Things that make you unreasonably or unproportionally angry.
>People writing Dreadnaught instead of Dreadnought
Things that make you unreasonably or unproportionally angry.
>People writing Dreadnaught instead of Dreadnought
Other urls found in this thread:
>people writing Dreadnought instead of HMS Dreadnought
That right there.
Nailed it.
Also, spaghetti dice. If you can't roll dice like a normal person, get a Yahtzee cup or some shit.
>spaghetti dice
Never heard them called that before. I assume you're talking about barrel dice/long dice?
OP: People who hold up combat by not knowing what they want to do. Unless something really fucking dramatic happened in the very last turn before yours, you should know what your options and goals are. Just hit someone, it's not rocket surgery.
I think he means people throwing dice all over the room when rolling.
>player's turn comes around
>looks through every sheet and "character builder power-card" and across the table four times
>players trying to join an existing campaign without having read even the 3 lines of setting-summary in the email, with a character whose description is quite literally "Like [pop-culture famous character] except with [minor detail change]"
People who don't read the rule book.
People who use toon when referring to characters in any system that isn't Toon.
Who throws dice all over the room? Babies.
>5 minutes later he says he is going to delay
>People writing Dreadnaught instead of Dreadnought
On that same vein, people who write Emporer instead of Emperor.
god damnit now i'm having flashbacks to playing WoW
>rouges are overpowdered
>pacific instead of specific
i fucking hate americans for this
>>I need you to get some bread, white pacifically.
>>The daemon hits you and after mitigation you take five wounds.
not really any one person's fault but when everyone who wants to role play as a sororitas doesn't actually want to be a sororitas they want to be a sister of battle because fuck all the non-militant Orders.
why pacifically Americans?
The players that think -any- attack on them is the DM being "biased" against them are always funny to be honest.
The Space Wolves variant, obviously.
It pisses me off to no end. It's like you can't win with these people. If there's any kind of challenge they immediately turn into toddlers and bitch about how it's going to be a party wipe. Fucking special snowflakes.
because it's only americans thay do it.
From my point of view Europeans are evil!
> I don't like culture. It's fine and subtle and irritating and it gets everywhere.
It's a joke, don't get unreasonably angr... oh.
Not even when there's a hint of challenge, all it takes is their character even so much as being acknowledged as a threat by whatever they're fighting.
>your Sneak Attack has done the most damage of anyone in this entire fight, of course the guy has fucking noticed
Yep, I meant people who try to roll a die and then chaos intervenes, resulting in the dice sputtering about the room under couches and in vents.
>I'm playing my guru of spores +1/+1 counter deck
>I have at least 10 dice on the battlefield
>my friend needs to roll one of his dice for whatever reason
>winds up like a fucking beyblader and unleashes two d6 at mach 5
>somehow every single one of my dice wind up all over the place and his are perfectly fine
>"lol user you need to be more careful with your dice"
And after that, I had one less friend.
>>pacific instead of specific
I have literally never heard this.
Granted, I'm Texan, so our accent is pretty different from large chunks of the nation.
Soda or die, motherfucker
I really hate to say it because the group I monitor is full of social rejects, but what really irks me in the same vein as is people who just can't put their thoughts into words, so they spend several minutes sputtering and going 'uh' while you lead them by the nose to tell you what they want to say.
Also people who talk to fast. Holy shit it's not a contest, be intelligible for once.
>not coke
How does it feel to be a filthy fucking Yank?
>Game has a setting in a specific genre
>Proceeds to take out everything that made the genre fun and interesting in the first place
>Lauded as unique and original
>Bending cards
>Having spillable food or drink on the table
>Not using sleeves with rare or foil cards
>No coasters
>Slamming the table like an autist
>Flipping the table like a salty autist
Disproportionately, you pleb.
Players who intentionally try to break the game or the rules when I'm not paying attention. Such as using more gold than they're given, re-rolling stats over and over again until they reach that perfect maximum in just the way they want it. I have so many rules based on character creation because other-wise my players will try and cheat their way into powerful characters. That's why I normally force them to point-buy.
Not all soda is made by coke, therefore you are the one with egg on their face.
Motherfucking this!
My friend started a game of pathfinder to introduce 2 of his mates to RPing. The first guy was plain shy but toom the time to read the entries for the fighter class and the combat system.
The second guy ask for help with his character sheet. Never bothered opening the book himself. I ended up asking him to leave before he picked a class when he straight up said to my face "I want you to read me the rules because I don't care to read them myself"
holy shit this
Rogue and rouge.
If someone plays a rogue and writes it as rouge, I always recommend they multiclass into magenta or crimson.
>"Tieflings are feared for their frightening visages and strange forms"
>all the illustrations are of pretty red people with horns
People who are convinced they are experts on things because they read memes about them online.
People with misinformed opinions who are not only loud wrong, but also retarded.
I can't stand trying to have a rational and logical discussion with someone, only to have them turn into a hurr durr fart factory because they don't really understand what they're talking about.
I am American and I have literally never heard this.
Except maybe for a joke or two from a shitty TV show. But no one actually says that.
Can you give some examples? I am sure I have seen this, but I can't think of anything and I want to be more angry at it.
People interested in joining a game who apparently can't remember when I told them it's going to be a narrative heavy, rules light game who come in expecting a Pathfinder dungeon crawl.
Players who act confused and surprised when the stigmas I mentioned their characters may have actually come into play and who become violent and derail the game "becuz das raysis".
Any player ever who outright tells the DM, "[Character name] is just like [canon character from obscure thing] but different because...I don't know why."
Players who start to roll without being given an opportunity to make any kind of check, and look up and announce what they rolled followed by what they were rolling for.
GMs who don't describe anything that's going on around us, what we can interact with, or what the stuff we have and the people we can talk to look like.
GMs who overexplain the game they're writing to get feedback from another GM (me) and then ask me if I want to play even though I know the whole goddamn plotline and every secret there is to find.
GMs who don't give a flying dickery fuck about world building.
Players who can't be assed to care about the world you set up and don't understand how much of a fucking hassle it's going to be to integrate XYZ exotic PC race into something that actually exists in the game world.
Also, in response to the user who was having trouble with player character creation: I tell my players, "If you're seriously pathetic enough to cheat in a game where we pretend to be elves and dwarves and sit around a table- a game that has no true win conditions whatsoever- then no amount of hand-holding and looking over your shoulder is going to make playing with you any less insufferable."
Are you shitting me? People dont enjoy their characters thrashed around like ragdolls. I often feel bad when I'm the only person not getting mauled.
>Empire instead of Imperium when talking about 40k
It's such a little thing, but it always tells me that the person who says it doesn't know the first thing about 40k
>People who insist on arguing about what is canon or not in 40k or are super autistic about 40k canon
It's a clusterfuck of a nonsense universe cooked up by idiot Brits, who gives a flying fuck about canon? I fucking love 40k, but don't pretend it's anything grand or consistent.
>People who insist that grimdark means everything is absolute shit for everyone everywhere at all times
Grimdark needs consequences and pathos in order to have any impact whatsoever. A world can be pleasant, eglatarian, and happy, and then an ork WAAAGH! hits and it turns into a blasted wasteland of traumatized people who have forgotten how to communicate in any way but with violence. That's grimdark. A shitty place no one liked being nuked into a glowing crater, no one gives a shit.
Numenera and Red Markets for starters.
Arguably Game of Thrones, but some would argue that it's dark fantasy so it's okay.
>People who insist on arguing about what is canon or not in 40k or are super autistic about 40k canon
When I get caught between people arguing about what is canon and what isn't, I bring up the fact that the administratum's file keeping system is so shit that the Imperial Canon is the Schrodinger's cat of 40k, and so all things are canon and not canon at the same time. It all just depends on which adept on which world you are taking too at the time.
My pet peeve is people who use anime pics for for a visual representation for not!anime games. I understand that they probably drew on that character for inspiration or were just looking for pictures that look similar. However, it annoys me to no end when I'm running an Urban Fantasy game a la Dresden Files or the like and someone shows up with a pic of 'Anime Man/Women #43' in a game where all the other characters have photo-realistic or semi-realistic character art.
What really grinds my gears is that GW called them "Cybots" in Germany (what is obviously epicly awesome and alpha as fuck) but has hidden that term from the rest of the world and instead called them dreadnauts or deadnoughts or whatever everywhere else.
I mean wtf GW? It`s 2016.
Critical failures on any natural 1.
People telling absurd stories about ridiculous events where a natural 1 not only led to critical failure but to supernatural bullshit happening. It pisses me off in a manner similar "only pretending to be retarded": you are either a lying liar who lies, or your DM is a shitbag and you're another shitbag cheering on the first shitbag who blinded someone for failing a skill check, and either way YOU SHOULD NOT BE DOING THIS.
I actually have the reverse problem
>DM only ever attacks one player, attacking others is basically an afterthought
>said player has gone through 3 characters
>most everyone else hasn't even taken enough damage to get to half health in the entire campaign
It's pissing me off immensely.
>Players who start to roll without being given an opportunity to make any kind of check, and look up and announce what they rolled followed by what they were rolling for.
>GMs who don't describe anything that's going on around us, what we can interact with, or what the stuff we have and the people we can talk to look like.
Fuck, man.
That shit is the worst.
On the latter point
>GMs who get mad when you do something that wouldn't make sense /had/ they properly explained literally anything, but didn't
>fighting gelatinous cubes
>room is at least 60 feet wide/long, we're using tiles
>player tries to polymorph into something huge
>"you take *rolls* 36 damage, and cause a cave in"
>"what, why?"
>"the room is only 8 feet high"
>"obviously I didn't know that, can I not do that"
>"No, i explained that you're in caves for were-rats."
>we were in the underdark
>literally everything is caves of varying sizes
>the roof of some can be literally miles ahead
Why do people play with GMs this bad?
>People who insist on arguing about what is canon or not in 40k or are super autistic about 40k canon
What most fail to realize is that 40k lore is purposefully full of holes and plot amor so that what ever army your collecting fits into the universe no matter how generic or Mary Sue it is. All of Veeky Forums meme chapters/army arw a good example of this.
>tfw angry marines and pretty marines could be canon.
Texas has a proud tradition of calling products by a specific brand name: all sodas are cokes, all tissues are kleenex, and so on.
Also the inverse of this dm's who get way too invested in the world building I have no room for anything new
People who don't have a codex after at least 6 months of playing or who need to check what the most basic fucking rules are like hurr durr how far does an ork boy move
>When this is me.
Hey man, sometimes it's hard to get a good GM. Take what you can get.
Source: Forever GMing as I hate when anyone else does it.
I would say that to them, but unfortunately I have no social skills, so finding new players would be nigh impossible. As a result, I will take what I can get. Even if it sucks.
I stopped, because of that and other reasons, like the following.
>Player is basically running the game with two things specifically against the rules
>bring it up with the GM, who has to make the game infinitely more annoying to deal with this one player and his polymorph shenanigans
>"it keeps that player trying to learn the game"
No it doesn't, fucker. he's explicitly breaking written down rules to do things constantly because you let him, not learning the game.
Also neck beards who pick up models after eating a bag of wotsits and therefore leaving a fair amount of cheese dust on said model
>on Veeky Forums
holy fuck, how haven't you died from aneurysm yet?
God, fuck this.
>martials get progressively worse at fighting somehow because they get more attack rolls as they level up, that do more damage
>rolling a nat 1 on any spell with a spellcaster essentially means writing up a new goddamn character
It's more annoying than most of the common complaints, because people who do rules like that cannot be reasoned with, I've found. no matter how much you explain a 5% chance to either essentially win the session or stab yourself in the foot does not a good game make, they will continue doing that shit.
Are you seriously suggesting that the elements of bog-standard medieval fantasy that GoT is lacking are what make the genre fun and interesting?
When intelligent writers like Dan Abnett use words 'clip' and 'magazine' interchangeably for flavor despite the fact that they almost certainly know the difference.
Not just neck beards, but also those shitty midgets that we call children who just grab everything within arms reach and don't appreciate the fact that the small plastic thing that they picked up without my permission and promptly dropped and broke cost me 30 to 60 USD. >.
I don't know the difference, can you explain?
>Playing RPG's with Minatures on a grid map
Throwing away money on something completely unnecessary, limits the game to whatever you have, and only clutters the table even further.
people who don't know their fucking rules. people who use battle scribe instead of a fucking codex and get surprised when they don't know everything about the unit they have.
people who ask if they can roll a dice to do something that is clearly not able to be done.
It's especially annoying because with weapons like Lasguns, they aren't even clips or magazines. They're fucking batteries.
Oh god imagine that happening to a primarch or titan
so, a clip is just something to hold bullets together until you need to load, and a magazine is what you actually put in the gun, yeah?
Shit I know a guy like that unfortunately he's an ork player as am I and gets mesmerised as enemy troops are gunned down by me and does nothing, also he rages when things don't go his way
kind of, you can load clips into some guns and fire, but most guns that have semi auto/auto capability use mags.
Essentially, clips are used for loading magazines (which are then loaded into a gun) or for loading guns with fixed magazines (like some bolt action rifles).
Pretty much. A clip is emptied into a magazine and a magazine feeds ammunition directly into the bullet chamber.
I can't blame you for that. Any funny stories about polymorph shenanigans at least?
I have to keep reminding myself that I'm really lucky to have a overall great group, but honestly, if the alternative were playing with a GM like in I'd rather take my chances on Roll20.
All firearms above single shot capacity use magazines. Many older weapons and bolt action rifles use internal magazines that you load with clips. Most modern firearms have removable magazines, so you load them in advance the replace the whole mag as needed rather than using clips to reload the one internal magazine.
I knew a guy who nearly punched a tween who tried picking up one of his Imperial Knights even after he told the little shit no. Little fucker tried picking it up by its' arms rather than the base too.
>ork player
>gets mad when his boys get gunned down
What a miserable existence
Oh god I hate it when that happens or if someone picks it up and then places it at least 5 inches away from its original position
I don't blame him
Do we know the same guy ?
>Then they insist on using impossibly elaborate and complex critical hit/fail tables
>Your fighter somehow manages to lop off both of his own arms because he rolled a 1
>On the first roll of that session
In all likelihood probably not. The only ork player I interact with regularly is pretty chill about that sort of thing
Kind of. Depends on what you consider funny.
>player polymorphs into baby/young dragon
>gets turned to stone by a medusa
>party spends half a session coming up with ideas on how to A. Move their stoned party member
or B. break off and keep certain parts, like the "dragon"'s head or wings
>Monk gets polymorphed into a griffin, gets thrown off huge cliff
>has the page in the monster manual open, yet forgets he has wings
>immediately loses all griffin HP from fall damage, takes 13 carry over damage on his actual character
>only had 14 HP before he was polymorphed
(I checked, it was all legit)
>my first session, parties 6th or so
>player gets a vorpal sword at like level 4 for some god awful reason
>rolls a 1
>DM rolls to see which player he will be swinging and possibly hit
>it's me
>player rolls again to see if he hits
>nat 20
>everyone freaks out except me, considering this dumb
>DM basically grins and giggles as he describes my characters head getting cut off literally my first session by another character
>i prepare to get up and leave, or make a new character, haven't yet decided
>DM reveals that that same character who cut my head off also had a rod of Resurrection, with infinite uses but a consecutively higher chance of breaking each time, announces that player uses it before anyone says anything
>breaks immediately, with like a 10% chance
>entire party gets somewhat mad at me for some reason, despite me having literally no input in this entire series of events, i'd yet to even pick up dice and roll for /anything/ besides stats.
I should have taken that as a sign and just left or said "I don't think this is the game for me, thanks for offering"
I would have saved myself so much bullshit.
>Rod of Resurrection breaking
Sounds like your DM was a douche, even by my standards. Seriously, I abuse the roll of 1 sometimes for funny shit (throwing your sword instead of swinging, tripping if it's stealth, or voice cracks in diplomacy) but cutting your own head off? That's plain dumb.
Feel sorry for you, bro.
This was a big problem for me except it was entirely accidental. One of my players went through several characters in one campaign and I felt really bad about it, but we were playing WFRP so I couldn't afford to be too merciful. It was just really bad luck that every time I came to hurt his character I would roll high damage for some reason. Sometimes it would only cripple him, like getting over 40 wounds but flubbing my crit roll and only blowing off one of his toes with a jezzail.
The good thing was that he was a trooper about the whole thing. New players either get really discouraged or they go with the flow because everything is new and wonderful for them and have yet to become some bitchy grognard.
Different user, but having a powerful artifact with a chance of breaking is a pretty decent idea in theory, it lets a party have some nice power but keeps them from abusing it (in fact, I believe the Cypher system is built around this idea).
The problem, of course, is when the super awesome artifact with a small chance of breaking breaks on its first use.
the rod breaking chance was with percentile die, in all fairness.
And I didn't even get to roll dice yet, wasn't cutting my own head off.
Doesn't make it any less retarded, though.
Yeah, that's fair if it's bad luck, but -every- enemy rolling to hit just that one character?
to the point that if he runs/flies away they all chase after him or suddenly discover ranged weaponry/monsters appear with ranged attacks?
it's absurd. The guy running through multiple characters is actually an in joke at my LGS, but to me it seems like it's more the DM(S) being retarded and targeting specifically him, and nobody picking up on that somehow.
The whole concept of half eldar, and people who argue for them, despite the fact that GW dropped that retarded notion out of 40k like two decades ago. All the half eldar fags cling to that spock marine from first edition, that hasn't been mentioned in any lore in decades.
>>Flipping the table like a salty autist
Has that ever actually happened, outside of that one gif? I've seen people get huffy, push back harder than they should, and walk away, but never a legit tableflip.
dow3's aesthetics.
I once saw a guy walk into a store and browse for a minute or two before running up to a table, grabbing a couple cards and ripping them up before flipping the table and bolting. He wore his cap backwards, I don't think that matters but I felt like mentioning it anyway.
>Red Markets
Didn't know anything about this, but I found a kickstarter
How is it removing 'everything that made the genre fun and interesting in the first place'? It seems like a standard zombie apocalypse game with heavy-handed economic metaphors.
I always figured people outgrew the 'hunting down nerds and breaking their shit for giggles' phase around grade 8.
user, I'm going to hurt you now.
I didn't think it ever happened beyond a few offhand comments about your hobby because we don't live in an American tv show. The worst that happened to me was someone reading through one of my friend's books and asking what it was in an incredulous way.
That's unfortunately not true. There are a few outliers that do shit like beat the crap out of you for being a nerd.
I doubt they're common, but I had one in my school.
my friends used to throw goose shit at the kids who played yu gi oh during lunch, so it definitely happens. but this is the way of life during highschool, the weak must fear the strong.
I myself played MTG and even I was not an exception to this rule. I'm much larger than my friends so they never tried to really fuck with me, but they would still take my cards and hide them on me and call me a nerd. I played football and rugby as well so this didn't really bother me, and were still friends today because thats what guys do when were young, we fuck with each other.