Will the brexit have an impact on tabletop market?
Will the brexit have an impact on tabletop market?
Can you repeat the question?
Prices for products made in UK will go up.
Just apropos the picture, GW will need to re-examine their business model in Europe. If past GW business moves are any indication, that will qualify as an "impact" all by itself.
I imagine the bigger companies like GW, Warlord and Mantic won't see much of a change.
However the little companies like Prodos, Hysterical, GCT and others will feel the impact pretty hard I imagine.
Highly doubtful. Europe will put the pressure on to 'make an example' of the UK for leaving so other's don't try for a referendum. I'm quoting them there. After that thinks will return to normal.
For a lot of the smaller companies not located in the UK it's kind of a blow, largely because there's almost inevitably going to be a recession that will cut sales to the UK, and the UK is kind of a huge market for wargames stuff of all forms, typically the #2 market for US-based companies in particular.
As for UK-based companies, it's going to have even more of an effect due to said inevitable recession, and depending on the EU's response, could go doubly worse as removal of the free trade policies and the like will really cut into the margins for companies that exported a notable percentage of their product to EU nations.
Expect price rises/closing up shop and selling off of small ranges to more recession-proof companies.
Mantic is a little company.
Underrated post
>removal of the free trade policies
I wouldn't bet on it. The UK runs an £8,000,000,000 trade deficit with the EU as a whole. If tariffs were placed on goods exported to the EU, the UK could just put equivalent tariffs onto goods imported from the EU, subsidise corporations exporting to the EU, and pocket the change.
All the actual books/minis are made in Asia, and British companies will still be able to export to America at the same price as usual, so there shouldn't be much change outside of the Eurozone.
Krautchan must be up in arms, though.
Eight billion? That doesn't seem vital. The EU don't have much of a choice but to put the knife in, here. You're right in that the voice of mercy will be from business though.
>The EU don't have much of a choice but to put the knife in, here
Debatable - the UK's not the only place that has "leave EU" sentiments, the EU imposing harsh terms on the UK gives the anti-EU crowd a ton of ammunition.
And it's not suddenly going to stop being significant trade partners, so we'll have to see how it goes - no one can be certain right now
The Voice of mercy is Germany.
Britain consumes 30% of their auto-trade and actually manufactures 30% of their Auto-trade for Germany at a vastly reduced rate.
If Britain gets a angry divorce from the EU, Germany will be hit by a recession.
Then there is the English channel problem.
Even france is having doubts, and an "evil" EU would see France be hit by another wave of riots.
The best course for the EU is the one Germany pointed out.
Slap the UK in as a "partner country" let them keep most of the trading advantages and then reform the EU so it's less immigration based.
UK is happy.
EU looks like the good guy.
Nobodies Economy dies.
This is actually really rare. Most wargames companies (which are miniatures only companies for the most part) are solo operations or have fewer than a half dozen employees, and do all the production by themselves on local premises.
Even a lot of the bigger companies of the industry do their own casting/packing/distribution from a single site.
It's basically a cottage industry barring a few radical exceptions.
>Debatable - the UK's not the only place that has "leave EU" sentiments, the EU imposing harsh terms on the UK gives the anti-EU crowd a ton of ammunition.
It's a tough ask. This is a call for reform, but you have to weigh up whether leniency or punishment has the greater benefit for Brussels. I think the argument for leniency is a tough one (but it's the one the market will make, yes). And there's a justified anger in being forced into a bad position by the British, who are washing their hands of 43 years of union.
It's a nice thought, but I think the inclination right now is to cut Britain's throat.
When the pound took a dive, people in /wip/ were buying a bunch of stuff from the UK cheap. It was like having a 50% off sale.
The pound is already going back up though.
>Europe will put the pressure on to 'make an example' of the UK for leaving
>implying the UK will give a fuck what europe thinks
I don't think you quite understand UK's role in Europe.
The UK has and always will be the mediator between Germany and France.
France wants the EU to be a protectorate.
Germany wants it to be a trade deal.
UK is militarily strong, and is allied with France in many non-EU pacts.
UK is also very economically tied to Germany, being one of the pillars of Germany's entire economy.
UK out of the EU has basically caused Germany and France to lock heads.
France can gladly leave the EU and remain allies with the UK, so Europes Military strength stays strong.
How will all this Euro crap influence the one true country in the western world, i..e America?
No but seriously I'm worried for you guys. Except Greece. We should nuke that shithole.
At the very least there will be short-term financial damage, euro accounts will move from London into the EU and there will be considerable loss of academic and scientific jobs (no EU funding/contracts/grants to bid for, no European Medical Association). You could argue the government will make efforts to cover that, but it's unlikely considering the upcoming leadership contests, financial recession and the sheer volume of shit they're going to have to do to negotiate the exit.
It's silly to pretend the markets aren't interconnected.
Do you think France will leave? The elections of the next two years will determine the fate of the EU, certainly. I see France staying and forming a bloc with Italy and other countries as a check to Germany.
Ah, here's the kicker.
You don't need to be in the EU to get EU investments.
See: Large Hadron project.
France's Economy literally does not care about the EU.
They don't need to "form a bloc" against germany because France could flatten Germany in seconds.
France's gameplan for the EU was to recruit tons of eastern euros to create a buffer state.
Mission accomplished.
When I say lock heads, Germany vs France are not against each other as countries, their ideologies for the EU are simply contradictory.
The UK made up 13% of the EU's entire budget contributions and there were already plans in place to raise the contributions for paying countries by 10% to pay for the refugee crisis.
Meaning instead of the 110% of the current budget needed, we now have 87%. Someone has to make up for this, it's not going to be pretty. What it comes down to is: The time of prosperity and endless resources is over. We're heading towards an economic crisis like you wouldn't believe. Think 1927's Germany.
No pound is failing so if you buy from the uk it's cheaper - but I'm sure a lot of companies will keep the same price and cream the savings for themselves, so you have to buy direct
Imports to Britain will be more expensive
If Scotland goes then it gets more complicated still
America basically has two choices.
Piss on the UK and fuck over your military pacts AND joint Military agreements.
or side the Britain and nothing changes.
So it depends on Obama really. Hillary would be pro UK and so would trump.
Obama is very anti-UK because he tried to lobby for France, only France is pro-UK military so that did literally nothing.
So, how's the weather in southern Norway? I'm pondering migrating there from Austria, because it seems like the most reasonable country in the world and it'd be nice to live in a country that's not just Germany's appendix for once...
I heard the traditional gaming scene is big there, so together with Metal and drinking in the woods, it pretty much has my hobbies covered.
It suffered an extremely predictable dip and is raising up again.
No company is planning to move out of the UK save for Sky, and Sky are in a bad state in the UK anyway.
>You don't need to be in the EU to get EU investments.
How much goodwill do you assume, though?
With the drop in the pound, the UK can export goods cheaper, and as such sell cheaper in foreign markets. however knowing GW, its likely they will keep the same prices for profits
Lol the Tories have slashed our military and the navy is even worse so no way to project that power
They kind of have to considering the dip in their profits over the past years
Considering the UK was the nerve center for Europe's Aeronautrics,Robotics astronautics and one of the biggest contributors to the LHC project, Pretty fucking huge.
The UK was very Science focused in the EU.
I can't stress enough how the UK being placated is both very good for the EU and extremely easy.
Even when slashed, we're still the biggest Military power in Europe alongside France.
Stop it you're just confirming leave voters are retards
theres definitely going to be large change, some of it will be bad, some of it will be good, but the UK has proven they really don't need to europe to self sustain. and since its pretty obvious to me they left because they were sick of other countries telling them whats best for their country, I forsee the UK making stronger ties with the other anglo nations, and it benefiting us in the long run.
everyone wants to say they did it because they were sick of muslims, and im not going to deny there is some truth to that, but I think its really more to do with the fact that europe is being run by a bunch of fucktarded women who make political decisions with their feelings, and the UK doesn't want any part of that anymore.
Calm down user.
Immigration is a huge issue. You look at Gordon Brown encountering that woman in his own campaign, and you see the root of why the government lost this referendum. You can piece it back to Blair, even. Nobody legitimizes the traditional working class voter in British politics anymore, except for Farage. And Cameron - Christ. One of the worst we've ever had.
The cost for GW to export it's figures from the UK has dropped (do they still cast everything in the UK?). If they still cast in the UK they'll make more money from sales abroad.
Kek, Prodos don't need any help going bust.
>Work in the EU scientific community
>Someone a retard for knowing my job.
It's why we got so much money for Scientific grants.
the UK is literally a pedigree Scientific resource.
You think Germany will pick up the slack?
The fact that the Remain campaign was like "Oh it will effect BUSINESSES hard" the most proved they forgot the working class is the most populous.
Best advice was given by my grandad.
Germans are Engineers
British are Scientists
It's so true.
I think there's a sharp risk of pretty severe consequences as a result of this, but here we are. You can never put a question to a referendum you don't actually want answered, and Cameron banked 12 months as PM on that and lost.
>You think Germany will pick up the slack?
No, the one picking up the slack will be the country with the LHC, the european synchrotron, the ITER, the largest biopharma sector in europe and the single largest scientific publication producer in the world.
It's right to the south, across the channel.
Its just a jumped up trade union, why are people acting like they are emotionally invested in it?
There is a low probability that will happens if Lepen gets elected.
But it would mean losing a lot of advantages acquired through the years, and leaving Germany in charge, so I don't see this happening.
>protectorate vs. trade deal.
It's a bit more complicated than that, the french version of public service being (initially) welfare state with interventionism and priviledges in most domains, while the german conception is more limited to regalian functions, with no priviledges in other roles compared to ordinary enterprises. EU directives relected that opposition, and leaned towards the german model at first.
The EU law has evolved a lot, and now its quite the middle ground between the two conceptions.
Anyways, Europe is a clusterfuck of international organizations. The UK leaving one doesn't mean that everything will crumble immediately.
Sweet exchange rate for buying minis, though.
Anyone else find it incredibly amusing to listen in on all the Remain types that have gotten incredibly butthurt over Brexit?
On Facepunch for example you've got like 20 separate "breaking news" threads detailing how UK is falling apart or is retarded or will face horrors ahead for their decision, while I've seen people so butthurt over it they claim they "don't have to explain shit why I voted remain, you Exit types need to defend your decision because you wanted to change the status quo."
the Markets were almost back within 24 hours, the currency will be back in a couple of weeks, panic over.
The Apocalypse I was promised isn't materialising
How likely is the collapse of the european union?
Because thousands and thousands of people all across Europe are emotionally invested in it?
Things will get very ugly indeed if there is a big economic downturn.
Is it true that your Muslim mayor wants to try and secede London from England because they want to stay in the EU?
immigration is a very serious issue, and thats why women shouldn't be in charge of it. I look at immigration like a party, a good party is good because everyone knows each other and is comfortable around each other, but when stupid bitches start inviting other people it fucks everything up and fights break out, and its always women that do this. multiculturalism is a good idea on paper, but it won't work in the world we live in until we break down very restrictive cultural barriers. I hate to say it but as it currently stands islam is not compatible with other nations, that entire religion needs to be revamped. It sucks because there are a lot of muslims that have proven they can live abroad and act like normal people, but the ones coming out of the middle east are still full retard, waiting for the next jihad to be called. and its not just christian nations that hate them, everyone fucking hate them, and they hate everyone. we need to tell the women pushing for immigration to shut up and stop trying to force something that isn't going to happen, like when a female friend of yours introduces you to someone you have zero interest in talking to, and then she sits there trying to get the two of you to be friends, and you kinda wanna nail her so you try and make it work but the other person is a complete douche, and in her twisted mind the two of you have become best friends, then neither of you get laid and she nails some dude she met at starbucks last week. this is why you don't let women make decisions on anything important, ever.
Oh, I don't think the EU OR the UK will fall apart simply because nobody wants either.
Germany, France and the UK have had decades of specializing so much they compliment each other perfectly.
Using your graph, you can actually predict where the EU will be.
It'll probably be placed in the EFTA without being forced into the Schengen Area.
Also probably forced to take the Chinese Steel tax thingy that the UK was very against to force the UK to accept European Steel.
Very. But not over brexit.
im canadian bruh, but if thats true then thats exactly the kind of shit im talking about, muslims can't just come into a better country and be given a free pass, they gotta bring their shitty culture with them.
>Spoit petulant entitled cry baby faggots getting butthurt
Can't say I'm surprised
Sure and soon afterwards the Emperor of Mankind will arrive from the Stars recognising me as the 21st Primarch, it's going to be so sweet.
Denmark and Italy are holding their own referendums.
I think once it becomes clear the EU is just a German-led superstate in disguise will you have the EU break apart.
The UK doesn't need Merkel to bring in 500k legal immigrants every year, more than half being muslim.
Vat/Moss already fucked Europe.
This changes little.
Jesus christ, why can't you keep these threads in /pol/? Vaguely mentioning tabletop games is not enough to make an obvious politics thread Veeky Forums related, even less so when fucking NOBODY is discussing the tabletop bit
>immigration is a very serious issue, and thats why women shouldn't be in charge of it.
I'm sorry, but is your complaint really that these women are women? That women cannot govern? As someone from the country of Thatcher, that's not a position I'll ever be able to agree with.
Your problem sounds much more personal than political, but it's a good illustration of a certain type of view that was relevant in this referendum for sure.
That's the thing. Immigration is unlikely to fall much in Brexit Britain. Finances are unlikely to rise. The real issue is going to be in 5 or 10 years when the Brexit promises have not been fulfilled, who the electorate turns to then.
Not to even mention the fact that with the UK being out of the EU, there'd be nothing forcing France to block illegals at Calais.
to be blunt, yes women for the most part cannot govern. some have proven they can, most can't and shouldn't be allowed in government.
That's already been threatened. If the inclination of the EU is to fuck Britain, they can *really* fuck Britain.
That is also true of men
Now, I am no Immigration Expert, but it will change.
As much as people go "lolpakis" they don't actually impact the economy much in the UK.
Eastern Europeans did however, as they basically took ALL low paid manual jobs causing the working class in Britain to literally tank in a few short years.
That and Eastern European "Medical tourists" were the biggest issue with Immigration.
The Syrians were not even going to be a factor.
It's why the EU leave was needed.
The Agreement for that is outside the EU anyway.
The problem there the UK being out of the EU actually means the UK can just ship them over because the UK doesn't need to accept them.
kek, OK. Obviously I don't agree. I don't think sex is the determinator on what makes a good politician.
>Eastern Europeans did however, as they basically took ALL low paid manual jobs causing the working class in Britain to literally tank in a few short years.
There's a huge question over who will actually do many of these jobs, because the native British are unlikely to. The days of schoolkids fruit-picking are long gone. The working class in Britain started to be fucked over long before we got hit by thousands of Eastern European migrants.
>they don't actually impact the economy much in the UK
Pakis and indians are more numerous in the UK than the eastern europeans trough. But I guess they are pretty happy with the brexit, since they won't be in competition with the eastern euros for jobs and they will still being able to bring their family.
it shouldn't be, but it is a large factor. Theres no arguing there have been women throughout history that have risen to the challenge and don't great things. but women need to understand what their strengths are. women that held power did so because they inspire men to greater acts, queens hold the same influence as kings for example. but we aren't in the age of conquering anymore, were in the age of government, and I if you want an example of why women suck at governing just look at any large successful corporation, the majority of them are run by men. I don't think the standards should have anything to do with gender, it should be about character and substance, but we certainly shouldn't be doing ridiculous things like gender quotas. I mean, do you really want a sex that gives out trophies for second place making political decisions that will affect your whole family?
>because the UK doesn't need to accept them.
The UK basically accepts all the illegals who can manage to get in, that's why migrants don't try to apply for asylum in France and instead go for the UK, they only have one in 5 chances to get accepted, and 4 in 5 to be deported.
The Problem is Eastern Europeans would take the High paying working class jobs in construction.
Things like Plumber, bricklayer and Plasterer were being overcrowded by undereducated Polish workers.
Doesn't help that the Eastern Europeans rigged the deck and practically fucked over the construction trade with their shoddy work ethic and skill.
m8 I'm trying to be polite here but honestly, I think you're a silly fucking cunt.
calling me a silly cunt is exactly what a woman would do instead of trying to counter my arguments. if you wanna shut me and people like me up, then give us concrete reasons why women are just as capable as men. why do we make exceptions for them? why do we give them extra privileges? if we're all truly equal why do they get more help than men?
>muh feelings : the post
You'd be worse as a ruler than any of those women you despise.
Not him, but I'll counter your argument.
Your argument is one based entirely on pop news. You never hear about the normal prime ministers from say Norway and Denmark who were women and didn't do anything.
Men are just as likely to fuck over in politics. look at Cameron who is just as big a fuckup as Merkel.
They out competed the natives fair and square.
Poles took the average buck toothed pasty Brits job, Nigerians stole his overweight bitch of a girl and Indians improved his quinine.
No wonder Brits are angry. They're old news.
Can't wait for the economy to collapse and the UK to become Russia 2.0
nah its the people who disagree with me that are leading with their feelings. I just wan't people to be qualified for the jobs they have, no special privileges, no moving the goal posts so they can compete, you're either qualified or you just aren't.
I already said that some women have the ability to do the job, im not saying theyre all incapable. Ill use a better example to show you what bothers me and people who think like me. Why isn't there equal representation in the NFL for people that aren't in good shape. why is it that only people who are elite athletes get to play in professional leagues? wheres the equal representation there?
>nah its the people who disagree with me that are leading with their feelings. I just wan't people to be qualified for the jobs they have, no special privileges, no moving the goal posts so they can compete, you're either qualified or you just aren't.
What even make you think that Merkel was made Kanzlerin or Tatcher PM because they were women ? You are litterally going muh feelings on that one, bud.
>mfw brexit will hopefully cause a chain reaction that destroys the EU.
Fuck this cancerous union, the sooner it falls apart, the better. Sovereignty has no price tag, and the EU is an enemy of free nations and peoples.
Fixit soon.
>Fair and Square
Sounds like you know nothing about the Polish situation in the UK.
The Poles came in, set up Recruitment agencies and charged a pittance. They then prefered only Eastern European workers, specifically cutting English people out of the market.
So it doesn't matter how good the British worker is, Ivan is stacking the deck and making sure only his friends get in.
I work in a factory, we had 3 temps to cover shifts on the floor. All three were eastern European, all three were useless workers who we sacked instantly.
When we investigated the Recruitment agency, asked for workers who spoke English, they sent us ANOTHER 3 polish workers who can't speak english and needed to be laid off.
it wasn't the Polish workers outcompeting the British, it was the Polish abusing EU legislation and driving the entire market down.
but by the same token, you can't not punish them or the anti-EU parties in other countries see that there's no consequence to leaving
>mfw bitter EUfags think UK economy is gonna collapse because we just can't live without them or some shit
Enjoy your bureaucrat-ridden sinking ship.
they would be two of the exceptions I was talking about, wouldn't they? and Merkel may have been qualified when she got into the position, but shes one person that in very hated across the europe at the moment, so maybe its time she just stepped down and accepted that shes not as good at what shes doing as she once was. she is a representative of the people, and if a large portion of the people disagree with what she is doing, then she isn't doing a good job representing them, is she?
>contract cheap recruitment agencies
>get shit workers
Seems like your company got what it paid for. Likewise, next time don't order chinese stuff if you want quality.
Much like the other remain talking points, utter bollocks.
Nepotism makes the world go round. It's just that when abroad, the "cousin of mine" becomes "anybody from my country".
>and if a large portion of the people disagree with what she is doing, then she isn't doing a good job representing them, is she?
She still has a majority of approval in her own country.
But I guess democracy isn't as important as "keeping women out" right ?
>Worked with the Agency for years
>Only went to shit because they hired Polish people to help Polish people into the workforce
Problem is, instead of helping, they simply crippled the British workforce.
don't have to simply keep women out, just don't make exceptions for anyone who isn't truly qualified. Imagine this world if we got rid of gender quotas and gender standards. imagine how many less women you'd have in the army, the police force, government etc. equal representation works when you're chilling out playing games, but not when you're running a country.
if she wants to sit there and pretend that everything is ok then she can do that and ignore the millions of people who aren't happy with how things are going. but if the shit hits the fan, and I hope it doesn't, don't be surprised!
According to Soros it's "inevitable" that the EU will disintegrate.
>f we got rid of gender quotas and gender standards
>having quotas in the first place
Literally sexist and racist. What kind of third world hellhole do you live in ?
Ah, so you justify your hate of women with imaginary "equal representation" laws.
Democratic process. That's how you get your leaders, shitgnob.
geologist here
The answer is yes