Do you play with girls at all?
What's the difference between having a girl at the table over a boy?
Does it affect the mood and how people behave?
Does it affect how people Veeky Forums?
Do you play with girls at all?
What's the difference between having a girl at the table over a boy?
Does it affect the mood and how people behave?
Does it affect how people Veeky Forums?
Do you play with boys at all?
What's the difference between having a boy at the table over a girl?
Does it affect the mood and how people behave?
Does it affect how people Veeky Forums?
Having a girl at the table tends to reduce the number of dick jokes.
If you're playing with a decent group, there should be no significant difference. Any you could describe are broad stereotypes which will generally be inaccurate.
Yeah, mostly. They can get rowdy and distracted. We are very chill though, nothing bothers anyone and we get along swell. Even if we did fight and it came to blows we'd make up and have some beers in a couple minutes.
I run a group consisting of 7 grils.
Honestly it's not much different to the one I ran a couple of years back which was split male/female down the middle.
There's fewer dick jokes and beyond that it's pretty similar
You obviously have the wrong kind of girls at the table user. The three girls in our group throw out more and better dirty jokes than the guys
It depends on why she's there. If she's just the dm's girlfriend she might be pretty useless, but if she's there to game then it's not that different from having a boy at the table.
I recently played a game where the girl was a regular player and she brought her husband along and he was the most useless sack of potatoes I've ever played with, he just sat there playing with his phone all session, the dm basically had to puppet his character because he stopped paying attention less than halfway through.
Are you saying that having a girl around the table makes players less gay?
that's like those people that couldn't find someone to take care of their kid and brings them along anyways.
Overall in about 30 years if running I've noticed a few things about women in rpgs.
The first is that they role play far better than males on average. This doesn't mean all women are better role players than all men, just overall. I've noticed more diverse and unique and interesting characters than male players tend to have.
The second thing I noticed is that they tend to take better notes than male players.
The third thing is that on average they are less likely to try to abuse the system than male players.
Nothing much, but the snacks are better.
We drink less than when they are not here.
Not really.
So, they're all around better?
do you feel like they need more handholding than males?
No, they tend to bring outside drama to the game.
Need details.
Newly introduced women get more handholding than newly introduced men, regardless of whether they actually need it. The characters of males are largely ignored unless they make themselves stand out, while the characters of females get more rp interaction, again regardless of any effort on their part.
Regulars are treated like everyone else though, so I guess there's just an acclamation period until men are willing to act normal around women.
From my personal experience: female 1- long time girlfriend and baby mamma of one of the players. Plays a good character, keeps track of leveling and class features, takes notes, has a history for her character. Female 2- just playing a fantasy version of herself, more or less, which is a skinny wizard girl who just wants to be left alone and pretends to hate everyone because it's a good look for a person I could snap in half with just my calf muscles.
Female 3- always tired and sleepy (why are so many girls like this?) and tends to zone out during games, but shows up anyway because she's a girlfriend of a player. Always plays tiefling warlocks who wear corsets and doesn't bother to study her spells or cast anything but firebolt and eldritch blast. Has a detailed history written but never actually "plays" so much as "sits in the corner while everyone else pretends to be drunk in a bar"
>always tired and sleepy (why are so many girls like this?)
People get like that when they are bored.
When it comes to the mechanics of the game, on average yes.
That being said, players never learn their shit anyways.
Really though I only have one rule about mechanics when I run, know what your own character does, that is very much part of your job as a player. Men tend to have an easier time with this than women. Also combat tactics totally go out the window with women in the games usually.
Women are a minority, minorities are SJW, SJW are Jews, Jews destroy everything they can put their grasp on.
When you allow women at your table, you are actively destroying RPG and giving away an other part of the great white culture. When comes the day of purification, this will be remembered, and no mercy will be spared.
we are lucky enough to have 2 boys at our table. one of them is the 8 year old brother of the lamia though and she doesnt even allow us to hug him, i got to pet him one time though when she wasnt looking.
The other one is the boyfriend of the wight, he can roleplay pretty good.
The only problem is the the lonely centaur and oomukade try to get all touchy with him whenever possible. being a pretty normie stacy the wight mostly just ignores it, knowing that her boyfriend isnt into horsepussy.
1) Never seen a girl make a fighter
2) Less dwelling in magical realm, rape, dick jokes.
Taht's all.
why no love for the shota?
lamia is borderline psychotic. damn snakes always so overprotective of their hug pillows.
shes really pushing it in our face too, most of the time she makes him sit in her tail during the games and plays with his hair.
and i am pretty sure he wanted to touch my tail.
the oomukade had a wrestle with him one time when the lamia ran late, and almost tickled him to dead. she was practically glowing happiness the entire session. though if the glares from the lamia meant anything i think she could sense something happened.
Why are all girls pedophiles but get away with it?
>sit in her tail
>wanted to touch my tail.
i don't understand at all.
My usual group is all-female
The one time we had a guy join, he was the worst kind of SJW whiteknight type. We kept trying to make him stop, but he kept going on about how we should "not encourage the woman-hating men" to the point where one player stopped showing up until we kicked him out of the group.
It is rather strange, because in another group composed entirely of guys, no one gives me any kind of weird attention and we all have fun all the time. You'd think it was worse with only one girl around, but apparently not.
>What's the difference between having a boy at the table over a girl?
Men are more rational, less vain, less prone to emotional outbursts, more intelligent (I'm not talking about those adjusted-median IQ studies, i mean the real ones).
>Does it affect the mood and how people behave?
Yes. The presence of a female at an RPG table results in the nu-males who participate in droves to immediately begin making an effort to win her affection, drastically distracting from the game and feeding her ego, driving her to act even more narcissistically.
>Does it affect how people Veeky Forums?
See above. Many women are good roleplayers but lack the ability to comprehend even the barest crunch. As a result, absolutely terrible RPGs have been promoted in recent years to appeal to the female demographic, including Mouse Guard, FATE, 13th Age, and many others.
girls can't be pedophiles, get with the times.
Nah, because they also don't know the rules and a lot of them are shitty players.
But a good female player is often better than a good male player, if that makes sense.
Not the guy you replied to btw.
>long time girlfriend and baby mamma of one of the players
Fucking degenerates.
> always tired and sleepy (why are so many girls like this?) and tends to zone out during games, but shows up anyway because she's a girlfriend of a player.
Kick her out. Why the fuck do these bitches think they need to be a part of EVERYTHING their SO does and ruin it in addition? My friend's GF plays because she wants to and actually enjoys it, not because she's an insecure cunt who can't stand being away from her bf for 2 hours. Grow the fuck up, women.
> We kept trying to make him stop, but he kept going on about how we should "not encourage the woman-hating men" to the point where one player stopped showing up until we kicked him out of the group.
What the fuck?
Look up otherkin
Ready yourself for some hardcore disgust
the lamia kind of sits on this special chair that allows her to wrap her tail around it, at the same time it leaves a convenient spot for the shota to sit in.
And him wanting to touch my tail might be my own disillusion but whenever i go to get some drinks i can see him looking at it. might be because we dont have many bushy tail mg's around here and most of his hug experience is of course with reptiles.
because all boys want to be hugged.
So now from -4 STR to -4 INT and WIS?
51% of the population of Earth is considered a minority?
The more you know.
> Do you play with girls at all?
Yes. But generally one girl at a time. I have trouble persuading them to do threesomes.
> What's the difference between having a girl at the table over a boy?
Um. How old are you?
> Does it affect the mood and how people behave?
Depends on people I'd say.
> Does it affect how people Veeky Forums?
What does this have to do with Veeky Forums?
Oh look, it's this thread again
That's because there are less female players in RPGs. Those that play (as a rule) have more motivation than the male players do.
If RPGs go (more) mainstream, the quality of female players will drop as well.
There's a girl in my Pathfinder group, she's really sweet but she has a stutter and we might need to kick the newest guy because he keeps mocking it.
Unless they're best friends and they're cool with it then that sort of shit should be shut down right away.
There's one player who always fits that stereotype regardless of gender
Something about us having rape in a medieval fantasy game turned him into a broken record.
To be fair, sex and mature non-violence was a lot more common in the girl group than the mens group. They seem afraid of making someone uncomfortable. Unless we are talking violence, for some reason.
Nah, he's a friend of another player, he'd never met her before the first game and keeps mocking her stutter when she's not around.
If they were friends, we wouldn't care.
Don't pretend that sex jokes aren't better than the OP.
No real difference.
i get it now, tail is slang for dick.
>All male players
>Half female party
Works pretty well to be honest. A sprinkling of yuri fetishes among the players is the root cause but they play the characters well and since we're all guys there's no uncomfortable awkwardness over any of the sexual content, game has managed to continue moving forward story wise despite occasional sideways swerves into erp.
The plot is moving forward at an acceptable pace and everyone is having fun together, I don't see what's wrong with that.
literally first time i ever posted it, get with the program.
Well if he's talking behind someone's back it isn't a huge problem like saying it when she's around. It's just one of those things that the GM has to deal with. Either put his foot down or let it slide which could turn into something ugly.
One of my players is retarded and I don't appreciate people talking about negatively about him. He's not mentally disabled, he's just a dumbass a lot of the time.
>talking behind someone's back it isn't a huge problem
in some sense it's worse, that shit should not be tolerated. how would you feel if your friends or group was talking shit about you when you were away from the table?
Yeah, we've been talking about it; if he starts to mock her stutter around her, we're gonna have to give him the boot.
Is everyone a faggot?
> literally first time i ever posted it, get with the program.
Not him, but there were others. There were many others.
>they role play far better than males on average
>they are shitty players
I see a slight contradiction
Also, my only experience with girls at the table was a players GF, who was there only because his BF, who was there only because he was dude of most of the group. They both literally did the same during a game, and that is hardly anything.
In online games, inmcluding RP-heavy muds I certainly saw that female players tend to be lot better than males at "standard" RP, though less likely to understand the in-world depth and lore. So roleplaying relations, emotions, adventures, they are better but if you try to strategize or disxuss how X would look like in culture Y, or nuances of fictional religion, they mostly come up with utterly stupid shit. Also more likely to throw shitty OOC tantrums and grudges, though mostly against other girls.
For some reason, despite scene being gender-split like 75-25 I always ended up playing with women way more than men.
my groups have always been all-male.
Can I attract cute grills if I keep GMing?
if you don't like the thread, there are plenty of others, heck you can make your own if you want to
Girls are pretty much just people, OP, I promise. So, you know, mixed bag. I have female players I play with regularly.
>lady one
>loves character drama
>excellent role player
>has put done some very interactive, interesting role play things that pull in other players for a cool,collaborative experience
>on the other hand, also will sometimes decide that all attention must be on her as she does stuff that is irrelevant sideplot shit(hitting on EVERYTHING)
>maybe likes IC drama cuz she also likes OOC drama
>lady 2
>a bit autistic
>limited role player
>generally plays quiet, reserved characters that share her lawful good mindset
>the only alternative was a lolsorandom gnome alchemist that caused a lot of problems, though the problems did sometimes improve the role playing/throw in interesting complications as the little bitch put her foot in her mouth
>the girl is actually very smart and bro-tier, caring, nice fucking person to have around
>essentially never significantly disruptive
So yeah. They're people, they have their flaws, they have their strengths. They don't much stand out against the other players to me; everybody is good at something, bad at something else. I love and care about both of them, they're my friends.
>>Girls are pretty much just people
But they smell nicer. Most of the time.
and they are softer and usually their hands are colder
Don't know about their actual orientations, they just seem to be having fun.
One guy only plays female characters in relationships with other female characters, I described him once as "Not so much a straight man but a lesbian in a man's body" he got very quiet and eventually said I'd cut him to the core and made him do some soul searching.
One guy plays one straight male, one emotionally damaged asexual male and one rampant omnisexual female in various campaigns, seems to care more about his character's sexuality than his own.
One guy said he wasn't going to engage in any kind of erp at all but has since gotten into it with every gender and every direction and seems to be having fun.
And I'm bi and just happy everyone is having a good time one way or another.
Our rules are pretty simple, all such content stops the moment someone says they're uncomfortable, and the DM reserves the right to forcibly fade everything to black if the plot needs to move along.
Not exactly what I had in mind when I started the campaign but it's all done for fairly good in-character relationship reasons and everyone's enjoying themselves, so why not.
boys are more reliable, take action because girls generally are used to not even try, and they're cute. CUTE
Both are shit. I refuse to choose which one is better or worse.
>IC drama
>OOC drama
you're using some big words there what do they mean?
>So yeah. They're people
nobody implied otherwise, keep sjw'ing
In Character, out of character
thanks famboy
Yes, quite often.
The only difference is that they talk about their breasts instead of their balls.
>talks about his balls
I hear about the DM's girlfriend phenomena a lot, but I have an anecdote: DM's boyfriend.
>Got a higher point buy than the rest of the party.
>Got magic items heaped on him, including unique homebrew.
>Was the party leader because any disagreement in character caused him to whine to the DM.
>DM kept putting the spotlight on the boyfriend, making his character out to be some ubermensch manly man.
>Boyfriend's character is integral to the plot.
>Literally every other PC, despite having well thought out backstories, are never involved in the plot at all. Only the boyfriend's PC was allowed to be important in any way.
TL;DR: Do not use tabletop games to get laid. And this is why I tell my wife that at the table, she's just another player. She understands the difference between in-game and out-of-game. Because she's not a shit player.
that would make a me a boy user. and those dont exists on the web.
sure they do, just look at and at
didn't mean to link you, just changed the 5 to 6 in the other anons post, then got you anyways...
is the DM a faggot?
I've only had one group ever, and it was composed of varying shades of That Guy.
One of the players was alright, stunted the plot a bit, but was decent.
One was a girl who was a rogue, and thought it would be funny to steal from everybody.
Her brother was the real That Guy, never shutting up about seducing barmaids and he got killed when he attacked the king for a laugh.
I'm forming a group up with them again, but The DM and I had a sit down with them and pretty much said don't be a dick, and if you do stuff like that it detracts from the fun. Hopefully they listened.
>Do you play with girls at all?
Yes, two of them, and a few more in the past.
>What's the difference between having a girl at the table over a boy?
Cultural difference:
Girls, for whatever reason, can't turn off their feelz for the 10 bloody minutes it takes to come to a decision.
If a girl is offended about something, it WILL influence their decision-making, because they'll automatically assume that they A. are right to be offended, and B. are right to act on their offense.
You can train them out of this mindset very easily by teaching them that feelz can be out of sync with reality or not really working well with the current situation, just like opinions can be.
Physical difference:
They magical realm surprisingly easy.
Not really a problem though since I have nothing against sex/fetish stuff in my games.
>Does it affect the mood and how people behave?
Perhaps, but I haven't seen how these people act without women around, so I don't really have a comparison.
Oh! Right. If you have two women at a table, it goes MUCH different than if you have one. I think women behave differently if there's competition, whereas men are always in competition mode even when alone.
>Does it affect how people Veeky Forums?
Damned if I know.
Though I know this board is a lot more anti-rape than the people I know IRL. See: women magical realming.
My games are more sexual, but I don't think that's so much because they're female and more because they're repressed nerds.
They joke more and are more physically affectionate than my dude group, but this is true off the table as well.
I cringe at the mention of women on Veeky Forums threads because there's always that one guy in the sea of people pretending to hate women who actually does and you know he's in there somewhere being a faggot.
>Men are more rational, less vain, less prone to emotional outbursts, more intelligent
I like how stating this is the most obvious display of lack of self awareness I've ever seen.
I'm sooooo not vain and very intelligent! Look how not emotional I am, please make me feel better fellow boys!
>whereas men are always in competition mode even when alone.
Do ANY of you actually play with mature people at all?
>mature people
>Veeky Forums
Men do behave differently around women.
As a generality subconsciously they become more competetive.
>Do you play with boys at all?
Yes, most of my players are male.
>What's the difference between having a boy at the table over a girl?
They're quite functional, and able to focus on individual parts of a situation. Though this may lead to them missing a big picture at times, or focusing very hard on MUST WINning the tournament at the expense of friendships in the short term.
They usually get over it tho. Boys are used to being competitive with each-other.
They also seem a lot more reserved with their sexuality, which I suppose is a cultural thing more than a physical thing.
>Does it affect the mood and how people behave?
Depends strongly on the type of boy.
Boys fall into 3 main types.
Type 1 doesn't give a single fuck who they're around, and will do whatever they feel like, fuck the h8rs. These are the most common type.
Type 2 are more the follower types and will just fall in line with whoever's loudest, changing to fit them. These types tend to have fun and don't really mind it.
Type 3 tho are the ones who'll actively start fighting on other people's behalfs, even without those other people's requests or even their consent. They can be hardcore SJWs or edgy contrarians, what matters is that they always think of themselves as some champion of someone else's cause. They get to be real trouble real fast, especially around women.
1s and 2s can game together and with women without much trouble, but if you have a 1, a 3, and a woman in the same group (or just a 1 and a 3 in the same group) they will infight. Avoid it.
>Does it affect how people Veeky Forums?
Fucked if I know.
Though this board is a lot more roleplaying and anti-optimisation than most dudes I know, who like numbering hard to win.
You'd think with that average age of Veeky Forums you people would be more mature.
Might be because you're all nerds and lack social know-how and self-confidence.
Are you implying that it is not possible to be competitive in a mature manner, or that being mature necessarily means turning off your drive to be the very best?
Even when a man is alone, if he's working on a project, he works like he's trying to meet (or beat!) a standard.
The only reason I'm any less of a manchild than I was when I first got here is because I started hanging out with normalfags and they helped me figure my shit out.
So yeah, you're right about that second bit.
>Having a girl at the table tends to reduce the number of dick jokes.
Shouldn't the number of dick jokes be 0 without a woman, since you wouldn't talk about dicks around other guys?
dicks are for girls! Having a girl should increase the amount of time dicks are discussed, because that is where dicks go!
>the man is the "useless token girl character"
I am amused.
>The second thing I noticed is that they tend to take better notes than male players.
Huh, maybe my experience is different to yours but in my groups the archivist tends to be a dude.
>The third thing is that on average they are less likely to try to abuse the system than male players.
Veeky Forums complaints department have you tried not playing D&D?
that's dumb the one you replied to is also dumb
Because men never stand up for themselves and instead opt to "hide their powerlevel" like cowards. So of course they get punished more.
>no one gives me any kind of weird attention and we all have fun all the time.
What, nobody wants to get up your skirt?
>Something about us having rape in a medieval fantasy game turned him into a broken record.
I don't really get it. Rape is basically just assault but with a dick (or a pussy) instead of your fists, why's it so special?
>If RPGs go (more) mainstream, the quality of female players will drop as well.
If /v/ is anything to go by, the quality of the male players will drop drastically as well.
Hang on, I'm only getting one side of the story here.
Is it funny mocking / trolling with the goal of laughing about it, or is it vindictive mocking with the goal of making someone else unwanted?
Sometimes people must be encouraged to toughen up and laugh about our unique deficiencies, rather than getting all offended about it.
Othertimes yes people do try to exclude others using their weaknesses as leverage, and you should probably nip that in the bud.
Faggots don't do yuri unless it's dickgirls.
Basically, is stuttergirl invited to join in the mockery, or encouraged to go away?
Shared mockery is a wonderful thing. Maybe you should all find something you can mock each-other about!
>Can I attract cute grills if I keep GMing?
Not with a creepy attitude like that, girls will spot your "omg a cute grill" attitude a mile away and avoid you like the plague.
I am shitposting. If you took this post seriously, and were going to agree with it, you are a bad person. If you were going to type a knee-jerk "i disagree with you" response, you have been baited.
>Shared mockery is a wonderful thing.
not everybody is into that sort of thing, if you're making somebody uncomfortable then you should stop.
if you have to talk behin someone's back, then you should stop that too.
if you can't say it to their face, then don't say it at all when you're all just trying to have a good game.
>implying i'm not that cute girl
>not everybody is into that sort of thing, if you're making somebody uncomfortable then you should stop.
There are true elements to that but tolerating a bit of the discomfort is normal and to be expected (so long as EVERYONE has to tolerate the discomfort, not just stuttergirl). It's possible for a person to be oversensitive, and you can't fix that by shetlering them, you have to expose them a bit.
On the other hand, there ARE the true elements. It's possible to completely overdo it, especially if there's one person with far more discomfort than the others. And you're right, some people ARE more vulnerable to that sort of thing, and what person A can tank with ez might completely stress person B out. Gotta keep it a little uncomfortable but not too much.