>female dwarf
Female dwarf
>something something anvil
>female tiefling
>female female
>(genderless) warforged
come on guys lets have this thread catch on
looks more like an assimer. need more bulk and maby a beard.
>male tiefling
also cut off those elf ears. what would make you even think that looks anything like a dwarf?
When will the fags that post this pic learn how stupid it is?
I like those dwarves.
That's not a dwarf, that's a kaioshin.
when will elf fags stop being butthurt and catch on? stop being little bitches and post a good pic of an elf and say something like >female elf and been done with your post?
look its easy
>when will elf fags stop being butthurt and catch on?
Nobody in this thread said anything about elves until that one pic got posted. No user, you are the butthurt one. You made this thread about elves.
i didnt make this thread about elves i said that drawf is shit and pointed out what needs to be fixed. then a bunch of people make the topic about elves and started bitching. do what this nigga did and move the fuck on.
also nigga your dragonborn sucks balls!
>i didnt make this thread about elves i said that drawf is shit and pointed out what needs to be fixed
You write like a retard, so you are probably one. Just think again before posting.
>male tiefling
a bunch of people posting shit that clearly isnt what they say it is
a bunch of butthurt elf fags (dont pretend your not)
and some fucktard bitching about grammahar on Veeky Forums without even pointing out the problem. did i not use my ,.or space bar to your liking? oh no the raging butthurt elf tard is shit talking me what ever will i do?
peace niggas
shut the fuck up
howbout this toriyama dwarf, elf, ogre, and weddie
It looks like its about to ask if Edward wants to play.
this is what orcs are
>civilized goblin
>male Minotaur
are there female ones?
>elves, cant really tell the gender most the time.
>male dwarf
Best tiefling
i got your full metal alchemist joke.
>female catfolk
i like it.
>female tiefling
>male rino
>male(?) lizardfolk
man looks what happens when people dont have autistic spasms over a little elf hate. a bad thread can turn good.
>male orgre
thats a snake-folk? but that could workas lizard folk i suppose
>male lizardfolk
>implying this thread is good
> ? humaniod
Do you remember when rhino was a meme?
I do.
hell of a lot better then a bunch of people bitching. i dont know why elf fags gotta go around starting shit with other people.
i do not. sounds terrible. dont make it a thing please.
> male human/ best hero ever.
Maybe because the people they respond to write like underage retards.
But the first mention of elves in this thread was an antielf-fag post.
i like that.
is this one a vampire elf? i saved it once and a while ago and i still cant decide.
>asexual ooze monster
>gnome samurai
Male Elf
Creepy, interesting and original.
Furry garbage.
so that was you being all butthurt? and you came back to derail the thread agin? cant we make a board dedicated to butthurt elf fags? OH WAIT! we have one! now go off to /b/ they will love ya.
>lizzard lady?
Asexual Vampire
>male tiefling
>female halfelf
i like not freaking out and making a bad name for elves.
>male elf beastmaster
>typical human commoner
i can believe it but id call it some kinda catfolk? maybe a male tiefling where the other half is catfolk rather than human
>male goblin
>male orc
thats one extra fuggly elf.
>female skeleton.
do skeletons have gender?
you mean jap pork? not orc?
>male orc
idk i just started this thread to explore the limits of what we call standard fantasy stuff, but i didn't want to put in the work of explaining anything and i wanted to see what would evolve organically
>beastmaster ranger
>bad art but better male orc
Female dark elf
i like to keep fantasy stuff to a core rule. really you can make your worlds whatever you want, but i think thats silly and some people just want to fuck up what others made good.
>female orc
>the best male orcs
you mean you prefer pretty standard fantasy worlds?
i feel that but i think my next campaign is going to be.... idk.... if a campaign can have art direction i think its going to be a bit askew from traditional tolkien-eqsue fantasy, while still being.... idk. somewhat similar.
shes a scrappy looking one. i like it.
>female orc
you definitely don't want to mess with her
>elves vs humans
i personally think Tolkien fucked up fantasy a little. he set the fag elf president and made orcs look like goblins.
i think the best way for you to be more creative in your own campaign is to work on the culture of your races. mabey make something in the environment that would change the stereotypes of a race.
i could take her.
>most my male orc characters.
>made orcs look like goblins
As opposed to...
>he set the fag elf president
No, he didn't. He never did. I don't know from where you got this.
/orcs killing elf things
>fag elf
Someone hasn't read the Silmarillion. They're beautiful, but they're also way more hardcore than humans.
he orcs look like goblins as opposed to orcs.
and yea i know you dont see the elf gayness in his stuff but it really is where most elf hate comes from. his elves are rather faggy.
> a good but slightly wounded male elf.
This thread isn't about elves, though. It also isn't about orcs. I don't know why you brought this up.
>his elves are rather faggy.
No, they aren't. Not at all.
i have not read that ill look into it. but the movies (im sure you dont see it) are where a lot of what im talking about comes from. take a step back from your elf loving perspective and watch elf haters and compare there hate to the movies. the elves are such bitches in the movie.
>male orc/ not a goblin.
they really are though. i know i cant break your of this opinion but those elves arnt very good. and the hobbit movies made it worse.
Whatever Tolkien's orcs look like IS what orcs look like. You fucking dumbass.
Touch the cow.
Do it NOW.
>look like IS what orcs look like.
what? lets start the grammar train?
and naw man his orcs are more like goblins.
but his goblins in the hobbit movie are pretty great.
>i have not read that
>but the movies (im sure you dont see it)
This is what posts on Veeky Forums right now. Whoever on this board thought Veeky Forums is the best, read this post again. This is your future.
>and the hobbit movies made it worse.
By Ilúvatar, this the worst.
Did you and I watch the and LotR movies? The elves are all more badass than any of the humans or dwarves. Legolas out drinks Gimli and all the elves at helms deep are worth 10 times the human defenders.
now his urikie (probably misspelled that) are better orcs and his white orc in the hobbit movie looked good.
Also Haldir is bro-tier and all the dwarves are too scared to fight.
>his white orc in the hobbit movie
Kill yourself.
And you all fell for this poor excuse for trolling. Shame on you Veeky Forums.
look at you being all "elves are the best gosh darnit look how great i am in the tolkin movie! where so much better then ALL OF EVERYTHING! we basicly own the human dogs and dwarf scum" you sound like an arrogant ass wipe. and your representing the elves.
>Female dwarf wizard
all i see in this thread is some over opinionated elf bitching that someone didnt like the LotR movies and the other guy keeping the conversation going. this is silly.
Female elf barbarian
reckless. dose that count as NSFW? she has paint on his nipps. you know you cant use spoilers to hide porn? it dosnt count.
Read the Silmarillion. Seriously. You will drop 90% of your perception of elves you got from bad books, bad writers and japanese pornography.
Reading the Silmarillion should be a qualification for saying something about elves on Veeky Forums, actually on any board on this site.
ill read the book but i dont think ill like it already with the way your talking. "you have to read my book on how great elves are! and everyone has to too so i talk about how great elves are not fags"
but maybe it will make them look a lot less faggy so ill look into it.
Elder scrolls makes elves look pretty gay to. i wana hear what you have to saw about that? skyrim is the worst about it. (only played skyim and a LOT of oblivion myself)
> (only played skyim and a LOT of oblivion myself)
You are a huge faggot, don't know how to write, don't know how to capitalize and seem overall not to be able to post on this board. Enjoy your headcanon gay elves that never happen in any setting.
oh man! they never happen in your setting? that sure disproves me!
i once met a guy who had "mega giants" that where medium size and CR 22 and one shot off limps with a billion strikes. SHIT MUST BE CANNON!
you dont like my caption LOT cuz it put emphasis on somthing and thats not how you roll? WELL SHIT MUST BE IN YOUR CAMPIAN SO I GUESS IM WRONG!
tone down your elf fag attitude and stop being a cunt?
>oh man! they never happen in your setting?
I don't care about my or your setting. What about an established setting, by writers and by systems? Tell me, where do fag elves happen?