How would you work daddy-issues into the backstory and motivation of a BBEG?
How would you work daddy-issues into the backstory and motivation of a BBEG?
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James Bond: Spectre
probably make their dad an undead dragon in a low magic setting.
I mean sure, he had some daddy issues, but Gwyndolin wasn't a BBEG, he lead the Darkmoon.
make your pick
By working daddy-issues into the backstory and motivation of my BBEG while refraining from unreasonable and unnecessary exposition. Skip the sob story, it's okay for a character to have facets the players don't see.
It depends on how you look at it. The darkmoons protect Gwyndolins interests. Nothing more. They aren't the blue sentinels.
From a certain perspective, he is the mastermind behind like 95% of the bullshit that is lordran, or at least you having to take the long way everywhere, and plenty of the worst minibosses.
My father was a good man. He believed in doing right. I saw what happened. I saw how this world repaid simple honest virtue.
Now you come to me? Now you come begging in the name of what is moral and right? You beggars haven't event the decency to wash the blood of your hands.
I am here to scourge this world. I am here to repay all your sins and all the sins of your fathers. Go. Go and tell your cringing followers that heaven and earth alike are vomiting back crimes they thought buried, and they shall all be drowned in black bile.
Fucking cringe.
He's also the reason you have to fight Ornstein and Smough, because that Ornstein is just an Illusion
>because that Ornstein is just an Illusion
Was this actually confirmed at any point?
The better question is how do you not? Pretty much 95% of villains have issues with everyone and everything in the world.
no but dark souls lore is pretty open to interpretation
I like it as an answer to the existence of the old dragonslayer and him having a worn down leo ring and the fact that he now uses dark magic like corrupted artorias.
You don't. It's sexist. And victim-blaming.
I seriously hope this isn't how you roleplay
Esther did nothing wrong, she was the hero of the movie
In dark souls 3. Personally I think it's fucking dumb, and detracts from the fight as a whole.
Satan is dad.
With theses choices
Return to your table of faggots, faggot.
I just assumed different timelines. Artorias's story is also different.
Dear god that plot was thin.
I loved the evil sociaty scene though.
You're that korean chick who's trying to get into her bearmode dad's pants, aren't you?
Just make the BBEG's dad be the local king, whom he/she plots to foil or kill or whatever.
>the king is evil and you have to help overthrow him
Wew lad what a unique storyline
Unique doesn't mean good or interesting.
Everything has been done before, nothing is unique. Just make whatever you do good and interesting, people will forgive tropes and cliches.
>reading comprehension
The king's evil child is plotting to overthrow him, you have to stop it.
>The king is good and charitable with the party
Wew lad where have I seen this before?
I hope you're being ironic and not just pointing out that literally everything has been done before
This is awful and anyone you play with should feel worse for doing so.
Just give the BBEG a tramp stamp and let the party figure it out.
Yep, how are you doing?
We went to watch Warcraft last night, he hated it and fell asleep so I took off my shoes and snuggled him with impunity
I'm feeling wonderful today
Umm...story time?
LOL 10/10
Girl in Canada who wants the dad-D. She's also in a thread on /co/ right now.
It's exactly what it sounds like:
I love my mom and I'm in love with my dad, I want to cuck her and I want to elope with him to a comfy beach town.
I tried and failed to seduce him at 16, never got over it.
A good chuck of people think I'm nuts but I think if they could see things from my perspective they would agree with me, I've found quite a few kindred spirits and like-minded girls on Veeky Forums.
Oh relax, it's not like I unzipped his dick and started blowing him in a crowded movie theater.
I really really wanted to tho
Homoerotically, that's how.
Hey, everybody needs a hobby. Good luck?
I am so very confused and scared by this.
Here's a picture that inspires the same level of discomfort.
Are you fat? Because even a dad doesn't want to fuck a fatty daughter.
>confused and scared because some girl wants to fuck her daddy
Seriously? How sheltered can you be? Daddy doms are a thing on fucking Tumblr for God's sakes. Are you sure you're old enough to be here?
>Daddy doms are a thing on fucking Tumblr
Are they? Links, plox.
Wrong motherfucking board
I don't browse Tumblr, but the reason I know is literally because the Tumblr version is hysterically vanilla.
Their idea of hot kinky shit is a picture of a college student wearing a shirt and tie with a stern expression captioned with stuff like "You, sit here, NOW." I dunno, man, maybe it's just people who haven't found real porn yet, but that's all I've seen of it.
I've remarked quite a string of first posts best posts on Veeky Forums this last week.
That's...very jejune. Sorry I asked.
Link some, I'm curious now.
What part of "I don't browse Tumblr" confused you? I've only seen caps. In all seriousness, the notes(reactions) could have been facetious. Hard to say.
The BBEG is female.
>that's all I've seen of it.
Tumblr is full of cheese pizza, really fucked up BDSM, scat & watersports, and the SJW shit is really the smallest (and of course, loudest) portion of it.
It really has a shitload of porn.
Thanks, I know it's a long shot but a girl can dream, right?
Come on, everyone has fantasies and fetishes, mine happens to be the man that raised me and just a little bit out of reach.
I'm asian, we don't get fat. With a splash of my dad's genes so I'm a bit taller and with better TNA than the average. I dress like a hipster beach hobo, confort over style. The people of /co/ have compared me to Cassandra Cain and Marceline the Vampire Queen, but most of them are thirsty nerds so take their word with a gram of salt.
>Tumblr is full of cheese pizza
are we talking like, real natural organic cheese? How is that allowed?
>I'm asian, we don't get fat.
That is completely untrue.
I've seen plenty of fat Asians.
Both natural and flattened.
>How is that allowed?
It's not, but the Tumblr staff team is hilariously incompetent.
Where can I read this story about you failing to seduce your dad at 16
>tfw I saw this in theaters
>tfw there were only 3 people in the theater, one guy was an old dude jacking off to Esther
Your mom's going to snap your neck.
>I've found kindred spirits on Veeky Forums
The fact that this doesn't set off alarm bells really kinda proves the crazy part.
in local library
and here i was thinking i would never meet someone with legit oedipus syndrome
Too bad she only gets wet for her literal daddy, uh?
You don't also go by the handle of "fwufee" somewhere in another very niche fandom, do you?
excuse me for failing to convey, but the david bowie image wasn't for want, it was for surprise and shock
Good luck. Everyone deserves happiness and anything consensual is fine.
My younger cousin (15 when I was 22) used to sit on my lap while I browsed the Internet. She wiggled into my lap. We're both girls. It never went anywhere though.
I was never attracted to my sister but after 12 years not living anywhere near her, she's really really attractive to me. Helps that she came out as lesbian too. It's not a big deal or major desire I think of more than rarely. But given the chance I'd please my sister.
>anything consensual is fine.
Uh huh.
>cringing followers
I understand why they're cringing my dude
Is your dad even hot?
When did they make a Crossed movie?
>Everyone deserves happiness
This is not true.
You see Stalin? That's how I feel right now.
Wat r u doin nigguh? Stahp.
Not quite daddy issues, but this thread inspired my thinking of this as a campaign starter: Tell me what you think of it.
"Adventurers like you killed my father, mistaking him for a hunted criminal. They left me a pitiful bag of gold as an apology. I took it to the temple of Lord Vecna, there I learned how to bring my father back. We were happy again. I was happy again. He taught me to ride, to fight, to think, to feel again.
And then you and your friends killed my father again, calling him an abomination, a monster. You who didn't know he loved to watch the stars and knew the constellations by name, he loved our dog, he loved to garden, he loved the trees, he loved fishing and cooking his catches. He couldn't even eat anymore, but he still loved to cook for me, and his salmon was still better than any in the kingdom.
Most of all he loved me. When you came those many years ago, he locked me in our cellar and wouldn't let my magic protect him. I had to listen to him die again, because of you. This time gone forever, because of you.
So no, Adventurers. I will not stop with you. I will not stop with your wives or your husbands or your friends or your priests or your dogs or your neighbors or their neighbors. Everyone you love will die, everyone you know will die. None will remember you, none will mourn you."
*Introductory Session with the PC's all playing their low level Parents instead of their rolled characters against a High Level Necromancer*
*This session on rails, intended to be TPK*
*After the last Parent dies, players assume their underaged, 1st level characters*
You are all huddled in the village Chapel, hiding behind an Altar. The chattering of skeletal bones and the unmuffled cries of your friends and family have you in terror. A single elderly cleric tells you to keep down, that somehow everything will be alright.
The doors to the chapel fling open and the Necromancer herself floats in on a cloud of poison, smiling from ear to ear.
>Everyone deserves happiness and anything consensual is fine.
Yes, let's endorse harmful behaviour that affects other people just because it's agreed upon by some parties involved and it makes them happy for an hour.
It isn't Crossed. It's a Fallout ASMR video.
Who exactly is harmed? Remember, men can't be victims, only women.
With unmistakable zeal a cackling beam of black lighting erupts from her fingertips and brings the elderly cleric to his knees. You hear him scream for agonizing minutes as she takes her time killing him. Many of your friends are crying, You don't know how to make them stop. But their cries are drowned out with the sounds of death and violence.
As the cleric finally screams his last, you realize in horror you can hear no more shouting and no more fighting. Only the rattling of bones and the burning of houses. Only too late do you realize how loud your crying friends have been.
The Necromancer cocks her head to the side and floats over to the alter, finally looking behind it, finally seeing the clutch of gathered children.
Her skeletons encircle and gaze thirstily at you all, then back to their master, begging for the order to kill. The necromancer's face is twisted into an uncertain frown. Arduous seconds pass as the necromancer's hard eyes soften with doubt, then confusion, then thought.
She finally raises her hand and a terrifying ray of wicked power erupts to engulf the skeleton closest to you. You watch uncomprehending as the shambling figure straightens it's back, as it grips it's weapon and shield firmer, as it's hollow eye sockets fill with a blue, intelligent light.
She looks directly at it. Her gaze never returns to you or your friends, as if she's embarrassed you still exist.
"Levy here will guide you all south to Evanport. He'll feed you. He'll watch you. And until you've found someone to take you in he'll protect you."
"Those of you too dumb to follow him wouldn't have survived the winter anyway." She says, seemingly reassuring herself.
"I'm staying here. Your village is mine now. If you still feel...angry...when you're older...You'll know where to find me."
She turns away from the throng of children and hurries out of the chapel like a debtor escaping a poor decision, followed by all but one of her skeletons.
I've always eaten like shit, even more after I moved out, started actually going to the gym just last year, and I've never been fat.
Must be good genes from mom's side, it was about time that cunt gave me something useful.
Let me copypaste it from the other thread:
>When I was 16 my mom went out of town on business so I did what any sheltered spoiled uppermidclass canadian teenage girl that watched too much anime and read too many dumb novels would have done:
>I stole some of my mom's best clothing and make up, cooked a romantic dinner with wine, acted all sexy and forward when he came home.
>He thought I was pranking and laughed in my face, killed all of my confidence and momentum, so I gave up with the "prank". >We laughed it off, ate my dinner and watched a terrible Will Ferrell movie. At least he let me drink the wine.
Murder doesn't feel like her, more like blackmail and exile.
Nothing wrong with making connections with people from this place, everyone is a perverted weirdo anyway so we might as well be friends.
I met this really cool chick at Veeky Forums that also tried to seduce her dad, she was younger and more forward than me, she's really cool.
Hey, nice to meet you too.
I don't understand what you're saying.
Good luck to you too, hope it works out.
Let me copypaste again:
>He's objectively a very attractive man.
>If you're into tall, burly, hairy, kinda-rich-but-not-really, older white guys he's right up your alley.
>Add to that a goofy sense of humor, endless generosity(not only with money) and a huge cock and he's a dream.
>tfw I've had young girls come on to me several times before
>tfw I laughed it off each time because I was afraid of what everyone else would think
>tfw I hate myself for how I treated them
>tfw I hate myself for rejecting everything I ever wanted
Why does the world have to be such a shitty place?
Cheer up, user. There's still plenty of time.
I don't get it, but apparently men get more attractive as we get older. It's never to late to go out and bag a 17-year old. (Because you're a decent human being who would never consort with anyone younger.... without taking her to Washington D.C. where AoC is 16)
If I was interested, I'd be doing it. I'm not /r9k/.
Crossing state lines with a minor with the intent to fug her is illegal, crossin state line with the purpose of fuggin a minor is also illegal.
My girlfriend is 17 and living with me for the summer, I have to know this sort of shit
Illegal as it falls under federal jurisdiction if any party crosses state lines. Federal is 18. If you move there you're good
Sovereign waters also have Federal limit?
You have to be at least 200 miles away from the US coastline to be outside federal jurisdiction.
where's your dad right now¡
Ploughing her in the ass, of course. Where else would he be?
Well, even if you don't succeed, you're setting yourself up for a lifetime of weird, kinky sex. Daddy issues are right up there in terms of indicators of "danger-fun".
So go you!
I actually knew a lesbian couple who were actually sisters...nor was that the only weird couple i knew.
Out with mom at a winebar or something, friday was mine so saturday is hers. Meanwhile I'm in my old bedroom, marathoning 30Rock in my underwear.
How sad is that?
I'm not so sure, so far all of the sex I've liked has been very vanilla, both the straight sex and the lesbian sex. The only weird kinky thing about me is my imagination, the things I fantasize about dad.
But if it was with him I'd be down for literally anything.
Best post of thread.
But please, take all this stupid confused teen sexuality shit to /r9k/ >>>
>Best post of thread.
is a close second, in context.
>in my underwear
post pics
also why are you being more open and sharing more stuff in the other thred?