So Veeky Forums what's scary about space?
So Veeky Forums what's scary about space?
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The part that kills you
Isn't the concept of *actual* nothingness terrifying?
You know what scares me?
The idea that we might be one of the first, if not the first sentient race.
The idea that at some point in the future we might be responsible for guiding new species into intelligence. We, the human race with all our wars and death and degeneracy, might have to be the caretakers of the universe.
The fact that it's nothingness that kills you makes it less terrifying.
If it was nothingness that kept you alive THEN it would be very terrifying.
The infinite nothing.
The best that science and technolgy could produce was brought to bare to essentially make you a coffin that would allow you to live forever and be awake in the process.
All of this was done just for you. Whatever you did was so bad that they went out of their way and innovated many fields of technology to come up with a punishment suitable just for you.
You are then placed in this coffin and you and thrown into space. You are made to face the direction of Earth and you get to see it as you gradually pick up speed leaving faster and faster and faster as soon you may or may not happen upon the other planets in the solar system.
All are warned not to interfere on pain of death and all ships and stations move adie for your prison.
Soon you are out beyond the solar system, into the abyss of stars and you will be this way as your coffin prison has the power to move itself just slightly so you never crash land on a planet forever and always will you be in the infinite sea of black forgotten and yet you are awake you can never sleep, you can never die and only watch as the stars go by.
Building on that,
Idea for future torture detail or plot hook:
Your mind is encased in a ultra rugged satellite, no way to power down and launched at the nearest star at sublight speed. Longest death sentence ever.
Not really. I don't think breathing in space would be that scary
That's not exactly what i was saying but ok
The ultimate version of fucked up parents making fucked up kids.
Not to be a technical douchebag, but it isn't exactly nothingness that kills you... But rather we are not adapted to live in complete emptiness for more than about 15 seconds.
That sounds like an awesome opening for a space Call of Cthulhu (or maybe even call of yogsothoth) game.
The players are imprisoned and sent through this hell of an existence until they find themselves picked up by an alien species whom inadvertently released them from their prison. All of a sudden, the players have the chance to make earth and its inhabitants pay for the torture they suffered in exchange for serving dark cosmic beings.
On the other hand, they can attempt to kill the species as redemption for whatever they did. It could be futile, or it could be something so crazy it might just happen so long as the PCs plan their way through it like masterminds.
He'll maybe in a 40k game, they are the first mutants/psykers whom released a great daemon incursion on their planet. As punishment, they were sent into a warp storm inside a relic from the DAOT. Would seem like an opening for a human only black crusade campaign.
The bits in-between the everything
The following:
>Running out of air
>The fact that humans dont do very well in a vacuum:
>Decompression sickness
All these things are pretty terrifying
Space Madness
The fact that no one can hear you scream.
The fact that the only thing keeping you alive is a thick sheet of aluminium, because beyond that it's the near-endless void.
Being in a spacecraft with four crew members and the computer tells you there is five people on board.
And then you ask it again how many people are on board and then it says there's two.
It's just a computer error. I wouldn't worry about it. A reboot will fix everything.
>I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Dave.
But user, if that's true then why is it so quiet? Why have the engines stopped?
>building your computer so it's able to stop you from turning its power off or rebooting it
pic related
God, damn it. Why user?! The feels
>The idea that we might be ... the first sentient race.
The idea that we might be not is equally scary.
I think the biggest horror about space is that if something goes wrong, there's nowhere you can go.
No one's coming to save you. You can't run away and even a minor malfunction could render an entire section of the ship uninhabitable. No one can hear you scream.
They make for great paranoia stories, especially when the crew can't trust one another but are forced to work together in a confined space.
I think you mean sapient.
It's his shit-eating grin that makes this great.
Simple, aliens
So we're Vorlons?
Yeah we're going to fuck up hard
The very real possibility that we use up so much of the earth's resources in the next few hundred years that we will be unable to expand into space.
This terrifies me, I love it.
The fact that you could drift through space forever and never encounter anything.
Fuck, you best me to it
It's big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space.
The sheer fucking size of it
The fact that it is so enormous that we can barely wrap our minds around it it
Vid related
This shit makes me feel a big pressure on my chest and some pretty bad anxiety
At the nearest star? Why would you want it to end so quickly? No, you make it give off as few signatures as possible and shoot it at a star at the opposite end of the Boötes void.
How does 1 billion light years of literally nothing in visual range feel?
Is that not pretty much the treatment that general zod&friends got in the old superman movie?
How long has it been? It seems like such a useless question. A meaningless concept of mortals who's lives come and go in the blink of an eye. I was once like them until they made me this way. Made me this way for my crimes.
I can scream but who could hear but myself? I coudl claw at my coffin but my nails will never pierce the metal hull. I've given up struggling and even madness provides no respite from this emptiness.
Curse them, curse them all now and forever and into eternity. I would do all that I did a thousand million times again and more. I only regret that I did not do enough!
Anger is all I can feel now, aside from the mild amusement of a new phenomenon in the nothing. Perhaps this strange light can abate my anger for a little while....
For a good time go ahead and Google "false vacuum", trust me.
Why would you remind me? That is literally the scariest shit.
It's black
I'm sorry user, existential horror shared is existential horror halved they say.
Okay they don't say that, but I'm not gonna be the only one losing sleep over this shit if I can help it.
What *isn't* scary about space? You're trapped for months on end in a metal cylinder with the living space and comfort of a shitty submarine, and the slightest technical error in the engines could blow you up instantly or toss you into the void for a slow death of starvation or slow suffocation. A tiny rock the size of your pinky fingernail could punch a hole in your craft and kill everyone if it hit you just wrong. And you're getting hit with god knows what radiation as your bones slowly decay. No matter the tech, you're still fundamentally stuck in a human fishbowl, surrounded by infinite deadly nothingness, and the first fuckup can and will kill you and everyone else near you. Because the universe could not give less of a shit about us. And it's our only hope for survival as a species. Space is terrifying, majestic, and wonderful.
>"It's eternity in there."
I dunno, there's something unsettling about it being the most hostile environment for human life that we have ever explored.
And unless someone steps into the Sun, the surface of Jupiter or dances around on neutron stars, it will remain the deadliest we know.
What's really unsettling is we may never get to explore it. AIs will become sentient sooner than we will have the tech to make cities in space.
We may just end up being a zoo for the robots, until they decide to enforce a one child policy to protect the environment.
Assuming we never get FTL we WONT /ever/ get beyond the local group because everything outside that is more effected by dark matter then by our own gravity and will be moving away from us faster then C before we could get there.