrible half-somethings.
Penelope Black Diamond.
She's a german pornstar known for her giant implants and her long as fuck nails/toenails.
The beautiful humanoid form that they take on is merely an illusion. Truly, they are horrifying monstrosities that rape and eventually kill innocent people in their sleep. Characters with high insight might begin to suspect their true nature. Also throw in some flesh-eating for good measure.
Make them actually kill their victims.
Seriously, all the magical realm succubus nonsense seems to imply that if the dick is good they'll take the guy home to be a fuckpuppet. Cut that nonsense out.
Get them in a room, push them down, reveal your horrifying true form and murder them with something that resembles a madman's feverish nightmares of what a vagina that intends to kill you might look like.
The PCs discover the victims as horrified, mummified-looking victims with their genitalia, thighs and lower abdomen torn to shreds, a stain of blood and viscera on the sheets and the rest of the body totally drained of fluids and blackened with rot. Only the eyes, which are wide and locked in an expression of absolute terror, remain uncorrupted or undamaged by the event.
The eyes of a succubus' victim are a key ingredient in some of the more diabolical potions out there, but are also poisonous to succubi, repelling them and being injurious to the touch. Other demons often creep in during the nights following a murder and steal them, but so do knowledgeable diabolists and clerics intending on summoning and/or repelling fiends.
Make them actually vomit-inducing abominations below glamour. Stop giving them waifu-template characters and use the behavior of soulless demonic hellspawn incapable of any actual connection or feelings. Have severe consequences for hitting dat demon ass, start with huge XP drain and go into worse from there.
>Succubi kinda are the magical realm incarnate. The original one
Except that for people who fancied the thought of their existence they were literally Everything Wrong and Horrible in this World Incarnate, crawled outta hell and into your bed to corrupt one thing you enjoy about this life and turn into horror and suffering.
>primordial mind controlling mimic overcomb
>implying it's not a psyonic flannel moth larva
with scary tongue.
>file deleted
Just delete the fucking thread
Mah nigga
We need someone to drawfag this.
Underappreciated post
I can't believe that more people don't do this
>the girlfriend wants a boobjob for christmas
>she wants them to be "as big as humanly possible"
I don't know if I should be excited or worried
The main worry is about your wallet. Who knows how big her body can handle, so be slightly worried.
I can afford it, I don't mind. I'm gonna reap the benefits out of that surgery, it's an investment after all.
She's a petite tiny girl, I don't think they can make her as she'd like to, certainly not as big as that pornstar.
Certainly, the most important part is that they look natural. Bad Boobjobs are the stuff of nightmares.
Thats assuming that this implausable scenario is true, however.