>It's another "lol so randumb I laugh about murder! XD" character
It's another "lol so randumb I laugh about murder! XD" character
Other urls found in this thread:
Player character should be able to take (or at least attempt) any action. It's up to GM to answer with corresponding consequences.
If you think one loonie that would most likely need to be put down halfway through the first session is threat to your story / setting / vision, you're not fit to be GM and should go write a book instead.
>it's another thread started with one line of greentext and some animu bullshit
>It's another epic game where they get all the fucking perfect fucking answers
>And you get shit
I don't think that's a girl OP.
His name is Yuri.
well I can see how the over-representation of whimsical murder happy Jokers could get you down, especially if you consider yourself "above" that preteen trope and having your gaming persona within proximity of that gaming persona is a threat to your security in your own identity.
but like
let them?
well in real life WHO DO YOU THINK IS GOING TO SIGN UP TO WANDER THE COUNTRY SIDE KILLING MONSTERS AND BANDITS? fucking them that's who. no one with a conventional attitude towards killing and their own safety. maybe the teehee factor is played up, but what setting couldn't use the occasional Boarderlands "I LOVE IT WHEN THEY SPLATTER!!!" every now and then? I'll tell you what setting, not yours, not anymore at least. :P
>F is for Friends who do stupid stuff together
>F is for just have Fun
>F is for anyone, anywhere at all, here in the chill as Fuck and ready for a good time table top community~
don't worry, F is for Fabulous
also, sidenote, Yuri is pretty af.
god i wish I had their complexion and frame. and their hair is gorgeous.
that drawing also conveys a good amount of character and personality, and is also in lore-appropriate clothes, and has an (anatomically dubious but) easy to read silhouette.
>lol so randumb I laugh about murder! XD
>lol my character is the most attractive and wants to fuck everyone XDD
>lol I minmaxed to fuck and I have a small army of people with higher stats than all of you XDD
>lol I'm also at starting level and have better equipment than all of you XDD
literally all three for one of the characters. Thank god the game enocurages shitting on your friends, because I am making it my mission to kill them.
>tg standing up for this bullshit
This must be the summer I keep hearing about.
Yuri Lowell is a dude, and he's not afraid to murder people in cold blood when he feels like it.
get better at playing games if this is the only possible explanation for adventuring you can come up with
>I have never played a tabletop roleplaying game before
Veeky Forums.
>sociopathic pansexual character based on a meme i saw this week
Every time this one player comes to the table. If they weren't a decent friend off the table and my group wasn't starved for members this wouldn't be happening.
>It's another "muscle slab cudgel barbarian who seduces all the bar wenches" character
The problem with "lul I murder him" isn't that it's common or even that it's particularly uncreative. That's kind of annoying, maybe, but in general most non-autistic people are fine with archetypical characters.
The problem is that the characters and players are always anti-social, in that they prohibit the role playing and roll playing of the other people at the table. They also very frequently will turn their antics on other players if they feel they aren't getting enough of a reaction and once that happens the entire point of tabletop roleplaying just breaks down. Unless you can keep them in line and put up with their needlessly homicidal tendencies, or just keep their incessant need for cheap laughs and attention fed, they ruin games.
Just give them a warning. Then kill the PC when they go too far anyway and have player sit out the rest of the session. Rinse and repeat until they change their ways or quit.
>four lines of greentext
>literally all three
>my character takes everything very literally
Or just not put up with it to begin with when you see very obvious and very preventable signs of something that's only going to be a negative.
I like feel like I'm playing with adults whose behavior I don't have to police in order for everyone to have a productive and enjoyable evening.
>it's another "long bearded grog-swilling elf-hating scottish dwarf brandishing a battleaxe" character
We have a soft ban on dwarves at my table.
>I like feel like I'm playing with adults whose behavior I don't have to police
I wouldn't expect that to happen on regular basis. Not in this hobby.
I've never play one or with one.
>it's another 'breaks the 4th wall doesn't take the campaign seriously' character
The absolute worst
Well clearly HE is one of the four.
You'd be correct; that's Yuri Lowenthall from one of the Tales Of games.
/tv/ memeposter
Honestly, she's cute but vigilantism and "the end justifies the means" morality ain't right
>long bearded
>brandishing a battleaxe
I'm guilty of 4.5/6. He it was too well traveled to really hate much, and it was a warhammer, not an axe. Just an exile looking for his lost daughter for decades, trying to keep his spirits up and maintain some part of his lost culture.