Steam Summer Sale

Anything Veeky Forums related worth getting lads?

Pic unrelated

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Battlefleet Gothic: Armada is 13.20 USD cheaper, so you'd pay 26.79 USD + tax instead of 39.99 USD.

I got "remember me", for some shadowrun inspiration.

It's not incredible, but it's not the worst.

The Secret World.

Crusader Kings 2.


Basically all of the JRPGs are like 50% off or more; I grabbed Ys Chronicles and Legends of Heroes, along with E.Y.E out of morbid curiosity.

>Steam sale
>I am a cheap bastard when it comes to games
>TFW everything I want is above my >$20 price limit even after up to 40% discounts
>Everything that I would want that's that far discounted is already in my library
>Profound mehness about the sale
>TFW I suddenly get why people say PC gamers are entitled sods.

Pillars of Eternity

Yeah, this sale is really really lame.
and it's not because I already have too many things in my library either, I got a two hundred items long wishlist.
most of the discounts are -40% and -66%, even older games.
I remember getting fairly recent and prime games like LA Noir and Shadow Warrior for 2-3$, and now they aren't close to that price range.

Fucking Russians

"Only half price? Those money-grubbing bastards!"

Both Knights of Pen & Paper games are like $5. Simple, but enjoyable; if you're down for a self referential farce.

My legs are okay.

Avernus: Escape from the pit



i blew 700 hours in skyrim after i installed deadly impact, revenge of the enemies and some stealth difficulty increasing mod. stay away from crafting and the game is peachy

It's more like; "Half price? Why when last year it was quarter price? The game didn't expand on it's own since then, did it?"

I've picked up Dragons Dogma. RPG wise it seems alright, it has levels, classes and skills you can buy that are purely for combat. World-building is rather weak, at least as far as I'm up to but the gameplay is really scool. It feels like a game where their means didn't quite live up to the dream. That said, a lot of fun to play, no character building as far as I can see (dialogue choices etc), but it's got good combat. I climbed up a Hydras neck and cut its head off while my wizard follower ran around shouting "IT'S TOO SCALY! AAAA".


My man, your perspective has been skewed by past generosities. Quarter price is an insane deal, and should not be expected.

Worldbuilding may come off as weak, but as you play, you realize a lot of gameplay things have legitimate in-universe justifications that make perfect sense.

Once you start getting the higher abilities, it's like Greyhawk with Tome of Battle classes.

I would agree, if I haven't seen, or even lived with it on earlier sales.
I would also agree if I haven't seen "9/10th off" deals on decent merchandise.

I might be spoiled a bit, but don't tell me that I should be satisfied with less what was given to everyone else on earlier occasions.

Yeah Dragon's Dogma was really revolutionary on combat. Not really an RPG, it's more like a Fantasy Combat game

You're permitted to be dissatisfied; it's a subjective reaction. You're not permitted to call half-off a bad deal on product that's often sold at lower standard prices than other dealers to begin with.

Dragon's Dogma actually has an amazing story. It's just really not that obvious on the first play through. Once you've played through it the first time then you the second time you can actually follow it

That could well be the case, I've realised that the game isn't going to tell me anything when I can find it out myself. I've just reached the capital city after escorting the caravan, and all I know so far is "goblins hate fire!" and that on the road I'm as likely to meet wayfarers and merchants as I am bandits.

Yeah, I may have used the wrong word there.

In the sense that you realise a lot of things that happen once you have to context of the games ending? Just curious.

Knights of Pen and Paper ran like shit on my machine. It's one of those games that does nothing as fast as its can and eats all the CPU it can find to render idle animations.

I was much happier with it once I used Battle Encoder Shirase to throttle it down to half CPU, simultaneously with CheatEngine's speedhack to make it run twice as fast.

N. It's remade in meh engine. Avernum the original remake trilogy is better, IMO.

idk if you played Dark Souls, but like Dark Souls you don't really catch-on to the whole story until the second play through.

The game's true ending and what happens on Booty-Blasted Isle and their implications fill in a lot of holes and give content to the rest of the game's events, yeah.

>Booty-Blasted Isle


That's a good name for it.

But yeah Dragon's Dogma is friggen fantastic, I'd implore everyone who hasn't played it yet to buy it on this sale.

I apologize for the indifference in opinion, but I believe I am indeed permitted to call it a bad deal.

I am viewing purchases from the experience of several early instances. If the discount had higher percentage for several years than it has now, then it's an objectively worse deal

You might argue that "worse" is not necessarily "bad", and indeed you would be correct, but here comes the subjective part;

I am viewing the sales from my point of view. I looked carefully what I couldn't buy, and how much should I save up to buy them on the next sale.
So when I have the money, but can't buy the product when next sale rolls around, then I can say "It's a bad deal". For me that is.
For others, with other amount of disposable income, what they might say differs wildly.

Ranting over.

Ok you win it's over.

I am still gonna spend that damn money!
and I am going to like it!

Hand of Fate is pretty Veeky Forums.

Build a deck of equipment and encounters and the dealer makes an adventure out of it. You progress through the adventure, managing your cash, food, and equipment to hopefully make it to the final boss.

There's some admittedly clunky Arkham-style combat thrown in for whenever you encounter monsters but I'm finding that the atmosphere and the rest of the gameplay makes up for it.

Yeah they got the narration part very well.
Although I felt like the ending was very abrupt
Still sequel is in the making so can't complain

Shadowrun Returns: Dragonfall and Hong Kong. Can recommend both, especially Dragonfall.

I've only just beat the Jack of Scales.

How's the Endless mode? That looks like where the meat of the game is going to be once I get most/all of the cards.

I wish I had money for Witcher III and Hearts of Stone. Damn Super Bunnyhop for being so eloquent and persuasive.

I liked it. Some cards have like 6-7 "sequels" to them, you know what you have to unlock with tokens, making it a lot of extra.

If you are into endless mode, then i suggest to consider the only DLC the game has. It gives you different characters to play with, each with their own unlockable cards.

Like it has my fav the Lion Knight; starts with low hp, but gains 2 max health for every opponent defeated. You unlock his cards by growing in power enough before you step on them.
or that other one that consumes equipment instead of food.

I'd say GOG is more geared towards Veeky Forums type interests

Fantasy Grounds is on sale. Anybody have any experience or feelings towards it?

>mostly positive/mixed
I'd stay wary.

Honestly just use roll20. It's basically the same service for free

>Like it has my fav the Lion Knight; starts with low hp, but gains 2 max health for every opponent defeated.
I actually bought the DLC along with the base game since the whole thing was only ~$12.

I agree with you on the Lion fate being good. Even on the lower levels just having the ability to regain six health in an encounter by playing smart felt like a massive advantage. I'll probably branch out and try the others once I'm done with story mode. I haven't found any of his fate cards yet, though. Story mode may not have enough encounters early on to trigger them.

Honestly m8 you do not even know yet. Dragon's Dogma probably has the most satisfying level/class progression of any game I've ever played.

I just think of frantically running (as a mage) from my first ogre while spamming the 'help!' command for me followers, or getting absolutely fucking destroyed by my first drake fight as a fighter. And then late game, JFC, just tearing through this shit with abilities that feel amazing and impactful to use while my team is just 'we got this'. It's great. It deserves a sequel it will never have.

>along with E.Y.E out of morbid curiosity.
Join the Veeky Forums group, get some multi going.

Legend of Grimrock
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
Dominions 4
Wizardry 8
Dawn of War I plus expansions.

Nah. I'm okay.

>World building is rather weak
Finish the game.

That final boss monologue in the island though, man.

That fucking monologue.

I've replayed the game just to listen to that shit.

Anyways, I have the urge to go play it again now and build myself a Mystic Knight.

Hands down the best defensive class I've seen in an RPG, in terms of gameplay. The class just feels so fucking interesting to do.

Sunless Sea

Rainbow 6 Siege is pretty cool.

Not really Veeky Forums related though

Repent the folly of ascribing meaning to the void.

90% of Dragon's Dogma and worldbuilding is in the post game after you've become a semi immortal godkin. It's like the perfect 'DnD'esque vidya

Whoever wrote and whoever voice acted for Grigori didn't get payed enough

>the ramblings of an upstart zealot make for tiring oratory

At that scene the time had come and so had I

Does this game get more fun once you've explored everything? I got the battle class ship and started hunted the giant eels before I lost interest since it just felt like grinding at that point to advance the plot

Yea, both of them were great.

What is your purpose here, Arisen?

Has anyone played Avadon? Is it worth playing?

I use it and, personally, I find it easier to use and get my group to use than roll20, but with the pricetag it's very hard to recommend. I feel like, if you don't already have physical copies of any of the books, it does work out to be cheaper than buying those, especially if you can't get together physically to share a single set of physical rulebooks, but again, you can always just pirate the books and use roll20, spending nothing.

I'm grabbing Morrowind and will be playing it with a shit ton of mods because I didn't own an Xbox back when it was new and "groundbreaking". I like Skyrim, so I imagine with mods it'll be similar.

Is Mystic Knight any good? I'm currently level 15 or so and really enjoying all my Fighting man abilities, do they get and more weeblike? I wanna do big flips and shit, launching people into the air is cool for now though.

All vocations are great, except Mage.

Mage, at least from my pawns practises, just seems to be weapon buffs and fireballs. So I'm glad I'm not missing out anythign there.

Mystic Knight is the most powerful class in the game.

Sorcerer is more-or-less just a straight upgrade to Mage as a PC class (it has a few more support options, but they work better on a Pawn). Mystic Knight is extremely strong, but you'll need to plan out your levels to get the most out of it. There really isn't a bad vocation though.

That's a weird way to spell Ranger.

Mystic Knight is the most flexible class, after Assassin. They've got good physical and magical abilities, and a lot of of their skills are very good in different situations.

There's a variety of ways of playing them.

1. Shield based - You're using your shield enhancements to build charges with perfect blocks, then hitting them hardcore with the results. Usually a physical build. The most reflex dependent, because you need to consistently get the perfect blocks off to survive in melee and do your damage.

2. Trap Knight - Using your cannons and your sigils to fucking destroy shit. Magic build, and requires setup. But hoo boy, you set it up right and they fucking ruin shit. I think only Mystic Archer has a faster Death kill rate, but Mystic Archer kills everything but one of the super bosses in fucking stupid amounts of time.

3. Mage Knight - The pure magic build, you're using cannons at range to clean rooms out, then going for your big spells when you knock a big enemy over. Arguably the weakest of the three builds, but man, getting one of those big spells off and chunking a huge amount of a bosses HP is always fun to see.

That's a weird way of spelling Mystic Archer

Interesting. I'm eagerly awaiting a two handed weapon of some sort to fall into my hands, and then hopefully I can equip 6 weapon skills on it and really have fun.

>6 skills

awh no :( Ah well, better I know now and get that out of the way.

Warrior - the 2-hander class, which is basically Guts - only gets 3 weapon skills sadly.

It depends. I think for more than 50% it's worth it otherwise no

How do you feel about NobleDark? How about a setting that's sort of like Children of Men and A Boy and His Dog and also some third thing that's not so terrible?

Then LISA is for you, my friend.

>tfw missed the DnD games sale

I fell into a slight trap with the Mystic Archer class. While it's fantastic, and the exploding bolts are great, it is really, really limited against different types of enemies.

Some 'mini-boss' battles are impossible if you have the wrong followers with you, since your abilities are pretty limited and all your shots HAVE to home in to particular spots.

For instance, Golems.

At that point I was so built towards Mystic Archer that I found it easier to just restart.

If you've got tanky followers that can distract enemies, Sorcerer can really get shit done.

Casting FUCKHEUGE spells all over the place.

Well there's no daily deals or flash sales anymore, maybe that's why you feel disappointed. Personally I kind of missed this:

Age of Barbarian:
Not part of the sale, but only about $15 and as Veeky Forums related as you're ever going to get.

Pic related: the playable characters are Rahaan the barbarian, and Sheyna the once-princess-turned-slave-turned-warrior.

Rahaan: dismembering foes, slaying monsters, and rescuing grateful half-dressed maidens!

Sheyna delivers one of her signature death-blows.

This game has some really bad reviews, citing bugs, sloppy controls, and poor difficulty.

Any comment on that?

How is that game by the way?

I remember when I saw it first come out, what, years ago? I thought it looked super interesting but that I would wait it out. I proceeded to hear absolutely fucking nothing about it forever but its still for sale fairly often

Things I worry about:
Is it dead or are there still people playing/content being added?
Will I have to microtransaction my ass off?
Is there an actual difference between the 3 factions or does it just change the color of some of my outfits?
What is combat actually like? Standard mmorpg WoW flavor or something slightly different?

What are some good JRPGs btw? I actually like JRPGs but I haven't played very many and a lot of them look the same.

All correct. It's made by an Italian studio and the animation was done in Poser or something.
Just watch the Super Best Friends video if you want to know what it's like.

Metal Golems are a problem until you realize that Throwblast works on the medals.

Then they're no longer a problem.

I just bought Pathologic.

What the actual fuck did I get myself into?

>That trailer

Whelp, I know what game I'm going to play the next time I decide to go on an acid trip.

>Any comment on that?
The initial release was pretty buggy, yes, but Crian Soft have been patching the problems at a blistering pace - issuing patches daily for a couple of weeks, with an average turnaround of less than two days between an issue being raised and getting fixed. 1.6.4 was just issued, and it seems to have nobbled everything mentioned in the bug-report thread.

I find the controls a little awkward and sometimes unresponsive, but that may just be the game lagging on my very old laptop and the fact that I've *always* been crap at executing combos in fighting games. (Never got the hang of Street Fighter II, for instance.) The way I hear it, people with controllers have it a bit easier.

Certain late-stage bosses are intensely frustrating, yes - at least three of them have insta-kill attacks that they like to spam, and the final boss also uses the environment against you. OTOH, if you're obstinate enough to stick it out (like I am), that very frustration makes finally beating their asses down all the more satisfying. (That said, *everyone* hates that fucking basilisk and his death-gaze, and *hopefully* Crian Soft will nerf the fucker a little in the near future.)


>did you ever think that "someone getting dropped in a land full of individuals who wanted something from them very badly but actually they're all friends now so it's k" was unrealistic?
>this is a more realistic depiction

>already have most, if not all, of the cyberpunk FPS's
Oh well. At least I got Dex.

Oh my god that looks hilariously bad.

Tales of Symphonia (note the way character development is done)

Final Fantasy IX (a case study in sympathetic characters and mood pacing)

Final Fantasy X (a fish out of water story done right with a very well-developed setting)

Final Fantasy VI (another well-developed setting with superbly written characters. Don't buy the garbage port that's on steam, though)

Dark Souls (technically counts. This is how you sandbox)

How long it take you to die? I got beaten to death outside a movie theater a few hours after getting off the train.

Personally, I think the '80s cheese is part of the charm. AFAICT, the whole thing was basically done as a huge love-letter to the 1982 Ahnuld movie and "Barbarian II - the Dungeons of Drax".

Tales of Symphonia is 66% off.

I should have added I've actually played all of the final fantasies.

And IX is my favorite by a country mile

But you stopped at XII, right? ...right?

To me it's a toss-up between those three.

There are worse FF games than 13. Like 13-2, LR, and 3.

Played the first 13 but couldn't make it through the whole game (I don't care if it gets better 20 hours in I don't want to play 20 hours of this)
Played 14 and was actually pleased that somehow an mmo with as close to zero customization as you can get actually managed to be one of the more fun ones

I didn't mind LR mechanically, I think it's mostly just the characters that get people.

I still think people judge the worst FF by the current ones only, personally. Like, 8 is a pile of shit that actually wants you to subvert it's mechanics to get anything done.

XI had a lot of bad mechanics, but story wise it's straight up the best one.

So many good little world building pieces in that game, and a great central plot as well.

Wait I just remembered Tactics

Okay my favorite FF is a tie between IX and Tactics