How handsome/beautiful do you make your characters, Veeky Forums? Does it depend on the race and/or class?
I describe them as average because it rarely matters in the game and I'd rather have people assume I know how to curb my character from being a Mary Sue, and then I proceed to imagining them to be generally good-looking in my own head canon.
I like to play bards. Pic very much related.
i like making femboi clerics
All my characters are good-looking.
I imagine everyone being good-looking.
I dont get why someone would like to see ugly people.
I want you to stop posting forever.
This. Who doesn't want a world full of beauty?
> being that pretty
> "haha! I'm not a girl!"
Depends on the character and the tone of the setting.
Generally I think of it in terms of how the character deviates from the norm of the world. If it's a world where everyone is beautiful, either due to an asthetic or due to in universe details like universally available technology, having someone not be beautiful is a statement. Likewise, choosing to make a character beautiful only really matters in a setting where that isn't commonly available.
As an example, in a post-apocalyptic Wuxia setting, despite the generally lacking nature of the world almost all the people who survived are Xia of some stripe, with refined Chi and generally high levels of health and physical appearance as a result. Of those, the ones who go out of their way to really refine their appearance, and the ones who accept looking utterly grotesque, are the ones who stand out.
All my characters are Jojo levels of prettyboy muscleheads.
i actually mostly play young boys but most of the people i game with started calling him a femboi and it plays to his nervous character tick and earnest naivety.
Muscleheads, not skinny cripples. Also this guy is less pretty, more ruggedly handsome. He's also an edgy as fuck bad guy.
i like making female jocks warriors and cavilers
How cute does he look in a dress?
that guys isn't naked enough
fuck i don't know. he more of a kid then some boi slut
That's cause he hasn't started his shirtless scene yet
Nice strong chin. Always a plus in my book.
fair enough
ara ara come slain monster with me
What the fuck, is that bitch nine feet tall?
yeah it great
Look at the size of the alarm clock, dude's probably a halfling.
but isn't that what your charisma score is for?
My current character is really cute.
it looks like its her room so it could be a big alarm clock
>How handsome/beautiful do you make your characters, Veeky Forums?
It varies. My last PC, an Estalian diestro from a rich family, was actually quite handsome.
My barbarian needs you to heal a problem with his penis.
With your mouth.
nah fampai
Depends on the system in which I'm playing in.
I let Charisma be my guide, but normally aim for average.
>Cold & Dark
Rugged, or plain unattractive.
>Dark Heresy
Exotic, but all together ugly.
If they don't have at least Handsome, I'm already sad.
>Savage Worlds
I rarely care. Average it up.
>Star Wars
Attractive if Scoundrel, otherwise average.
>Mass Effect
Brutally ugly, or at the very least, unappealing. I play Krogan though.
Same as D&D
>UESRPG (The Elder Scrolls, pretty much)
No fucks given on that day, unless I'm a Khajiit. Then I'm ugly as fuck.
Tell me that goat lived and made it into the tower
aw shit nigga
Well shit, what kind of healer ARE you
They've probably invested in Lay on Hands rather than Healing Word.
Hands are fine too.
It depends on the character and setting. In general, my elves tend to be beautiful or handsome and my dwarves surly and hairy.
One time I played a fighter who was a beardy baldy father figure and was not exactly handsome, and another fighter as somebody who wasnt ugly. Another time I played a young, arrogant Sorcerer who was in fact very attractive, and another time as a mutant with demon blood. Depends.
Is she a floating amputee?
i don't think you need oral attention Mr. barbarian
Depends on charisma
Kinda have an aversion to make them look ugly regardless of race or class. So they´re almost always either average looking or freakishly beautiful.
Can´t confirm, but I think it was some sort of hentai with genderbend three musketeers. Around 200 pages long. The guy in the pic is if I remember rigth trap d´artagnan.
I tend to play overly strong and handsome but completely socially oblivious guys.
I don't play women because I don't feel that I can portray them correctly. Also, I think that women in fantasy serve to be kidnapped while wearing skimpy clothes to then be saved by burly men wearing equally skimpy clothes.
Nah, see, there's this terrible swelling and pressure.
This user has it correct. Skimpy clothes for everyone.
Last character I played is a big burly barbarian who's ugly as hell, but I got him drawn in a thread and the guy ignored me when I said he was ugly and delivered this instead, I'm not displeased, it's just not exactly what I requested. Still looks damn good and I'm thankful for it.
Alternatively I got him drawn again with better results. Less Adonis more barbarian.
i dont understand
i see all characters as handsome/beautiful unless they're pointed out as being very ugly/old
It sort of depends. If it matters to the characterisation, I'll mention it or think about it. Otherwise it'll be.
Like right now, I've got two characters. One's tall, slim and handsome, because he's been groomed as an infiltrator since early age, combined with more or less ethical surgery.
The other's a bulky, square ex-ganger in the Guard, who's been disfigured by chemical burns.
In both cases, their looks matter to the character at hand in one way or another. The infiltrator/charmer needs to fit into high-brow parties. The ganger left his gang because his boss was a fucking psychopath.
Post more ugly or beautiful people, Veeky Forums. Also, this is my princess's look.
Good system