Age of Sigmar General


It is happening! edition

Thx Based Leaker, and incoming Alarielle feet.

Old thread

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First for chaos dwarfs are back to being not a real army

Man, thanks for the speedy response.
100 for a Lord-Castellant seems *really* cheap. I'm not complaining, mind you.
And Retributors being more costly than the other paladins makes sense, sort of.

Given those point values puts my default army at a comfy 1860, giving my a nice 140 to experiment with.

Lord-Castellant on Dracoth (tempestos hammer, shield) - 220
Lord-Castellant - 100
Lord-Castellant - 100

Liberators (10; hammers&shields, 2 grand hammers) - 200
Liberators (10; swords&shields, 2 grand blades) - 200
Protectors (5) - 200
Protectors (5) - 200
Judicators (5; bows, 1 shock bow) - 160
Judicators (5; bows, 1 shock bow) - 160
Judicators (5; bows, 1 shock bow) - 160
Judicators (5; bows, 1 shock bow) - 160

That said, with the Battle Trait for Order being rerolls on bravery I am kinda tepted to replace the Lord-Celestant on Dracoth with the infantry Lord-Celestant. That would net me some additional points, the potential to hide my general better and an awesome Command Ability.

Taking Grymn's Brotherhood twice might be sweet, as the batallion boni would be awesome here and it'd fit pretty well, but Prosecutors are kinda meh (though cheap) and I don't know if I could afford the batallion cost.

Formations appear to cost points now, so you might not have as much room as you think.

I assume forgeworld will do a little pdf of points and unit types for the stuff they produce. Of course, forgeworld work to their own schedules so who knows when that might happen.

That's what I meant with the line
>...and I don't know if I could afford the batallion cost.
Taking two MSUs of javelin Prosecutors into account, I'd have a 100pts left over. Unless Grymn's Brotherhood costs 50 per application I don't thing I can actually afford it.

>Formations cost points

Aos confirmed more balanced than 40k now

In general? No, probably not. In a GW store? Yes, most certainly.
Also, It's not a bad selection of stuff. Might want another 5 Hexwraiths, though. They only really shine at ten and above.

I'm getting 2 starters and spiting with a friend. I'm getting the Stormcast. What is the most based stormhost to paint them as?

hallowed knights

the teal ones are pretty based. whichever those ones are called

give them a iron golem look with with weathered armor and damaged surface.
at least not give them the GW color theme since it looks cartoony

Celestial vindicators, and the most based Stormhost is Astral Templars

Okay, just got back from the local GW, store manager told my about Alarielle and her woodland entourage.
Alarielle has 20 wounds and can cast up to four spells per hero phase. She knows arcane bolt, mystic shield and two unique ones, one of which is a powerful restore, the other a massive AoE; she also knows all spells of Sylvaneth and Wanderer wizards on the table. She has three melee weapons: Beetle, claw and stave. She regens d6 wounds in the hero phase.
The Revenants are 2-wound infantry with paladin-tier weapons.
New treekin bows have a single shot but deal a lot of damage.
As always, take with a lot of salt, but at least the Revenant and Treekin stuff seems logical.

Make your own, flex those creative muscles a little.

I'm thinking of where to base my Fyreslayers lodge. Was thinking the Realm of Metal, Shadow, Death, or Beasts.

We Monster Hunter now.


So she is nagash lite with extra tankiness

People, no. Red shirts at a gw though yes since GW specific stores have a pretty strict rule about not allowing 3rd party miniatures

Hey /aosg/, new vampire counts player here! Would yall care to r8 my army? So far I've got:
1 Tomb King/w great weapon
1 Flying Vampire
2 Necromancers
50 Skeletons/w spears
15 Grave Guard/w great weapons
5 HexWraiths
1 Screaming Skull Catapult
The Heros are, however, Reaper Bones and Kings of Wrath figures while the catapult is mantic . Do you think people will care?

games workshop wont let you use anything except GW models in their stores

Oh shit, Sorry about this:Anyways, I dont think people will care too much. I'm pretty much all alone in my town, and the nearest GW is a hours drive away. I was asking mostly in gaming sense, because with the way AoS works, you measure from the model right?

I also have 10 Revenant knights and 20 Skeletons from mantic, but I was still a little iffy on using them. I might pick up some more Hexwraiths, but I was also thinking something a bit more monsterous, perhaps a Bonegiant or something. Any suggestions?

Astral Templars seem awesome, get to make pelts and shit on them and hunt monsters and shit.

Probably these guys I'll go with.

Scat fetish?

Mannfred No!

How easy is travel between Realms? How about before the Age of Sigmar?

It used to be really easy, you just travel through realm gates. Where there were major realm gates, major civilizations that thrived on trade between the realms spring up. After chaos attacked many of the realm gates became corrupted, sealed off or used by death and destruction.

>How easy is travel between Realms?

Pretty difficult at the moment because the Realmgates are rare and they are mostly in Chaos hands. Archaon controls the biggest collecion of them in the Allpoints/eightpoints/Nexus which allows him to strike wherever he wishes with the exception of Azyr which has its gates sealed.

There are other methods but they are often limited to select races (Slaan teleportion, Mawgates, spaceships, etc).

Neat. Thanks for the info, glad that Alarielle is getting rules appropriate to a demigod.

I also like the sound of the ushabtree archers.

>Sigmar retreats to Azyr and abandons his aspect of the Warrior King
>His fighting days long behind him, Sigmar embraces his aspect of the God King in which he adopts a supportive role for his Stormcast all the way from Azyr.

>Alarielle departs her sanctuary
>She abandons her aspect of growth and healing.
>No longer content with her nurturing supporting role, she rebirths herself in her aspect of War and Nature's Wrath
>She strides the battlefields of the Realms as a Warrior Queen fighting side by side with her children and anyone who would join her in the fight against Chaos


I want a Sigmar mini, his design is so nice.

I want to facefuck Alarielle in front of her army!

>men rule

I want to see Alarielle to facefuck you while you facefuck her.

now the fun part. This battalion is not present in generals handbook (might be renamed)

I wish my WD with Alarielle rules had arrived "on time"

Based Leaker, have I missed you posting points for Rotbringers?

Glottkin, Blightkings, Festus?

Please no, it seems gay.


You have not, as I did not post them.
Its 480, 180, 120 respectively. Maggoth lords are all 260

Though it could be worth it, I guess.

When is the next Silver Tower content, are we getting an undead expansion for it in December?

You do measure from the model but this will almost certainly be base -> base in matched, and most people houserule it as such anyway. Either way just don't be a dick and it's fine

>Vampire starscream finally gets whats coming for him for betraying Nagash, betraying Chaos, Betraying Order, Betraying the everchild, for betraying etc.

Best day of my boney life

Hey based leaker, any idea about Undead points wise? We know tomb kings are still in and the cost of Nagash, but what about generic undead?

>Not 69'ing with the Everqueen to inspire the troops
>Not tasting that sweet Slyvaneth Wood

Do you have any pics of the Vampire Counts and Tomb Kings point values, oh Based One?

It isn't? Well, that's ...odd. Maybe it's because it is a 'named' batallion?
Weight of my mind, I guess. Saves me from having to fuck around with Prosecutors, at least.

Any news on the Gorechosen game? I saw a pic and my dick became rock hard.

Also: FUCK POINTS. Any leak on new narrative gameplay? The generals compendium is not only about competitive, after all.

Seriously, I hope they fuck him with a fish. I hate mannfred, even Konrad was less of a twat.

180 for Blightkings is very fair. I'd have put them at 200 myself. 120 for Festus is a steal, and 480 for Glottkin isn't too shabby, either.

Glottkin heals d3 wounds right?

in the previous thread people were saying any 'self heal' units would be taxed, but that seems very cheap plus he's a powerful monster.

I wonder how many points the Hellpit and Hydra will cost, i suppose around 200 each? seems normal from what been leaked

So how are Mortarchs of Nagash?

Honestly no idea
Pretty standard, you could figure it out based on what I have said already. Zombies 60/10, skeletons/grave guard/black knights around 100, morghasts over 200, mortarchs 340/440/460 have fun guessing which is which
I have pics for all point values present in the handbook, tomb kings fall in line with all other armies, basic units are 80-140 pts just differ in numbers, heroes are mostly 100, settra is over 350, fun stuff is for 200, sphinx 400
Not much more that on the pic I've released
I dont have pics for narrative, only thing I know it has improved rules for Path to Glory that was Chaos exclusive

All of the Nurgle stuff seems fairly low-costed, actually.

Rolled 28 (1d88)

lets check which pic to upload

There's one, simple explanation for that: no rend.
Blightkings are cool ancd will simply rend any low-save unit, but a simple cover and/or mystic shield will render them useless.
Same with all nugle demons, and heroes don't get anything better than a -1, with only a few options to deal mortal wounds.
Seems incredibly fair to me.
Also, most units move 4" only.


>tomb kings fall in line with all other armies,

Makes sense everyone's generic stuff costs the same.

But i've been wondering about basic units that lack saves such as Plague monks, Bloodreavers, Witch elves, Censer bearers

Do they all match up with the standard infantry? i would assume that like a witch elf be cheaper than a spearman, or a monk cost less than a stormvermin. do they factor the no save thing in?


really shit units are for 60-70 like zombies, plaguemonks (10) and censers (5)

Also wild Fyreslayers appear!

Plague monks are INCREDIBLY strong despite the lack of save.
With 2 banners they have the chance to inflict extra mortal wounds both on attacks and even in defence, when they die. They also get 3 attacks when they charge and are incredibly easy to buff-add a verminlord, a plague incenser and they can be utterly devastating.

Ohh I know well how fucking OP Plaguemonks are... Now it will be even more riddiculous


Also, you are a GOD, based user.
You will probably lose your job when they figure out who leaked the pics but, you achieved eternal glory.

Take the congregation of filth and you get a fucking 6+ FNP and reroll charges


I know you are not obliged to read all shit I post but honestly...

Mannfred raises millions of undead from the Sea off Bones. Billions of spirits create a storm above the sea. Bone giants and nameless titanic whose heights touch the clouds are risen at his command
Mannfred is using the Dagger of Kadon to siphon Azyrite energies to create portals
He can create portals for short distances but given enough practice with the dagger he can open portals anywhere
He plans t use this portal to send his armies to Shyish to dethrone Nagash
Stormcast and Orruks join up to stop him
Mannfred has a Flesh Eater Court with him as allies. After they nursed him back to health with their blood after they found him injured, he can see partially into their Madness
After tense battles with bone iants and other Undead, the Stormcast use Mannfred's own portal to get to him
Stormcast corner Mannfred and a fight ensues
Just when Mannfred about to win, Ramus purifies the gate
The familiar Azyr enegies crack from the gate and two figures step out
One is the Lord Celestant of the AStral Templars "The Bear Eater"
The other is Arkan the black
They have come to arrest Mannfred, and they brought with them the combined armies of Nagash and Sigmar
Mannfred's bodyguard and alies are defeated
Mannfred golds a Stormcast hostage and points the Dagger of Kadon to his chest
Mannfred tells Arkan this is their chance to seize their freedom. With the power of the Sea of Bones
Arkan tells him to FUCK OFF
Mannfred turns to Ramus and says that without him there will be no way to restore Tarus from Nagash
Ramus tells him to FUCK OFF

They could ahve done so on numerous leaks I posted over last year. Still waitin

Sweet, thanks dude.

So different generals can change what units are Battleline. That's very interesting.

RIP Mannfred

Out of options, Mannfred says that Nagash will never claim.
He stabs his hostage Stormcast with the Dagger of Kadon creating a portal
Before Manfred could be sucked in, Ramus charges and cuts him in half
Mannfred screams and both his halves disappear into the portal
Arkan is happy with the outcome and tells Ramus that Mannfred has teleported to another part of the Realm. He says that the God King no longer wants him to hunt Mannfred and that the Hallowed Knight are needed elsewhere. The defeat of Mannfred's plan is enough to seal the alliance between the God King and the Undying King. He says the duty of capturing Nagash belongs to him now
The End

Never claim him*

I bet each half lands in a different place, and both grow into a full Mannfred.

>nothing but Magmadroths costs over 100pts

People beating up Mannfred and calling him a failure will never get old.
That was my first thought as well.

fireslayers are going to be incredibly strong.
With they unrendable save(they just need a fucking hero)and shittons attacks, they can be a fierce force to face.
...I honestly can't wait. i was pretty skeptic about points but GW is doing a decent job so far.

One other thing about charging points for battalions: people can't really claim GW is trying to force people to buy loads of models to get free in-game bonuses with AOS battalions because, basically, those in-game bonuses aren't free.

Hey BL, if you're still here could you help a duardin out and post the points costs for the Dispossessed and Legacy Dwarf warscrolls and formations? Off to a tournament using the new rules in August and super busy with work atm so it would be nice to know exactly what to paint up asap.

Remember you vulkites and hearthguard come in blocks of only five guys so you're paying the price most armies would pay for units the same size of two wound models.

Hey if you could be bothered do you mind posting slaves to darkness and/or tzeentch arcanites? Stay based bro.

I do not object to her being absurdly powerful. I think every realm should have a powerful "demi-god" character, since it makes things interesting.

Also, I was really hoping she would get Durthus ability to summon Wyldwoods. Then again, that is a command ability, so I can hold out hope that the local manager just forgot about it.

If I wanted an ancient greek themed force, what would be some armies to consider? Spears do not seem to be a terribly common weapon for troops in the age of sigmar...

Surely you can just expand the size of the squads by buying another load of troops?

Any word on mixing grand alliances ?

Based leaker, how many points or Dryads.

I need to know if my "IM COVERED IN TREES" army would still be viable.

>Surely you can just expand the size of the squads by buying another load of troops?

Yep, just pointing out they're not as cheap as they might appear at first glance.

>Any word on mixing grand alliances ?

You can mix grand alliances as much as you like, you just don't get the bonus battle trait rules you'd get otherwise. Imo only the Destruction and Death battle traits are worth aiming for, the Chaos one is way too unlikely to happen in a round of combat it'll actually make a difference and the Order one is only gonna be useful in armies with a lot of large units of low bravery single wound guys.

Just mulling this over in my mind, at 2k I might try something like this:

Grimwrath Berzerker
Grimwrath Berzerker

20 Vulkites
15 Vulkites
15 Vulkites
10 Hearthguard Berzerkers
10 Hearthguard Berzerkers
5 Auric Hearthguard
5 Auric Hearthguard
5 Auric Hearthguard

Each Unit of Vulkites gets a Grimwrath or the Runefather and a supporting unit of Auric Hearthguard, while the Hearthguard Berzerkers deep strike behind the enemy with their Runesmiters.

>Order one is only gonna be useful in armies with a lot of large units of low bravery single wound guys
Except low model multi-wound elite armies are way more worried about fucking up a bravery test than some scrub-tier peasants that can flee by the truckload and still have a battlefield presence.

IMO if you've got five liberators and your opponent kills enough for you to worry about more than one fleeing due to battleshock the unit's pretty fucked in the next turn anyway. Possibly just biased because I'm a Dispossessed player with a million different special rules neutering battleshock for me.

The Order one is pretty great, I think. Stuff like Stormcast and Brets are really fucked if they mess up a Bravery check badly. Sure, both have ways around that, but it opens up more ways to build a list if you don't have to take the one general that negates bravery checks.
As for the chaos one, I think Khorne Bloodbound and Slaanesh daemons will benefit significantly from that, as they are both about large melee units with loads of attacks supported by a number of heroes, all of which is conductive to maximizing the impact of that trait.

>plaguemonks (10) and censers (5)
So plaguemonks come in and are purchased in units of 10 now? the warscroll lets the minimum unit be 5, did thee new point rules change some unit minimums?

Is 60 pts for 5 censer bearers worth it? it might be if that Plaguesmog battalion is cheap

Why won't Nagash leave Mannypoo alone?

>did thee new point rules change some unit minimums?
Looks like

>You can mix grand alliances as much as you like,
You cant. Pitched Battles require an army to be of one Grand Alliance

To all other anons, more pics at a later date

This guy again! I just did a little conversion work and made a Wight King on Steed. It's basically the sattle from a black knight kit, hoisted up from skeletons emerging from the ground. Is this a good addition?

Speaking as a Bretonnian, I am worried whenever my Knights have to take a Battleshock, since each knight smarts significantly, while with men-at-arms the entire unit needs to book it for me to get worried about.
Assuming I don't have Louen on the field to manage that issue outright.

Post pics, sounds interesting.
I like having some censer bearers emerge from amidst a big unit of monks once the enemy gets into range. They can sit around and gum up charge lanes or pull off to harass or destroy enemy close-range support. 60 feels reasonable for that.

its fun how many people are lurking this thread and posting the pics of based user on the net claiming the glory for themselves. FUCK THEM.
Anyway, any leak on the narrative play other than "path of chaos for all races"?
If ya don't have anything on that, request points for plague lord and plaguebearers!

God damn they just fucked it up even more. So lame.

It makes sense to me. I've always thought that sticking within an alliance should be in the core rules, because mixing them makes no fucking sense

for matched play it makes a whole world of sense.
For casual play it makes up for interesting fluffy armies and crazy strategies.

So for Vulkite Berzerkers it says they are Min: 5 and Max: 30 and 80 points, so is it 80 points for 5 or 80 points for 30, or 80 points for the unite regardless of how many are in it?