this isnt a shitty shill attempt. but it is a simple nudge for you to go look into the coin.
This coin is probably the most undervalued coin in all of crypto.
DYOR as always my friends
this isnt a shitty shill attempt. but it is a simple nudge for you to go look into the coin.
This coin is probably the most undervalued coin in all of crypto.
DYOR as always my friends
Did research, will burn harder then digibyte. Have fun :)
user, thats not even an LG V30 ...are you even trying
keep creating fake transactions until you see your whole balance
lagdroidfags BTFO
>Not using the mark of the beast as an IOTA analogy
Why do people bother shilling coins AFTER they've mooned? I mean what retard would buy a coin sitting at +35%?
because it hasn't stopped mooning
lmao if you think this is it, IOTA to $10 in a week, $100 by Q2 2018
It's the future indeed because with the lack of speed and ability of the devs it will take several years to have something even remotely usable, if ever.
It's been pumped with news of partnerships that are just exploring the tech, as soon as the market realize this, good luck with those bags.
Btw, using a smartphone to represent a chain that does not even has working smart contracts is beyond stupid.
It's not anywhere close to stopping
Did you miss the BTC and ETH trains too?
It depends on networks to "grow" like network effects until then its centralised
In order for iota to sustain it needs hundreds of millions of machines to use it.
>what retard would buy a coin sitting at +35%?
BIZ only buys coins that are pumping then comes back the next day with pink wojacks.
Fucking perfect lad
fucking kek'd
eye ohh tah.
It's actually depressing how dumb money in crypto now is.
Even a random traditional shitcoin which is fork with nothing but pow, block time and name changed is a better value proposition than this.
back to le reddit with you
It's at 600% for the month, its2 been 35% every day all week. Stay poor forever.
Biz shilling usually goes 1-2 months per coin, and 80% of biz have negative returns from alts past year
Noone is poor im riding it dame as you fuck.
But I know its shit and will dump my bags of sql database coin on you while you talking rubish like 'it is next ETH'
How can I buy this coin?