One thread stop for sharing encounters/experiences with cheaters, confronting them, calling them out, or even confessing if you've done so. Could also ask Veeky Forums if your suspicions on someone cheating are valid or not.
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I'm a professional stage magician.
I play magic the gathering.
make up your own stories, Ive likely done it.
How much harder is it to do sleight of hand with sleeves? I remember Humphries got banned for 4 years for his "bottom-stacking" tricks and a lot of magicians saying how impressive a feat it was given the cards are all sleeved.
It takes practice, like all magic.
Let the GM know I had been cheating in his game for awhile, but explained why:
I invested a lot of points on my character in social abilities. Turns out, NPCs in GM's world are not to be interacted with. If they should have useful information, they don't. If they should have useful abilities, they don't. If they offer you anything, it's a lie (that they believe so you can't possibly tell).
(minor story time)
>Infiltrating shady factory looking for supernatural stuff
>Bluff factory manager, say I'm deep pocketed potential investor
>Buy manager whiskey, get him reasonably drunk
>Try to tease any information about the goings-on out of him.
>He doesn't know what happens in the factory. He's not even sure what they do there, what kind of equipment they have or anything.
>Find out horrible blob monster experiments going on in upstairs lab. It's not even locked.
So I weaponized my main social skill: deception. I homebrewed a way to use it to inflict minor penalties on enemies in combat just so I'd have something to do after I'd exhausted by buffs and utilities.
Turns out on the opposed roll, on 5d12 keep the best, (exploding dice), I needed to land in the 50-60 range to inflict the smallest penalty. So, I accordingly started cheating and claiming I consistently rolled 20 or more higher than I did so I'd get to inflict the smallest of penalties on the enemies about half of the time instead of just letting the DM know that I was not useful so my character sings the song of his people off-key for the rest of the multi-hour combat and I'm going to do something else.
I keep having issues with making proper thumb breaks for lift tricks (eg jumping gemini) Any advice?
Check this out
In addition if you feel your physical skill is lacking up your misdirection game, have a list of distractions, asking the other player what time it is so they look at their phone, watch or clock is one of my favorites.
Know your subject, get them talking about the cards, and plays.
I play magic casually so it's really easy to get away with, basically got it set up for the cards to cheat for me. Ever so slightly trimmed the edges (and re-rounded the corners) of some key creature and land cards so they always shuffle to the top of the deck. Additionally some marks and scuffs that look like normal wear and tear from playing without sleeves works great for letting me get basically a free scry on the top card of my deck.
In a Dead Lands/Savage Worlds game the GM had me role Guts to avoid mind-control (after they told us Guts was a less-important stat as they wher not using magical fear) and thus try to force myself on a nearly female PC.
I rolled and both dice failed.
So I spent a bennie and rolled again, still failed.
But I told the GM I passed and things moved on.
Why did I cheat, why am I telling you now? As this as a horrible and terrible roll, a dice-roll to see if you rape a companion... and the GM wasn't fucking paying attention! They where talking to someone lese about something unrelated to the game. If you ask someone to roll such a terrible check you need to pay attention.
>you must rape
>nobody payed attention to the active player in a table top game
Thats some magical realm shit, you did the right thing user.
I actually confess that I care less about the cheating and more about the magic tricks. I win most of my games without cheating, and most of the ones I lose wouldn't have been recoverable just by getting 1 more card.
I would say you put more effort in to cheating than playing Magic
As Forever-GM, I often cheat to get the game going the way I prefer it. If the players are dying, I will jack down the AC and let them win if the fight is important. Like-wise, I will sometimes make foes near impossible (but not impossible) to beat for the sole purpose of story. Especially in D&D. I can't tell you how many times I've fudged the rolls just a little bit to make the story more compelling.
Though I've got other cheaters as well. My favorite are those who knock the dice off the table, thinking that because it got knocked off the table I wont know the dice result.
What the hell were you playing?
Forever GM here, I find both of these completely justifiable.
Can't stand one of my players (as a player not a person, generally a good guy), Aside from his characters ALL PLAYING THE SAME despite varied convoluted backstories and differing alignments, he massively fudges rolls.
Not sure where I stand on it though, Talked with him about it, he still does it but tries to be more desecrate with it. Talked with the other players about it, they don't mind cause it doesn't ruin their fun. I personally have the mind set that if all my players are having fun then the game is going how it should so....
I've got two stories, both mtg related and in drafts.
>be theros, theros, born of the gods
>play and finish the draft, didn't play against the cheater
>afterwards, I hear that cheater "drafted" a mono-white deck with Brimaz, Heliod, AND Elspeth
>cheater still went 2-2
I'm surprised he didn't get caught right there, then again, our store has a policy where they need indisputable proof or have to catch them in the act to be deemed guilty. Eventually, they did catch him red handed, adding cards from outside to draft to his draft pool.
Second story
>be m15 draft
>this one guy got first place five weeks in a row
>decent player, but even people other them myself are suspicious
>always "happen" to have some of the set's biggest limited bombs, very strong synergy, or high numbers of the best uncommons
>finally gets caught, but not at our store
>went to a GP I believe, format was m15 draft
>his draft deck had three Whirler Rogues, arguably the best uncommon in limited
>problem was, that the players to his immediate right and left were also drafting blue
>gets a DQ, and banned from sanctioned events for awhile, never showed his face in the store after that
The guy was quite a dick so pretty happy to see him get punished.
I play on Roll20 and the GM sets our hp on tokens on the board.
I had taken damage during a fight, the session ended, then next time we went into another fight without resting. The GM forgot I had taken damage last time and I had full hp on my token.
I decided not to say anything about it and ended up surviving an otherwise fatal blow with 1 hp left. I proceeded to deal the final attack to the boss monster that was a turn away from wiping us in an -extremely- close fight.
Every other instance of my cheating has been just not mentioning when the GM forgets a rule if him forgetting the rule benefits us. I also ask "can I do X?" a lot if a fight is coming down to the hair, even if it's something I already know I can't do.
Not him, but honestly cheating can be a lot of fun. Fuck the benefits, just trying to figure out where your fellow player's blindspots are, how you can exploit them, and how much you can exploit them before someone catches on is an interesting mental and social exercise.
Why did you murder that child? I hope the police find you, you asshole.
That's not cheating, that's called being a good DM
Was this in MA? Sounds like a notorious cheater I remember from the Milford lgs. Him and his shitstain brother would always head outside right after drafting was finished to 'deckbuild'. Also caught him bouncing creatures to his hand for more etbs, casting stuff without the right colors, using one torn sleeve to mark his cards. He was super obvious about it too.
Honestly, I can see the appeal. It's still pretty scummy and it's top tier shitbagism to pull it at a sanctioned tournament
Hah underrated post.
Nah, this went on in OR. Now that you mentioned it, the guy in the second story did often go to his car after drafting. He also didn't do very obvious cheats like bouncing creatures and such, so least there's that.
Deadlands. I was playing Deadlands, it's an awesome game in its own right, but that GM was running it as Monster-of-the-week Hunter.
>bouncing creatures
Literally what? Like, just scooping up creatures in the middle of the game to replay? How the fuck would you get away with that? Were all of their opponents too stupid to pay attention to the board state?
Sounds like kids playing the game. Other such classics being: You draw a card every time you play a land. At the start of your turn you can Wheel of Fortune your hand. I attack your monster before it can use it's activated ability, etc.
How do I git gud at sleight of hand
not for cheating in card games but just in general
The only game I cheat in is Munchkin. Every game, every single game, I hoard cards and nobody even notices 50% of the time. I always do it, there's one guy who ever calls me out, and he never remembers to watch me. It doesn't matter because it's Munchkin and fucking John is going to edge out a win even though he never has a strategy, it just falls into his lap. Fun times.
I now cheat because our current gm cheats when he plays.
We are in a weird situation that I fucking hate but one other member demands we make the stretch because the guy is his best friend.
He moved to Australia and we live in the states. So, he and his best friend cooked wup the idea that we have him skype in for games. Well, he does not have a camera, after being down there for 4 years and having a decent job. He used this and internet in his apartment on not using roll20 to show his rolls. He would roll 18-20 during two different games and is now running one. Now the enemies hit a crit every other roll.
I just give up now, drop a dice and claim some number off my sheet. He now complains my character is op and he should have never allowed it. Im a fucking scout in star wars saga for christ sake.
Huh. I used to play at TJs. Don't remember that guy, though.
Eh, maybe. I know one of my group cheats but I don't call him on it. He'll sit there smug after one of his """""successes""""" but I never acknowl4what I saw.
I don't actually care as it doesn't affect my fun and if he has to cheat at make-believe more power to him.
Story telling and rulings over rules. You sir are a good GM. As long as it is compelling and the players are engaged, invested and enjoying themselves, you done good. And let none of the autists here tell you otherwise.
Munchkin has the literal rule "it's not cheating if you don't get caught".
One time, in a game of epic Munchkin, I added two level counters (poker chips) a couple times when I was only supposed to add one. I ended up winning, too.
Wouldn't be able to tell you about now as I've been out of the environment for quite a while.
But the "official" warhammer fantasy tournament scene in italy was PLAGUED by cheaters.
Ranging from people with loaded dice, people sporting handfuls of models in their units more than what the units consisted in their list (like having 28-29 miniatures in units of 25)
People having tape measurers custom made to have inches longer or shorter.
People "pinching" the gaming mat and then stretch it again to have units casually move a few inches forward.
People gaming the rule system in all sort of ways.
a whole bunch of knowing the measure of something (army book covers, size of your hand or arm) and then just "lean" it on the table casually next to the units you're concerned.
and so many many more.
The worst part is that these weren't kids or young players, most of them were in their late 20s and 30s
Forgot to add, there was a case, between 2010 and 2011, where one of the organizers in the national tournaments cicuit was rigging results to have some one (friends and his brother) gain more points or something.
He would either flat out lie on the results of a game when reporting the score or even have certain people deliberately lose when playing against select opponents
>a whole bunch of knowing the measure of something (army book covers, size of your hand or arm) and then just "lean" it on the table casually next to the units you're concerned
They actually did an article in White Dwarf on how to do this, like how you should know how long your forearm is to make knowing whether or not you'll be in range easier
What's this now?
To be honest I was oh so glad they introduced pre-measuring in 8th edition
Guts is a shit rule even if you are playing Deadlands Reloaded. There's a reason in core it was dumped in favour of just Spirit checks.
Urgh, no thanks. If they made the decision to fight, they made the decision to risk their lives.
Fudging to let them live means you're taking away their agency because you're taking away the consequences of their actions.
Forever sandbox GM over here though, so forcing a story makes me come out in hives.
That's why I do it.
I have to admit that I cheat. Play pathfinder, and the DM munchkins his encounters, and expects the players to optimise for them. I am bad ish at this, but I don't have a head for tactics at all. When I don't cheat, I wind up being useless in a fight. I know I shouldn't, it's just not fun for me otherwise though. I've spoken to him about it before, and because about half of the party are good tactical thinkers, I basically get told to 'get good'.