Bcash taken over by IOTA eoy. Ethereum BTFO by Q4 of 2018.
Bcash taken over by IOTA eoy. Ethereum BTFO by Q4 of 2018
You are cute :)
Waiting for Cardano to push ETH’s shit in.
>i want to believe
I don't own any, but thumbs up for helping people in need!
Fuck /pol/!
Wasn't true after all. Summit made no mentions of IOTA
And fuck white people.
>devs are white
>5000 trillion coins
>Developer (1 guy) can set balances to 0 and reset transactions
>No blockchain
>No work to secure transactions
>No code
>No developers
>10 billion dollar market cap
Reminder IOTA shills are literally paid to spam an anime forum.
There's a lot of incredibly callous comments on Veeky Forums - making fun of Dean's gender identity and weight. It's revolting.
Dean is an artist attending my university. Their work is pretty phenomenal, I'm particularly a fan of their photography. I'd encourage you to read up on their work, and particularly the rationale behind the fuck white people piece, rather than take its message on face value (as all art demands).
If you feel that the politics behind this piece are misguided, thats okay, say so and say why! But I don't think simple (so so old) jibes at a persons body and gender are conductive to good content and convo on this thread.
>Implying 'fuck white people' does anything other than promote hatred because people will take it for what it is at face value, as exemplified by the fact that racist people post it on Veeky Forums
god I think we are really in a bubble when I see people from my university posting on this fucking board defending Dean, I'm shorting this shit
IOTA is literally a case of the Bazinga wankers finding their first crypto. Bonus points for eh fact it's massively liberal at face value and douchy. Just like them.
No product these bastards ever put IOTA into is coming near my property. This is not going to end well. Fucking Commies and SJWs. Fools.
Little /pol monkey seem upset
No, just stating facts. Your brain is broken from all the soy and exposure to social media growing up. You are part of a lost generation. Suicide rates are going to increase somewhat in the next few years. Youthful optimism that never fades due to soy and a social media circle jerk. It is really sad. I pity you when you eventually wake up. By then you will have probably begged for the government to implement a universal income, state allocated work programmes and a free computer chip implanted directly into your brain that operates your toaster.
You are fucked.
so sell thursday before q?
What does this have to do with IOTA?
>and exposure to social media growing up
you're saying that while being an imageboard-dweller, right? It's part of social media too
What does calling me a /pol/ monkey have to do with it either. At least my first comment was till that soya aficionado chimed in. meh, probably a troll anyway. If not then hopefully they quit the soy lifestyle before they end up technocratic slaves to 'benevolent' leaders. I don't rly give a fuck, ill be on my own island or land somewhere by then. IOTA is not going to end well, not well at all.
I 'grew up' before the internet. Or at least had my brain develop for the most part before it. You had to be there.
your ice cream is leaking tard
I hope you wake up soon and live a happy life.
Holy shit, please throw your computer out of the window and go outside. You're a loony living in the /pol/-bubble.
OK, now you are either trolling or you just white knighted somebody on Veeky Forums lol. Sheep really do stick together, huh. In case its the latter then don't worry about me, worry about yourself. That much soy intake is not normal, communism is evil, Ritalin is not OK to give to kids and daycare creates abandonment issues. You have no idea what true happiness is.
IOTA is cancer. It is also an authoritarians wet dream. Just because it's your first crypto and you 'wub is sooooo much', doesn't make that untrue. Centralised, full integrated networks with no anonymity. Jesus, I bet half the IOTA buys are from the same wankers who fund the Alt-left terrorists. Half of the commenters here are probably paid shills too unless they are trolling. Madness. Oh well, I will be sticking with Monero and things, later nerds.