Friday Night Magic Thread.
>What format/deck did you play?
>How did you do?
>Face any meme decks?
>Any interesting salt stories?
Friday Night Magic Thread.
>What format/deck did you play?
>How did you do?
>Face any meme decks?
>Any interesting salt stories?
I used to play, back when counterspell was still a card.
Ever since they took out that card, I can't be bothered.
Wow, shut up. They didn't take it out you moron.
Played my standard prowess deck
Almost got there.
Esper Control / Delver (at the moment)
Budget list, but tons of fun. went 3-2
Beat boggles, 8rack, and Abzan
Lost to Sultai good stuff and Naya Beatdown
Kinda thinking about having a Myth Realized control build, seems really fun
If you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, it's best not to post at all.
>>What format/deck did you play?
Legacy Death & Taxes
>>How did you do?
2-1 TES
2-1 LED Dredge
2-0 RUG Delver
2-0 Eldrazi
2-1 Miracucks
>>Face any meme decks?
Eldrazi is a memester deck
>>Any interesting salt stories?
Resolved Island Sanctuary against Eldrazi, dumped my hand with Aether Vials and drew cards off Sea-Gate Wreckage. Beat him to death with Serra Avenger while he just sat there with his limp-dick squid monsters.
Holy shit literally shut the fuck up dude
Opposed to figuratively shutting the fuck up
>What format/deck did you play?
Modern. UWR Nahiri.
>How did you do?
>Face any meme decks?
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
>Any interesting salt stories?
Played some scrub with a shitty RG deck and he got pretty salty when Emrakul hit the field.
Dude with a burn deck got me down to 1 life two games in a row. I wouldn't say he got salty, but he wasn't happy.
as someone who is planning on going to a FNM for the first time soon, will I be looked down on for having a RG standard werewolf deck?
What about a Vampire BR deck for standard?
Beats me. I don't play Standard and I don't know your meta.
>What format/deck did you play?
Modern, Bant Knightfall CoCo
>How did you do?
1-2 Jund. Smiter in hand, with a Finks on the table is hilarious in this matchup. Scoozed the wrong thing game 3 and took three goyfs to the face.
2-0 Merfolk. Was a guy coming back to the format and didn't know the combo. He was cool about it though.
0-2 Grixis tempo. Same horrible matchup that I used to have against Twin. Very tough to stabilize, unluckily never had Smiters in hand for K-Commands.
Had to drop early
>Face any meme decks?
Nah. Seems like things are stabilizing since the Twin/Eye ban and everyone's moving back to the proven decks.
>Any interesting salt stories?
Nah, I was too tired to be salty about it, but I could not get a decnt hand against grixis at any stage of the game, even post-sideboard.
>will I be looked down on for having a RG standard werewolf deck?
As long as your flip cards are well organized and you're able to keep track of your transform effects, nobody should have any problems.
>What about a Vampire BR deck for standard?
Make sure you're doing your madness shit in the correct order.
You shouldn't worry about people looking down on you at FNM based on your decks. At worst, your deck doesn't match the powerlevel of the store. Too strong, and you're the asshole netdecker with too much of daddy's money. Too weak and people will just feel bad about steamrolling the new guy. Whatever happens in the games, just be friendly to other players, and let your opponents know that you might not be familiar with all the format staples.
ok, cool, thanks.
I didn't assume the players would be too toxic,
but I didn't want to be the guy who doesn't know what is going on
>What format/deck did you play?
Standard, I play BW control but I'm liking it less these days.
>How did you do?
2-2 last night as of recent. I just can't beat mono-W humans without a god draw or them fucking up.
>Face any meme decks?
Brain in a jar decks are sort of amusing but fuck if they aren't a chore to play against.
>Any interesting salt stories?
I'm the saltiest player at my FNM with my occasional "not letting someone have backsies on a major mistake" so that's cool.
>Eldrazi is a meme deck
lol wut? Eldrazi is some real shit, and almost definitely here to stay. Has insane game against combo (including elves, which even D&T cant do), heavily favored versus delver, and pretty even matchup versus miracles. Barring an unlikely ban, Eldrazi is and will probably remain solidly tier1.
Speaking as both a D&T and Dredge player, i actually welcome the addition of Eldrazi to the meta. Its genuinely fun to play and play against. D&T is a fair matchup both ways, but for Dredge ive had to completely change my sideboard. I play LED dredge, with the usual game plan of combo killing with a flayer of the hatebound+Golgari Grave-troll. Since the introduction of Eldrazi, as well as the uptick of D&T, ive included 4x Prized Amalagram and 4x Force of will. This helps me a) have some extra game versus combo, b) be able to side out the combo kill for a the aggro beatdown of ichorid+amalagram+ zombie tokens, and c) occassionally counter a piece of hate before it even has the chance to land on the field.
TLDR: Eldrazi is and will remain tier1, and thats A-okay
>UWR Nahiri
sold this deck recently. fucking pile of money tbqh.
The RG guy asked me how much it cost to put my deck together (implying). I was trying not to get distracted, so I just said I had all the cards and only had to buy Nahiris.
>meme deck
What qualifies as a meme deck? Anything below tier 3?
Mfw some idiot from the standard general started to call rogue deck as meme decks.
Mfwevery fucking sheep start calling it meme decks.
Fuck you guys
Dunno, but in standard MonoU Brain/Prison and UR Flyers are called meme deck even when those decks showed some results in gps.
>What qualifies as a meme deck?
reddit-tier decks that are literally everywhere
>legacy eldrazi
decks i don't like
>could be literally anything
>probably dredge though
shitbrews that shitbrewers keep fucking posting here
>jeskai harbinger*
>brain in a jar
>wrx boom/bust
*formerly a meme from that one faggot that kept calling it Emerica, now a real meta deck
Legacy eldrazi ain't no reddit-tier deck.
Kill yourself.
>eldrazi isn't a reddit-tier meme deck
found the stompy player
fuck off back to modern we know you're running chinaman city of traitors you little shit.
If Eldrazi is tier 1, then why did it not manage to top 8 any GP? How is a deck that has one good matchup (Storm) a tier 1 deck?
Fuck you Dragon Stompy is a great deck
That picture is far less impressive when you know promo emrakul is cheaper then regular foils
>mfw thinkin' about getting there
>will I be looked down on for having a RG standard werewolf deck?
>you are old enough to see a new generation taking up the mantle of shitty werewolf decks
don't worry about anything, you're gonna have a blast.
>What format/deck did you play?
Modern Naya Burn
>How did you do?
Horribly because I'm bad at magic
>Face any meme decks?
Not really, all the memery that goes on at my store is pretty much all my doing
>Any interesting salt stories?
Made a Jeskai control player tilt out after I top decked and hardcasted a Rift Bolt to win the game.
Made a Bogles player call me scum after I D-Palmed his 12 power Gladecover Scout allowing m to win the game next turn of a Boros charm topdeck.
Resolved a Worldgorger dragon loop while my opponent had a Relic out. He got really upset and was all "That never should have happened, this is BS."
There was this one time a player called a judge on me for wearing a fedora and tipping it whenever I passed the turn.
I'll tell how I won my last FNM, not even knowing what were I doing:
>be me
>poorfag that also hates standard ((for some reason I've never understand)
>only standard FNM in my local store
>decided to buy a pre-built deck (magic origins)
>15€ for playing standard 2 years
>seems nice to me
>some shitty red-black deck with awful creatures, weird spells, and a foil Kothophed
>start playing the FNM
>first match with a guy with eldrazi red-green deck
>first play, get beaten till dead, as expected
>second play, he had a bad starting hand, and somehow i managed to win
>third play, act of treason to some big ass eldrazi (5/5 fag with lots of abilities) and attack him
>repeat for two more turns
>Ended up winning, I already felt like a champion
>Second match, a guy with a odd red-white deck
>he played almost nothing
>no effort to winning him
>third match, a good old friend with a green-blue bollocks-wrecker eldrazi deck
>main strategy is filling the table with little cheap creatures and resist till playing ulamog o kozilek
>first play, he had only in board a 5/5 eldrazi
>act of treason (again and again)
>win first play, both of us laughing about how unrealistic that was
>second play, my starter hand with a bit removal and a 5 mana reanimator
>perfect, I kill his eldrazi, and then renimate it
>at some moment he had 2 cards on hand, and I had a shitty discard spell that could get those 2 cards discarded
>"Surely those are mana dorks, let´s make him discard and maybe i have 2-3 more turns till he plays a big ass eldrazi"
>cast it
>strange removal and kozilek
>dis gon b good
>kozilek on graveyard
> -hahaha, now I have to wait till I find ulamog
> my next turn, reanimate kozilek
> he never found ulamog
> mfw I won a tournament with a shitty pre-built deck
> mfw I won against a deck that the cheaper card was more expensive than all my deck
> mfw my friend is a cool man and didn't get angry for the match
I played standard, RG Eldrazi Ramp
>How You do?
Top 4, lgs wouldn't stay open late to play for final rounds.
>Any meme decks?
Everyone and their grandma played fucking Walker decks, literally just oaths and walkers. God damn I wonder how they even made their decks, what amazing insight and crafting they have.
>Any interesting salt stories?
So after first round my friend mentions some guy was salty af at his table. So after some laughs I stay on look out. Next round this manlet sitting next to me is just having a pissing fest.
>"Fuck this shit"
>"That's gay as fuck"
I'm over here dying, too funny. I reconvene with my friend after the match and ask if that's the guy, he doesn't confirm. So finally 4th round starts up and I'm like table 8, I'm against a kid with the fucking memewalker deck. I bust out Ulamog like turn 5 or 6, GG?
>"I cast Declaration in Stone, and pass turn."
I cast a second Ulamog, GG no RE. He concedes. He starts mumbling out loud, something something troll, something something cancer eldrazi. Finally get into game 2 after his 15 minute side board shenanigans. I forget what happened but I was in deep shit, he had a Gideon and a Nahiri at 8 loyalty. Rest of board was meme oaths and like 2 tokens. I top deck Ulamog, cast it. He grabs his planeswalkers and scoops
>"Fuck this fucking gay game"
>"Fucking stupid"
Friend pulled Avacyn from participation pack. Overall good night.
>hey Veeky Forums this one time i went to a tournament and there were all these guys there and i played and i got lucky like three times and then this one guy was laughing and he couldn't find his card and
you construct stories like my 5 year old cousin
Haven't been to an FNM in two weeks
All the Games stores in my city (canberra) only do standard FNMs
This coupled with the fact that the Canberra magic community is very very tryhard means that any given meta at one of the three stores is going to be:
>40% green white tokens
>20% Black white
>20% Bant company/humans
I'm just so fucking bored of playing against those decks again and again
I mean I play bant and it's not like I get stomped or anything but it's just such a solved format I don't see any point playing other than to hangout with people
At least I have a couple of modern events coming up to look forward to
any deck you personally do not like
>What format/deck did you play?
Standard naya token's
>How did you do?
1-1 BW control
2-0 BW Allies
2-0 Bant company brew
2-1 Mardu pact
>Face any meme decks?
The Mardu pact deck. Angelic purge and Nahiri to not die to Demonic pact. Dark dwellers and koco for value. Such a sweet deck
>Any interesting salt stories?
I drew against the BW control due to incompetence. No card in both handd flipped Omendahl and plused arlinn for what I thought was lethal flying over his vents. Was actually 1 off, got snared on the next turn and lost. We spent too much time game one so it ended up drawn. Mountains of salt on my side
>Format Deck
Extended / Standard Boros Allies Equipment
>How did you do?
0-2 Orzhov Enchantments Control
2-0 Grull Werewolves
2-0 Orzhov Enchantments Control
I played in a LGS in my hometown for the first time, they play a weird version of extended to stay on budget.
First game I had to mulligan to 5 on both games, my opponent also landed Creatures with lifelink on the field, halting my offensive.
The next 2 games were a steamroll and the deck worked like it was supposed to. The G2 against Enchantments Control my opponent was heavly focused on removal and hand disruption, still it couldn't handle Needle Spires equiped with Captain's Claws.
Well not really, Werewolves are strong with a good brew and decent pilot. That wasen't the case of that player.
Not on past week FNM, but the one I played before it, a Standard FNM. I top decked a removal for the Kalitas my opponent was digging. The Salt was real, I guess he couldn't handle that after all those Languishes he couldn't keep control of the game. Specially against a "meme" deck, it went 2-0.
>Getting three act's of treason
I can feel the dead Sea flowing in
Does that mean most of the modern decks people whine about are meme decks? So every combo deck, every aggro deck, and tron?
As a person fairly new to magic who's only played casual magic with friends is going to one of these going to be an enjoyable experience or is it a case that I'm likely just to be shat all over and kicked out at the end.For information there's only 1 store in my area that runs it and the next is a 20 minute train ride away so i'm afraid the store will be filled with Grognards who have nowhere else to play.
Basically are these events relatively friendly to newbies or toxic shitholes usually.
I'm in the same boat as kitchen here. Besides being trashed in the first rounds, what should we expect?
If you're just nice, let people know you're new, you should be fine. It's just that nerds lack a moral compass, their social experience is limited. So don't expect everyone to be cool about losing, or even winning. Still, go with a friend if you want. Eventually you'll make friends with the local people. But do NOT let people trade with you without going for proper value.
>found the stompy player
I play everything. I'm not limited to one deck.
>fuck off back to modern we know you're running chinaman city of traitors you little shit.
Nope. I bought my Cities over a decade ago.
Standard, but only at FNM. Usually it's kitchen table magic with pals.
Loving my R/G werewolf deck atm.
>How'd you do?
2-0 b/g mild control
2-0 w/r mana swamped both games.
2-1 W/G humans (budget version)
0-2 W/U/B equipment control thing.
>Meme decks?
Not really.
>Salt stories?
Had a 4-way match with friends and the board was absolutely covered in creatures and it's been eight turns since anyone has taken damage. One dude drew a card and got a grin on his face, played a blocker, and passed. The next dude made him discard his hand with a sorcery and it revealed he had a board wipe (descend upon the sinful). Dude got SO pissed because, as he explained, he just wanted to get the game moving away from the crawl it currently was at. Yelled a bit but we calmed him down and he apologized pretty fast.
Last deck I constructed was from Avacyn Restored. I switched hobbies to Warhammer 40k and haven't played magic for years.
I'd sell my cards, but only three of them are worth more than shipping costs so fuck it.
So modern dredge is the biggest meme deck of all?
>What format/deck did you play?
Legacy, Grixis Delver
>How did you do?
2-0 Grixis Delver, bad player who brought in Surgical Extraction
2-1 Shardless BUG, player refused to fetch basics
2-0 Dredge, Really interesting interactive matches
2-1 Eldrazi, Running Abrupt Decays to blow up the Chalice which he never had
>Face any meme decks?
Not this week, but I've stared down Leylines more than once. I also enjoy Dragon and Sea stompy moreso than most
>Any interesting salt stories?
The Shardless BUG player kept fetching for his duals g3, and I kept wasting them. After the match he "congratulated" me on constantly topdecking the perfect Wasteland, missing that I kept 1 in my opener and saw 2 more off 2 brainstorms and a ponder.
What should one do if someone gets salty over the deck you play?
That whoever you play in the final round will either be salty or a new player if you preform poorly during the last few rounds.
>Mfw Sin prodder gets my opponent to 3.