Oy ya gits, da boss wants to know if we'z going to be brutally cunnin' or cunningly brutal for da next Waaagh!
So 'oo will it be?
Gork or Mork?
Oy ya gits, da boss wants to know if we'z going to be brutally cunnin' or cunningly brutal for da next Waaagh!
So 'oo will it be?
Gork or Mork?
Oim votin' for cunnin'ly brutal, me.
Brutal kunnin' is betta ya git!
I fink we best be brutally cunnin', cap'n
Quit muckin' about you'z lot.
We'z gunna be more brutal AND more cunnin'!
Oi fink we does bowf, dat way we gots Gork AN Mork behind us
An' where'z Bork?
Bork iz da sneekiest. 'e so sneekiy da even Ork forget 'im.
Bork iz da God o' de Kommandos.
Oooh, datz good.
Warhammer orcs are even more retarded than LOTR orcs
Brutal iz betta den cunnin ya grot.
Bork da god o' sneaky brutality and sneaky cunning.
Which ones brutally cunning and which is cunningly brutal?
Morkz cunningly brutal
Gorkz brutally cunnin'
itz very simple you grot
It'z da other way 'round, snotling poop
Every time I see people put so much effort into talking like Orkz just to cirlcejerk like this I cringe
Oi, why not both ya git face git?
>so much effort
Talking like retarded footy hooligans is the opposite of effort you mong. They talk like that because it's easier than proper English.
As long as we get to bash sum headz in!
they are the polar opposite of Tolkien Orcs
>Slaves to a Dark Lord, little free will
>No organized leadership, every individual is a stupid upstart trying to get in charge
>weakish small runts afraid of the sun
>large brutes who don't care about the weather at all
>highly effective industrializers
>primitive savages
the only thing they have is common is that they probably stink
>cunningly brutal
Cunningly brutal iz a meme, ya frogboy.
Orks actually don't have any scent at all. All rotting organic matter is quickly and cleanly processed by their fungi. There is no space for bacteria to work in.
Well I trust you Satan.
That's demonstrably not canon.
>Orks. Thought I smelled something.
at least FB Orcs smell horrible, of clothes and armor crusted with old sweat blood and fecal matter
they also have never wash themself intentionally.